Wednesday, 19 April 2017

My American Cousin Blues: Wednesday, April 19th!

There is a beauty in discovery. There is mathematics in music, a kinship of science and poetry in the description of nature, and exquisite form in a molecule. Attempts to place different disciplines in different camps are revealed as artificial in the face of the unity of knowledge. All literate men are sustained by the philosopher, the historian, the political analyst, the economist, the scientist, the poet, the artisan and the musician. -Glenn T. Seaborg, scientist, Nobel laureate (19 Apr 1912-1999) 

Wind was forecast to be out of the SSE/S from 20-36 kph, gusting between 47-45 kph over the time I was to ride so my initial intent to buck it on my way along Eastside to OK Falls was soon revised, once I hit the streets. Needed to have a bite and then suited up to leave, just after 12:00 pm, as, in no uncertain terms, I was  commanded  to be home in time to be ready to leave for a movie at 4:00 pm. Hadn't realized until I was cycling along Lakeshore how stiff and tired my whole body felt, a direct result of the eight hours I'd spent cutting firewood and stacking the kindling the day before.

At any rate, I really felt that this was to be but a "stretch' ride  to try to work on the kinks in my weary frame and so was not overly fussed when I noted that my early AVG was but 19.5 kph. The way I felt, at the very outset, I was more than prepared to accept this lacklustre speed. Velocity aside, I just wanted to put in my time and finish in time to meet my Lady Dar imposed deadline. Even so, couldn't face the Gerbil/Hamster Cage so decided I's extend the loops back to PTC and see how I felt after a few of these slightly more protracted circuits. As it transpired, by the time I'd completed three of these longer loops I started to feel considerably better and so felt I should go back to the GHL protocol as I intuited this route would enable me to push my AVG above 20 kph. 

Turned out to be the case and so with seven circuits of the loop-within-a-loop and then a return to PTC I was now poised for another seven off Power and then the magic #46 km was soon on my odometre's display and I was headed for home. By this time the head wind was almost too strong to be believed, gusting at around 47 kph, Dear Reader, so I determined to take a zig-zag route home, using the side streets that are more sheltered than Ellis. Not only was this less tiring but also the route allowed me to keep my AVG from falling too, too much so my earlier effort was well rewarded, given that I had been faint of heart when I first set out. Cheers! Map and Stats or ride:

Quick shower and change, after first stacking a bit more kindling and vacuuming so that place would be in decent shape for Lady Dar's Book Club this evening. Then we hoofed it to cinema where we enjoyed My American Cousin. I had never seen it before and enjoyed it immensely, not only for the time it evoked, 1959, but also for being fairly familiar, now that we have lived in Penticton for almost two years, with the landscapes where filming took place. A number of the hiking group were there and they knew many of the people in the film, given that they were living in Penticton, 1985, when film was shot. TIFF has selected MAC as one of the most important Canadian films of the last 150 years and so it is featured to be part of the national anniversary celebrations. Accordingly, it is being shown at numerous venues across the country today. More than a delight and such a privilege to be part of this truly remarkable, remarkable community, even if we are not lucky enough to be Naramatians! 

[Just asking! Don't you think the head of my wrench looks like a T-Rex dinosaur?]

Hello again, Bridge Roulette People! As I had expected, there really is no consensus as to day of the week, although Monday and Tuesday probably rank highest. That being the case, I think we will need to arrange on a week to week basis. That being the case, for next week, I will make an executive decision and declare that bridge will be on Friday, April 28th, at 611 Burns Street. As of this writing we have five players committed so Summerians and Naramata Goil please let me know if you are available and/or interested and we'll plan accordingly. Must away as I'm required to pour more wine for Lady Dar's dipso-maniacal Book Club! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: My American Cousin. Book Club Juice-heads!

Hi Paradise Ranch Girl! Too bad you can't play next week. Your bidding will suffer!!! Sorry we didn't have a chance to chat at My American Cousin. I have only cycled to Indian Rock so must take a drive towards Paradise Ranch. Road branches to the right when one descends to lake shore at Indian Rock. Jake said he thinks the road is drive-able but from bit I've seen of it, it isn't paved. Quite a hoot to see The Peach on Lakeshore and the highway, or what was supposed to be the highway, to Kelowna then. We got to know Nicola Cavendish, (School-teacher dancing with "The Major" at Gyro Park.), in passing, after seeing her in numerous theatre productions in Vancouver. Have always thought most highly of her stage talent and did know, somehow, that she was in MAC, if only in a cameo role.

As well, it was wonderful to hear
Nikos Theodosakis introduce the film and describe how it came into being, with community support and participation. Certainly chortled over his bit, outfit and "stache", as MC! Talk about a lounge lizard! We first bumped into him a few weeks before our first Christmas here, 2015. We went to the Greek Church to buy some of the home-baked goods at their Xmas Fair. He was one of people working at event. Next time I saw him was a year later when he came to our table at Theo's. I didn't know his affiliation with restaurant at the time. Not sure if you know that Brigitte Liapis, PAG Administrator in charge of KS, is married to Stephanos Liapis, whose family once owned a Greek restaurant on West Broadway in Vancouver. They moved up here a number of years ago and  he has a small catering company, Pulse Kitchen, a few blocks away from us, across Main on White. (I garnered most of this from sitting beside him at an earlier KS screening.) Talk about The Greek Connection!!!!

Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you and Worker Bee William. As soon as I send this message I'll be heading back outside to cut up more kindling out of scrap lumber I salvaged from our neighbour's yard. Not as well seasoned as stuff from your renos but still does the trick. Cheers, Patrizzio!


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