A hungry man is not a free man. -Adlai Stevenson, statesman (5 Feb 1900-1965)
Unconnected in Kutch: This is a quick catch-up post. I haven’t trip-blogged for a few days — partly because it’s a Sisyphean endeavour (this may be the first time I have ever used that word . . . I don’t mean to be pedantic but I can’t think of a better one) and partly because for two days, I was staying at a “resort” with NO CELL SERVICE and NO WIFI. I wasn’t particularly dismayed about this, but I have to admit that in this connected age, it was hard not to notice. I also have to admit that when we were out-and-about during the day, we sometimes passed through networked areas, in which case, I did check email using the amazingly cheap and generous data plan that came with my Indian SIM card.
I put “resort” in parentheses above, by the way, because the word “resort” implies something approaching luxury, which does not accurately describe the Mahefeel E Rann Village Resort. Of course, it’s a bit dodgy to complain about accommodations and facilities in a country in which so many people live in desperately marginal conditions. But I did find Mahefeel E Rann Village Resort a bit of a stretch. Aove is a photo of my mud hut. It’s the large round building in the foreground, and to the right of it there’s a small rectangular hut, connected to the large round one by an open-to-the-sky vestibule. The vestibule contained a washbasin with a single cold water tap — no towel rail or anywhere to put anything — while the toilet and shower were in the rectangular hut. Separating all of this were doors with massive, cumbersome bolts, and let me tell you — getting up in the middle of the night and struggling through the open-air vestibule to the toilet was no fun. The hut was reasonably warm — the mud walls were quite insulating — but the vestibule was very cold, due to the fact that it’s winter and it’s the desert. The lighting was also very weak in the main hut, the water pressure low, and the towels — though probably clean — looked very dingy. As well, breakfast was meagre, and when I was offered coffee, it was in powder form. Oh, I know — get out the violins!!! It’s a reflection of my great good fortune that I’m on this trip and able to stay in a place like this, and it was far from terrible. But let’s just say . . . it wasn’t a treat. It wasn’t Maidens in Delhi!
This and the Rann Riders resort in Dasada, where I had stayed the two nights prior, were my base for exploring Kutch, a remote and fascinating region that I’ll be writing more about in due course. For now, though, just a few more photos and comments . . . .
To begin, here’s an image of a small-scale salt producer who we met outside his seasonal home in the Little Rann of Kutch while on a “village Jeep safari.” Behind, you can see his salt pans. The guide shared a macabre detail which is that when salt producers die and are cremated, their feet and lower legs don’t burn — having been infused with salt over many years — and have to be buried. (Gujarat produces about 70% of India’s salt supply).
During the Jeep trip, we also happened upon a village religious celebration — I believe it was the dedication of a new temple or something like that. First we saw the women and girls, dancing joyfully near the road. After a few minutes, the men and boys — who had been at the temple — returned. Many of their faces were daubed with bright pink colour. (I’m not sure of the significance of that).
Later, the same day, while walking through the market area of a nearby town, I captured this image of one of the locals. I just love this picture. Look at that craggy face!
And finally, another religious festival in another town . . . . This time a procession, which I believe involved taking a holy book to a temple. Very noisy and colourful!
Good day Patrick, Sorry about last week. Feeling much better now.
Does 9 am work for you this Thursday? Again, it will take about an hour to connect your system to the new modem. Thanks. Jonathan Hi Southside! Pleased to hear that you are feeling better. Yes, tomorrow at 9:00 am is just fine. Cheers, Patrizzio! Perfect. See you then. Jonathan
I can chauffer...take Susan and Corrine to Summerland...if that is what I understood. Hope Cortine is feeling better. Sounded like a nasty bug.AEB Sounds like a plan. 6 30pm on Monday at my house. Jos Sounds good...Susan and I will leave here at 6, swing by and pick up Corinne and make our way to Summerland. Susan.... call me Monday...re whether you want to walk over or whether I will come pick up up...depending on weather sidewalks erc. Cheers
Hi Chaufferesse, et al! Thanks for "offering", to drive, given my strong-arming, haloed Anngelique! Yes, indeed, it was a really nasty bug and Lady Dar could barely move yesterday, so filled with aches was she. She dragged herself from the armchair, near the fireplace, to her armchair in the Rumpus Room where she caught up on recorded episodes of The Young and The Useless, [In her case, The Old and The Useless!], barely able to eat a small piece of toast, [Which she managed to burn, not ever having used a toaster in her privileged life, setting off the fire alarm, but that's another story, for another day!], for breakfast, and a tiny bowl of peas, for dinner, before going to bed at 7:00 pm.
Fortunately, she had a pretty prolonged sleep and her fever broke, [Houseboy now has to strip the bed and wash the satin sheets as they are soaked, on her side!], so she finally started to feel human this morning. She jumped into the shower, once up, as both cats had started licking her hair, trying to groom her, obviously attracted by her recently liberated pheromones! My next hope is that she will start to unpack her bags as our bedroom looks like Left Luggage at King's Cross in London Town! I suggested she might like to shovel our walks, to get a little fresh air but my well-intention-ed inquiry was met with a withering look of imperial disdain!
At any rate, her ability to muster Royal Hauteur suggests she is on the road to recovery so I suspect she will be eager to play this coming Monday. She'll be ready around 6:00 pm. [I've already been instructed to roll out the red-carpet, from our front door to the street, before I leave for the Dream!] Thanks and Cheers, 'yer 'umble servant, ever uxorious, craven husband, brow-beaten, and continually abused, misunderstood and always understated, self-deprecating, highly sensitive, always well-intentioned, typically, peremptorily, cruelly dismissed, while all the while openly, vilely denigrated and certainly castigated beyond belief, Patrizzio!
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Dr. Mamie Phipps Clark and Dr. Kenneth B. Clark |
Dear Patrizzio: Wonderful photos of your sweet boy James. Nothing like grandkids to put everything into perspective. We just got back from two fantastic weeks in San Miquel da Allende in Mexico. Amazing place architecturally and historically. Live music available every night form hot jazz and folk through to classical opera. Mexican wine is passable as are the margaritas. We do still have a week house exchange that we need to cash in –perhaps this coming spring or fall. Best to you and Corinne Don
Hi San Miguel People! What a great place indeed! We were there, for the first and only time, in 2009, after we spent two months in Guayabitos, about an hour north of Puerto Vallarta, where we had one of the best holidays we'd ever enjoyed. Had a grand time in SM for all the reasons you mentioned plus the fact that close friends from Vancouver were there. Around this time they would stay for a couple of months, or more, each year, and were part of quite a vibrant ex-pat community, so we were introduced, by them, to many other cultural events as well. I had one of my bikes along so I even rode the cobbled streets!
Just back from delivering a couple of items to Chloë and fed Rowan James a bottle while she did a few things on her phone, mainly clearing up her Child Allowance application. First cheque will be mailed on February 20th. [Day she/RJ and Corinne fly to LA to celebrate our great-granddaughter's 1st birthday. Olivia Rose was born on February 22nd, to our youngest grandson, Alexander, and his wife, Samantha. Corinne stopped off, in Tinsel Town, at the beginning of March, on way home from aforementioned Guayabitos, where she'd spent two months last Jan/Feb, to meet Olivia Rose.] She was entitled to the benefit as of December since Rowan James was born on November 26th. If you can believe it, the hospital reported wrong birth date and process took some time to untangle! Anyway, trust she will receive amount she is due.
Hi San Miguel People! What a great place indeed! We were there, for the first and only time, in 2009, after we spent two months in Guayabitos, about an hour north of Puerto Vallarta, where we had one of the best holidays we'd ever enjoyed. Had a grand time in SM for all the reasons you mentioned plus the fact that close friends from Vancouver were there. Around this time they would stay for a couple of months, or more, each year, and were part of quite a vibrant ex-pat community, so we were introduced, by them, to many other cultural events as well. I had one of my bikes along so I even rode the cobbled streets!
Just back from delivering a couple of items to Chloë and fed Rowan James a bottle while she did a few things on her phone, mainly clearing up her Child Allowance application. First cheque will be mailed on February 20th. [Day she/RJ and Corinne fly to LA to celebrate our great-granddaughter's 1st birthday. Olivia Rose was born on February 22nd, to our youngest grandson, Alexander, and his wife, Samantha. Corinne stopped off, in Tinsel Town, at the beginning of March, on way home from aforementioned Guayabitos, where she'd spent two months last Jan/Feb, to meet Olivia Rose.] She was entitled to the benefit as of December since Rowan James was born on November 26th. If you can believe it, the hospital reported wrong birth date and process took some time to untangle! Anyway, trust she will receive amount she is due.
Grand that you will visit so let us know when and we'll plan accordingly as we'd love to see you both again. Much to catch up on. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both, just back from Winnipeg where The Sisterhood was introducing Rowan James to the rest of the family. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Rowan James, post-bottle with good friends Flopsy and Bob, the Koala. [Poppa’s visit❤️Sweet] Hi Winnipeg Street! Grand shots of post-feeding time at the zoo! Earlier today, at the Burns Street Nursing Ward! Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Hello, Patrick. I am sleepless in Bhuj so I gave up and am emailing at 5:21 a.m. It always happens when I have a morning flight, as I do today.The driver will be here at 7 a.m. for the airport run. I am flying to Mumbai and will be staying there for three nights. I’m looking forward to it, especially as I have several off-the-usual-tourist-track activities planned.
Thanks for faithfully reading my blog. I truly mainly do it for myself, but I appreciate my small number of loyal readers. It seems that you are enjoying being granddad to Rowan James. What a cutie! I have seen some adorable little ones in the villages on this trip. I tried to take one in my lap the other day, but she went rigid and started protesting. Anyhow, this is just a short note, as I’ll have to start getting myself together for the journey to Mumbai pretty soon. Thanks for keeping in touch. It sounds like you are happily and productively busy as always. Janet
Thanks for faithfully reading my blog. I truly mainly do it for myself, but I appreciate my small number of loyal readers. It seems that you are enjoying being granddad to Rowan James. What a cutie! I have seen some adorable little ones in the villages on this trip. I tried to take one in my lap the other day, but she went rigid and started protesting. Anyhow, this is just a short note, as I’ll have to start getting myself together for the journey to Mumbai pretty soon. Thanks for keeping in touch. It sounds like you are happily and productively busy as always. Janet
Tim said to reply, “another victory for the good Captain.” Glad she’s on the mend. Marian Hello Fellow Shipmates! The Good Captain is definitely on a winning streak as I'm about to prepare another round of hot toddies. For my part I don't even need the excuse of a sore throat and I think Lady Darjeeling is faking illness! Thanks for good wishes to The Penticton Patient! Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you both, convalescing on the couch, in the Rumpus Room, with a hot toddy, sipping through a flexible, environmentally sound, paper straw! [Does this sound like Clue?] Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: You may already know that Slip-Slidin' Away Man will join us next Monday as he cancelled trip to Oregon, given current weather!
Hi Rain and Sleet and Snow People! Trust you are managing, even in the wake of Trump's obscene Not Guilty verdict!
I have nothing but admiration for Mitt Romney for taking such a
principled stand. Thank you for the sympathy you expressed for Marlo
and family. Must say, that George, Marlo's father, was certainly helped
having Rowan James in Winnipeg for the
Celebration of Life, as apparently, one almost had to pry him from his arms
whenever they were together. I think the possibility of new life
made it somehow slightly easier for him to come to terms with the
devastating loss of his eldest daughter. Must away to stoke fire to keep Her Imperiousness cosy! Stay well. Fondestos
and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello The Giver of Stars Readers! Just a reminder that our next meeting will be on Thursday, February 13th, at Il Palazzo di Webster, 1056 Littlejohn Rd, just below Naramata Road North. Pentictonites, or those further flung, are welcome to carpool. If interested, meet at The Burns Street Bistro at 6:30 pm. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! I will be at the Burns St. Bistro for 6:30! Louise
Hello Hello At Burns Street. Yes I will be at Burns Street Bistro at 6:30 as well.
Cheereo from Von Bingen. Hello Potential Car-Poolers! I hadn't realized that Lady Di would be back for the coming book club gathering. With the car seat for Rowan James we only have room for two hitch-hikers so I apologize for not being able to take all three of you. Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! No problem Patrick. I will take my car. Dianne Hi again, Lady Di! Thanks. However, will be in touch shortly before actual date as "things" often have a way of changing! Lady Dar is up and about so starting to feel a tad better. Cheers, Patrizzio! ...with my car...! Louise
Hello Hello At Burns Street. Yes I will be at Burns Street Bistro at 6:30 as well.
Cheereo from Von Bingen. Hello Potential Car-Poolers! I hadn't realized that Lady Di would be back for the coming book club gathering. With the car seat for Rowan James we only have room for two hitch-hikers so I apologize for not being able to take all three of you. Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! No problem Patrick. I will take my car. Dianne Hi again, Lady Di! Thanks. However, will be in touch shortly before actual date as "things" often have a way of changing! Lady Dar is up and about so starting to feel a tad better. Cheers, Patrizzio! ...with my car...! Louise
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