Thursday, 31 August 2017

Count-Down to the Back-to-School Blues: Thursday, August 31st!

The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist." -Maria Montessori, educator (31 Aug 1870-1952)

El Diablo was making enough fuss around 5:40 am to warrant me clambering out of bed to open the patio door to let both he and Miss Etta out. Left it slightly ajar so that they would be able to come and go as they wanted. Back to enjoy a great snooze until just after 7:00 am when I woke without any prodding from Duke.Found Miss Etta curled up against Lady Dar's exposed ankle so went into the living room to collect my camera for a snap. Didn't realize I'd not taken the chip out of my computer after downloading yesterday's snaps so when I took what I thought was a wonderful shot I was informed that there was no memory card! Hoping to insert it and return for another try I was too late as Miss Etta was up, following me into living room, agitating to be fed! Too bad as it was such a good example of how she curls up with her mistress. 

Dear Kranky Editor at Scribner's Sons, aka Cut-and-Paste Polizei! Sorry I've ruffled your sensitive editorial feathers! However, do appreciate your advice in spite of the fact that I spit on it! I don't correct your grammar and syntax although I have numerous opportunities to do so, Maxwell! [William Maxwell Evarts "Max" Perkins, was an American book editor, best remembered for discovering authors Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Thomas Wolfe.]

Furthermore, I've not responded sooner as we have been burdened by yet more unreasonably demanding Freeloaders, from this past Sunday to yesterday afternoon, during which we have had to endure a harrowing schedule of wine-tasting, beach swimming and late night bbq dinners on the back patio with copious quantities of craft beer, [Cannery Brewing], and local wines, Rosés, whites and reds, practicing our bar-tending skills for coming volunteer shifts at Vancouver Writers Festival, October 16th-22nd.

This being the case, we will probably be in town a few days before the start of the Festival, if only to help Chloë pack up her place. She must be out at noon on Friday, October 20th. However, we may well be in Vancouver before that as she may well have to be "moved" by the first week of October, depending on when she is to start her new job, working with a strata management company, here in Penticton. Consequently, we'll need to "synchronize" the dates of your visit. At the risk of being too, too pushy, if it works, on your end, perhaps we can cajole you into muling some of the larger pieces of furniture, [Bed/mattress, a couple of large chairs and dining room table], and leave the Chilliwack cabinet on hold for now. Guiseppe said it can stay in their garage until we are ready for it and I think we can actually put it in our car, if needs be. Of course, we would cover your gas, mileage and any other incidentals, (malt, craft beer, garlic scape salt, etc., etc., etc!), I am sure you will be quick to remind us about!

From what you mentioned about your Dad's medical appointments, as well as your own, it would seem that there is a pretty good window of opportunity from latter part of September into early October to realize Have Ragin' Van Lines, Will Travel and unending omelletto breakfasts! To keep you from becoming bored, while lollygagging hereabouts, there are endless tasks: hooking up two water barrels to down spouts, before rains begin, to attaching Lady Dar's extendo- clothesline to garage wall to re-jigging shelving next to garage door, above small bench located there, affixing small shelf below hanging cabinet in our bedroom and tweaking stereo system. Enough?

However, if you want a project worthy of your new table saw, the fence between the duplex and our place is in dire need of having a number of the existing "flimsy" panels replaced! Wild Bill is just back in town, from being in Yukon for past two months and I hope to reach an agreement with him about sharing replacement costs, particularly since the rock cover developer placed there has pushed the aforementioned panels away from the posts. As far as I can tell, the original posts are reasonably well seated so any new fencing can be attached to them, without having to introduce additional posts. Hope this is enough to chew upon. Still planning to visit?

With respect to above-mentioned Freeloaders, we had a terrific visit with Colleen and Big Al. Went for two rides on the KVR over the course of their stay. First to Naramata Road and back along it, home, and second along west side of Skaha to OK Falls and back.
Wanted to hit The Little Tunnel yesterday, before they left, but Big Al begged off, in spite of insisting that he wanted to start riding regularly again! 

Well, must away as i want to have a spot of breakfast, fuel for coming ride. You will see from some of the attached snaps that we are still suffering from the effects of wildfire smoke. However, today sky is bright blue and believe forecast is the same for the rest of the long-weekend. Take care of yourself and let me know what you think about what I've written above. Fondestos from Lady Dar,off to a continuing round of meetings. Cheers, Patrizzio/Il Conduttore!

Dear overly sensitive recipient of constructive criticism and only the best intentions, You raise an interesting point. I always proof read my emails, as I hate spelling errors and grammatical inconsistencies. However, as you see it is virtually impossible to edit your own work. The brain knows what you think you wrote, and even more than one proof read can fail to catch all.

I have a solution for unwanted freeloaders. Get a cheap *really* uncomfortable pull-out couch. One that when lying down on it will make you seriously worried you will wake up with a coil spring in your kidney. Guaranteed they won’t stay for more than 1- 2 nights. This strategy can be fortified by buying really cheap wine and decanting it into the empty bottles of the good stuff - and of course expound on its excellence while consuming. Food off the BBQ can also be make inedible by simply cremating it. Empty malt bottles can also be refilled with jet fuel.

With respect to your hugely unreasonable and far too pushy mule-age demands, that will work only if you do not follow the afore mentioned advice. Be aware though, that I have a small truck, and from what you have already mentioned, we may have trouble fitting everything in the bed. I do however have a trailer hitch, so we should look into renting (probably) a U-Haul, especially if we can return it in Penticton (ie, on way rental). That could facilitate doing the Chilliwackian cabinet at the same time. I’ll leave it to you to do the math … the mattress btw, will travel fine strapped to the roof rack on your suv.

The tasks that you have mentioned, do not require a table saw, so there is no point hauling it over. The table saw is really for precision work, or as I noted, ripping planks. If you need plywood slices & diced, best to get the guys at the lumber yard to do the main cuts - they have a jig that makes short work out of slicing up an unwieldy and heavy 4 x 8. Your fence is, I seem to recall, cedar - ie, no “solid" panels(?).

On my end, I have been watching the US Open with more than the usual amount of interest(!). Watched two incredible matches. Round one, Maria Sharapova, squeaking in on a wild card spot, knocks off the #2 seed(!!). Sharapova was back from a 16 month suspension for testing positive for a banned substance. Probably a bit unfair, as the drug was prescribed for a medical condition that blocks an optimal distribution of oxygen to the muscles, and was only banned recently, and its “performance enhancing" is debateable. Anyway, I immediately check the registrar of Russian mail order brides and was devastated that Sharapova was not on it! At 6’ 2” she is a bit tall for most guys, but she comes with a net worth of $135m, so that compensates considerably.

In the other exceptional match, Čorić, (pronounced “Chorich") a nice Croation boy, after losing the first set, takes out the #4 seed with 3 straight tie-breakers! It’s tough watching when you really care who wins! Čorić, of course is no slouch, at world rank 33. You could tell Zverev was fussed because after the wining point, the players usually meet at the net and exchange hugs and niceties - Zverev headed straight for the referee’s chair and was barely able to manage a long range handshake with Čorić.

So, between my Dad's issues and the Cabinet Restoration Project my cycling has suffered in consistency, but I hope to get back into the saddle to prep for the Little Tunnel run - this time with a spare tube. You do realize, the only two flats I have had in years, was cycling with you. Hmmm ... Branko 

Dear Author of Freeloader Proofing for Dummies! I like your informed approach to a really uncomfortable pull-out couch but would intertwine razor wire to springs so that the barbs do puncture the sleepers kidneys! I also make it a practice to serve the home-made wine we receive at open houses, bridge gatherings, and the like, to Freeloaders, right from the get-go but have yet to refill expensive bottles with porch climber. However, I can well imagine such a strategy, in the not too, too distant future when a repeat Freeloader returns this Fall!

Talk about being "overly sensitive" in the face of "constructive criticism" delivered with "only the best intentions"! As Baudelaire would say: “Hypocrite lecteur, — mon semblable, — mon frère!” Just as you pay attention to your fine cabinetry, no whining about proof reading. It is a constant battle! Onward!! Fight!!!

Your suggestion regarding a trailer is a good one. Big Al has quite a large, open one with very high sides so he might be willing to let us use it or else blackmail him into making a quick moving run! Will know more once I have a better idea of what Chloë is actually intending to bring with her and when, to coordinate everything. As of this writing I believe she is thinking about selling her sofa so that would make moving life a lot easier. Mattress could go on roof rack but I think I'd prefer to have it where it is not quite as susceptible to wind lift.

I just mentioned your table-saw out of table-saw envy but realize that you probably sleep in the same room with it now! If we should need one, if, if, if this should all come about, Stormin' Norman has one and it is accessible since his garage sale. On the exercise front, don't let anything interfere with your fitness regime, riding or something else, as that makes everything else go better and it i critically important given the familial stress you find yourself having to deal with. Straight from the prescription pad of Dottore Patrizzio!

Speaking of which, went for a most enjoyable ride, around 1:00 pm this afternoon, especially invigorating after all the carousing of the last few days. Gorgeous day instead of a smoke filled sky for a most pleasant change. Wind was only out of the North at around 11 kph but decided I'd still stick close to home and not have to worry about fighting it on long exposed stretches, whether along 97 to Summerland or on return from OK Falls, along Eastside. Furthermore, I've "honed" my basic Hamster Loops of late, using three circuits of a given mini-loop to build up the distance and not succumb to boredom or nausea! Started off by heading down Ellis to PTC and then along Lakeshore. Once on Riverside I looped back to Lakeshore to gerbalize the loop, three times, off Power/Dynes. When these were finished did another three sets using Burnaby and Westminster, followed by much the same around the large, empty parking lots of the Penticton Memorial Arena complex so that when I was back at the PTC I had around 28 km on the clock. 

Then it was time to literally criss-cross all the side streets, closer to home,  bounded by Wade, on the north, and Ellis, using the start of the KVR, on Pickering, as my turn around spot to sling-shot myself, back into the wind, eventually back down to PTC when I had enough distance on my trusty odometre. Quite pleased with outing as temperature was around 28.7º C and much of it was in the shade, more or less, given overhanging trees on many of the quieter, residential streets, and often sheltered, for the same reason, from the head wind. Miss Etta happened to be close to our lane entrance when I rode up but she dashed under Amanda's fence as I approached, calling out her name. I suppose she hasn't figured out this helmeted creature bearing down on her!  Cheers!Map and Stats for ride:

Sorry to hear that your fabulously wealthy mail order bride isn't up for grabs but pleased that your fellow countryman chewed up Zverev. I gather he plays out of the Lawn, given he is such a sore loser! Like someone else we know, he probably only plays for fun! Well, must away to watch an episode of The Tunnel before dinner. Take care of your red pencil and yourself, Ragin'. Fondestos from Lady Dar, relaxing in the air-conditioned comfort of the Rumpus Room! Cheers for now, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio! PS: Don't Lay No Punctured Tire Blues on the King of  Road Bike Rock 'n Roll!

Hi Bullet-Proof Woman! Trust everyone is well. For our part, we are looking at a Freeloader-Free weekend! Must away as i want to have a mug of java, fuel for coming ride. Where is Brenda Louise and Bullet-Proof when you need them? Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Kids! Trust everyone is well and that you had a safe ride back home. Thanks again for wonderful visit. Only complaint is from Lady Dar about cat bag! El Diablo was rolling around it at 5:30 am this morning and disturbed her beauty sleep! He has also been worrying the mice which only pumps more adrenaline into his already hyped system! Thanks for planting more seeds of feline mayhem!!! After we waved goodbye I cleared out the shelves in the washstand as I wanted to shut off the water to change one of the rubber washers, to stop the drip before tackling the larger "faucet" issue. Thanks for snap of fitting, by the way, Al! Where is Big Molly/ Mr Plumber when you really need him? Well, must away as I want to have a spot of brunch, fuel for coming ride. Probably south to OK Falls. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Mike's Pawnbrokers Makita Grinder Blues: Wednesday, August 30th!

What's madness but nobility of soul at odds with circumstance? -Theodore Roethke, poet (1908-1963)

Lazy sleep-in until 8:30 am, yesterday morn, with Lady Dar and Big Al already up, the latter waiting for me to brew the java! We enjoyed a lazy morning, chatting and breakfasting on yogurt, mixed with the wonderful blackberries Al and I had picked from the Lighthall's bushes the day before. Once Colleen was up and similarly fueled we took a stroll downtown as our visitors wanted to take a look at the various antique, thrift and pawn stores on Main. I must say that I enjoyed the outing as I had never ventured into any of these establishments before and found many of the proffered wares most interesting. Found a couple of vinyl albums I plan to return to buy, as well as a Makita grinder that Al suggested was a good buy. Great to have someone like him along to advise about tools of every kind, given that he has so many of his own and uses a wide array for all his work. Next best thing to having you, Ragin', tell me what to do!

Before we left, I had filled a small knapsack with about 15 books, culled from the shelves in the Rumpus Room and took them into the Book Shop to see if staff were interested. Most of them were critical editions of various university texts and, in the end, I was given $38 dollars credit. Plan to continue the process as Lady Dar is constantly haranguing me about "weeding" and I have finally come to see the wisdom of her advice. Still, extremely hard to part with such good, life-long friends! However, need to de-cant so that I can find space to put yet more tomes on shelves, emptied from about twenty more boxes stored in garage. This is especially important as we must make as much room for Chloë's possessions, [as mentioned above], most of which we will have to store until her condo is ready in April/May!

After leaving the Book Shop we strolled down Front Street to Isshin Sushi Bar to have brunch. Marilyn and Big Molly wanted to treat us and the place is one of our favourites. We enjoyed a delicious lunch, on the patio, although Lady Dar had to leave around 1:30 pm as she had a number of appointments that afternoon. Colleen walked back to Burns with her and after Al had settled the bill, we made our way home along Penticton Creek. Just as we reached White, The MarriageMobile whizzed by us, so Al whistled but to no effect as Lady Dar just kept going.

Colleen had loaded most of their luggage by the time we reached the house so after a few "sweeps" to make sure nothing was left behind, we bade each other fond farewell and I waved goodbye close to 2:30 pm. Great visit with wonderful friends and we hope they will be back again, in the Fall, at some point. Then inside to continue doing laundry and a few other household chores. Al had noticed a drip in the guest bathroom faucet so I cleared out the shelves in the washstand as I wanted to shut off the water to change one of the rubber washers. Hadn't realized that the shut-off valves didn't have any tap handles! Decided to put a large container in sink to catch drips. Emptied it a number of times, watering the lilac bush in front yard, before I went to Rona for fixtures.

Nothing is ever simple and taps that I was able to purchase did not quite fit. However, the small plastic insert which came in package allowed me enough purchase, when pushed it onto cog of valve stem to turn the cold water pipe fixture in a few twists. Flow was not stopped but dripped ended! Obviously not a permanent solution but will have to do until I ask Stormin' Norman, across back lane, what he thinks! Wonderful to have a neighbour who is as capable and handy as he is, not to mention how agreeable he always is to help out such a non-Mr Fixit Klutz as I am, Dear Reader! Where is Ragin' Bull when you really need him?

Hello Duhlink, Katarina! Sorry I've not responded sooner but we have had good friends visiting for last four days and it has been a harrowing schedule of wine-tasting, beach swimming and late night bbq dinners on the back patio with copious quantities of craft beer and local wines, Rosés, whites and reds, practicing our bar-tending skills for PW!

Yes, I will take on the the Captaincy of the Sunday set-up/strike, although I'm sure there are far more qualified Admirals and such. Nevertheless, I'm happy to oversee the galley slaves, swabbers of decks and cleaners of scuppers!

Furthermore you can sign us up as Opening Reception barkeeps as well as any other F&B shifts at PW. Lady Dar indicated that she'd like to work with Julia Spaulding, if that is possible, so if you could manage that, as best you can and circumstances dictate, I know she would be most appreciative. For my part, I'm happy to work alongside any scurvy mate!

In closing, overall, we'd rather not be crew captains, [Other than above indicated Sunday responsibility, for me.], preferring the intoxicating life of the firing line, but, once again, if desperate, I would offer my services, such as they are, in service of the greater VWF good!

Hope this all makes sense and that I have provided enough information to allow you to assign duties in a fashion that will make everyone happy. Once again, lovely to be back in the VWF volunteer saddle again and look forward to ironing out details over the next little while. Take care of yourself. Fondestos from Lady Dar, just back from a Bubbles & Oysters event at Noble Ridge, while scullion that I be, did laundry and dishes, in preparation for next round of Freeloaders! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics:  Yesterday, picnic at Bench 1775, with Al and Colleen; Beach and swim in Naramata. Towards sunset, much of sky was almost blood red with smoke from wildfires! Day before at beach near PAG, bright and sunny! Lady Dar's Guard Cats!
THANKS so much….you are assigned as the Sunday set-up and strike Volunteer Captain. And I’ll also assign you and Corinne to F&B bar service where needed. I won’t impose on either of you to be a Crew Captain, will try to find another sacrificial lamb. Is Julia Spaulding the same volunteer as the fantastic Julia Hedley? Kathryn Hello again, Kathryn! Thanks for the plum assignments. Yes, Julia S is one and the same as Julia H! I can never remember which name she goes under these days as The Sisterhood seem to oscillate between maiden and married name, depending on how close the bailiff is to the door! Onward! Fight!! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Rick we have sold our loft on Wall St. It closes on Oct. 20th. We would like your firm to handle the transaction. I have CC'd Chloe here and she will connect you to realtor Chris Naples. Cheers Corinne Hi Corinne, Got your email. Thanks for the work. I have added my conveyancer Jean to the email string. Chloe, you can forward this email to the realtor and request that he deal with Jean directly. Corinne, if you and Pat are not in the Vancouver area for the closing in mid-October we can have you sign in front of a notary in Penticton. Easy peasy. I trust that all of you are doing well. Regards, Rick

Hi Rick we will be in Vancouver volunteering at the Writers Festival. So will be easy to sign.Thanks for handling this for us. We are all fine. Chloe is moving to Penticton and life is busy with visitors etc. Cheers, Corinne Hi Corinne, Chris Naples has forwarded the Contract of Purchase and Sale to me and will forward the subject removal addendum today once subject(s) have been removed.

I note there is a RBC mortgage on title.  Could you let me know what the mortgage account/reference number is so I may order a payout statement from RBC? Should I use your address in Penticton as a mailing address after this property is sold? Also, I note the closing date is October 19th - I am expecting to receiving your Vendor documents about 7-10 days prior to that.  I will contact you to arrange a time/date to sign within that time frame once I receive your documents. Yours truly, Jean McLaughlin, Conveyancer, Toews & Company

Hi Jean, Yes our address is on Burns St. still. The two payouts for the Royal Bank are 2 lines of credit. The lower one may go up $5,000 as we need that much once the subjects come off on the townhouse our daughter Chloe is buying. Let me know if you need anything else? We will be in Vancouver on Oct. 19. Cheers, Corinne

Thanks Corinne; Do you know approx. when the subjects come off? I will not order a payout statement until after you have used what you need because they sometimes stop any further transactions once a payout statement is requested. Jean Hi Jean it is late Sept. Could you make the payout statement for after Oct. 1st? Thanks Corinne Financial tax papers on way Hi Zamir, I will fedex them off this am. We gave sold our loft at 2001 Wall St. for to close on Oct. 20th. This is free and clear after the 2 lines of credit with the Royal Bank are paid out. Cheers, Corinne Awesome; great news you guys. Congratulations. Zamir

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Naramata Road Blackberry Pickin' Blues: Tuesday, August 29th!

The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts. -John Locke, philosopher (29 Aug 1632-1704) 

Dear Patrick: Thank you so much for your cheerful message. It was a real pleasure to make your and Dar’s acquaintance. What a lucky happening that we both are friends of Randy Nadeau. I look forward to seeing him again after so many years, and to see you again, when he comes. I only hope that it will not be this week, because Terry and I we’ll have a house full of family to attend to. After the week-end it will be fine, except during the week of September 17.
Warm wishes, Rene’

Hi Rene’! Trust you and Terry are well, especially with your house full of visitors! Have not yet heard from Randy so not sure if he is away in Taiwan or not. At any rate, I doubt that the will be visiting in next little while, perhaps next year, we hope.

On another matter, I received the wonderful invitation to your book launch. We do hope to attend but have to wait to see when visitors from Switzerland will be staying with us. They will be driving from Banff to stay for a number of nights so have to confirm when that will be as it will most likely be the week of the 18th! As soon as I hear from them I will let you know. Do hope we can manage to "juggle" their stay as would be delighted to learn more about your memoir. Until then, all the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Al, How are you doing?  I was wanting to know if you had had a chance to send your recommendations and supply only quote? I may have missed the email but the realtor is asking on behalf of the developer, I truly will follow your choice as what would be best suited for me/my place! My needs truly are just the easiest way to vaccuum my place, having three portals for plugging in the hose (one per level) and cost depending either having the hose seperate to take up and down the three levels or having the hose set up that is stored within the tubing (the model my folks currently have). I do like that small piece that is under kitchen cabinet but not sure if I can afford if its super fancy or depending on the size/specs to have it fit in the space ? Again I will do as you suggest, thank you for your time and attention to this. :) Chloe

Hi Chloe, I emailed the quote and the CV plan to both you and Patrick at 6:19 on August 22nd. I believe Patrick replied to me after he got it. Check your junk mail and if it’s not there let me know and I will resend it. Regards, Alan Hi Al,

Oops I did get it my apologies, I was on Vacation and must have missed it!! Thank you. We will be in touch. We should talk about Vacuum or other details Are you home this evening??

Hi Gil! Thanks for everything so far! Not sure if Chloë forwarded this to you but here are all the various units. Main unit I suggest would be Filtered Cyclonic as it does not need to be vented, if that is an issue for Strata regulations, etc. As long as piping/outlets are roughed in, we can purchase/install power unit ourselves. Thanks, Patrizzio!

Patrizzio, A couple of issues have suddenly surfaced with my Dad, so it is looking like a visit early September is not likely. My Dad has a couple of (new) issues and appt.s I have to arrange and be here for. Then, there are my own med requirements and appt. Sep 14. After Sept 14, barring unforeseen complications, it looks pretty good, and I won’t worry if I run into early October - I *really* don’t want to put on studded snows and drive all the way there and back on dry pavement! I’ll tell that to the tire Police if I gt caught

Renovate the kitchen!?!?! Yikes … way beyond any reasonable call on your friendly talented handyman. I recall Lady Dar talking about “joining up” the rec room with the main part of the house, but I just can’t see how that can happen without re-locating the kitchen to start with. And I can’t visualize any other layout for that main area that would be as functional. You’d have to move out or eat peanut butter sandwiches while that was being done! Your kitchen is just fine! Functional. Well laid out. I urge you to use your authority to divert Lady Dar’s attention to more worthy (and more doable) causes!

On a technical note, I can alway tell when you do a Copy + Paste text into an email, as the text you paste is generally a different font(!). To avoid this optically embarrassing issue, not to mention revealing your inner soul, you should Copy + “Paste and Match Style”. How is Penticton? Is the lake down? Smoke? Econmic ruin due to lack of (paying) tourists? talktoyasoon//bjp Branko

Monday, 28 August 2017

KVR West-Side, (of Skaha)), Story Blues: Monday, August 28th!

Hello Master Cabinet/Finishing Carpenter, et al! What great work all around! Congratulations on such a fine job. Not sure about wood as that piece was bought when Chloë worked at Urban Barn and many of those pieces were imported from Thailand, so it is probably a hardwood from thereabouts. At any rate, I'm more than pleased that it has provided so much pleasure. Spice rack looks terrific, as well. Now that Lady Dar has seen more of your precision cabinetry she would like to hire you to renovate "her" kitchen! [More anon!]

We signed the sale papers for the loft this past Saturday, Chloë must be out on October 20th and she put in a bid, (accepted), on a condo in a new development, Sendero Canyon, about 10 minutes southeast of us, in the hills, to be ready for April/May 2018. She will be living with us until then! Furthermore she has been offered a job with a property management company. Firm has offices in Vancouver, Kelowna, Toronto and Penticton, just down Ellis from us! She would be based here in town and might have to drive to Kelowna once a week or so. Hard to believe that all the pieces have fallen into place so quickly!

Anyway, some of the reasons for my "enforced" hiatus! Furthermore, it has been a very busy time, this past week.
Must away as we are off to ride the KVR, west side of Skaha to OK Falls and back. It was about 9:15 am by the time we had a bite of breakfast, [Big Al, munching on his cereal, Colleen still abed, Lady Dar, messaging in our bedrooom and Duke, playing soccer on the living room rug], and were suited/lubed up. We took off down Ellis to hit Lakeshore as we were going to ride down the bike path paralleling The Channel. Very pleasant morning with few runners, dog walkers and other riders out. Al really enjoyed the KVR, most of it right next to the lake and we chatted amicably, all the way to OK Falls. Through Kaleden, I pointed out the abandoned concrete shell of the hotel there, now a most pleasant, vine-covered, landscaped park. Once into the park in OK Falls, Big Molly said he'd rather return on the KVR as opposed to Eastside, (My preference, Dear Reader!), so we did just that and I was glad, in fact, that we did as one sees the landscape from a slightly different perspective and, as a consequence, one witnesses some lovely vistas. Once on 97 we headed for Skaha Lake Park and then made our way up South Main to connect with Government and then back to Burns Street. Map and Stats for ride:

Once we'd showered and changed we were ready to wine taste! Lady Dar had packed a picnic lunch and we were planning to head south to taste around OK Falls and then Oliver, Black Sage Road and environs, hoping to stop in at Dubh Glas Distillery, in Gallagher Lake, for a snort or two of malt! As it turned out we enjoyed our picnic at Pentâge and by the time we'd finished tasting at Painted Rock gang had had enough so we headed home to change into our swimming togs, collect our beach gear and head to Lady Dar's "private beach" near the Art Gallery. Spent a glorious couple of hours there, the wonderful water sobering all of us, readying ourselves for more hootch once back home while we prepared dinner.
Will reply regarding dates of your next visit, Chilliwack pick-up, tools required for vast array of projects, etc., once we've had a chance to look at calendar. Your dates seem fine but I need to "argue" with Lady Dar about what she has in mind!  Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio! PS: Just heard, from Sir Andrew, that Captain Haddock died this past Friday. Pics: Beach Babes with Lifeguard! Roasting toes!

Patrick, Do you have Richard Martin's phone number in North Vancouver? Mike Hi Michaelo! I don't have his number in my address book but, as you can see, I've included him in reply, so trust he will reply. All to best to my favourite Digitale! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Sara Jane McGillivray Phippen, Field and J.Price. Brick makers.

Sara Jane McGillivray Phippen, Field and J.Price. Brick makers.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Sunshine Valley Freeloaders SIng the KVR Blues: Sunday, August 27th!

No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots. -Barbara Ehrenreich, journalist and author (b. 26 Aug 1941)

Lazy sleep-in until 8:30 am as Lady Dar was up to feed the wildlings, both out for most of the night as it was impossible to corral them before I went to bed. Lady Dar was off to Oasis as she was responsible for serving java and goodies before the service but I was similarly indentured as El Diablo was hell-bent on playing soccer as soon as I was out of bed. Before I made the bed, our pillows were jumbled in the middle., and whenever he fetched his ball, from the living room, where I'd just thrown it, held between his teeth, just like a perfect Retriever, he'd push it underneath a pillow or a rumpled sheet, rolling around in feline delight as I scratched his tummy and told him what an incredible goal keeper he was. He literally leaps into the air to either catch the tossed ball in his paws or mouth, or else bat it away, saving goal after goal after goal! Stay tuned for the YouTube video!

thanks to both of you for an enjoyable evening of eating, drinking , conversation and playing cards. I enjoyied all and meeting your friends. I would love to have the salmon recipe, Corinne. It was dielicious!!! Judy xoxox

Hello René and Randy! It was terrific to meet you, René, this past Thursday! Yes, Randy, we met when we attended, along with Lynne Lighthall, (Corinne's fellow Library School classmate. Her husband, Peter, also a UBC grad, was golfing, of all things!), a fabulous reception, in OK Falls, in support of UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, at the simply gorgeous home of Diane and Doug Corbishley, both UBC Alumni. At any rate, quite early on in the afternoon we were chatting with René and discovered his connection to you. René and his wife now live in Summerland and it would be wonderful if we could orchestrate a reunion when, not if, you visit! This being the case, let us know, by return post, dates of your stay, what flight you are on and your arrival time when you fly into Penticton! Connections are very good from many, many other US and Canadian airports so no excuses on that account! 

Must away for now as good friends, Colleen and Al, from Vancouver, are coming this afternoon to stay for next three nights and Lady Dar has left me a list of household chores I'm to discharge before they arrive. Keep in touch, René, and if you are going to be in Penticton, pop around for a java, or something stronger, and a visit. All the best to you both, Cheers, Patrizzio!

Patrizzio, I ponder on the uncharacteristically long hiatus between notices of your missives - has Lady Dar taken over your computer? On my end, I have been a busy beaver. The cabinet is almost ready to move upstairs, looks very nice! John (Snoz) thins it's American Black Walnut (wow!). We both pondered in futility over its history - its construction leaves many clues, but leaves much for speculation. I do note that it is all solid, even the back wood(!!). This would age it considerably, as plywood backs/sides to even expensive antique pieces are very common.

I did take a slight digression and just for fun, make myself a spice rack. I just can’t help being thrilled at how quick and easy it is to get perfectly square cut with the table saw. There are 36 square cuts on this unit - count them! Note also, I used round head screws rather than counter-sink. Though it gave it a nice effect. I was going to use brass, which would look really great, but the hardware store was out of that size, and I didn’t want to get a bank loan so I could go to a marine outlet(!). Anyway, I can upgrade later. 

Now, re: visit. I have a med appt. September 14th, and would have to be back buy the 10th/11th for a blood test. Rob comes home tomorrow (from Greece) so I am sure I can set him up cover for me. The second option is after the 14th, which gives us more flexibility on the back end. Of course, the kicker is, what works for you? Frankly, I am not worried about going a bit into October - I have lots of tread and a 4 x 4. Hopefully, they won’t be cruising for *official* snows - although I would plead ignorance. Don’t want to put on studded snows just yet (or, pref, not at all!)

So, what “project(s) do you have in mind, and what are the details of the mule-age from Chilliwack? Note, if there is going to be serious ripping involved, I need to pick up a special blade for the saw. Branko 

This afternoon, around 3:00 pm, Colleen and Big Al arrived, for three nights, and after we visited for a bit, goils walked down to beach near Art Gallery and I took Al to the KVR. We rode from our place to Naramata Road and then looped back along it, towards home but continued on to join the bathing beauties. Wonderful hour or so there, the water easing Al's sore muscles. Then home for a wonderful dinner, squash, from our garden, stuffed with ground turkey and Italian sausage and fresh corn, from same vendor at market that I bought 12 corn seedlings from this Spring. We had two cobs from them, out of the front garden, this past Wednesday and they were simply delish. Started off evening, once back from beach, with two "squealers" from Cannery Brewing, Wildfire IPA, new release, and Muse Pale Ale. Big Al loved both! Map and Stats for ride:

Hello Stranger, aka Mother Kathryn! Trust you are well and living Life to the full! All goes well here in Penticton Paradise. Just updated my Volunteer Profile and am waiting to hear what I did wrong or failed to do! In an interesting VWF twist, we attended a pick-up party at Painted Rock, and who should we bump into there but Judith Walker and her husband, John! Looking forward to seeing all the Festival gang. Will chat soon. Fondestos from Lady Dar, stuck in traffic as the ITU Duathlon is taking place downtown and all sorts of streets have been closed. I'm sending Duke, our Super Cat, with a packed lunch and a bottle of wine, to see her over until she can get home! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Wonderful to hear from you!! I saw yesterday that Corinne had registered for 2017 but had signed up for nothing....maybe she chose General Availability Scheduling. And now I see that you have registered as well and that you have COMPLETE Availability. Be still my beating heart.....We (the Royal WE) would love it if you could take on Sunday set-up/strike captaincy again....hope you can be persuaded!! Also we need people like you and Corinne for the Opening Reception on Tues aft the 17th. I'd love to have you in one of the PW bars!

Also all and any evening F&B shifts at PW (you both have Serving it Right so are invaluable here as well!) If you'd like to be crew captains, please sign up for those shifts OR line shifts, as you wish. So go ahead and sign up for shifts!!! Or let me know your more precise preferences and I'll sign you up. I should let you know that Heideh is not on the team this year. Isabel Ferreras (Sal's daughter) is the Sunday F&B Co-ordinator with Laura Dochtermann (last year's set-up/strike captain) as her Sunday F&B Assistant.

We are still looking for a PW concessions coordinator (to oversee set-up, operation and vol mgmt) for PW events Tues-Sat. Nicole is talking to a couple of people, I think. All the more reason to have experienced people like you and Corinne helping out! There's no bar at Studio 1398 again this year, nor at Revue as we tried out last year. The province has changed the rules around liqour licences and now any volunteering pouring alcohol MUST have SIR or the new Special Event Server certification. That's it from me for now, BEST to you and Corinne. Kath

[Detail ...] Patrizzio, I ponder on the uncharacteristically long hiatus between notices of your missives - has Lady Dar taken over your computer? On my end, I have been a busy beaver. The cabinet is almost ready to move upstairs, looks very nice! John (Snoz) thins it's American Black Walnut (wow!). We both pondered in futility over its history - its construction leaves many clues, but leaves much for speculation. I do note that it is all solid, even the back wood(!!). This would age it considerably, as plywood backs/sides to even expensive antique pieces are very common.

[There we go, ready to attach to cupboards ...] I did take a slight digression and just for fun, make myself a spice rack. I just can’t help being thrilled at how quick and easy it is to get perfectly square cut with the table saw. There are 36 square cuts on this unit - count them! Note also, I used round head screws rather than counter-sink. Though it gave it a nice effect. I was going to use brass, which would look really great, but the hardware store was out of that size, and I didn’t want to get a bank loan so I could go to a marine outlet(!). Anyway, I can upgrade later.

[I’ll have to get a nicer florescent light ...]
Now, re: visit. I have a med appt. September 14th, and would have to be back buy the 10th/11th for a blood test. Rob comes home tomorrow (from Greece) so I am sure I can set him up cover for me. The second option is after the 14th, which gives us more flexibility on the back end. Of course, the kicker is, what works for you? Frankly, I am not worried about going a bit into October - I have lots of tread and a 4 x 4. Hopefully, they won’t be cruising for *official* snows - although I would plead ignorance. Don’t want to put on studded snows just yet (or, pref, not at all!)

So, what “project(s) do you have in mind, and what are the details of the mule-age from Chilliwack? Note, if there is going to be serious ripping involved, I need to pick up a special blade for the saw. Branko Perić

Hi Old Farts, This Thursday, we are planning to ramble around Mount Eneas. Normally, we would ascend from Garnet valley but, there are considerable delays along Garnet Valley Road right now. So, we will begin from the Highway 97 side, near Brent Road. -Meet at IGA parking lot in Summerland at 0800 (0740 at HH north parking lot in P’ton) -Carpool and drive to the Highway 97 pulloff near Brent Road. -Take a route up to the old flume line, then northwest to the Peachland Pass area, then up Mount Eneas. -Likely, we will descend to the east from the summit, a bit steeper than the way up, but quite direct.-Decide on a location for debriefing and refreshment. If you intend to join us, I would appreciate a heads up from you. I am not entirely certain that I will be there on Thursday, though it appears increasingly likely that I will. However, I’d appreciate it very much if someone would volunteer to lead if necessary. Also, I will be missing the Thursdays of September 7 and 14. If anyone wishes to step in for me, I would appreciate it Cheers, Jim.

Hi Matt, As an old “Rugger Bugger” and a member of the Rowing Club I thought I’d just forward this news which I circulated through our Golf Club yesterday. He passed away on Friday pm. Pat I’m copying you as an interested squasher, who still has the scars of many doubles encounters with Haddock, let alone automobile battles in front of the Multnomah Club, Portland! Anne’s doing marvelously well. Scars healing well. staples out, exercise regime in full swing, as is physio now at 2 1/2 weeks. Head nurse, cook , gardener and bottle-washer exhausted and pining for golf!! Oh to be on the links again! maybe a chance this week! Will stay in touch. Cheers, Andrew

Good afternoon fellow West Pointers, I have received the sad news that David Haddleton passed away yesterday @ 3pm at Evergreen Care Home in White Rock. He was 82 and had been suffering with Alzheimer's disease for some time.Many of us will remember him fondly as a keen sportsman, particularly cricket, rugby, squash and golf. He joined West Point Club in 2002, was Director-at-Large in 2005, and Club captain in 2006. Lorne Lindsay featured him in one of his memorable “Member’s Sketches” in 2014, which can be found on our website under " retired members”.We will always remember him for his jovial camaraderie and his unique style. We’ll miss him greatly. He leaves behind his wife Barbara and son Chris. A Celebration of Life will be held in the near future. Condolences to the family Regards, Andrew


Saturday, 26 August 2017

Childe Harold to the Dark Tower Came Singing the One Over Two Blues: Saturday, August 26th!

When we have the courage to speak out -- to break our silence -- we inspire the rest of the "moderates" in our communities to speak up and voice their views. -Sharon Schuster 

Chloë better hurry up and move as El Diablo Duke was wreaking havoc by 5:30 am this morning so I gave in to his insistent fussings and went into the garage to dismantle the cat door barricade. I decided I wouldn't actually release the catch on the flap to see if Curious George would open it on his own, as he has done many times before when I've not covered it. Leaving him, and Miss Etta, who tagged along, to their own devices, I returned to bed to sleep until just before 7:00 am when Houdini returned to knock the framed Karsh portrait off the bureau beside the bed. Fortunately, the glass didn't break, much to Duke's annoyance, I presume! 

To prevent any further, potential breakage, my own will broken, I struggled out of bed to make my way to the kitchen, leaving Lady Dar to sleep peacefully, while I zapped my mug of java and prepared the morning feast for the sleek and saucy felines. Really quite cool this morning and after I'd finished my various tasks in the kitchen I actually donned one of Dusty's sweatshirts to make myself more comfortable as I sat at my keyboard. Overnight temperatures are certainly conducive for sleeping but signal the fast approaching Fall!

I will be heading to the Farmers' Market this morning, around 9:30 am. Not sure if Lady Dar will join me as she has invited Maya for lunch, [I gather they might have stayed in OK Falls last night.], so she might need to do some preparation/shopping for that as well as for dinner with Lighthalls and their guests, Anne and Byron, along with Judy Pratt, this evening. We will play some bridge while Anne and Lynne and your Mom, visit. Must away to have a bite to eat before I stroll downtown.

Had a grand time at Farmers' Market this morning, around 10:30 am, after a quick visit with good friends of ours, particularly of Chloë's, (Maya, David, Declan and Reuvan), at The Bench Market, on Vancouver Avenue, after spending the night with friends in OK Falls, en route to Vernon where Maya has an aunt and grandmother. That evening we had five for dinner, Lighthalls and their guests, Anne and Byron, from Vancouver, along with Judy Pratt, whom you have met here, on a number of bridge occasions. We played some bridge while Anne and Lynne and Lady Dar visited. I am very pleased to report that I had high score, primarily as I bid and made two contracts, 5 Diamonds first, [Judy was my partner.], and then a few hands later, 5 Spades, Doubled, by Byron, [Jugos was my partner.], and Redoubled, by me, both times! Gave me 4,970 points by the end of the evening!

Hello Papa, Thank you so much for the wedding photos. We are currently making an album and these are a big help. Sorry it took a while for the response. I've been so busy after my first week in the LAFD drill tower. I've already learned so much and it's only going in the second week. It was great seeing you for the wedding and we are trying to figure my future schedule to plan a trip up there to see you, nana, and Chloe. Thanks again for the photos.
Love, Alex and Samantha

Hello Patrick and Corinne, It looks like I can make other plans for Tuesday. Can you please confirm with me. Looking into the week of Sept.3rd, we will not be back before Wednesday Sept 6th from Vancouver, and will miss Gill and Phil's farewell potluck.Hope to see both of them this Monday on our hike. Have a great time with your company and I'll see you when we are back again.
Happy Greetings, Jos
 Tuesday is definitely out for us. When do you leave for Vancouver? Corinne So it looks like the pot luck and bridge is off for next week so just want to say bye to you all, have a great winter and see you next year - probably we're not back till mid March time. Take care and have fun Gill
thanks to both of you for an enjoyable evening of eating, drinking , conversation and playing cards. I enjoyied all and meeting your friends. I would love to have the salmon recipe, Corinne. It was dielicious!!! Judy xoxox