Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing
exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the
well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed. -Herman Melville, novelist and
poet (1 Aug 1819-1891)
Hi Barista Goil! Nothing but the best at The Vernon Villa! Be careful, we might just be knocking on your door after Lady Dar's next wedding in Kamloops, weekend of 19th so start saving your corn cobs!
On the feline front, Amanda, our neighbour who looks after Etta and Duke while we are away, told us that one or the other has now learned how to open the cat door, in the garage, when it is locked! Last few nights I have to "barricade" the door, with a bridge table, to keep the escapees inside once we lure them in for night! Added to that, Duke somehow managed to lose his collar while we were at Little Shuswap.

Fortunately, we had an extra one and Lady Dar was able to obtain/engrave a new name/phone tag at PetCo so he is now sporting a dashing red collar. Fashionista Woman thinks this is his colour anyway! Buona Fortuna with more unpacking and settling in. Please keep in mind that Lady Dar would rather not sleep on a mattress on the floor but in a California King in a room with a view and a wine fridge! Fondestos and Cheers to you, Cappuccino Lady, The Crazy Katzenjammer Kids and Beer Can Brian, Patrizzio! Pics: Dapper Duke!
[Hazy evening at Spanish Banks]
Hi rubberman, hope y haven't had to be untied. What's the name/location of that clifftop property in Oregon or California we were talking about? S Hi Stretch King! You will be pleased to know I have printed out the instructions and will read them while noshing on my brunch, shortly. Also plan to call the dottore's office to make an appointment for a cortisone shot. I think he will be sympathetic as he is receiving same for his right hip! More damn firewood to put the skill to once I've fortified myself. Smoke is still as thick as it was yesterday and Lady Dar can feel its effects in her chest.
Not quite sure which spot you are referring to. If in California, could it be Mendocino and surrounding headlands, gorgeous cliffs? Or Big Sur? Around Crescent City are the magnificent redwoods but not right on coast. I might also have mentioned the Wolf Creek Inn, just off the I-5, about 25 minutes north of Grants Pass. Perhaps you could jog my memory with a tad more context and I might recall our conversation and specific spot in question. Must away as frying pan awaits. Cheers, Elasto-Man! Thanks, it was Mendocino 💸
Hi Jen! My wife, Corinne Durston,
and I would like to attend the Wine Club "Pick Up Party" on August 25th
at the Wine Shop in Penticton. I assume this is at Painted Rock. Thanks.
Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks for your email. We look forward to seeing you and Corinne at the pick-up party on August 25th. It is being held at the tasting room from 5:30pm-7:30pm. Did you want us to have the 6 Skaha wines ready for you or would you like to make your selections at the party? Best regards, Jill Hi Jill! Thanks for confirmation.
We'd like the 6 Skaha wines ready for pick-up and will probably add to
the selection at the party. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
With only a bit of a head wind, 13 kph, I decided to buck it and head to Summerland. Was pleased as punch when I reached Trout Creek as I had managed to hit an AVG of 22 kph and felt I could push it above 23 kph on return leg. By the time I'd dipsy-doodled my way through that community and made the run to Crescent Beach I had jsut over 34 km on the clock so knew I was in good shape for a 60 km ride. Tail wind seemed, or was, far stronger than Garmin's reading of 13 kph. Whatever it was it literally swooshed me along so by the time I was past Red Wing West I had reached 24.1 kph. Shrieking with delight I made my way back along Riverside to eventually loop PTC and then back to roundabout to hit Ellis. Maintained the earlier AVG but dropped back to 24 kph as quite a brisk cross-wind on short stretch up White was too, too much for my weary legs, tired from effort along Lakeshore. Still, one of my best postings for a flatland ride in some time so more than chuffed. Map and Stats for ride:
Patrizzio, aka Condutoré todos de Eventos Sociales …Happy August. Hazy day today. Still 25c at sundown with humidity off the scale. The trails in Richmond are closed due to fire hazard, so that ride is out, but I have been doing evening rides along the greenway, seawall and Spanish Banks. Mostly without the Garmon - too much pressure to perform, stop for java, photo ops, or listen to the Folk Fest - which works from outside the enclosure!
As (it appears) you are expecting hordes of freeloaders in August, perhaps I could drop by with my truck after the summer madness and help you haul some firewood. I will publish my cargo rates shortly. Pics to follow. I must get a smaller camera than my Nikon. The iPhone camera is “ok”, but no optical zoom, hard to hold and very few technical options. Saw a fantastic compact little camera at London Drugs: huge optical zoom, stabilizer, .. the whole 9 yards - including the prices tag! Well, true to my infamous terseness, not much new in my life - still working on getting the workshop functional. I'll make you a surprise woodwork project which you will have to display prominently - at least when I visit! Branko
[Hazy evening at Spanish Banks]
Hi Ragin', aka Nikon Man, soon to be Compact Camera Optical Zoom Zoomer, et al! True to my "infamous terseness" what follows are excerpts taken from the pages of El Diario de Condutoré todos de Eventos Sociales! Thanks for the great snaps of The Big Smoke! Welcome to the club! Have been dealing with this since we returned from Little Shuswap, this past Sunday. Tuesday evening we enjoyed fabulous two-table play, at Judy Blue's place, [She provided luscious cherries, most quaffable Sauvignon Blanc and lip-smacking Key Lime pie; sparkling Sparkling from Josinta to toast their new grandson, Arlo; tasty gingersnaps, Naramata Goi], with Lady Dar making a Grand Slam, although she and Josinta only bid 5 Clubs, altough I encouraged them to reach for the sky! Probably play this Monday evening, of the long-weekend, as it seems to suit most people. A number of us can also play on Tuesday so not sure, as of this writing, which evening it will be. Lady Dar and I are delighted to host either night.
Pleased that you are considering another visit, after "Summer Madness", as you so rightly name it, subsides. On Tuesday, spoke to Phillipo and he is anxious for me to remove as much wood as possible from their place. He is the Fire Safe rep for Spiller Road and is very concerned about fuel load around his home and those of neighbours, of course. In fact, there was a wildfire, south of Naramata Road, about a km from Terravista and they were evacuated until it was able to be suppressed. Luigi, from both hiking group and book club, was walking on the KVR with a friend and she thinks she may well have seen two men who may well have been responsible for setting it. No actual proof, of course, but from appearance, pretty rough looking characters, riding without helmets, away from where fire was blazing, throwing up a huge plume of smoke. More than frightening and so terribly unconscionable, even if started from a cigarette butt, or something more sinister or malicious.
Well, must away, as I want to deal with firewood before we take our felines to SPCA for their schedules shots. Lady Dar picked up a fancy, smancy pet carrier, worth more than your pick-up, [I would simply stuff them into separate wine boxes!], so will give it a test run shortly! Buona Fortuna with functionalizing workshop. Can hardly wait for woodwork project present! Have my fingers crossed for clothesline steps! Cheers, Patrizzio
Below is what I'm about to send out to Book Club members. Senka's/Bobolino's home is simply gorgeous, beautifully furnished after wonderful, wonderful renovations to existing, rather ordinary rancher-style home. The covered patio is huge and a fabulous area for entertaining at all times of the year, except perhaps in the deepest of a fierce winter. When Ben wasn't guarding the food he entertained us by rolling around in the middle of the extensive lawn off the patio. Cucumbers and mint were from their large garden. They keep chickens as well.
Hello Book Club Bureaucrats at the Ministry of Utmost Happiness, Terravista Jurisdiction!
Thanks, muchly, to Senka, and Ben, it goes without saying, for hosting such a wonderful evening, in such a gorgeous setting and providing incredibly delicious, delicious cheeses, dips and cooling cucumber slices, not to mention the Fandango! Thanks, as well, to the others for the many bottles of wine and to everyone for the lively exchange of opinions and personal experience relating to When Breath Becomes Air.
Near the close of the gathering, Senka suggested The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, by Arundhati Roy, and the group agreed that this will be the next selection. I must admit that I have only a vague recollection, [Please blame the wine induced euphoria and ever so congenial company of The Sisterhood!], of where the next gathering will take place and on which date. I seem to recall that Pamela offered to host in October, sometime, but will confirm this as soon as Lady Dar is back from yoga class, executing Downward Facing Cat, as well as sending along some of her reading suggestions. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Book Club with a View!
With only a bit of a head wind, 13 kph, I decided to buck it and head to Summerland. Was pleased as punch when I reached Trout Creek as I had managed to hit an AVG of 22 kph and felt I could push it above 23 kph on return leg. By the time I'd dipsy-doodled my way through that community and made the run to Crescent Beach I had jsut over 34 km on the clock so knew I was in good shape for a 60 km ride. Tail wind seemed, or was, far stronger than Garmin's reading of 13 kph. Whatever it was it literally swooshed me along so by the time I was past Red Wing West I had reached 24.1 kph. Shrieking with delight I made my way back along Riverside to eventually loop PTC and then back to roundabout to hit Ellis. Maintained the earlier AVG but dropped back to 24 kph as quite a brisk cross-wind on short stretch up White was too, too much for my weary legs, tired from effort along Lakeshore. Still, one of my best postings for a flatland ride in some time so more than chuffed. Map and Stats for ride:
Patrizzio, aka Condutoré todos de Eventos Sociales …Happy August. Hazy day today. Still 25c at sundown with humidity off the scale. The trails in Richmond are closed due to fire hazard, so that ride is out, but I have been doing evening rides along the greenway, seawall and Spanish Banks. Mostly without the Garmon - too much pressure to perform, stop for java, photo ops, or listen to the Folk Fest - which works from outside the enclosure!
As (it appears) you are expecting hordes of freeloaders in August, perhaps I could drop by with my truck after the summer madness and help you haul some firewood. I will publish my cargo rates shortly. Pics to follow. I must get a smaller camera than my Nikon. The iPhone camera is “ok”, but no optical zoom, hard to hold and very few technical options. Saw a fantastic compact little camera at London Drugs: huge optical zoom, stabilizer, .. the whole 9 yards - including the prices tag! Well, true to my infamous terseness, not much new in my life - still working on getting the workshop functional. I'll make you a surprise woodwork project which you will have to display prominently - at least when I visit! Branko
[Hazy evening at Spanish Banks]
Hi Ragin', aka Nikon Man, soon to be Compact Camera Optical Zoom Zoomer, et al! True to my "infamous terseness" what follows are excerpts taken from the pages of El Diario de Condutoré todos de Eventos Sociales! Thanks for the great snaps of The Big Smoke! Welcome to the club! Have been dealing with this since we returned from Little Shuswap, this past Sunday. Tuesday evening we enjoyed fabulous two-table play, at Judy Blue's place, [She provided luscious cherries, most quaffable Sauvignon Blanc and lip-smacking Key Lime pie; sparkling Sparkling from Josinta to toast their new grandson, Arlo; tasty gingersnaps, Naramata Goi], with Lady Dar making a Grand Slam, although she and Josinta only bid 5 Clubs, altough I encouraged them to reach for the sky! Probably play this Monday evening, of the long-weekend, as it seems to suit most people. A number of us can also play on Tuesday so not sure, as of this writing, which evening it will be. Lady Dar and I are delighted to host either night.
Pleased that you are considering another visit, after "Summer Madness", as you so rightly name it, subsides. On Tuesday, spoke to Phillipo and he is anxious for me to remove as much wood as possible from their place. He is the Fire Safe rep for Spiller Road and is very concerned about fuel load around his home and those of neighbours, of course. In fact, there was a wildfire, south of Naramata Road, about a km from Terravista and they were evacuated until it was able to be suppressed. Luigi, from both hiking group and book club, was walking on the KVR with a friend and she thinks she may well have seen two men who may well have been responsible for setting it. No actual proof, of course, but from appearance, pretty rough looking characters, riding without helmets, away from where fire was blazing, throwing up a huge plume of smoke. More than frightening and so terribly unconscionable, even if started from a cigarette butt, or something more sinister or malicious.
Well, must away, as I want to deal with firewood before we take our felines to SPCA for their schedules shots. Lady Dar picked up a fancy, smancy pet carrier, worth more than your pick-up, [I would simply stuff them into separate wine boxes!], so will give it a test run shortly! Buona Fortuna with functionalizing workshop. Can hardly wait for woodwork project present! Have my fingers crossed for clothesline steps! Cheers, Patrizzio
Below is what I'm about to send out to Book Club members. Senka's/Bobolino's home is simply gorgeous, beautifully furnished after wonderful, wonderful renovations to existing, rather ordinary rancher-style home. The covered patio is huge and a fabulous area for entertaining at all times of the year, except perhaps in the deepest of a fierce winter. When Ben wasn't guarding the food he entertained us by rolling around in the middle of the extensive lawn off the patio. Cucumbers and mint were from their large garden. They keep chickens as well.
Hello Book Club Bureaucrats at the Ministry of Utmost Happiness, Terravista Jurisdiction!
Thanks, muchly, to Senka, and Ben, it goes without saying, for hosting such a wonderful evening, in such a gorgeous setting and providing incredibly delicious, delicious cheeses, dips and cooling cucumber slices, not to mention the Fandango! Thanks, as well, to the others for the many bottles of wine and to everyone for the lively exchange of opinions and personal experience relating to When Breath Becomes Air.
Near the close of the gathering, Senka suggested The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, by Arundhati Roy, and the group agreed that this will be the next selection. I must admit that I have only a vague recollection, [Please blame the wine induced euphoria and ever so congenial company of The Sisterhood!], of where the next gathering will take place and on which date. I seem to recall that Pamela offered to host in October, sometime, but will confirm this as soon as Lady Dar is back from yoga class, executing Downward Facing Cat, as well as sending along some of her reading suggestions. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Book Club with a View!
I have not yet received any expressions of interest in the Old Farts Baldy hike planned for Thursday and am wondering whether we should consider postponing until the smoke subsides. Please let me know whether (or not) you are interested in proceeding this week despite the smoke.
Hi Hikers, Next week we are continuing to stay high (elevationwise, that is) to beat the heat. Larry Shannon has offered to lead a repeat of our last years assault of Mount Baldy. We did this hike during the first week of August last year and were greeted by a fabulous display of flowers. This year should be even better due to the wet spring season.
Larry has suggested that we meet up with him and any members of the southern contingent at the Oliver hospital parking lot at 8:30 AM. So, we should plan to meet at the Penticton Home Hardware parking lot by 7:30 for carpooling (Summerlanders 7:10 at IGA). Since it is a long trip, a contribution to the drivers of $10 per passenger is suggested. Please let me know whether you are planning to join us so we can have an idea of how many to expect. Cheers,
Peter It appears that the smoke has won and the Baldy hike planned for Thursday will have to be rescheduled for a later date when the the conditions are more favourable and there is a critical mass of people available to do the hike. Peter
Hi folks can you please fill out the attached form and I need the following pieces of paper: For the mortgage broker. 😳😬🤦��♀️ Attached is the application for your parents. Have them fill it out and send it over with the following:
Larry has suggested that we meet up with him and any members of the southern contingent at the Oliver hospital parking lot at 8:30 AM. So, we should plan to meet at the Penticton Home Hardware parking lot by 7:30 for carpooling (Summerlanders 7:10 at IGA). Since it is a long trip, a contribution to the drivers of $10 per passenger is suggested. Please let me know whether you are planning to join us so we can have an idea of how many to expect. Cheers,
Peter It appears that the smoke has won and the Baldy hike planned for Thursday will have to be rescheduled for a later date when the the conditions are more favourable and there is a critical mass of people available to do the hike. Peter
Hi folks can you please fill out the attached form and I need the following pieces of paper: For the mortgage broker. 😳😬🤦��♀️ Attached is the application for your parents. Have them fill it out and send it over with the following:
Hi Loft Sale Person! Having a bit of difficulty retrieving tax info. Could you see if you can print out this attachment for necessary info on A Windows based machine. Let me know what you are able to do. Buona Fortuna, Dad! Sorry D, this file is not allowing me to open it on my work PC. Hi Chloë!
Thanks for trying to print tax file. Not to worry as I think we can obtain what is required from the CRA files we have access to. However, could you ask Chris if he really needs the entire TI set of forms or will a summary, showing income, tax paid, or refund, suffice. I've printed out the form for 2014 and it is 16 pages long and I don't believe it has any more useful information than the refund page. At any rate, you can look at what we have when you are up this coming weekend. Love and Cheers, Dad!
Hello Sunshine Valley People! Trust all goes well with you both. Thanks for best wishes when we were at Little Shuswap. Unfortunately, we were back home by the time I read your message to say hello to The Squamoids but will certainly pass along your regards when I send out the album of snaps I took over the course of the wedding weekend. More guilt is piling up, upon guilt already there, on my poor shoulders! Take care of yourselves and we'll chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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