All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed. -Sean O'Casey, playwright (1880-1964)
Hi Bridge comrades, I am feeling a lot better and hope to make Bridge tonight but still am not sure. Count me in for now, hugs, Olly Hi Patrick, Count me out tonite. Was sick over the weekend so am going to lay low today as still feeling a bit lethargic. Enjoy good cards!! Judy Sorry, but cannot join you. Susan Hi Patrick and others Ann here I can come if you need a 4th or 8th but dont want to be a 5th or 9th wheel ๐. Let me know Hi Ann! Looks like we only have one table. Thanks for responding. If you have another friend who plays that would make seven. If I don't hear back I'll assume you won't be coming. In any case, look forward to seeing you next week if not this evening. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!Until the next time.....Good cards to all!
2019 SOWTS Membership Invitation: The deadline for our members to pay their 2019 Membership has expired. We have several openings this year. As you are on our membership wait-list we are offering you an opportunity to join the South Okanagan Whiskey Tasting Society. In order to secure your spot, please reply within 24 hours accepting the Membership. Should you accept this offer your Membership Admission Fee for the initial year is $60. Subsequent year Membership Fee is $35 Hi Dame Judith! Thank you for the opportunity to join SOWTS. I will pay you on Thursday if that is fine with you. Cheers, Patrizzio!
You betcha. At an event all morning. Louise is taking Colin and I out to Summerland. She wants to drive as she is a non drinker and she offered to take us. Represent you....hmmm. Dame Judith BookBrowse: This is a great web site. Thought if you didn't know about this you might like to check it out. Cheers Corinne
Hello Lumberjacks! Thanks to everyone for
all their fine work, gathering firewood and sawing thousands of board
feet! To St Kilian, without question, for keeping the home fires
burning. Although not a true hike, in the Tyrannosaurus, or Tony The
Tiger, sense, the trek along the KVR was wonderful indeed, the massive
rock faces stunning and the creek a delight.
I think I can speak for all when I say that the recent slide reminded us, yet again, just how puny and rather insignificant we are in the face of the enormous force and beauty, terrible at times, as the slide evidences, we hike through. Again, thanks for lovely, lovely day and heartwarming companionship. Looking forward to seeing many of Cheers you on Thursday for a picnic extraordinaire beside a blazing bonfire! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, I think you have sent this to the wrong “Mary Lee”. Could you please remove my name from your email list? Thank you. Mary Lee Hi Mary! Sorry about this. While it was my mistake I didn't realize that the system had picked up your address from the UBC Contacts list. Although retired from UBC I still use the email system. The Mary Lee I know changed her email address and I was attempting to update my hiking list. I have removed your name. Again, sorry for the mistake. Cheers, Patrick! Hi Mary Lee! Trust you are doing well. Had a wrong address for you when I first sent this out. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Merci Patrick! Great photos!,...was very nice to see you and Corinne last Friday and share the enjoyment of being at the Tuneagers concert See you Thursday at the Christmas party...I hope I get the details from the group I missed the outing partially because I had a very poor sleep last night and also I needed to make a few important phone calls to family this morning Please forward the details for Thursday's outing in case I don't hear anything from Al Tinka.. I appreciate your sharing the photos ....Elle๐๐
I think I can speak for all when I say that the recent slide reminded us, yet again, just how puny and rather insignificant we are in the face of the enormous force and beauty, terrible at times, as the slide evidences, we hike through. Again, thanks for lovely, lovely day and heartwarming companionship. Looking forward to seeing many of Cheers you on Thursday for a picnic extraordinaire beside a blazing bonfire! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, I think you have sent this to the wrong “Mary Lee”. Could you please remove my name from your email list? Thank you. Mary Lee Hi Mary! Sorry about this. While it was my mistake I didn't realize that the system had picked up your address from the UBC Contacts list. Although retired from UBC I still use the email system. The Mary Lee I know changed her email address and I was attempting to update my hiking list. I have removed your name. Again, sorry for the mistake. Cheers, Patrick! Hi Mary Lee! Trust you are doing well. Had a wrong address for you when I first sent this out. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Merci Patrick! Great photos!,...was very nice to see you and Corinne last Friday and share the enjoyment of being at the Tuneagers concert See you Thursday at the Christmas party...I hope I get the details from the group I missed the outing partially because I had a very poor sleep last night and also I needed to make a few important phone calls to family this morning Please forward the details for Thursday's outing in case I don't hear anything from Al Tinka.. I appreciate your sharing the photos ....Elle๐๐
Hi Murielle! Glad you enjoyed the snapolas. We enjoyed the concert immensely and it was terrific to visit with you as well. Sorry about your poor sleep. Did you receive message I forwarded to you about tomorrow's picnic? Rendezvous at IGA at 10:00 am, Thursday, December 6th, if not. Fondestos from Lady Dar! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Lady Dar's decorations, to date, and Christmas Cat, Duke, Christmas Cactus and Christmas Tree! Picture over mantle was painted by Corinne's Dad, a number of years ago, so it is particularly touching and meaningful to us as he died, at 94, after a wonderful, wonderful life, two years ago. He also did a large Frosty the Snowman which we hang on our front door so you needs must pop by before you head south to see it!
Dear Patrick Thank you very much for your kind invitation - if we win the lottery we’ll be there! We had neighbours over for drinks and nibbles on Friday - they left at 1.30am so hangovers were the order of the next day! Yesterday the girls, boys and Carol came for lunch so another boozy do. Got work today - I was made redundant recently so next Monday my last day. I won’t miss getting up and coming home in the cold and dark but will miss the camaraderie. Love to all Penny xx
Wow that looks like a heck of a christmas tree! Huge! Thanks for the offer of the open house, sure hope we can go! Will be staying on hill Dec. and January starting next week. Come up and snowshoe! Just give me a email before you come or text to make sure we are in. Tue and Wed I downhill ski, but hope most weekends to snowshoe! I am surprised Lady Dar isn't in Mexico yet! We just came back from Isla Mujeres just loved it. Miss the sun already! Being a snowbird is starting to sound pretty attractive!~ ttyl Judy
I did pause after writing that line...but then I thought nah, I'm going to leave it as is. Living life on the edge in retirement๐๐ We are still treeless. Bill likes to go into the bush and harvest a tree. I like TH Wines very much. I discovered them in Calgary before moving here. Looking forward to meeting Kimo and Joanna on Dec 15.
This is a great web site. Thought if you didn't know about this you might like to check it out. Cheers Corinne Thanks Corinne; I actually have both of these books on my e-reader for Mexico. are you coming to book club on Thursday? Yes, Louise is picking up Colin and I. Judi I think we should all meet at our place 611 Burns St. and car pool.It doesn't make sense to only have 3 people in one car if Lou only picks up Colin and Judi.That way we can have 4 in one car and five in another. Cheers Corinne Lou is picking me up too (at 6:30). Thank you Lou๐ Pamela That's great so those 4 can go as a group and the rest of us can car pool from our place. Corinne
Dear Patrick Thank you very much for your kind invitation - if we win the lottery we’ll be there! We had neighbours over for drinks and nibbles on Friday - they left at 1.30am so hangovers were the order of the next day! Yesterday the girls, boys and Carol came for lunch so another boozy do. Got work today - I was made redundant recently so next Monday my last day. I won’t miss getting up and coming home in the cold and dark but will miss the camaraderie. Love to all Penny xx
Wow that looks like a heck of a christmas tree! Huge! Thanks for the offer of the open house, sure hope we can go! Will be staying on hill Dec. and January starting next week. Come up and snowshoe! Just give me a email before you come or text to make sure we are in. Tue and Wed I downhill ski, but hope most weekends to snowshoe! I am surprised Lady Dar isn't in Mexico yet! We just came back from Isla Mujeres just loved it. Miss the sun already! Being a snowbird is starting to sound pretty attractive!~ ttyl Judy

This is a great web site. Thought if you didn't know about this you might like to check it out. Cheers Corinne Thanks Corinne; I actually have both of these books on my e-reader for Mexico. are you coming to book club on Thursday? Yes, Louise is picking up Colin and I. Judi I think we should all meet at our place 611 Burns St. and car pool.It doesn't make sense to only have 3 people in one car if Lou only picks up Colin and Judi.That way we can have 4 in one car and five in another. Cheers Corinne Lou is picking me up too (at 6:30). Thank you Lou๐ Pamela That's great so those 4 can go as a group and the rest of us can car pool from our place. Corinne
Pat, Enjoy your Open House on the 15th and the rest of the holiday season.
Thanks for the apples. They have been great and there are a few still left.
Sylvia and I are off to England for Christmas. All the best to you, Corinne, and Chloe. Ray
Thanks for the apples. They have been great and there are a few still left.
Sylvia and I are off to England for Christmas. All the best to you, Corinne, and Chloe. Ray
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