Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Stormin' Norman and the Chain Saw Blues: Wednesday, July 31st!

Kind words, kind looks, kind acts, and warm hand-shakes, - these are means of grace when men in trouble are fighting their unseen battles. -John Hall, pastor (31 Jul 1829-1898) 

Up at 2:30 am and 5:00 am to allow Duke to drink from the bathroom tap! Then another squeak at 6:10 am as The Boy wanted his breakfast. Fed him "tuna" and quite content, he dashed out the front door. I knew I might have trouble falling back to sleep, by this point, so went into the spare bedroom where I could listen to the radio. This worked and I was able to sleep-in until 8:30 am!

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Duke Guards the Swiss Chard Blues: Tuesday, July 30th!

If I could I would always work in silence and obscurity, and let my efforts be known by their results. -Emily Bronte, novelist (30 Jul 1818-1848)

Monday, 29 July 2019

Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer Blues: Monday, July 29th!

We are social creatures to the inmost centre of our being. The notion that one can begin anything at all from scratch, free from the past, or unindebted to others, could not conceivably be more wrong. -Karl Popper, philosopher and a professor (28 Jul 1902-1994) 

Hello Lady Patrizzia and Sir James! Terrific to hear your voice again, Sir James! I really do apologize for not being a better correspondent and not replying sooner. Pleased to hear all goes as well as can be expected. For my part, busy week ahead as I am a volunteer at The Dream Café here in town, a wonderful restaurant/live music venue. I sell 50/50 tickets, [proceeds of which go to help support live music there.], and have been a volunteer for a few months now. Will do three shifts, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, in part because I won't be able to help out later in month as we are off to Europe on August 29th. fly to Vienna where we will meet Flamin' and Sarge. Will travel together for first three weeks, driving from Vienna to Budapest, Ljubljana, than making our way to Dubrovnik. Will leave them there as they fly to Rome and then back to Vancouver.

We will make our way to Prague and then Zurich, [flying], to spend time visiting Swiss friends in latter and then Bern. Probably fly to Lyon if we don't train to Valence before ending up in Paris to fly back to Canada. Unfortunately, we don't have enough time to visit London as we need to be back in Penticton, as it is, October 12th. Wonderful, wonderful news is that Chloë is five months pregnant! All goes extremely well but due to her age doctor feels that she should be induced mid-November, or so, and we need to be back, for obvious reasons.

Of course, we certainly look forward to a visit from you next year as part of your North American junket. You are always welcome and it would be a delight if Patrizzia could join you as well, it goes without saying. Until then, stay well. Fondestos from Lady Dar, off to enjoy herself while I polish the silver. I feel like I'm a maid at Downtown! Enjoy the heat wave and hello to Boris! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Chooch and O Susannah!

Just you two replied so we'll host tonight, with one table. See you anytime after 6:30 pm. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Sleepy, Sleepy Kittens and The Backyard Blues: Sunday, July 28th!

All great truths begin as blasphemies. -George Bernard Shaw, writer, Nobel laureate (26 Jul 1856-1950) 

Patrick Any chance I could work tomorrow mon and you work wed July 31
If not no worries Just checking as I have a potential conflict Thanks TwylaHi Patrick Any chance you could switch nights with me?I volunteer tomorrow mon and you volunteer wed? Thanks Twyla Hi Twyla! Sure, I'll do Wednesday and you can do Monday. Cheer, Patrizzio!
Thanks you two for being so easy and cooperative 🙂. Carole

Hello Fellow Bidders!Sorry I've not sent out a message earlier but Lady Dar and I have been trying to organize our schedule for coming week. I can only play Monday or Tuesday evening. [If others wish to play later in the week, that is fine.] There was some talk of organizing a picnic. If this is of interest then let me know and we'll plan accordingly as to where and when. If not, and people would still like to play, we'll host on Burns whichever evening woks. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Olga Polga is back and crazier than ever!

Picnic next Monday would be great, and I'll be there. Jos

Hi all, Here’s the scoop for this coming Thursday…we are going to Apex Mountain, but by a different route.  We will: -meet at 0800 at Home Hardware north parking lot in Penticton (0740 at IGA parking lot in Summerland)

-carpool and drive to Apex village.  From there, we will drive down the Keremeos Creek forestry road to the clearcut to the north of Dividend Mountain.

-from there, hike south on the Cougar Trail and then west up to “south gate”, a location on the south side of Apex Mountain -climb Apex Mountain. -return from Apex via “Little Apex” to the Apex-Beaconsfield saddle and then likely via the Grandmother’s Trail to the clearcut -find a suitable location for debriefing and refreshment. Are you interested?  If so, please let me know.

I will be missing the next one and possibly two Thursdays (August 8 and 15).  If you are willing to lead a hike on either or both of those dates, please let me know soon.  Hopefully I will be able to do the communications part for you.

Rick sent me the info below and the pictures from Mount Baldy, 25 July, further down the page.  I hope that you can access them if you wish. Here's a link to a few of my pics from Baldy, Jim. If you want, you could include the link in your note about next week's outing, as I don't have the addresses of all those present last week: <>

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Farmers' Market and the Lolita Blues: Saturday, July 27th!

All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher. -Ambrose Bierce, writer (1842-1914)  

Hi Gargoyle Man! Trust you are both well. Bumped into Martin and his wife last Saturday, after we chatted. Paolo dropped by later that afternoon. Can't escape those pesky hikers and their significant others! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Farmers' Market, July 20th and July 27th!
Service of Affidavit: Hi Balsamic Bliss Babes! Just a quick note to say that I have contacted Childrens' Services to alert them to the fact of your flagrant flaunting of the Child Labour Laws! See you in court! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Carole, et al: It is not that I don't wish to pair but in my experience one volunteer is usually enough. At any rate, I'm happy to take shift for Saturday, August 24th and let Janine take Friday, August 23rd, by herself, if that suits. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you Patrick that's great ... I have changed the schedule. Still need volunteers for two slots but I will do them myself if nobody else is able to take on these shifts. Thanks again, Carole.

Hello Fartologists, To help you get rid of all the cake you ate on the weekend, we are planning another great outing coming Monday. This time we will conquer Peach Cliff in OK Falls. Short and sweet with sweeping views! I will guide you on this path to glory, but if I am not there (major project at the house), Otto will step in and guide you with his usual grace, great spirit and tracking ability!

As usual, we will get together at the Home Hardware parking lot at 8:00AM. Summerlanders will need to gather at the IGA parking lot at 7:40AM, then carpool their way to Penticton. After the hike we will relax and enjoy our usual social gathering in a venue of your choice. Enjoy Monday, (hopefully) see you there, Aart, the mountain bard 

Chloë and Lady Dar left to hit the Farmers' Market around 9:00 am as

Chloë had a pre-natal yoga class later that morning. I bumped into them on White when I was making my way downtown and they mentioned that they were going to laze around the pool at Place Sutherland later that afternoon. Waved goodbye and continued to Main. Had a chat with Jake, in his usual spot, and then meandered the rest o f the Market, meeting Hayley's boyfriend, visiting from Ontario.

Saw Avi who had already talked to Lady dar about her throw. Still not ready but not a big deal as weather is too, too warm to even think about wearing wool. Joshed with Lettuce Man, [Delton Thiessen], and then with lady from vegetable booth, [Produce is from Summerland and where we usually buy eggs. Also where Kate, (Relatives in Amersham and they popped by to deliver a card to Sir James a few years ago!), sometimes helps out. She and her husband are still in England and going to an airshow. Didn't know that Kate was a real aficionada of flight!]
Further along to bump into Martini, [from hiking group], and his wife so enjoyed a chat with them as I've not seen many of gang since my shouldare. Back home to find the Bathing Babes were gone so I attacked my shouldares. After a couple of sets, doorbell rang and it was Paolo. He had dropped by to apologize for not being back in touch about body work for Kona. I knew he had a friend who did such work. Anyway, I went through ICBC so wasn't at all fussed. Enjoyed a brief chat and he was on his way, to collect Mary Lee.

Lady Dar was back late in the afternoon and we had a late dinner, watching two episodes of Bosch. Great to be able to simply relax after having had such a busy social life of late.

Hi Martin! Nice to bump into you today. Back home, Paolo, [Mary Lee's husband], dropped by. Simply can't escape pesky hikers and their significant others! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Farmers' Market, July 20th and July 27th! Paolo raiding our front garden! 

Friday, 26 July 2019

Sarge & Flamin' & and the Vail Blues: Friday, July 26th!

Hi Carole! I've marked the shows I can volunteer at. My wife and I will be away, on holidays, after August 28th, not back until mid-October, when I can resume taking shifts, from the 15th to the end of the month, if needs be. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi, again, Carole! It was terrific to meet you, in person, on the Saturday before the GranFondo. Had been meaning to send these snaps along ever since the event! How did your Start Line go? We had loads of fun with ours as all the cyclists were very friendly, helpful and considerate. Even met the wife and son of a close friend, all from Vancouver, up for the event, after the race started. Ben and Ellen came to our place later that afternoon so we enjoyed a lovely visit. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: GranFondo; Marcus and Ellen; Ellen and Ben 

Hi Again, I see Patrick replied with some shifts but he had a blank list of acts so have updated the list below with his choices so that we have all the names in one list. Please reply all from the latest list and put your name next to the nights you would like to volunteer to make it easy for everyone to see what needs to be covered :) Thanks Janine 

Hi, Can someone confirm that the emails I sent to day arrived in your inbox as I did send updated lists twice today where I incorporated everyone's choices to date. Can we use that list or someone update this string with all the names?
Thanks Janine
Hi Janine! I received all of your updates.  I sent Carole another message indicating I could also volunteer on Saturday, August 17th, if needed. I've added my name to that date on list. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Duhlink and Mad Man Madcap! How delicious, delightful and deloverly to hear from you, especially with Madcap grizzling in the background! Sorry to hear about your Japanese hips, Penny. Have Madcap drizzle expensive Irish Whiskey on them and then massage the affected spots, averting his lascivious eyes!

Flamin' and Sarge are coming for dinner, along with their friends, Jill and Herb, up from Denver, this evening. Whew! I need to go back to bed with Duke, lying at the foot of our bed! Lady Dar is luncheoning with close friend, Judy Blue, around 1:00 pm and I have been left with a list of household chores to dispatch while she eats cucumber sandwiches and swills Rosé! I plan to vacuum in the nude so am hoping the Jehovah Witnesses will knock on our front door!!! Do hope we can connect in Gay Parigi as it would be fabuloso to catching up with you two. [Would you like me to invite Jamie to translate for us? Don't worry, he'll miss the train or flight as he's always late!] We'll send details of dates, etc., as soon as we finalize rest of trip. Until then, stay well. Fondestos from Lady Dar in the midst of making potato salad for tonight's dinner while I polish the silver. I feel like I'm a maid at Downtown! Enjoy Toronto and hello to Heather. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Many Hats and The Savannah Sipping Society Blues: Thursday, July 25th!

So I accept these awards on behalf of the cake bakers and all of those other women who can do some things quite as important, if not more important, than flying, as well as in the name of women flying today. -Amelia Earhart (24 Jul 1897-1937)

Greetings from the coast: How are you? I have missed your newsy emails and wanted to check up on you and see how you recovering from your surgery.
We heard the wonderful new about Chloe!!! Life sure is funny how it deals out the cards. Hard to imagine that she went through all the motions to get pregnant and then finally gets knocked up the good old fashioned way. You must be beyond excitement.

anticipating the patter of tiny feet ( and I don't mean the velvety claws of your darling kitty cats ) around the house. The summer seems to be slipping by all too rapidly although we do look very much forward to spending some time with you and Corinne at Spirit Ridge in a couple weeks. I have already begun purchasing some lovely vino to bring along with us as Al and I stopped off at Everything Wine last night on a little spree.

I had lunch with my Mom yesterday to celebrate her birthday. Things are going fairly well with her prognosis. The medication she is on has slowed to growth of the cancer and given her a lot more energy and vitality. She and my Dad are hoping to do a bit of travelling while she is considered stable and are hoping to plan a trip back east via rail to visit some old dear friends in August.

Please do bring me up to date on how you are doing and what you're doing to fill your time as your shoulder continues to heal. Also, what is the official name of your abode? Burns Street Inn? I have forgotten and am having a little something made for your door which I will deliver when we see you. Cheers! Send our love to Corinne and Chloe. Love Marilyn xoxoxox

Dearest Marilyn, and Big Molly, of course! How delicious, delightful and deloverly to hear from you! Very pleased to hear that Sue's condition has stabilized, to the extent that she and Heraldo can consider travelling. Belated Birthday Greeting to her, from us both.] I really do apologize for not being a better correspondent. Yes, indeed, wonderful, wonderful news about Chloë's pregnancy. Lady Dar accompanied her to her ultrasound this past Monday and all was well. Nurse could tell sex but Chloë doesn't wish to know. Quite a story, overall, as you say! Just like her Mother who was "knocked up" before either of her marriages!!! We are still "arguing" about "Official" name. Ayn thinks Burns Street Base Camp is best and Lady Dar is leaning towards that. [Burns Street Base Camp Corinne!] I like one I've used in Subject line but it is too, too long for something snappy or catchy. I'm coming around to Burns Street Bistro now that we are growing our own vegetables! 

Again, sorry for my radio silence! No excuses but plenty, plenty reasons! In the main, Visitors! Visitors! Visitors! Certainly not complainin', just splainin', Rikki Ricardo! This being the case I simply haven't had a moment,[literally, until this morning], to sit down and collect my thoughts, look at my messages, let alone respond to any! Except for a couple of "alerts" to both the Bridge Gang and Book Club, this is the the very first composition since July 12th when we went to see Michael Kaeshammer at the Dream Café, [fabulous, fabulous performance!], with good friends, Denise Dangereuse and Wild Bill, up from Vancouver for tens days or so. They stayed overnight on Friday so that we didn't have to drive to and from venue, but could stroll, or stagger, along Penticton Creek!

Took in the Farmers' Market with them on Saturday. Lady Dar had to work on the wedding she was performing later that afternoon, together with one on Sunday. Had to be downtown at 5:45 am, Sunday morn, as we had volunteered to work at the GranFondo, bike event I've ridden in three times before. After our shift was over we bumped into Ellen, wife of friend, Ben, with whom I used to play squash, and their oldest son, Marcus. Ben and Marcus' girlfriend were in one of the shorter events, 50 km, and we invited them back to our house after they had down some wine tasting. That evening we had a wonderful bbq with close friends, Dame Judith, [also a Marriage Officiant and in both bridge and book group], and King Kevin, President of the South Okanagan Whiskey Tasting Society, [Lady Dar is now Secretary!], at their place with a gorgeous view of both lkae and surrounding hills.

Monday I had another physio appointment, [at Penticton regional Hospital], and am pleased to say that my shoulder is coming along nicely, if slowly. Nothing to do with surgery, really, but rather the shoulder muscles and tendons that need much, much stretching and strengthening, after almost twenty-five years of damage and inflexibility. In fact, I am quite disciplined about spending four hours, or more, per day, doing the sets of exercises Irene, my physio, sets me. [Another reason for lack of correspondence, together with whatever else isgoing on.]. That evening we enjoyed hosting our bridge group and Tuesday evening, Maggie, [Chloë's nanny from 1983/84], and Hans, her lovely, lovely boyfriend, arrived for three nights. Before Chloë and Lady Dar collected them at the airport, Kid Chelene and I drove to Spiller Road to load his pickup to the hilt with firewood from our friend's lot there.

Long hike, 12km, with them, [Lady Dar had meetings], on Wednesday and then a great day of wine-tasting on Thursday. It was Steel Magnolia's birthday on Wednesday, Lady Dar's on Friday, so we split the difference and celebrated both that evening.Chloë joined us so it was a fabulous time, all around. Took them to the airport quite early on Friday and that evening we attended the Poplar Grove Wine Club Appreciation Party. Another hoot and we met quite a few friends from year before, as well as others we know from town. Invited two couples back to our place so another late evening. 

Farmers' Market next day with another wedding for Lady Dar in the late afternoon. Once she was back home, Chloë drove us to Upper Bench Winery for their wine club bash. Sat with friends from the night before and enjoyed another terrific evening, much, much smaller that one at Poplar Grove but all of us were more than ready for a quieter time, by this time! Chloë had returned to our place and she very kindly picked us up after party. Invited Kara and Angela back for a night-cap. Sunday, Lady Dar had another wedding, in Kaleden, and when that was over, Chloë picked us up and we drove to Deep Roots for dinner. DD and WB had invited us for a bbq and with stunning view it was another truly enjoyable evening. DD and WB were returning to Vancouver on Monday and that night was only evening we could "squeeze in" a visit.

Another physio session on Monday and then two tables of bridge at our place that evening. Tuesday was first "free" day we'd had in almost two weeks and then on Wednesday, another physio appointment and then our Book Club, hosted by Senka, of Terravista Winery, at their gorgeous home. Robertito, her husband joined us, although he hadn't read the book, [John Boyne's The Hearts Invisible Furies. We saw him, two years ago, at the VWF.], and he enjoyed our craziness, muchly.

Yoga for Lady Dar this morning while I "attacked" my keyboard. In between trying to catch up with email and helping Lady Dar with dinner menu for Friday, I do a set of exercises while watching recorded episodes of this year's Tour de France.Tonight we are off to see a Many Hats theatre production, The Savannah Sipping Society, with friends, my "cousin", Michelle Dunn, and her amore, Anntonio, with dinner beforehand, at the restaurant beside the theatre. Flamin' and Sarge are coming for dinner, along with their friends, Jill and Herb, up from Denver, Friday evening. Whew! I need to go back to bed with Duke, lying at the foot of our bed! Looking forward to catching up with you two. Until then, stay well. Fondestos from Lady Dar in the midst of making potato salad for tomorrow's dinner. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Michael at The Dream; Ellen and Ben; KVR with Hens and Maggie; Hens with firewood from day before, collected with Kid Chelene; Bench 1775 picnic; Birthdays at FSB; Dana, [classmate of mine in LS], and Wayne, her husband, at Poplar Grove; Kara and Angela at Upper Bench; Book Club with Senka and the Šljivovica which I managed to enjoy! Swiss Chard, tomatoes and zucchini from our raised beds!

Yoga for Lady Dar Thursday morning while I "attacked" my keyboard. In between trying to catch up with email and helping Lady Dar with dinner menu for Friday's meal, I did a set of exercises while watching recorded episodes of this year's Tour de France. That night we were off to see a Many Hats theatre production, The Savannah Sipping Society, with friends, my "cousin", Michelle Dunn, and her amore, Antonio, with dinner beforehand, at the restaurant beside the theatre.

Bridge Night: To all you lovely people who I have played bridge with on Monday nights (and other nights). Due to a medical issue of which I am not at liberty to discuss, I am going to have to withdraw my presence from bridge nights. Thank you all for your kind patience as I endeavoured to relearn some of my bridge knowledge. I have enjoyed playing with you all. You can remove me from the mailing list. Thanks once again. Judi aka Dame JudithHi Dame Judith! Very sorry to have you leave the group but understand. Trust your medical issue will be resolved and you'll be in the pink again. I have removed you from bridge mailing list. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge Babes!

Last Hurrah, on Sutherland, of The Book Club Blues: Wednesday, July 24th!

The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready he is to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race or his holy cause. A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business. -Eric Hoffer, philosopher and author (25 Jul 1902-1983) 

Unfortunately I am unable to make the meeting this evening. I read the book and really enjoyed it. My suggestion for our next book...A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. Thanks Pamela Pam, we shall miss you. May I please have a show of hands re who will be joining the book club meeting tomorrow at our house? Thanks Senka I’ll be there. Thanks Senka. Michelle I will be there. Judi R

Patrick and I will be there Corinne Thanks, I'll be there too. Colin Great that few or many are coming , as last year, for those of you who were not here i will make a light salmon salad. See you soon. Senka Anyone want to carpool? Corinne I’m picking up Dianne and am fine to drive. Have room for two in the back? Michelle Yes! That would be great Thanks Corinne 6:40? Another physio appointment and then our Book Club, hosted by Senka, of Terravista Winery, at their gorgeous home. Robertito, her husband joined us, although he hadn't read the book, [John Boyne's The Hearts Invisible Furies. We saw him, two years ago, at the VWF.], and he enjoyed our craziness, muchly.

Wonderful to see you all this evening, thank you for bringing many treats.To another spirited gathering and almost perfect weather! Someone left their hard cover copy behind. ?? Senka Thank you for opening your house, wine and food for us! Thoroughly enjoyed myself 😃 Luigi

Hello Fellow Book Clubbers and Honorary Bibliophile, Bobolino! Many, many thanks to Albariña and Bobolino for hosting such a spirited discussion in such a gorgeous setting! Thanks, as well, to everyone for such a delicious, plenteous array of food and drink. Yummsters indeed!

I was having such a boozy time that I am unclear about next two dates. I assume that group will meet, sometime in September, to discuss Where the Crawdad Sings, and then in mid-October to discuss The Real Lolita. Lady Dar and I will host the latter. Will let group decide who will host former. If someone could clarify/confirm dates and titles this would be much appreciated. Thanks again, to one and all, and for the home-grown book prizes, fab cukes!!! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: La Dolce Vita on the Terrazzo!

I can't host.  My place is too small and not very pretty.  I'm sorry I can't contribute to the group in that way.  Thank you for all the updates and pics, Patrick!  And so glad we're doing Where The Crawdads Sing! Thanks Patrick...Senka said she would host again in September and you and Corinne are on for early November. Dianne Many thanks for clarification, Lady Di! Cheers, Patrizzio! Suggested Books: The Woo Woo, Chop Suey Nation, Bridge of Clay, The Real Lolita - Chosen for October  - not sure if date was set or not, Where the Crawdad Sings  -  Chosen for September 4th Book Club Meeting - Senka offered to host as it would probably be the last time in their house. dame Judith

Daughter Stephanie, proud mom, seeing our eldest grandchild, Elijah, 🛫to his last gymnastic nationals in Oshawa🤸��‍♂️🥰 Hi Proud Grandmother! What a wonderful pic! Can really see you in both of them! All the best. Stay well. Fondestos from Lady Dar! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Furious, Furious Reading Blues: Tuesday, July 23rd!

Television's perfect. You turn a few knobs, a few of those mechanical adjustments at which the higher apes are so proficient, and lean back and drain your mind of all thought. And there you are watching the bubbles in the primeval ooze. You don't have to concentrate. You don't have to react. You don't have to remember. You don't miss your brain because you don't need it. Your heart and liver and lungs continue to function normally. Apart from that, all is peace and quiet. You are in the man's nirvana. And if some poor nasty minded person comes along and says you look like a fly on a can of garbage, pay him no mind. He probably hasn't got the price of a television set. -Raymond Thornton Chandler, writer (23 Jul 1888-1959) 

Monday, 22 July 2019

Two Table Blues: Monday, July 22nd!

Hello Bridge Respondares! We will have enough for two tables this evening, a full eight if Michaelo joins gathering: Carol, Susan, Judi, Ann, Olly, Corinne and Patrick. See you all this evening. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge, last Monday, at Green Gables!

Hello Invisible Readers! Just a gentle reminder that we will gather this coming Wednesday, July 24th, at Senka's home, at 7:00 pm, to discuss John Boyne's The Heart's Invisible Furies. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Deep Roots and the Denise Dangereuse Blues: Sunday, July 21st!

Hello Monday Night Card Sharps! Trust everyone is well. Lady Dar and I will host tomorrow, July 22nd, at Burns Street Bridge Camp, anytime after 6:30 pm. Please let me know if you plan to join the gathering and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello, just a reminder, Climate Advocacy Workshop, Sunday, July 21, 1-4:30 pm, 608 Winnipeg Street Penticton BC, (Penticton Christian Science Center lower level). doors open at 12:45 Thank you Kent Hi Kent! I must apologize as I am unable to attend this afternoon's session. I feel quite badly as I had wanted to join the group. Again, I do apologize for this last minute notice. I wish CCL all the best and perhaps I may well be able to attend a future workshop. Cheers, Patrick Dunn.

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Upper Bench Bash and the Barrel Tasting Blues: Saturday, July 20th!

The man who thinks he can do without the world is indeed mistaken; but the man who thinks the world cannot do without him is mistaken even more. -Francois, duc de La Rochefoucauld 
Corinne Durston Lovely flowers from my LA family along with birthday wishes. Thanks to all my friends and family for their birthday greetings! Alan Waldron Happy belated Corrine! I hope you had a wonderful day.xoxo Sue Jutson 🎉 hope you had a beautiful day celebrating the wonderful woman you are ❤️🎈❤️
Joan Woodbury Was the cat a birthday bonus along with the flowers? Corinne Durston No just a curious beast! Sylvie Roy 💕😊🎈

Ayn Patrick James Dunn Come and do my laundry!! Patrick James Dunn I wouldn't dare taking away one of your favourite pastimes even if cycling is one of my favourite pastimes! Nevertheless, I would dearly love to have one of these units so I could ride and watch Netflix during the winter months when we are not generating any solar energy. I would ride in the nude as my duds would be washing away. Hip Hip Hooray! Of course, Lady Darjeeling is very unhappy about my lack of dress code and is wringing her hands in absolute despair! Such is life when you are committed to Go Green and Save the Planet, as opposed to buying countless pairs of shoes, Imelda!
Carole Love it! Hey thanks Patrick, its a great shot! Looking forward to connecting with you once again. Misha Mikail. Hi Patrick, the photo looks great, thank you. Looking forward to connecting again. Misha Mikail
Hi Patrice,  Been a while and wonder how you are doing.  I hope the shoulder recovery is coming along well and looking forward to see you before too long.  Here’s a segment on Global news about the blue cabin project. Please give a  Happy Birthday hug to Corrine for me and we’ll talk soon. Cheers, Al creek?fbclid=IwAR3CPEcD3gxgdugg3kSTYxuILX8zfghjMfTxqwDHmj5OezKUNhS8XJ5Y6s 

Hi Corinne and Patrick, What a lovely visit at your place today.Good to see you both going strong, and enjoying life. Thanks Patrick for a hearty lunch. It gave us the energy we needed to get back, uphill, to Summerland over the rocky and sandy terrain of the KVR. I found the newspaper dd July 17th with the small article called: City to reconsider net metering charges. I will bring it next time I see you. For now, warm hugs from Jos and Aart.

Hello Fartologists! We had a great hike under the capable leadership of Mike last Monday. Al went on his own with a smaller group and he reached the top 5 minutes after we did! Go figure. That brings me to our special outing for this Monday July 22, something we have not done before. We will be exploring an area off the Isintok Road west of Summerland with our tracker extraordinaire Al Tinka. The precise details will be unveiled Monday, so that you will be in suspense until that time ... enjoy your Sunday :)!

As usual, we will gather at the IGA parking lot in Summerland at 8:00AM. Pentictonites will have to meet at the HomeHardware at 7:40AM to carpool to Summerland. After the hike we will, again as usual, have a pleasant time together with refreshments and debriefing at a venue of your choosing! Aart the mountain bard

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Two Birthdays and The Front Street Brasserie/Poplar Grove Blues: Thursday/Friday, July 18th/19th!

The world is a looking glass and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face. -William Makepeace Thackeray, novelist (18 Jul 1811-1863) 

Arrivederci Aarhus and The Happy Birthday Popular Grove Blues:  Friday, July 19th!

KVR and The Danish Dynamite Blues: Wednesday, July 17th!

There are stars whose radiance is visible on Earth though they have long been extinct. There are people whose brilliance continues to light the world though they are no longer among the living. These lights are particularly bright when the night is dark. They light the way for humankind. -Hannah Senesh, poet, playwright, and paratrooper (17 Jul 1921-1944) 

Garmin Map and Stats for the walk:

AllTrails Map and Stats for the walk:

Hello Fortieth Anniversary People!

Congratulations, indeed, on your fabulous milestone! Hip Hip Hooray! Thanks, as well, for the wonderful, wonderful invitation. Ordinarily, we would have made every effort to dovetail a trip to LA to see everyone there and a stop at the Best Little Winery, not only in California, but the entire known universe! However, [unfortunately, for us], we will be flying out of Kelowna on August 29th, landing in Vienna, for the start of a six week holiday. Will be with Flamin' and Sarge for first three weeks and then leave them in Dubrovnik. They fly back home, via Rome, while we will wend our way to Bern and then Paris, [with a quick visit to Dublin, in between], to fly home from there.

Has been quite a busy summer with quite a few visitors. Currently, Maggie, from Denmark, Chloë's nanny, from the mid-80's, is here with her boyfriend, Hens. They arrived this past Tuesday after kayaking on the West Coast of Vancouver Island and visiting other friends on the Sunshine Coast. We will celebrate Maggie's birthday, [yesterday], and Lady Dar's, [tomorrow], this evening at the Front Street Brasserie, our favourite restaurant, here in town. Maggie and Hens just left for a swim, [They are both quite accomplished open water swimmers.], in Okanagan Lake and when they return we will have brunch and then take them wine-tasting for the afternoon.

Our really exciting news is that Chloë is five months pregnant now! She is doing extremely well, I'm pleased to report. Last few times she visited her doctor, for checkups, she's heard the baby's heart beat so we are all thrilled, of course. When she told her boss, almost two months or so ago, now, he was extremely supportive and will allow her to keep the company car over the course of her maternity leave and give her the option of working from home, a day or so a week, should she want to do so. She was over for dinner with us last night and reported the baby had "kicked" her the night before. The birth, all going well, is for early December.

Anyway, we hope to watch you, via webcam, but will only be able to toast you with Okanagan Wine as our wine fridge is completely devoid of Coffaro! Boo Hoo! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both, out watering our front garden. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Latest dehydrated fruit, frozen cherries and fresh apricots, with one of our own garlic bulbs and dried herbs; guard cats; Chloë with Kid Chelene, [F's/S's son], and Hens; Lady Dar with KC and Maggie; the Danes on the KVR walking/biking trail, yesterday; Hens with the latest load of firewood KC and I collected from a friend, day before; dinner last night, sans Coffaro! The Constant Gardener and The Swimmers, this morning!

Monday, 15 July 2019

Test Run Dehydrating Amanda's Apricot Blues: Monday, July 15th!

We succeed in enterprises which demand the positive qualities we possess, but we excel in those which can also make use of our defects. -Alexis de Tocqueville, statesman and historian (29 Jul 1805-1859)

Lady Dar was up at 6:00 am, much to her annoyance, to let The Boy into the bathroom for a drink. She had to be up early, in any event, as she was wanted to water before heading to Soupateria where she was to be in charge of soup making! For my part I have a pretty busy day ahead as I will be dehydrating both cherries and apricots. Chloë brought over a large bag of frozen cherries, a gift from Bill, last year. I thawed them out yesterday and want to use the apricots Amanda gave us to see how they turn out. 

Once I have the fruit pitted and sliced and placed on the dehydrator trays I have plenty of scrap lumber to cut and split into usable lengths. Have "scrounged" quite a pile from across the back lane. Corey leaves it beside their garage as he and his brother know I will take it for kindling. Kid Chelene will pick me up in his truck, after work on Tuesday, and we'll make a run to Spiller Road to pick up firewood from Phillipo. Over the last month or so he has been thinning out the trees around their place and is more than happy for me to take it as he wants to reduce the fuel load on their lot. Want to be able to interleave the kindling in the wood that we will stack near the back door to the garage. 

Hello Monday Evening Bridge Gang! This is to confirm that we are playing this evening at Chateau Brown, anytime between 6:30 pm - 6:45 pm. Have confirmations from Michaelo, Lady Di, Dame Judith, O Susanna, Green Gables Girl, [host!], Lady Dar and myself. If Choocheranian can play we'll have two full tables, if not, Dummy is back in the saddle again. See you this evening. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi GGG! I just had a last minute cancellation from Michaelo so it would be grand if your friend, Lynda, could play. Cheers, Patrizzio!