The most certain test by which we can judge whether a country is really
free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities. -Lord Acton (John
Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton), historian (1834-1902)
Wayne Sutherland Is it smoky in Penticton. Patrick James Dunn Still
very much so although forecast had suggested it was supposed to abate,
somewhat. Chloë had a snap, from Krissy, in Squamish and it is worse
there. Heard a report on CBC that Sea-to-Sky Gondola visits are down by
50%, I think, as no views at top. Talked to our new neighbour, across
back lane, up to continue some renovations and he said smoke around
Princeton was terrible. Snap from our back patio steps and one can
barely make out the hills to the west! Fortunately, I'm able to wear a
face-mask, soaked in malt, when I ride! Cheers!!!
Tummler, we are just back from a ride down Vancouver island (with Amira) - Coombs to Crofton via Nanaimo and across Salt Spring. A couple days on the touring bikes loaded down. I thought of you on my first ride of significance in sometime. My former status of Jack diminished to Myrtle as I try to find my bike legs again. Just wonderful to be back on the bike.
We stopped at Kurt's (aka the Church of Nanaimo) for an overnight. They have recovered somewhat after being run over (literally) by a truck in a crosswalk more than a year ago. They are now suing ICBC and the driver... yuck. Need some reading suggestions - what ya got? What's the club reading? Jane should be back on Saturday if the plan holds. Hope to see you here or there sometime soon. Fond regards to all. G
Hello Goats On The Roof People! What a great outing! I'm impressed, indeed! Myrtle Smyrtle, you should be called 20 Mule Train and have stopped in at Madroña Manor to have emptied Grogg's wine cellar! Not sure if I knew about what sounds like Kurt's/Nadienka's very, very serious accident! Mein Gott, Traugott! Lucky he obviously has The Big Man on his side at The Church of Nanaimo. Must be because of the more than plentiful liquid offerings!
Next selection, for our book club is The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, [the second novel by Indian writer Arundhati Roy, published in 2017, twenty years after her debut, The God of Small Things, a work I also want to read.], which you should know, if you read my latest missive, in all its glorious entirety! When Breath Becomes Air, last selection, by Paul Kalanithi, [Interestingly enough, an Indian-American neurosurgeon and writer.], makes a most interesting counterpoint to Ian Brown's Sixty: A Diary of My Sixty-First Year, so thank you for that lovely gift.
On the "lighter" side, I have a growing stack of books on my bedside bureau: Jessi Adler-Olsen's The Marco Effect; Ina McEwan's Nutshell; Martin Cruz Smith's Tatiana and Stalin's Ghost; Charles McCarry's The Tears of Autumn; Jo Nesbø's Thirst, the eleventh in his Harry Hole series and Lawrence Hill's The Illegal. On the non-fiction side, I need to make time for Maria Tippett's Portrait in Light and Shadow: The Life of Yousuf Karsh, which came with the small, but nonetheless, striking portrait of an unidentified WW II Canadian airman I bought at the last PAG fund-raiser!
Brought back wonderful memories of an afternoon we spent, in Paris, in 2013, at the end of stay in Languedoc/canal barge trip with Flamin'/Sarge, at a gallery, housed in an incredible mansion, just off the Right Bank of the Seine, run by and for US Ex-pats, of an exhibition of Karsh's iconic portraits of US politicians, celebrities, artists, journalists, etc. Once Lady Dar deigns to send out her rather extensive list, to book club, I'll forward a copy to you. Cheque's in the mail, so to speak!!!

Hi Patrice, Perfect !. I think the person you described on the ATV just drove by here so I am going to flag them down and direct them to Burns St. and you can plan some world domination over a glass of hootch!. Cheers, Al
Hi Survivalist Man! ATV chap just arrived and we've given him and his mates your reservation as we seem to have much more in common with them than you and Marlilyn. Simply amazed at what a few hits of crystal meth does for my AVG! Can hardly wait for next year's GranFondo!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar and Chloë to you both. Stay well, take care of yourselves and we look forward to your coming visit towards month's end. I'm sure you'll be more than comfortable on yoga mats, on back patio, under the stars with Etta and Duke to keep you company as ATVers will still be here, partying! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Latest wildfire alert!
Dear conspiracy denier and fogged over “owner” of the Penticton Spokesfeline You may have missed the CBC report while trying to hitch a ride home after a flat … Certain news stories simply “disappear” without a trace. They are just too volatile and incite public outrage. The storage devices used, get a USA (DOD) 5220-22 M security erase [7 overwrites]. The canine in question comes from the Kamloops SPCA, which for canines is second only to a post war Russian Gulag, or Guantanamo Bay. In short, it is full of cats. Canines, who survive, leave with “baggage”. Thus they take devilish pleasure in annoying cats. Here s additional evidence Branko
Hello "The Mooch"! I thought that you had been fired, days ago! Both you and Juno obviously need PTSD counseling! Cheap rates and guaranteed success at Shelving Centrale! Fondestos from Lady Dar and Chloë to you and your traumatized pooch! Stay well, take care of yourselves and we look forward to your coming visit, post Summer Madness! Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio, aka Freeloader Extraordinaire!
Hello hikers I am back from a short trip and do not see anything organised for tomorrow. I will try one I did quite a few years back, climbing down to Ellis Creek from the Lost Moose, then negotiating the creek bed to the Peters Bros gravel pit and coming back up onto Carmi Ave. This does not include any great uphill exertion so the smoke should not be a problem. There is a fair amount of rock scrambling to get down to the creek. and you will get wet crossing the creek-bed several times. Meet at S’land IGA at 0740 or HH at 0800. Let me know (by 7:30 tomorrow) if you are coming as I need at least one other vehicle involved. Cheers Tony
Katie arrived, from Vernon, around 3:00 pm, sans children, but with armfuls of dirty laundry! Their washing machine isn't working and they are unable to have Maytag Man visit for two weeks! After we had visited for a bit, The Sisterhood went to scope out various properties that Gill had left with Chloë. Shortly after they departed I suited/lubed up and was sailing down Ellis just after 4:00 pm. Still a fairly heavy blanket of smoke and a reasonable head wind out of the north at 11 kph so I decided that I'd just plug into auto-pilot and select The Hamster Cage setting. Of late, I have tried to cycle the PTC/Lakeshore/Riverside/KVR/Vancouver route regualre, extended loop, in top gear. Not too, too much of a challenge except on the two or three small, short hills between Ellis and Townley which all lead to Vancouver, particularly when facing a head wind. Gerbilized for three full loops and added a number of dipys-doodles off Power and Dynes for some extra distance before making final run back to Burns. Not a particularity good AVG but I was pleased that I had managed to keep it above my base AVG 20 kph, given relatively short runs, when not fighting wind, as opposed to longer stretches of day before, where one can often achieve a higher AVG. Map and Stats for ride:
Great meal when everyone was back, showered and changed, as Goils went for swim after hot work of house hunting. Cannery Brewing's Muse Pale Ale and Twisted Hills Pippin's Fate cider to quench our considerable thirst, with grilled shrimp, c/o Lady Dar's considerable bbq skills and then fresh salmon with cauliflower, from market, along with a wonderful buffalo mozarella, tomatoe, mint saldin, last two ingredients from our certified organic planters! A 2014 Noble Ridge Pinot, 14.8% was the more than poifect pairing for the subtle salmon!
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