If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of
fighting a foreign enemy. -James Madison, fourth US president (16 Mar
Up at 5:30 am, before my alarm went off. No frisky felines to wake me up, otherwise, as I suppose poor Chloë had let them out earlier!
It all sounds great! I’ve started to enjoy a drop of whiskey, but just a drop!
So hopefully I’ll be at your doorstep by 6pm! Lunch in Lahaina Hi High Livin' Lunch People, et al! Ski, I will have a medicinal eye-dropper ready for you when you arrive to measure out your Single Malt! One drop, two at most!!!
In Memorium...Feb 11th 2006!
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Can you Hear me? |
[Sunset from our deck!] Sarge is away, skiing in Aspen, so Flamin' wondered if The Great Ronaldo would like to spend the weekend with her while you are in Penticton! Must away as we need to leave to be at house to help set up before rest of people start to arrive. Travel safely and we'll be on the lookout for you on Sunday. Fondestos from Lady Dar and Flamin' to Ronaldo! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Art Connoisseur Cats! Bob, Ted's brother and niece, Kim, delivering Eulogy; Kristina, eldest daughter, and Alex, her husband, delivering a Reflection on her Dad; Sir Andrew and Polly/Mick Carter, Lady Dar. The Lads joined Ted and I on a wine-tasting/Rugby '7's trip to California, back in early 2000's; Marvin, (son-in-Law), Lady Dar and Flamin'! Heart-Trob Coach! Ski's husband, Ron, was Flamin's paddling coach when she was thirteen! Lady Dar's hors d'oeuvres!
Hi Patrick, Below are the url's for free GPS maps. You'll need to 1st sign onto the Garmin website and download their free "Basecamp" software. The free maps display in the Basecamp software. You can get a free BC map from these and other similar sites but the amount of detail showing isn't good. I bought a BC GPS map from "BackRoads" which has significantly more useful detail, like existing trails. The url is..... http://www.backroadmapbooks.com/
Backroad Mapbooks-Backroad Recreational Books www.backroadmapbooks.com
PRINT PRODUCTS. At Backroad Mapbooks, our goal is to get you outside with confidence. We know there are few things trustier than a good old-fashioned printed map. Hope this helps? I can show you if more help needed. Phil
PS:The Holland and other European maps have versions for 'routable' bike paths (ie you enter start and end points and it maps out the route). We found that helpful on our bike trip in Holland. Hi Map Quest Man! I do apologize for not thanking you, sooner, for sending along this information. Message came while we are here in Vancouver and I'm sure I won't have a moment to look at sites for a bit. Once I've taken a look I'll probably have some questions for you! Thanks again, Filipo. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Republicans, (not Publicans, unfortunately!), of Galiano! Grand to see you, Giggenheimer even if you are more attached to Reckless than to me! [I trust all goes as well as possible, under such trying circumstances, Calamity!] How was ride with Marcus Aurelius? Thank you for the open invitation to visit Islay Paradiso! Be careful what you wish for as you may well have wall-to-wall Freeloaders for months! Pat, Thanks for the photographs from Ted's celebration of life. I recognized Liz Neal who I used to teach with at Kits and who was one of the speakers. Saw Branco also. One of our friends, Margaret O'Brien, was in attendance. Busy digging the turf off the front boulevard the last few days. It has been savaged by crows and raccoons and I'm fed up of re-seeding. Almost ready for Sylvia to start planting and no grass to cut at the front any more. Ray
I suspect you have received message I just posted, [Perhaps not, given your execrable record as a correspondent!], so I expect you will be toasting Theodorakis at some point, this evening. Until next our paths cross, in the not too, too distant future, I trust, take care of each other. Travel safely, Calamity. I'll be in touch, anon, about timing for my next foray into The Big Smoke! Fondestos from The Sisterhood, Flamin' and Lady Dar, to you both! Cheers, Tummler/Patrizzio/Il Conduttore/Lexus Jefe of Polizei! Pics: Over-the-Hill Cyclist! Ted and Elaine, with Sloane, their latest granddaughter, from Laura, youngest daughter, three days before Ted died.
Hello Family and Friends! This is the message I sent to Elaine and her daughters. I am forwarding same to you as you all knew Ted and family. I trust all goes well with everyone. Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio/Il Conduttore!
Friday at the Celebration of Ted's Life, at church and on Bayswater! Dearest Elaine, Kristina, Stephanie and Laura: Just a short note, on behalf of the Dunns-Durstons-Princes, to reiterate our heartfelt sympathy to you and your families on Ted's death. The church service was a remarkable testament to a more than remarkable individual, whether as husband, father, grandfather, relative, friend or colleague. The gathering at Bayswater, yet another stirring testament to the home you created together and the boundless love, affection and hospitality that you have always offered to those fortunate enough to be part of this vibrant, inclusive community.
Please accept the attached pictures and album below, (clumsy though they be in terms of my suspect photographic skills), and share them, if you would like, with any you feel might care to have copies. Again, much love and abiding affection to you all, Clara, Corinne, Ayn, Chloë and Patrick.
A time to weep and a time to laugh: Ted looks on at Family and Friends!
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