History is all explained by geography. -Robert Penn Warren, novelist and poet (24 Apr 1905-1989)
Hi Patrick: I need to have numbers for next Monday night's book club. Is there a way that we can have a distribution list for the members so that the "hostess or host" can contact the group to find out who will be attending? If only 4-5 are coming I can have it in the condo, if not I want to book the room downstairs. Thanks Dame Judith
Hi Dame Judith! I was planning to send out a message over weekend but life interfered! Will do so once I've answered you. I have put a group list together, [BookClub], so I suggest you, and everyone else do the same, cutting and pasting from one of my messages, for the purpose you mention. Not sure if there is any other way. Please thank Chauffeur Kevin for offering to give me a lift last Wednesday even if I couldn't avail myself of his kindly proffered services! Cheers, Patrizzio! I will forward to Kevin. not sure what you mean about the lift. Dame Judith
Dear Bibliomaniacs, not to mention, Dipsomaniacs! Had a note from Dame Judith and she would like to know who will be attending the next gathering so that she can make the necessary arrangements, depending on numbers. On a related matter, since she has very generously offered to provide wine for the evening Lady Dar and I thought that it would be fun if each attendee brought along a cheese to pair with hootch provided by The Girl With Seven Bottles! Furthermore, we can discuss, over the course of the evening, how people would like to proceed with hosting process so that this does not become an overly onerous and expensive undertaking. Trust everyone is well. Looking forward to next session. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Centre of Known Universe!
I'll be there. OH right, I'm the hostess. Yeah! Just testing out the book club distribution list. I am planning on holding the wine club event in our West Wing room. The entrance to the room is located on Winnipeg Street. However, now go figure this one, the address is 160 Lakeshore. You can enter the room directly from the outside. It is to the right of the main door, when looking at this photo. Dame Judith Hello Hello Patrizzio: Yes I am planning to attend and have informed Dame Judith already. Will bring some cheese……..and is this a surprise or can we let her know that we are offering to bring cheese. Otherwise she may buy out the deli. Cheereo and hugs from Hildi. PS…..am off to Sparkling Hills for a couple of days to relax!!!!!!!!!! Hi Sparkling Hills Lucky Girl! Nice life you lead for a supposedly other-worldly religious figure, Von Bingen! Aren't you breaking some sacred vow or other? No, Dame Judith knows attendees will be bringing cheese so you could let her know what your choice might be in case she really wants to go to great lengths to pair selections with wine. However, I really don't think this will matter all that much. Have a wonderful time being spoiled and look forward to seeing you on May 1st. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patriçio, As the day of the infamous "NASCAR Ride to Penticton” draws near, I just want to touch bases as to the exact location of Lady Dar, at 12:00noon, on Tuesday, April 25th, 2017AD. An address, or geographical coordinates are required. I have her cell# and I assume she has mine(?). The only remaining piece of intelligence required is … how much gear does she have? Hopefully, it will fit in my car. I would hate to have to leave pairs of shoes or purses behind!
Given a 12 noon pick-up, I estimate a “slightly delayed" departure, and if a Costco run is required, a dinner time arrival at Burns street seems to be the optimistic result. I will expect a gourmet layout awaiting us. BUT, I will grant retribution in kind! I am willing to forgo my “guest privileges” at Burns street (assuming I had any) and I am bringing along a supply of condiments with the offer of playing chef for breakfast, dinner, for more than once. I also have a surprise gift for you (maybe 2) … shouldn’t tell you that, but I quiver in evil delight at the anxious anticipation you will experience until our arrival.
As for construction, I think we can, without putting too serious a dent in your malt supply, come to an agreement between my proposal and your vision. The move of location makes it much more flexible, and, you can get some wireless speakers (I will introduce you to eBay) to put in the living room.
Off and away, I must plug myself into the final 3 episodes of “Blacklist” (series uno of tres). On a more serious note, thanx for the invite. I am really looking forward to a break in my regimented existence. There is hope on the horizon ... will report. Branko
Hello Wheels of Fire! Thank you for your delightful lengthy, newsy, [not to mention "tantalizing"], message. My missives are obviously having a positive effect on your heretofore, terse, military style communications! I was planning to send along this missive, late last night, but was overcome with fatigue, [see below], by around 10:30 pm. No excuses but plenty of reasons! First and foremost, Executive Summary:
Apparently there is a gigantic outdoor shoe sale off South Cambie, just past Langara Golf Course. If heading south, turn left at the lights on 59th and proceed to Rockpoole Dr, or slightly beyond, to turn right into complex there and Imelda will be waiting with 1,000 pairs of shoes! Don't worry about bringing along any tools as shoes have priority and we won't have any cash for shelving materials anyway! I suggest you call Her Majesty or she call you, to make sure you don't need to rent a U-haul!
Whether or not you do any grocery shopping at Costco in Abbotsford, I suggest you stop there for gas. If shopping, we could use a few things: yogurt, Lea & Perrins Worcester Sauce, vegetable crisps, rice crackers, Feta cheese, and any other cheeses that appeal, pizza crusts and meat toppings for pizza. Can live without any of these, for now, but please pick up six bottles of malt, more shoes and any other expensive items we really don't need but should have because purchases will actually save us money!
On another matter, if you have a working chain saw, I would appreciate you bringing it along. I have a small portable container for gas so don't worry about fuel. If not, don't worry as I can put the finger on Jugos Dom Pedro. As well, I don't think you should bring your collapsible work bench as we can use one here to build the second one and for other projects. Cordless drills, [I have two which need outlets.], and smaller stuff, such as clamps, etc., always come in handy, as you well know. Other than that, chop saw, skill saw and jig-saw, not to mention two handsaws, a hacksaw and a backsaw all await your imminent arrival!
Terrific that you will be chef as well as master carpenter over the course of your stay, particularly as I will only have time, for tomorrow's dinner, to serve a slightly rusty can of sardines I found in the back lane this morning when I was putting the garbage and recycling containers back in place after garbicians were by. Did manage to score some not quite spoiled vegetables from the neighbour's compost bin so I think wilted lettuce will work in the salad and with enough butter the boiled carrots should be fine as I scraped off most of the black bits beforehand. Not sure why the felines turn their noses up at the sardines, however!
Now, to far more important matters! Soccer Boy started his drills around 6:00 am this morning and I threw his ball into the living room, hoping it would lodge itself under the TV cabinet so that he wouldn't be able to retrieve it. No such luck and he was back, almost immediately, fidgeting and fussing. Glad we managed to trim his and Etta's needle claws before Lady Dar left as I'm sure he would have drawn blood, so aggressively was he "digging", next to my shoulder, searching for his favourite toy. I studiously ignored his strenuous efforts to rouse me and he finally settled on top of me, allowing me to continue to doze until 7:00 am. Up then to let them out the front door.
Light rain falling so I'll be working in the wet today. Plan to start dismantling the three large storage lockers on the south side of the house as soon as I've decanted them. [Hip Hip Hooray, I can hearing Lady Dar cheering!] Will also make a stab at cutting up the smaller of the red maple branches I have stacked next to the Rumpus Room window. This corner is relatively sheltered so I should be out of the drizzle for the most part.
Well, there you have it! Must away as I want to drop off my passport application before I start on storage lockers and firewood. Let me know if any unanswered questions remain and we'll take it from there. If you leave around noon tomorrow, I suspect you will arrive here around 6:00 pm, depending on traffic out of Vancouver and how long you spend at Costco, perhaps closer to 7:00 pm. Still plenty of light so you'll be fine. Forecast here suggests tomorrow should be sunny/cloudy with possible showers to start around 7:00 pm. Travel safely and enjoy your trip with Lady Dar, either sleeping or reading, so take along your headphones! Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio!
Pics: Farmers' Market. Raptor shelter in Gallagher Lake had a booth, just below tree, next to Gyro Park, where a pair of Great Horned Owls have their nest. Three chicks were hatched, Huey, Dewey and Louie! A few weeks ago, Louie fell out of the nest. [Not quite sure how folk knew which chick is which!] At this stage, as "branchers", the chicks, not yet able to fly, begin to move out of the nest to venture onto nearbye branches and sometimes miss their perches to tumble to the ground! Louie is now in rehab and doing quite well at SORCO so pleased to know that. Open House there in two weekends so plan to visit. Might even stop at Dubh Glas Distillery, just down the way, for a snort! Miss Etta warming my riding gloves! Duke guarding same! View from mouth of Little Tunnel and then Kettle Ridge; Hop farm; Giant's Head from just after pheasant sighting.
Patriçio, Just chatted with Lady Dar and I will pick her up for a 12noon departure. I did a costco run today so I picked up most of the stuff on your list. I say “most” because there was a power out making it hard to shop in the dark … I also have a full tank of gas as I was on the fumes a couple of days ago, so it will be pedal to the metal straight to Penticton!
I don’t have a chain saw. I had an electric one, but blew the bearings at my Uncle’s in Anacortes years ago. He was fussed about having to rent one of course. I am looking forward to your gourmet sardine dinner! I’ll get lady Dar to text you as soon as we have an accurate eta so you can time the dinner! ttys//bjp Branko
Hi Driving Ms Durston Chauffeur! Glad you connected with your charge! Given that you won't be stopping at Costco I assume you will be at Burns Street sometime between 5:00-6:00 pm, depending on traffic, etc., and all else going well. Perhaps earlier if you are flying below the radar!
Appreciate reply about chainsaw but it turns out that my neighbour, Norm, across the back lane, has one and he said he would cut up the limbs that are too big for my skillsaw. I spent about six hours today, cutting and stacking, from around 2:30-8:30 pm. Norm was taking a break from working on his kitchen, around 5:00 pm, and he wandered out in the lane with a cigarette and a drink and that's when I asked him about the chainsaw.
Still have one last heap of red maple to cut up and then I'll work on storage lockers. Think there will be more than enough material to build what I have in mind especially with all the lumber I found beside Amanda's as well as more scrap from neighbour immediately across from us. I don't mind buying more, if required, but these intended lockers will work just as well constructed from what is already on hand. I think you'll agree once you see what we have to work with. Anyway, you can doodle on a napkin while we are enjoying a malt and I explain my vision for bike storage and more! Enjoy the drive and will await Lady Dar's call to our house phone. You know I never answer my cell! Travel safely. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hello Big City Girl! From various accounts I gather you are enjoying your time in Vancouver. Even weather seems to be cooperating that must be a treat. Had a note form Ragin' after you talked on the phone so I know you will probably not be stopping at Costco. However, if for some reason you do decide to do so, I forgot to mention that we need lettuce. Price is through the roof here in town so the large package of Romaine would be worthwhile. I understand that Ragin' did his own run to Costco, in town, yesterday, and picked up many of items on the list I sent earlier. Not big deal but thought I'd mention it, just in case.
Had a very pleasant chat with Chloë this evening. [It was around 9:30 pm and I still hadn't had dinner. I was planning to go to the Landfill meeting but thought it started at 7:00 pm so when I went inside to shower, at 6:30 pm, I realized it had already started at 6:00 pm! Anyway, I decided I might as well continue cutting up firewood so wasn't back inside until about 8:30 pm.] She is looking forward to coming up with Spumoni and is missing her kittens. Last night was first night in ages that I didn't have dental assistance. Both were curled up, together, on blanket, in Rumpus Room, when I finally turned in, around 11:55 pm and I didn't see or feel either all night.
You'll be happy to know that I have an appointment, tomorrow, with Mark the Barber, at 1:00 pm, and want to take my Trek in to Freedom, for a tune-up, beforehand so plenty to do until The Hope-Princetonians arrive! Travel safely and try to chat with Ragin' en route. You can put your therapy skills to good use, even though they don't seem to work on me! Love and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Firewood and Grooming!
Hi folks, Attached is a poster full of information about the TuneAgers concerts this weekend. Performances are on Saturday and Sunday, April 29 and 30, at 2pm at the Shatford Centre. Tickets are available from Aart or Jim. Also available at the door, but may be sold out (we can hope!) Cheers, Jim
Hi Patrick: I need to have numbers for next Monday night's book club. Is there a way that we can have a distribution list for the members so that the "hostess or host" can contact the group to find out who will be attending? If only 4-5 are coming I can have it in the condo, if not I want to book the room downstairs. Thanks Dame Judith
Hi Dame Judith! I was planning to send out a message over weekend but life interfered! Will do so once I've answered you. I have put a group list together, [BookClub], so I suggest you, and everyone else do the same, cutting and pasting from one of my messages, for the purpose you mention. Not sure if there is any other way. Please thank Chauffeur Kevin for offering to give me a lift last Wednesday even if I couldn't avail myself of his kindly proffered services! Cheers, Patrizzio! I will forward to Kevin. not sure what you mean about the lift. Dame Judith
Dear Bibliomaniacs, not to mention, Dipsomaniacs! Had a note from Dame Judith and she would like to know who will be attending the next gathering so that she can make the necessary arrangements, depending on numbers. On a related matter, since she has very generously offered to provide wine for the evening Lady Dar and I thought that it would be fun if each attendee brought along a cheese to pair with hootch provided by The Girl With Seven Bottles! Furthermore, we can discuss, over the course of the evening, how people would like to proceed with hosting process so that this does not become an overly onerous and expensive undertaking. Trust everyone is well. Looking forward to next session. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Centre of Known Universe!
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A Pythagorean School Invaded by Sybarites
Art: Michele Tedesco, 1877
Patriçio, As the day of the infamous "NASCAR Ride to Penticton” draws near, I just want to touch bases as to the exact location of Lady Dar, at 12:00noon, on Tuesday, April 25th, 2017AD. An address, or geographical coordinates are required. I have her cell# and I assume she has mine(?). The only remaining piece of intelligence required is … how much gear does she have? Hopefully, it will fit in my car. I would hate to have to leave pairs of shoes or purses behind!
Given a 12 noon pick-up, I estimate a “slightly delayed" departure, and if a Costco run is required, a dinner time arrival at Burns street seems to be the optimistic result. I will expect a gourmet layout awaiting us. BUT, I will grant retribution in kind! I am willing to forgo my “guest privileges” at Burns street (assuming I had any) and I am bringing along a supply of condiments with the offer of playing chef for breakfast, dinner, for more than once. I also have a surprise gift for you (maybe 2) … shouldn’t tell you that, but I quiver in evil delight at the anxious anticipation you will experience until our arrival.
As for construction, I think we can, without putting too serious a dent in your malt supply, come to an agreement between my proposal and your vision. The move of location makes it much more flexible, and, you can get some wireless speakers (I will introduce you to eBay) to put in the living room.
Off and away, I must plug myself into the final 3 episodes of “Blacklist” (series uno of tres). On a more serious note, thanx for the invite. I am really looking forward to a break in my regimented existence. There is hope on the horizon ... will report. Branko
Hello Wheels of Fire! Thank you for your delightful lengthy, newsy, [not to mention "tantalizing"], message. My missives are obviously having a positive effect on your heretofore, terse, military style communications! I was planning to send along this missive, late last night, but was overcome with fatigue, [see below], by around 10:30 pm. No excuses but plenty of reasons! First and foremost, Executive Summary:
Apparently there is a gigantic outdoor shoe sale off South Cambie, just past Langara Golf Course. If heading south, turn left at the lights on 59th and proceed to Rockpoole Dr, or slightly beyond, to turn right into complex there and Imelda will be waiting with 1,000 pairs of shoes! Don't worry about bringing along any tools as shoes have priority and we won't have any cash for shelving materials anyway! I suggest you call Her Majesty or she call you, to make sure you don't need to rent a U-haul!
Whether or not you do any grocery shopping at Costco in Abbotsford, I suggest you stop there for gas. If shopping, we could use a few things: yogurt, Lea & Perrins Worcester Sauce, vegetable crisps, rice crackers, Feta cheese, and any other cheeses that appeal, pizza crusts and meat toppings for pizza. Can live without any of these, for now, but please pick up six bottles of malt, more shoes and any other expensive items we really don't need but should have because purchases will actually save us money!
On another matter, if you have a working chain saw, I would appreciate you bringing it along. I have a small portable container for gas so don't worry about fuel. If not, don't worry as I can put the finger on Jugos Dom Pedro. As well, I don't think you should bring your collapsible work bench as we can use one here to build the second one and for other projects. Cordless drills, [I have two which need outlets.], and smaller stuff, such as clamps, etc., always come in handy, as you well know. Other than that, chop saw, skill saw and jig-saw, not to mention two handsaws, a hacksaw and a backsaw all await your imminent arrival!
Terrific that you will be chef as well as master carpenter over the course of your stay, particularly as I will only have time, for tomorrow's dinner, to serve a slightly rusty can of sardines I found in the back lane this morning when I was putting the garbage and recycling containers back in place after garbicians were by. Did manage to score some not quite spoiled vegetables from the neighbour's compost bin so I think wilted lettuce will work in the salad and with enough butter the boiled carrots should be fine as I scraped off most of the black bits beforehand. Not sure why the felines turn their noses up at the sardines, however!
Now, to far more important matters! Soccer Boy started his drills around 6:00 am this morning and I threw his ball into the living room, hoping it would lodge itself under the TV cabinet so that he wouldn't be able to retrieve it. No such luck and he was back, almost immediately, fidgeting and fussing. Glad we managed to trim his and Etta's needle claws before Lady Dar left as I'm sure he would have drawn blood, so aggressively was he "digging", next to my shoulder, searching for his favourite toy. I studiously ignored his strenuous efforts to rouse me and he finally settled on top of me, allowing me to continue to doze until 7:00 am. Up then to let them out the front door.
Light rain falling so I'll be working in the wet today. Plan to start dismantling the three large storage lockers on the south side of the house as soon as I've decanted them. [Hip Hip Hooray, I can hearing Lady Dar cheering!] Will also make a stab at cutting up the smaller of the red maple branches I have stacked next to the Rumpus Room window. This corner is relatively sheltered so I should be out of the drizzle for the most part.
Well, there you have it! Must away as I want to drop off my passport application before I start on storage lockers and firewood. Let me know if any unanswered questions remain and we'll take it from there. If you leave around noon tomorrow, I suspect you will arrive here around 6:00 pm, depending on traffic out of Vancouver and how long you spend at Costco, perhaps closer to 7:00 pm. Still plenty of light so you'll be fine. Forecast here suggests tomorrow should be sunny/cloudy with possible showers to start around 7:00 pm. Travel safely and enjoy your trip with Lady Dar, either sleeping or reading, so take along your headphones! Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio!
Pics: Farmers' Market. Raptor shelter in Gallagher Lake had a booth, just below tree, next to Gyro Park, where a pair of Great Horned Owls have their nest. Three chicks were hatched, Huey, Dewey and Louie! A few weeks ago, Louie fell out of the nest. [Not quite sure how folk knew which chick is which!] At this stage, as "branchers", the chicks, not yet able to fly, begin to move out of the nest to venture onto nearbye branches and sometimes miss their perches to tumble to the ground! Louie is now in rehab and doing quite well at SORCO so pleased to know that. Open House there in two weekends so plan to visit. Might even stop at Dubh Glas Distillery, just down the way, for a snort! Miss Etta warming my riding gloves! Duke guarding same! View from mouth of Little Tunnel and then Kettle Ridge; Hop farm; Giant's Head from just after pheasant sighting.
Patriçio, Just chatted with Lady Dar and I will pick her up for a 12noon departure. I did a costco run today so I picked up most of the stuff on your list. I say “most” because there was a power out making it hard to shop in the dark … I also have a full tank of gas as I was on the fumes a couple of days ago, so it will be pedal to the metal straight to Penticton!
I don’t have a chain saw. I had an electric one, but blew the bearings at my Uncle’s in Anacortes years ago. He was fussed about having to rent one of course. I am looking forward to your gourmet sardine dinner! I’ll get lady Dar to text you as soon as we have an accurate eta so you can time the dinner! ttys//bjp Branko
Hi Driving Ms Durston Chauffeur! Glad you connected with your charge! Given that you won't be stopping at Costco I assume you will be at Burns Street sometime between 5:00-6:00 pm, depending on traffic, etc., and all else going well. Perhaps earlier if you are flying below the radar!
Appreciate reply about chainsaw but it turns out that my neighbour, Norm, across the back lane, has one and he said he would cut up the limbs that are too big for my skillsaw. I spent about six hours today, cutting and stacking, from around 2:30-8:30 pm. Norm was taking a break from working on his kitchen, around 5:00 pm, and he wandered out in the lane with a cigarette and a drink and that's when I asked him about the chainsaw.
Still have one last heap of red maple to cut up and then I'll work on storage lockers. Think there will be more than enough material to build what I have in mind especially with all the lumber I found beside Amanda's as well as more scrap from neighbour immediately across from us. I don't mind buying more, if required, but these intended lockers will work just as well constructed from what is already on hand. I think you'll agree once you see what we have to work with. Anyway, you can doodle on a napkin while we are enjoying a malt and I explain my vision for bike storage and more! Enjoy the drive and will await Lady Dar's call to our house phone. You know I never answer my cell! Travel safely. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hello Big City Girl! From various accounts I gather you are enjoying your time in Vancouver. Even weather seems to be cooperating that must be a treat. Had a note form Ragin' after you talked on the phone so I know you will probably not be stopping at Costco. However, if for some reason you do decide to do so, I forgot to mention that we need lettuce. Price is through the roof here in town so the large package of Romaine would be worthwhile. I understand that Ragin' did his own run to Costco, in town, yesterday, and picked up many of items on the list I sent earlier. Not big deal but thought I'd mention it, just in case.
Had a very pleasant chat with Chloë this evening. [It was around 9:30 pm and I still hadn't had dinner. I was planning to go to the Landfill meeting but thought it started at 7:00 pm so when I went inside to shower, at 6:30 pm, I realized it had already started at 6:00 pm! Anyway, I decided I might as well continue cutting up firewood so wasn't back inside until about 8:30 pm.] She is looking forward to coming up with Spumoni and is missing her kittens. Last night was first night in ages that I didn't have dental assistance. Both were curled up, together, on blanket, in Rumpus Room, when I finally turned in, around 11:55 pm and I didn't see or feel either all night.
You'll be happy to know that I have an appointment, tomorrow, with Mark the Barber, at 1:00 pm, and want to take my Trek in to Freedom, for a tune-up, beforehand so plenty to do until The Hope-Princetonians arrive! Travel safely and try to chat with Ragin' en route. You can put your therapy skills to good use, even though they don't seem to work on me! Love and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Firewood and Grooming!
Hi folks, Attached is a poster full of information about the TuneAgers concerts this weekend. Performances are on Saturday and Sunday, April 29 and 30, at 2pm at the Shatford Centre. Tickets are available from Aart or Jim. Also available at the door, but may be sold out (we can hope!) Cheers, Jim
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