Sunday, 30 June 2019

The Lord Byng Babes Sing The Vernon Blues: Sunday, June 30th!

Not that I want to be a god or a hero. Just to change into a tree, grow for ages, not hurt anyone. -Czeslaw Milosz, poet and novelist (30 Jun 1911-2004) 

Up at just after 6:00 am as I slept very soundly and no kittens agitating for an early breakfast. Found a small feather beside the door to the living room so wondered about this. Sure enough, when I poked my head into the Rumpus Room the rug, between the round table and the cupboards was almost completely covered with feathers! Upon closer examination I discerned the bird's corpse, disemboweled, and in two parts, closer to the couch. Headed into the garage for a pair of disposable gloves and gathered up the torn carcass, putting it in a small bag and then into the garbage. Duke, of course, was keen to bat the remains around so I had to act quickly.

Once I was back I took out the vacuum hose and then hoovered the rug and surrounding area. I decided I'd wait until Lady Dar was up until I did the same to the rug in front of the fireplace as it had quite a few feathers, although no body parts, on it. However, as I was bringing the hose into the kitchen she started to berate me for my early morning fastidiousness! She as quite apologetic when I explained the reason for the activity so I decided to finish off the business at hand. There were a number of telltale feathers beside my bureau so I don't know if the huntress, [We assume it was Bengal Etta who caught the poor bird as she has done this a number of times before!], brought the kill into the bedroom as a present or if the feathers simply clung to her, or Duke's, coat, deposited there on their rounds.

Other than that, a simply gorgeous morning, the front garden lush with all the rain over the last few days. As Lady Dar is off to Winnipeg, on Monday, I will be the Constant Gardener for the following eleven days. Radishes are providing us with daily salad fixings and we are pleased as punch with how they taste. Didn't need to buy any at the Farmers' Market yesterday as we will be self-sufficient for next few weeks, I think. Same goes for zucchini, both yellow and green. Had both on Friday evening and they were simply delish! Even starting to pick a few small tomatoes so cannot complain in the least!

Waited for Chloë and Gaelen to arrive to collect VW winter tires for Lady Dar's bug, trade-in for Scrap-It program associated with eKona, sold to a woman in Vernon. They will mule them there as they are off to spend night with mutual school chum, Katie, and her family. Once I'd loaded them I started on my shouldares. Lady Dar was off to Osoyoos for a wedding at 3:00 pm and then she popped in to Spirit Ridge to see Clan Sutherland before heading home.

She stopped at a wonderful Mexican food truck, just outside Oliver, for some delish take-away and we enjoyed this for dinner. Had planned to watch Bosch, as mentioned, but some glitch made it impossible to enjoy. Seemed like streaming would stop and start, so we changed to a recorded episode of Call the Midwife, but problem persisted. Very, very annoying, as you can well imagine. Finally gave up and went to bed to read! 


Hi Summertime and the Bidding is Easy Kids! Had a grand evening this past Monday so many thanks to The Sisterhood for the lovely wine and nibblage! Lady Dar will be winging her way to The Peg, tomorrow, holiday Monday, and I suggest we play at Burns again, unless someone else would like to host. We can play Canada Day rules, (as opposed to Chicago), which stipulate that after each successful bid one lights a firecracker! I propose anytime between 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm as start time. Let me know what you think and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: The Bidding Babes! Lady Di sampling cider, [instead of playing online bridge!], at the Farmers' Market, along with Red Wing Goil, this Saturday! PS: O Susannah is here for the rest of the summer now, with a change in holiday plans, so although we are disappointed, for her, that her travel plans won't unfold, we are more than delighted that she will be around the bridge table. I can't play tomorrow. Working all day and having grand children for supper, fireworks and a sleep over, Dame Judith Count me in, Susan
 Hi Patrick. I can play Monday. Dianne

Hi Patrick, We are finishing our barge and bike tour in Holland - what a beautiful country it is. When you are riding through a country side all surrounding looks like a fairytale. We are doing about 50 km a day with usually strong head winds, so pretty good workout. Lucky for us we both have e-bikes, so we can move relatively fast having enough time for the sightseeing. But there is so much to see I wish we could have more time in a day. Holland is a road biking heaven. But you have to be very careful during rush hour in a city because everyone is on a bike and they ride like crazy at times. Tomorrow we are leaving this land of water going to Poland for the second part of our journey. So here it is, a few pictures of the places we have seen so far. Michaelo!

Hi Ski! Pleased to hear you made it home, lavender and apple slices intact! How were your sandwiches? Did you sell them and buy hootch with profits? Thanks for the grand visit. Enjoyed it immensely and only sorry it was so short. Lovely to meet Cherry Woman. Had a grand time at Farmers' Market on yesterday. You need to plan next visit to take this in. Hello to The Great Ronaldo. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrizio: Sandwiches were delicious. I was so glad I had them as well as the radishes and the apple, very considerate and thoughtful of you. My trip home was uneventful, all flights on time, slept most of the flights and splurged on a Starbucks coffee, delicious.

Arriving home, my friend, Shelley, picked me up and we went to the mall and the traffic was incredible. I have never experienced it before, but I rarely go to the mall. It was Grading Day and Maritimers are crazy about Grading Day. I think it is a ridiculous to treat the day like Christmas. I think it stems back to families feeling so proud that their child was getting an education that when he/she graded it was a big deal. I think an ice cream with a single scoop is just fine! ☺️ We then went to a cafe that has recently opened by vegan/rawfood friends and had a delicious quinoa salad , veggie pate sandwich with sauerkraut and a bean soup.

We then went grocery shopping and I finally made it home 3 hours later, lol. Ron called and said we were invited to a party an hour drive away for me, but it was a Department of Medicine catered dinner with all the wine you could drink if you were so inclined, so how could I refuse. The house is on Bras d'or lake and it is gorgeous. It belongs to a nephrologist and he and if wife have just finished building the house. It looks out onto the lake with a pool in front. The kitchen was the standard gorgeous granite counters with walnut or mahogany type cupboards - I liked it but I prefer your kitchen. I really liked all the people at the party so it was lovely to catch up. I didn't feel any jet lag, so that was good.

Saturday I planted seeds all day, cleaned up the yard and went and got my plants. I will have to send you some pictures of the arrangements, they are beautiful. I have them done by a lady who used to have a nursery. She has a greenhouse so the planter are full and beautiful at the start of the summer instead of waiting until August for them to fill out.

Today it poured but we rode our bikes to a community breakfast and visited with all the country folks. I then came home, hot tubed, (an neighbour came over yesterday to fix the hot tub) and then proceeded to clean the house for the rest of the day. It was so full of dog hair and dust!  Dinao came by tonight with her new boyfriend en-route to the Newfoundland ferry. We had a lovely shrimp curry dinner and I made a great apple crisp.

Now I am off to bed, but I thought I had better send you a quick synopsis of my return home. This is unusual for me to write so much, pardon my grammar and spelling. Good night, thanks again for having me and I hope I can do it again real soon, Love Rhoda

Hello Famiglia Dronkers! Trust all goes well in Calgary and Arlo is keeping you both busy! Grand time with plenty of visitors, bridge, Dream, PAG Dinner and Farmers' Market since you've been gone. On another matter, hootch related, Kevin Ritcey, august and revered President of SOWTS, has six bottles of whiskey at the Kensington Wine Market, paid in full and ready for pickup, for SOWTS inventory. It turns out that another member has four as well. [His mule suffered a torn achilles so planned trip had to be postponed!], so I was wondering, on behalf of SOWTS, and crippled mule, if you might be able to swing by Kennsington and transport said bottles, [basically a case of wine, more or less, in terms of size], back to Summerland and someone could collect malt, [Unopened!] at your place, unless you will be in Penticton, at some point, after you are back. Not a big deal if you are unable to do this but if so, it would certainly be much appreciated by all involved. If you are able to help out please let Kevin know and he'll provide details so that Kennsington knows you are legit mules and not just some freeloaders from Summerlandia! 

Once I've loaded them I'll start on my shouldares. Fondestos to Lady Dar to you both, just off to Osoyoos for a wedding at 3:00 pm. Afterwards she will pop in to Spirit Ridge to see Clan Sutherland, there for a  week or so, before heading home. Plan to be finished my shoulder exercises before she is back so that we can enjoy dinner together and view a couple more episodes of Bosch. Thanks again, and Cheers, Patrizzio "Mule Middleman"!

Pics: Dream this past Wednesday with Over the Moon, fab, fab husband/wife duo, from Longview, Alberta, where Ian Tyson is their rancher neighbour! They covered one of his songs and did so remarkably, remarkably movingly! PAG Auction/Dinner: Margaret Holm, [wife of Richard Cannings, our MP], with Lady Dar's successful bid! "Cousin" Michelle Dunn! Famiglia Tennant, of Terravista, Senka, Bob, their son Oliver and fianceé, Megan, both up from Vancouver; Ret, [first on left], and Dorothy Tinning, [third on left], at next table. As you both know, Dorothy is in hiking group, and she asked me to take a snap. FM: Wild Bill, just retired, on Friday, after 37 years, I believe at PenHi! Owner of Farmersdotter Organics, producers of garlic scape salt which Pam, Corinne's sister in Winnipeg, ordered. Lady Dar had to buy two more to replace ones Rhoda, visitor from Cape Breton, took to take back home! Avi, owner/designer of Natural Wool Knits. Using the pattern of the mixed greys, Avi will knit the vest similar to one on display. Lady Dar just happened to mention that this is what she wanted for a birthday present! Those Durstons! Jake; Bees from Cawston, community where Durston Honey Farm, [in Dauphin, Manitoba], bees over-winter! You can take the bees out of Manitoba but you can't take Manitoba out of the bees, or something like that!

Saturday, 29 June 2019

The Wild Man of Borneo and The Farmers' Market Blues: Saturday, June 29th!

The happiest is the person who suffers the least pain; the most miserable who enjoys the least pleasure. -Jean-Jacques Rousseau, philosopher and author (28 Jun 1712-1778) 

Pat, don’t know if you have been informed but Branko had a bad fall and is in the neurology ward at VGH. He somehow passed out and hit his head. Fortunately his boarder heard the noise and called 911. Inter-cranial bleeding. Doctors trying to figure out what happened. It happened Sunday June 22. He thought he may go home yesterday but they decided to keep him in for a few more days. He has his phone and iPad so is getting emails. Peter 

Hi Peter: Thanks for letting us know about Ragin'! That is the last thing he needed with everything else going on in his life! I hadn't heard from him lately and was planning to send along a message, trusting all was well, not knowing about his recent fall. [I can sympathize, having had two nasty spills, a day apart, while walking, last summer, in Europe, ending up in hospital, in Berlin, with pneumonia, for a week. Fortunately, no injury to my head, although Corinne and Chloë are not so sure!] I'll give him a call so thanks for the alert. Hope you are well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Nanaimo Goil! Glad you enjoyed snapolas. What a pleasure to meet Yvette and Jean and to see you again, as I mentioned. Have been busy with more visitors since you left last week. Good friend, Rhoda, was here, from Cape Breton, for a couple of nights and on Wednesday we took her to The Dream Café to see Over the Moon, a marvellous, marvellous, duo. Our waitress was a lovely young woman, Carmen, whom I'd met a few weeks ago when selling 50/50 tickets there. Over the course of the evening we discovered that she will be attending VIU this September and is looking for accommodation. Just wondering if you might be interested in having a student or perhaps know of someone else who is? Don't worry if not but we can vouch for Carmen if this is a possibility. She is a keen student and has a sister in Victoria so plans to visit her and her new niece when her studies allow. Rhoda has a sister in Nanaimo and has asked her same questions so there are a number of irons in the fire, on Carmen's behalf. Anyway, when you have a moment, let me know what you think. Thanks. Fondestos from Lady Dar, rehearsing the ceremony for wedding tomorrow, in Osoyoos. I'm driving her to Kelowna on Monday for her flight to Winnipeg. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Carmen at Dream; Duke this morning, guarding tomatoes, [smaller ones], from our garden! Farmers Market today: Diane and Linda, friends from Lady Dar's Flatlanders walking group; Farmersdotter Organics, producers of garlic scape salt which Pam ordered. Lady Dar had to buy two more as Rhoda wanted two to take back to Cape Breton and bought two of the four she already had for Pam! ; bees from Cawston, community near Keremeos where Durston Honey Farm bees over-winter! Chloë with her friends, Gaelan and Gian Poalo, and Justin, in back. G/GP live in Vancouver and J is in Kelowna. They'll head to Kelowna and Vernon tomorrow, lads to former, goils to latter, to see Katie, close mutual friend. Wine-tasting with Rhoda and then back on Burns!

Calgary Whiskey Pick Up Needed: If you are headed to Calgary, please contact Kevin Ritcey as there are 6 bottles of whiskey at the Kensington Wine Market ready for pickup. Thanks, Corinne

Bit of a sleep-in this morning as it had been a busy day on Friday, topped off with a reasonably late night visit from Gaelen and Gian Paolo, just up from Vancouver to stay with Chloë for a couple of nights. The Sendero Hole-in-the-Wall Gang were to come to our place by 10:00 am but when I phoned to confirm they were just up so I told Chloë we would meet them somewhere along the way at the Farmers' Market. We strolled down White and started our meanderings right at the intersection of White and Main as FM was moved further south due to Rib Fest, at Gyro Park and on Lakeshore, all this weekend.

Had a grand time bumping into friends, [Congratulated Will Bill who had just retired from 37 years of teaching at PenHi the day before! Hip Hip Hooray. He mentioned he had just finished another batch of his infamous Cherry Kirsch so looking forward to tasting it as last batch was liquid dynamite! Further along, Diane and Linda, friends from Lady Dar's Flatlanders walking group, sipping cider!], and various vendors: Owner of Farmersdotter Organics, producers of garlic scape salt which Pam ordered. Lady Dar had to buy two more as Ski wanted two to take back to Cape Breton and bought two of the four she already had, ready to pack, for Pam! Then Avi, owner/designer of Natural Wool Knits. Using the pattern of the mixed greys, Avi will knit the vest similar to one on display. Lady Dar just happened to mention that this is what she wanted for a birthday present! Those Durstons! Next, Leigh from Balsamic Bliss who was happy with last week's snapolas as she forwarded then to FM coordinator who will mount them on the website, announcing that Leigh is using tea spoons instead of disposable plastic spoons for potential customers to sample her wonderful balsamic vinegar.

Finally, Jake, in his usual spot in front of The Book Shop, selling his works, who mentioned he is thinking of organizing a United College reunion as there are a number of alumni in Penticton and hereabouts. Popped into Knight's Pharmacy as Lady Dar needed her Globe & Mail fix and I bought our weekly lotto tickets. Katie, young woman who usually works on Saturday, rewarded me with a $20 win. [Last week it was a free play!], so a grand start to long weekend. We also used most of the change, [My pockets were bulging!], from return of wine/pop bottles, etc., we put in jar after hitting the recycling depot, so spent like drunken sailors, buying cherries, green onions, white turnips, black current jam, humus, [from Syrian refugee family, relocated to Penticton, about two years ago now.], and some fresh dill!

Both of us needed to hit the bank so after we withdrew our life savings, we wandered down to Front Street. Unfortunately, Lady Dar's left calf started to act up so she we said goodbye and she headed for home. I wanted to continue my walkabout so browsed along Front Street before heading back to pay Avi for the wrap she was going to knit. She was pretty sure she have it ready for July 18th, day before Lady Dar's actual birthday, but hen we'll have a celebratory dinner at Front Street Bistro with Maggie and Hans, visiting from Denmark, along with Flamin'/Sarge and Chloë. Pleased to hear that she is quite busy with a large wall hanging, at the moment. Shortly after I left her I bumped into the sleepy heads and met Justin, Gian Paolo's friend, down from Kelowna. Chatted for a bit and made plans to see them back at Burns before they headed out to do some wine-tasting. 

After I'd put away our purchases I thought I'd read until they popped by to say hello and goodbye, as I didn't want to start my shoulder exercises and have my regime interrupted, Dear Reader! At any rate, after a few chapters I feel asleep and didin't wake up until just before 2:00 pm. Chloë had called earlier to say they had stopped at Upper Bench for pizza and a plate of wonderful cheeses and were not going to drop in. This being the case I started on my shouldares, listening to Ben Heppner and opera, in the living room, and then switching to Disappearance, in the Rumpus Room. Did a few chores in between various sets and it was close to 6:30 pm by the time I'd finished my standing/sitting exercises. Changed quickly and then headed to the Dream as I was on deck to sell 50/50 tickets.

Had to park at PAG as streets were filled with cars belonging to those attending Rib Fest. Inside, there was a decent crowd so was pleased to find this the case. Hazel waited until about 7:15 pm before she made announcement and then I made my rounds. Had a great time chatting with people at the various tables, and one couple, from Vancouver, knows the family who own Theo's, wonderful Greek restaurant here in town, as well as Sophie's, [ We sisters on Fourth, in Vancouver[Most everyone was extremely supportive and I sold $180 worth of tickets. Even had to go back to Hazel for more as sold entire bundle she gave me initially. Carmen, [young woman I introduced to Ski and Lady Dar on Wednesday, waitressing for summer, and whom we are trying to hook up with someone in Nanaimo who might rent her a room while she is attending VIU this September.], was there as well. Didn't know she is in charge of scheduling the wait staff. She just popped in to see that all was well and see a bit of show.

I left after listening to the opening number. Was quite impressed with Raincity's lead singer and saxophonist, both young women. Other things being equal I would have stayed for the first set but I still had my bed shouldares to finish and I wanted to do them before having a bite of late dinner. Lady Dar was watching an Agatha Christie film when I was back and I suggested she catch up on Bosch so that we could watch the next few episodes together. She did just that and once I had finished stretching I took a quick shower. Fixed myself a plate of overlefts, along with some of the new potatoes from this morning's market, and we let Harry deal with the bad guys. Darjeeling was too, too sleepy to watch more than one episode, [5, Tunnel Vision], so we brushed and flossed and then hit the hay to read for a bit. Sleepy Girl turned off her light before me but I was keen to know how Reacher would extricate himself tfrom the tight corner he found himself in so keep reading for a few chapters. Then, with heavy eyelids, I followed suit and headed for Dreamsville, with nary a kitten in sight!

Pics: Margaret Holm, [wife of Richard Cannings, our MP], with Lady Dar's successful bid! Michelle Dunn, [no relation but I call her "cousin"! Famiglia Tennant, of Terravista, Senka, Bob, their son Oliver and fiancée, Megan, both up from Vancouver; Ret, [first on left], and Dorothy Tinning, [third on left], at next table. Dorothy, who is in hiking group, asked me to take a snap. She is a very, very talented artist and we both like her work very much. They gave us the glass table we have on front porch, along with the two chairs, since recovered by Lady Dar. She offered them to anyone in hiking group, a few years ago now, and I snapped them up right away! 

Hi OF hikers Aart has disappeared into cyberspace, so I will take on a hike on Monday. Yes. it is Canada day, so you can wear red however you want. Maybe resurrect your red suspenders. We will do a hike to the top of Mama Nkwala from the trestle – not too long and not too vigourous. Meet as usual – 0740 at HH Penticton and 0800 at IGA Summerland. Cheers Tony 

Gian Paolo & The Gaelen Blues: Friday, June 28th!

Hi Patrick, I’m told that the subject irrigation turns on at 10:00PM every evening. We have a number of people who congregate on the grass to watch the fireworks on July 1st. and don’t want to get wet. I’m planning on closing the main valve between the Dogwood St. mail boxes and the second row (101) before the event and re-opening it afterwards. I hope that this will not cause problems with the irrigation system? Regards Frank Hello Francesco! I'd like to help with your irrigation system BUT I'm not the chap responsible for the system! I assume there is someone else in your address book with the same or similar name! Hello to Maggie from Lady Dar and myself, from Penticton. Trust you will not have to wear raincoats when watching the fireworks on July 1st! Happy Canada Day!!! Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Sorry Patricio, wrong Patrick. I will correct my error and forward your email and pics to Maggie. Regards Frank Lol, happy to hear from you, despite the error by ‘Francesco’🤣, with pics too although none of you?? Trust you & Lady Dar both well!😍 Unfortunately, don’t seem to get to Penticton these days. Frank likes to travel Yellowhead to Alberta, via Valemount overnight where Frank has an elderly 1st cousin to his Dad. En route home, we travel via Valemount & on to Abbotsford overnight.

Getting ready for arrival Sun pm of youngest, Beth with her 3, Kennedy 11, Ollie 9 & Katelyn 5 1/2, bringing eldest dtr, Allison’s Indi, 10. Hubby, Terry has to work. Long drive for her!! In a mo, he may be starting a job for boss co, Peterbilt, in Fort Mac, 2 weeks on & 2 off. Not really great for a marriage nor a family but good $$$!!!!! They can use it so hope they are able to weather through. Plan is for week in Hawaii in Nov with me flying out to look after the 3 kids, their border collie, Turbo & the 2 cats, Primrose & Poppy!😬😳 It will be a crazy busy time!!🤪 Thank heavens the 3 will be in school full time.

Beth is only staying a wk. I can’t wait to see them!! When she leaves, she’ll take Ollie & Katelyn. Ollie plays club soccer & Katelyn is too young to be away from Mommy. Alli driving out 13th with son, Cash, 8, for 4 days & pick up Indi. She’ll visit friends in Squamish en route home. Allison & Jake separated Dec 1. Jake is suffering from addictions -alcohol, smoking, weed, sugar and whatever he takes on, as well as depression. Sadly, they will divorce. It has been a very difficult time for both of them, as well as of course the children, especially Indikah, who is in therapy & recently on anti depressants for anxiety. Jake, commercial plumber, renting a townhome 5 min walk.

Elijah, almost 15, Stephanie’s older son, is flying to Nanaimo Aug 5-11. It promises to be a fun visit!! He & I are very close. After he was 6 weeks, I looked after him Thurs from daycare (until Steph got home about 9:30 from the Salon) as well as Sats, until age 4 when we wintered in AZ. No daycare pms or weekends, a problem for single parents. We’ll drive him & Kennedy (sharing time with Terry’s family in Nanaimo) to Kamloops to meet Beth & Stephanie. We’ll travel via Surrey to pay a visit to Elijah’s Oma, 84 & Opa, 90, God willing, in Oct. He had a recent eye stroke with his speech affected. This could be Elijah’s last chance to see them. After this year, suspect he’ll be working summers coaching gym + to help Mom, $.

Peter & Janet adopted Elijah’s father, 3 wk old Jeremy (Jamaican descent) from the Grande Cayman. Sadly, in 2005, Jeremy died very suddenly at age 29 of an undiagnosed acute, very aggressive Myelogenous Leukaemia. Elijah was only 8 mos. He & Steph were not living together. The Leukaemia was discovered upon autopsy. A retired, Dutch Christian Reform Pastor (parish in LaCombe, AB), Peter & his wife Janet, originally from Holland, have 5 biological children. Hopefully, we’ll meet up with divorced daughter, Marianne/her partner from Mission. While Elijah’s here, we’ll travel to Campbell River to visit their married daughter, Abigail/her husband.

There is a divorced son, Casey/partner in Calgary, married son, Robert in Rocky Mountain House & married dtr, Barb (older than Jeremy by 9 years) in LaCombe. They are a strong Christian family and children marry young. Many grandchildren & great grandchildren boast the family name. Steph, Elijah & Griffin, 6, have been fully embraced into the Boodt family, included in all family celebrations. Elijah has been a ring bearer 4x & junior groomsman once. He is the youngest grandchild by 9 years. Honours through all the grades, incl the present, Elijah has been accepted into gr 10 AP program at Scona High in Edmonton. Jeremy would be very proud, as are we!!! Our news for now,

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Arrivederci Ski & The Art Gallery Dinner and Auction Blues: June 27th!

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. -Alexander Graham Bell, inventor (1847-1922) 

Had a wonderful time at the PAG Dinner and Auction, the evening Ski left. Loads of fun visiting with all sorts of friends and acquaintances and didn't have to worry about driving as Chloë was our chauffeur. I was much more restrained about bidding on anything this year but Lady Dar came home with a fairly large piece while Chloë forged my name on tickets for the Scottish Festival, here in town, on next weekend! Two cans of Irn-Bru and a spiffy T-shirt from kilt makers, here in town, along with tics. Kids today!

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Ski, The KVR and Dream Café Blues: Wednesday, June 26th!

The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive. To him... a touch is a blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy, a joy is an ecstasy, a friend is a lover, a lover is a god, and failure is death. Add to this cruelly delicate organism the overpowering necessity to create, create, create -- so that without the creating of music or poetry or books or buildings or something of meaning, his very breath is cut off from him. He must create, must pour out creation. By some strange, unknown, inward urgency he is not really alive unless he is creating. -Pearl S. Buck, novelist, Nobel laureate (26 Jun 1892-1973) 

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Rhodinski and The Cape Breton Blues: Tuesday, June 25th!

In our age there is no such thing as "keeping out of politics". All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia. -George Orwell, novelist (25 Jun 1903-1950)

Monday, 24 June 2019

Rainy Day, [and Sleepy Kittens], Bidding Blues: Monday, June 24th!

All men -- whether they go by the name of Americans or Russians or Chinese or British or Malayans or Indians or Africans -- have obligations to one another that transcend their obligations to their sovereign societies. -Norman Cousins, author, editor, journalist and professor (24 Jun 1915-1990) 

Hi Ski! Great snapola of Benson! Handsome lad indeed! Have attached latest of Olivia Rose!!! Will keep a close eye on arrival time. I won't park but circle until you come out of terminal so look for our Kona! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Olivia Rose at four months!
Lady Dar just went for a walk with close friend, Judy, so she is on the mend, as far as walking longer distances goes. Bridge here this evening and then tomorrow, Rhoda Macormick arrives for two nights. You might recall, Dear Reader, that I've mentioned her before as she was a Student Assistant who worked for me back in 1976 in Curric Lab. She has been visiting friends and family in Lower Mainland and on VI. Evening she leaves we will attend a gala dinner at PAG, always a blast. No rest for the wicked and malt deprived!

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Ride Don't Hide Blues: Sunday, June 23rd!

Think we will bale on lunch.  Too many late nights.  We have to pack up here by 10.30 and lunch would make us home a lot later.  Need to be fresh for the drive.  Hope to see you in Vancouver.  Pauline and mick.  Will phone later. ok have a safe drive home. Thanks for the great supper and visit. Hugs corinne

Hi Polly and Mick! Trust you are safely home by now. Let me echo Lady Dar's thanks for a wonderful evening. Terrific to see all of your grandchildren as well as most of your offspring and their partners. Sorry things didn't work out for lunch but understand.

Hi Pat: Since I talked to you I didn’t reply, but then I started thinking ,mmmm, I had better answer this email -lol!! I’m really looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday! I’ll update you on my life over a nice glass of wine! My treat!!!!!
Here’s my grandson Benson, is he not the cutest baby you have ever seen? See you Tuesday ! I’ll send you an update on my flight in Tuesday just in case it is late !
[Hi again: Arrival -AC 12:12 pm]
Love Rhoda

Hello Hello Patrick and Corrin: So sorry to miss Book Club yet again. What a fascinating book………….WOW. I have company until Wednesday when I will be making a trip to Salmon Arm to drive my girlfriend back. Say hi to all. See you all soon ok. Love & Hugs from Von Bingen 😊😊😊😊😊
Hello Scattered Von Bingen! You obviously need a personal assistant as book club is not until Wednesday, July 24th, 2019! Senka will host if she is back in time, Michelle otherwise. I'll let people know when I know. Fondestos from Lady Dar, busy working on the wedding she is to perform this coming Sunday, at Walnut Beach Resort, in Osoyoos. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Farmers' Market, [with friends from Winnipeg!] Car Show and Balsamic Bliss in action at a Burns Street BBQ with Chloë and Flamin'! Prickly Pear in our front garden: Lady Dar's [aka Corinne! Note spelling for your PA!], favourite corsage as it matches her personality!

Chloë and I participated in CMHA's Ride Don't Hide, [We walked!], this morning. Perfect weather as it was cool. Started at the KVR Middle School, just a block or so away from us, at 8:30 am. Route was along KVR to the Little Tunnel, for bikers, but we walked to the parking lot, just below Naramata Road, the 12 km turnaround spot. On the way back, just before, and then past, Vancouver Avenue we came across a number of deer grazing beside the trail, not at all fusssed but keeping a close eye on us, nevertheless! Finished with a very tasty bbq. [Had you been able to join us for lunch, I would have come home as we were back close to noon.] I had two burgers! Some of the prizes were remarkable: a bike rack from Swagman, one that we have. Friend, Pam's husband, Bill, won a spiffy helmet. Conflict of interest as she is on the board of local CMHA Chapter! Unfortunately, my ticket was in my camel pack and I gave it to Chloë to take home as she wasn't coming to bbq. Anyway, a very worthy cause and loads of fun. Thanks again for terrific visit. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Pamela! Great event so thanks for letting us know about it. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Start of event and then shots along the route. [Bumped into Heather Miller from hiking group, also walking for event.] Latest harvest!

Wow, Chloë Alexis & Patrizzio. All we can say is, wow. You must be tired after the momentous showing that you and other Ride Don’t Hide riders made today. But you should also be deeply proud of what you accomplished. Being seen, standing tall, showing up for mental health. You truly did bring mental health into the open, sparking light in the dark and paving the way for others to get the help and support they need. You showed the world that none of us are alone in taking care of our mental health. A heartfelt and sincere thank you. The Ride Don’t Hide Team P.S. Sleep tight, knowing that your efforts have helped make the world a little bit better than before.

Monique, Evette and Jean and The Peach Beach Blues: Saturday, June 22nd!

If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from him. An investment of knowledge always pays the best interest. -Benjamin Franklin

Had a busy day today as close friend, Monique, from Nanaimo, [originally from Winnipeg and a very close school friend of Pamela, Lady Dar's youngest sister], was driving down from Kelowna, with her cousin, Jean, and his wife Evette, [from Winnipeg], wanted to come to the Farmers Market. [They flew into Kelowna a week ago and had been staying in a condo belonging to Monique's boss.] We had never met them before but a lovely couple so we enjoyed showing them around. As a classic car show was being held over the weekend, along Lakeside and lower Main, the vegetable/fruit vendors were set up closer to where we live, at the corner of White and Main. we introduced them to a number we've come to know and then strolled the car show, marveling at the 850 vehicles there. Evette and Jean treated us to lunch at Bad Tattoo, a craft brewery which serves wonderful pizza, gluten free options as well, so Lady Dar could have one.

After lunch I left gang as I needed to pick up some vegetable and cherries. Hadn't done so earlier as we didn't want to carry produce. Met our guests back at home and said goodbye to them there as they were off to do a round of wine-tasting before heading back to Kelowna. That evening, Lady Dar had invited Flamin' and her daughter-in-law, Rebecca, plus her Katzenjammer Kids, Avery and Ashlynn, for a bbq. Wasn't too, too late an evening as guests had to leave around 8:00 pm to put the hellions to bed! Good thing as Chloë and I were participating in Ride Don't Hide, a fund-raiser for CMHA next morning at 8:00 am. [Lady Dar had an important church vote having to do with hiring a new minister so she wouldn't have been able to join us even if her pulled calf muscle would have allowed.] Most of the participants would ride but since I couldn't we decided to do the shorter walk.

Hello Nanaimo and St Vital! Wonderful to see you again, Monique, and a delight to meet you, Evette and Jean. [Thank you both for the delicious lunch at Bad Tattoo!] Trust your travels home went well. Stay longer next time! Fondestos from Lady Dar, busy working on the wedding she is to perform this coming Sunday, at Walnut Beach Resort, in Osoyoos. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Farmers' Market, Car Show and Burns Street. Lady Dar doesn't want to see you leave! Prickly Pear!

No plastic!Thanks Patrick these are great! Leigh Fantastic No Plastic! Hi BB-Cakes! Glad pitturas met with your discriminating approval! I'm just delighted that I actually received a reply from you! Wow! Still desperately searching for Mom's tea spoons but am bound and determined I'll find them! Onward!! Fight!!! Stay well, My Darling! Cheers, Patrizzio!
We're back!! I guess that yesterday was the longest day of the year.  It sure was for us.  We woke up around 6:00 A.M. Beijing time.  We packed, had breakfast, and headed to the airport.  After checking in our luggage, we had a short wait until boarding.  Our scheduled flight time was 4:00 P.M.  Delays held us on the tarmac for over an hour.  Landed in Vancouver around 1:00 P.M. PDT.  Got back to the house around 3:00.  Time for shower and bed.  Not sure how long we had been up, but it was well over 24 hours.

Due the Beijing's trade war with the U.S., particularly Google versus Huawei, I could not open or send photos.  My Google news feed died.  We tried to get news from the Singapore CNN feed, but anytime it was about Hong Kong or other issues the leadership did not like, the tv went dark.  Lead in the local English language newspaper was always about President Xi. Not being idiots, we mentioned nothing about this until now.That being said, the trip was great.
Hi Sinophiles! Thanks so much for the wonderful, wonderful dispatches from China! Too, too bad your Internet access was blocked! Quite a trip, by all accounts, ending with what must have been a truly exhausting return home! Pleased you made it without mishap, [or detention], however! Been pretty busy ourselves, although not quite like you two in such exotic locales. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Farmers Market with Leigh of Balsamic Bliss. Jean and Evette on left, Monique on right.

Feeling like a ball of energy, need something to deflate it? Another great option for Monday June 24 .... .... join your friends on a hike! Hello Fartograms, We had a great hike last Monday, beautiful scenery, spectacular canyon landscape and ... great weather with enough shade! This week Otto will lead us on a hike in the White Lake Area. So, as usual we will meet at the Home Hardware parking lot at 8:00AM. Summerlanders need to meet at the IGA parking lot at 7:40AM to carpool to the Home Hardware in Penticton. Following our always beautiful hike, we will decide where to go for a refreshment and recap. See you there, Aart, the Mountain Bard Hi Fartograms, I shamefully forgot to mention that one of the highlights of our last Monday hike was the get together in the backyard of Bonnie's house with stunning views of the lake and with ample refreshments and treats. Thank you Bonnie! Aart

Hi Kids! Lovely to see you three today. Away with plastic spoons! Hip Hip Hooray!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Farmers' Market, Car Show and Balsamic Bliss in action at a Burns Street BBQ! Prickly Pear in our front garden: Lady Dar's favourite corsage as it matches her personality!


Friday, 21 June 2019

Summer Solstice and the Sandy Beach Lodge/Carter Family Blues: Friday, June 21st

Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. -Jean-Paul Sartre, writer and philosopher (21 Jun 1905-1980) 

Hello Shuffle Off to Burns Double Demons! Unfortunately, Theresa cannot host next gathering, nor play, so we'll gather on Burns Street, at 7:00 pm, (to allow Dame Judith time, after work), on the 24th. Please let me know if you will join group so I can plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Just in case you are wondering if Josinta is alive and well, she is! Last night at Burns and then Dream to hear Laila Biali and Adam Robert Thomas!.... great photo of Jos by the way!

Hi Patrick and all Happy summer Thought I would be able to play this week but seem to be having a reaction to my 2nd shingles shot. Best to not commit this week. Let me tentatively say I should be able to host on July 8....but will confirm next week. AEB Hi Patrick. I can play on Monday. Dianne I am available but it looks like I would be 5th. So unless you get a couple more I will step back. Susan 

Hello Ski! Just thought I'd leave you to twist in the wind for a bit so that you have some idea of what it feels like to correspond with someone who is a pathological procrastinator! How could we forget that you are visiting? We've been looking forward to seeing you for years! Don't worry, I'll be at the airport to collect you on Tuesday, June 25th, at 12:12. Have even arranged for a red carpet to be in place for visiting VIP for Cape Breton!

Must away as Flamin' is about to drop by for java. She has been here all week to help out with grandchild care. Once she leaves I'll begin my daily shoulder exercises. Tonight we are off to Naramata for dinner, to Sandy Beach Lodge, where more close friends, Polly and Mick, from Vancouver, are staying, along with hordes of grandchildren! Anyway, say hello to one and all. Travel safely and drop me a line to let me know all goes according to plan. Fondestos from Lady Dar, out gardening in front yard. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Latest harvest; Duke and Lady Dar!

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Laila Biali and The Dream Café Real Deal, Dyed-in-the-Wool Blues: Thursday, June 20th!

Since when do we have to agree with people to defend them from injustice? -Lillian Hellman, playwright (20 Jun 1905-1984) 

Raised planters with cuke vines starting to climb; this morning's latest harvest!

Dinner: 5 tomorrow? Okay? Pauline and Mick If you have a fresh lettuce from your garden. It would be welcome to come too. We have run out Thanks Hi Pauline! Thanks for note about arrival time. We'd be pleased to bring lettuce. Unfortunately, not from our own garden but next best thing as from Farmers' Market! We'll make a salad with it as part of our contribution to dinner. How many people will be eating so we have some idea of size it should be?

Enjoyed a lovely time at The Dream Café this evening, with friends, Josinta and Aarturos. Laila Biali on keyboard, accompanied by Adam Robert Thomas, a simply wonderful guitarist, with an extremely powerful voice, as well. I only know her as host of Saturday night jazz program on CBC and had never heard of Thomas before. Very impressed with both as performers/entertainers. Buona Fortuna with your herd of grandchildren! See you at 5:00 pm this evening. Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: Burns St and Dream: Two managers, Jim and Hazel, with Grant, sound man; Laila and Adam.

There are 10 adults plus kids , but Polly says we have a bit of salad. It’s always a bit like the” feeding of the five thousand” but we always seem to make do ! See you both at 5 pm ish. Mick

Hi Dreamers! Wonderful, wonderful evening tonight! Thanks for the company and companionship. Travel safely and enjoy your time in Calgary. See you upon return. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Burns and Dream! Jos, please pass along snap of your friend. Thanks. Thank you also, great to see more of you this evening ... we still get along very well! 🥂😍😎 Aart & Jos

Hi Patrick and Chloë Alexis: Ride Don't Hide is here! This weekend we will be gearing up and climbing on our bikes to bring mental health into the open. So grab your helmet and get ready to ride. We can’t wait to see you on Ride Day!

Bring Your Friends: There’s still lots of time to get involved and bring mental health into the open. Build or grow your team -- bring your family, your friends, your coworkers together to join you as a mental health champion. Register your team and fundraise today or register on location at KVR Middle School!

It's not too late to fundraise! We are 38% of the way to our $25,000 goal. It looks like a long way to go in a few short days, but with committed mental health champions like you on our side, we know that we can make it. Login to your participant centre at now to spread the word, share your story and invite your contact to stand shoulder to shoulder with you for mental health.

Incentives! We want you to know how deeply we appreciate your stand on mental health and your participation in Ride Don’t Hide. So we’re holding a few contests in your honour, to celebrate your efforts. There’s no minimum to enter – every dollar you raise counts!

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Back Patio Stepladder and the First Things First Blues: Wednesday, June 19th!

Experience makes us see an enormous difference between piety and goodness. -Blaise Pascal, philosopher and mathematician (19 Jun 1623-1662)

Hello Goils! Just wanted to thank you both for the lovely Father's Day gift. While the Birkenstocks are more than spiffy I really need a new pair of runners. Lady Dar had me wear out the ones I last played squash in, [2004!], workin' on the hard rock pile in the front yard. So, if she hasn't already thrown out the bill, I plan to return them to Fritz's and look for something suitable. As well, I wanted to share some of the snaps I took on our walk, earlier on Father's Day.

Tonight I'm off to the Shatford to attend the AGM of First Things First, a local environmental group. Lady Dar has her Flatlanders' book club. On Friday we are off to Sandy Beach Lodge, in Naramata, as Polly and Mick Carter arrived this past Sunday, for a week, having about nine grandchildren, over the course of the stay! We have been invited for dinner with the screaming hordes. Looking ahead, mutual squash friends, Denise and Bill Gross will be here for a week, mid-July, staying in cabin at Deep Roots Winery, and we all have tickets for Michael Kaeshammer on the 12th, day after Lady Dar returns from Falcon! They will stay with us that night so we can walk to The Dream and not have to worry about driving. After that Catherine and Matt will be staying for a couple of nights so we really never even have to visit Vancouver!

Must away as I want to head out to run a few errands before Her Ladyship corners the Kona. Much love to one and all. Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!

We did the Summer Palace yesterday. If Versailles could fit in a corner of the Forbidden City, the Forbidden City could fit in a corner of the Summer Palace.
Of course, it is more of a royal retreat and garden than one big palace. There are many individual building complexes on the site, linked by pathways through gardens and forests. One amazing structure was the Long Corridor. It just went on and on - at least 2 kilometers. Joined different buildings so that the Empress could be sheltered from rain or the sun. We walked over 12 miles around the site and only saw a part of it. It is a multi-day ordeal. Very nice and peaceful in most areas. Boat ride across the lake was a highlight.
Hi Ellan and Jam, [aka Ella and Jim! Former are your least favourite appellations, as per AGM spelling errors and poetic license!!]

Thank you both, [along with the rest of the board and volunteers], for all the very critical work you have done, and continue to do, with FTFO. Hip Hip Hooray! Congratulations, indeed, on the Cool It initiative, in particular, and all the other programs the organization has spearheaded. Your tireless efforts define grassroots activism and you are to be thanked, muchly, for it.

On another matter, Ella, I would like to chat with you about pickles! You might remember that we talked, after snowshoeing, I believe, about how you grow your own cukes and ferment them. I'm keen to do the same and have a modest number of plants in our front garden, raised beds. If you have a moment, in your obviously busy home and work life, perhaps we can arrange a time to meet. We live on Burns Street and if/when convenient, perhaps you and your family could drop by and over a drink, [Or an omelette? Hint, Hint!], we can begin Gherkin 101. [Jim mentioned that these pickles are his favourites so he might wish to enrol as well, although at no tuition discount!]

At any rate, thanks again. Let me know what you think and I'll plan accordingly. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: How many points do we receive for solar panels, EV charger and eKona? AGM; raised planters with cuke vines starting to climb!

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Flamin' and the Sendero Kids Blues: Tuesday, June 18th!

Calling SBL! SBL can you hear me? Come in SBL!

Welcome to the Okanagan, with its lack of cell coverage!! Pleased you are running a high-end youth hostel/day camp! Rebecca and Corey, along with a number of their fellow RCMP officers, have as many other young children as you can manage, to help swell your program! In fact, Flamin' would be delighted to have you take Avery and Ashlynn off her hands. She is up for this week to help out with grandchild care! Saw Sarge on Sunday, before he drove back to Vancouver. They were up at Spirit Ridge for the weekend. Lady Dar, Chloë, Rebecca and Flamin' had dinner at Sushi Heaven, just a few blocks from us on Main Street, last night, before taking in Late Night with Emma Thompson. I was playing bridge, down to one table, of late, as many regulars are off on various holidays.

Another busy week as a local environmental group, First Things First has their AGM on Wednesday, at the Shatford Centre, a few blocks away, next to high school. Thursday evening we will hear Laila Biali, [She hosts jazz program on CBC on Saturday nights.], at the Dream Café, with friends, Josinta and Aarturos. They live in Summerland and will come for drinks and appetizers beforehand. About three weeks ago, now, I volunteered to sell 50/50 tickets at The Dream. On the nights that I am scheduled, [not more than two, perhaps three evenings per month], we are entitled to stay for show, drinks half-price! Did one shift last week and have on at the end of this month.

Just after your message arrived, had one from Wild Bill. He and Denise will be here for a week, next month, staying in cabin at Deep Roots, and we all have tickets for Michael Kaeshammer on the 12th. They will stay with us that night so we can walk to The Dream and not have to worry about driving.

Chloë and I will participate in a charity walk, for mental illness, out of The Naramata, on Sunday and following Tuesday, close friend, Rhoda MacCormick, from Cape Breton, will be staying for two nights. She has family in New West, White Rock and Campbell River she visits quite regularly. Last time she was in Vancouver we weren't around. Night she flies back to Vancouver we will be attending the Art Gallery fund-raising dinner. Loads and loads of fun with an auction for a wide variety of paintings, etc. Always promise myself I won't bid on anything but never seem to be able to restrain the impulse. What with recent expense of new Kona and solar installation, not to mention no wall space for works we already own, I think my well nigh empty pocketbook should be safe this time!

Must away as I have orders from Lady Dar to water plants on back patio. She did front before she left to play golf with a number of Flatlander Walking Group friends. Then it's time to begin my shoulder exercises. Do the sitting/standing ones while watching various series on Netflix. Currently watching Stranger, a South Korean murder mystery. Fascinating, inasmuch, as one gets a most interesting view of the culture, ingrained respect for superiors, etc. Especially fertile ground for corruption, bribes and the like, when the actions of "higher-ups" are traditionally beyond question or investigation. Also an interesting distinction between the police and the prosecutors within the judiciary branch. Latter seem to have the power to investigate crimes as well and there is much tension between the branches, somewhat like that between FBI and local law enforcement we are perhaps more familiar with in many US based series such as Fargo and Ozark.

Give us a shout, when you have a nano second, and let us know about time you'd like us to arrive on Friday and what we might bring, other than wine, since your cellar will most likely be seriously depleted, if not completely empty, from self-medication! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: KVR walk; Flamin'/Sarge ad Co.; First course: Caesar salad with home-made dressing, topped with bbq'd shrimps! Bridge, savouring a fab La Frenz 2015 Single Barrel Lot Shiraz. Dame Judith works in the Tasting Room so has access to such bottles, normally for wine club members, [not us], only. 

As mentioned above, Lady Dar went to play golf with The Summerland Sisterhood, [Olga Polga and Josinta], and then discharged her volunteer shift at PRH. Around 6:00 pm had a call from Sendero. Her Imperiousness had gone to have a cooling dip, after her shift at hospital, at Sutherland Pool and Kid/Dog Compound! She gave me a shout to let me know that we had been invited for dinner. Kid Chelene dropped by after collecting Rebecca from work and we headed for the hills. Arrived to find Lady Dar bbq'ing chicken and corn. Wonderful dinner with plenty of wine. Chloë arrived around 8:00 pm, just as we had finished eating so only one piece of chicken left!

Weather is changing, for cooler and wetter, thank goodness. In any event, cloud formations, as we left to go home, were remarkable. Back on Burns we watched next episode of Bosch but will have to re-watch it as we both nodded off at times! 

Hello Sendero Pool Bistro! Just a quick note, [from Emergency at PRH where I'm having stitches from today's mauling by a police dog, not to be named!], to thank you both for another wonderful, wonderful meal, plus phenomenal hootch, and visit with The Katzenjammer Kids and their difficult grandmother! It's such a remarkable, rewarding pleasure to be a Freeloader so I wonder why it has taken me so long to cotton on! This being the case, Lady Dar and I have decided to sell Burns and move into your basement. Sales closes tomorrow so see you again, early evening! Steak is on the menu, I trust! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: You'll need solares now to better charge our Kona! I've let Argon know that you want them installed immediately. They'll help warm your pool as well, so hang the expense! Pics: Life at Sendero and latest draft for Seahawks!
Pat this is great news! The only caveat to you moving in is we wish for your total earning on Burns St to be included in our mortgage payment! Thanks for coming! Suddenly I need to go out and buy more wine and whiskey.

Hi Kid Chelene! Glad we can move in but am terribly sorry to report that we are mortgaged to the hilt, what with Chloë's Sendero mansion! We can't even afford movers so we'll need your truck to bring along everything we plan to take when we leave. Furthermore, you'll be saving as you won't need a nanny now. Lady Dar will look after the Katzenjammer Twins while I devote my attention to your recntly stocked wine cellar and whisky collection. Always look on the bright side and you'll find everything falls into place. Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: Does your household insurance cover law-suits for dog maulings? You may well wish to read the small print on your policy as my shyster lawyer will be sending you a letter, outlining terms of settlement. Too, too bad that you and the family won't make Hawaii this year, or for the next twenty, probably! PPS: Since you are from Newfoundland, you might consider downsizing, after settlement, as per below:

The Tiny Cabin: A social worker from  Ottawa recently transferred to rural  Newfoundland and was on the first tour of her new territory when she came upon the tiniest cabin she had ever seen in her life. Intrigued, she went up and knocked on the door. "Anybody home?" she asked. "Yep," came a kid's voice through the door. "Is your father there?" asked the social worker. "Pa? Nope, he left afore Ma came in," said the kid. "Well, is your mother there?" persisted the social worker. "Ma? Nope, she left just afore I got here," said the kid. "But," protested the social worker, (thinking that surely she will need to intervene in this situation) "are you never together as a family?" "Sure, but not here," said the kid through the door. "This is the outhouse!"
Hello Summerlandia! Just wondering if you have thought about coming here for drinks and nibblage before the show. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly. We've found that we really don't need to be there much before 6:45 pm. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Today we went to the Forbidden City. As is usual here, it was immense. For a royal palace, it has no equal. Versailles would fit into a corner. It truly is the size of a small city. Not sure of the exact measurements, but I would guess it is at least 2 km. by 1 km. in size. At the end is the Imperial Garden. Much of the outside is bordered by a wide moat.

After the Forbidden City, we went back to the National Museum of China. We hadn't seen half of it on our first try. They had galleries with Buddhas, jade, coins, and African art. One interesting gallery was full of gifts from foreign leaders to Chinese leaders. Not sure yet of tomorrow's agenda.

Hi Pat, I'm just as slow to reply as you. We've spent much of the last few months in Point Roberts, trying to decide whether to sell or rent out the house there. It needs some work abut there seems to be no-one in PR willing to do any! We have neither internet nor cable there so it's a peaceful but isolated time.

Off to Vancouver tomorrow - seeing Katy and grandson Robin and then, on Thursday, off to Alaska on a Cunard cruise. Took Cunaud to and from England in 2015 - the year I retired - and we thoroughly enjoyed it so when they announced cruises from Vancouver we jumped at the chance. Ideal for Karen since it's accessible and there's no need to pack every day to move from place to place. Nico is able to come to although we'll have to see how he does.

Spent days in the garden here trying to provide irrigation on times for all or numerous pots of veg and flowers - think I have it all covered but guess I won't know till we get back here in early July. Feeling more achy and stiff every year but do enjoy the result in the garden, even though the plants are growing largely on sand! Hope your shoulder is improving - the result of a bike accident?
We have Netflix but rarely watch it. Instead we use a VPN to get UK tv - mainly BBC, using my mum's tv license info. Works well most of the time - we've saved up episodes of Killing Eve, series II to watch when we get back here. Enjoyed the first series - suitably quirky for us. Best wishes from QB - do drop in if you're on the Island. Saw Richard Martin a few weeks ago and will be seeing Andrew late in July.
Which reminds me - Was in Costco in Courtenay a few weeks ago when someone came up to me and asked "Are you from Vancouver?", "Did you play squash?", "Are you Nigel Amon?" It was Fred Ensom who I hadn't seed for more that 20 years - small world. N
Hi All, Just wanted you to join our Pat's memorial and celebration on Sunday June 23rd. Here’s the rough schedule for the day: 4 PM: meet near anchor public statue at Spanish Banks. (Some people will come as early as 2 PM.)
5PM: (roughly) get together and hear news on the Pat-related activities and legacy projects we have been working on. 5PMish: Chanting in honour of Pat. 6PM: Continue to party until Pat's birthday???? I hope you can make it! I will make a few kinds of Thai food. If anyone wants to bring anything, please feel free to do so. Hope to see you all there. Also it goes without saying but everyone is invited so if we missed anyone on this email, please forward it along! Best, Jim and Tip