A man must be excessively stupid, as well as uncharitable, who believes
there is no virtue but on his own side. -Joseph Addison, essayist and
poet (1 May 1672-1719)
Up at 5:22 am, long before my alarm was to go off at 6:15 am. Just a few things to pack, quick shower and then I was ready to go. Madcap had very kindly offered to drop me at the MHB station at 7:30 am so that I would be at King's Cross/St Pancras in plenty of time to check-in at Eurostar and meet Andre in the Waiting Area, inside, before we board the train. We knew we would both be in the same car although not sitting together. Gorgeous sunny morning although a bit of a nip in the air. Still a very promising start to the Chunnel journey!
Sleepy Penny came
downstairs at just before 7:30 am to say goodbye. Had loaded her car, (Mike’s
is in the garage for a few minor repairs), by the time she was in the kitchen
and after I thanked her for the simply wonderful stay and their ever generous
hospitality, we kissed and hugged and kissed and hugged and then waved
goodbye. Madcap dropped me at Mill Hill Broadway Station, carring my
pannier rack up the stairs to the ticket barrier, while I lugged my large bag. Quick embrace and a handshake and more thanks
and he was off.
This was the last
time I was going to use my BritRail pass and it has never been punched! Had I
been staying for a month it seems I would have been able to ride for at least
four more journeys, probably more, given the fact that once I show it staff wave
me through the barrier or allow me to continue riding. Only had to wait a
few minutes for the train and as it only
made one stop before King’s Cross, (West Hampstead Thames Link), I was in
the Eurostar line-up, in St Pancras, by just after 8:00 am.
Had to be issued another ticket as there was some change to train but that didn’t take but a moment and I was going through security. Didn’t even set off alarm when I walked through scanner so I soon had all my possessions back and was looking for Café Nero where Rosemary suggested Andre and I might meet. When I asked a staff member where it might be he said it was no longer there, replaced by a Prêt à Manger outlet. [Jamie and I had enjoyed a sandwich and java at one in South Kensington, where we met up, briefly, yesterday, as it was just across from tube station and I was most pleasantly surprised at how good the food and coffee were.] Anyway, I found a seat close to it and presumed I’d see Andre at some point.
Had to be issued another ticket as there was some change to train but that didn’t take but a moment and I was going through security. Didn’t even set off alarm when I walked through scanner so I soon had all my possessions back and was looking for Café Nero where Rosemary suggested Andre and I might meet. When I asked a staff member where it might be he said it was no longer there, replaced by a Prêt à Manger outlet. [Jamie and I had enjoyed a sandwich and java at one in South Kensington, where we met up, briefly, yesterday, as it was just across from tube station and I was most pleasantly surprised at how good the food and coffee were.] Anyway, I found a seat close to it and presumed I’d see Andre at some point.
Only had a tangerine
for breakfast so I took out a couple of the sandwiches I’d made the night
before and had just finished them when I saw Andre making his way through the
waiting area. Waved to him and we greeted one another. Pleasant young woman sitting
beside me said she would move so he sat down beside me. He wanted a coffee so I
watched the bags until he returned and then he did the same when I went to the bathroom. Once back, we chatted for a
few minutes and then it was time to board. Although we were in the same
carriage we had seats at opposite ends of the car. Young man sitting beside me was from Sicily but has been working as a doorman at the Four Seasons for past
two years. Had a pleasant conversation with him for first part of journey. He
was going to Paris for the weekend and was staying at the Four Seasons, (George V,
I think he said, near L'Arc de Triomphe), for nothing, a pretty nice perk! If
I’d been staying in Paris I might have invited myself along!
No Wifi so
couldn’t digitate but was sleepy anyway so dozed quite nicely and only woke up
when we were about 50 minutes from Paris. Walked back to where our baggage was
placed and had a drink of the fuzzy water that I’d put in one of my panniers.
Chatted with Andre for a bit and then returned to my seat to pack up the few
things I had there. Said goodbye to my seat mate and then Andre and I waited in
the luggage area as it was jam-packed before we even boarded and our large bags
were in the aisle, a long with quite few others. This way we were first to
disembark and leave the way clear for other passengers.
Andre has done
this trip many, many times before so he knows where he is going. We had to take
the RER, (Réseau Express Régional), from where we were, Gare du Nord, to Gare de Lyon, to board the TGV, (Train à Grande Vitesse, "high-speed train", operated by the SNCF, Société nationale des chemins de fer français, "National society of French railways" or "French National Railway Corporation"),
there, bound for Valence. He gave me a metro ticket for this leg and after
negotiating a number of escalators and ticket barriers we were on Platform 44.
Train was thirteen minutes late and
really crowded but we were at Gare de Lyon with about twenty minutes to spare.
Said goodbye to him at his carriage, 8, as my EurRail pass entitles me to travel First Class.
Clambered on board
the first carriage, so designated, and found a seat. Didn’t settle in as I
wasn’t sure if I might have been sitting in a reserved spot. As it turned out,
there were a number of other empty seats so even if I had had to move I would
have been fine. Anyway, nobody appeared although another chap took the window
seat. I wanted the aisle anyway so I was happy. Train left right on time, 2:06
pm, I think, and so I knew I could stay where I was once doors closed. Still no
Wifi. I appeared to be connected but none of the sites I invoked could be found.
Don’t know if it is my system or the SNCF's but I wasn't overly fussed as I
decided to use Word to capture my thoughts. Only a two hour ride to Valence so
were to arrive about 4:16 pm. Train was right on time and friend and neighbor, Paul,
collected us as few minutes after we in the waiting area.
Bit of drizzle when we walked to where the car was parked but nothing serious. I took quite careful note of the roads we took and was pleased to find that all of them had a small bike lane/shoulder so I'm hoping to go for a couple of jaunts once I have my bike serviced. Paul dropped us off at teh back of the house, next to the garage they had finished building when we were last here in October, 2013. I'm back in the Gite on the first floor so quite comfortable and didn't have to lug my bags up two flights of stairs. Andre turned on various things and while he was doing so I unpacked. Had to wait for their password while he was out inspecting the garden so I took a few shots of the house, garden and surrounding countryside while I waited for him to come inside.
When he did so we retrieved the two bottles of wine I had left there in 2013 and also took a look at my bike. Covered in five years worth of dust but until we take it down, [It has been hanging by the frame so even though the tires are flat I'm hoping they are still in good enough condition to at least go for a short ride tomorrow before we take it into Valence to see about a servicing. Left a pump, helmet and shoes here, as well as some other bits and pieces of cycling gear, so I'm all set! Andre will prepare pasta for dinner and I plan to suggest we pick up something for the next few days while in Valance, or wherever else he deems best. Not sure how long I'll be here but as soon as my bike is ready I need to take off for Switzerland if I'm going to see any of the people I'd like to visit.
Have already missed Max and Monica as they are off to Spain on May 4th and I won't be in Bern until the 5th at the earliest. Fiona will be ther so I'm planning to see her. She even invited me to stay but I'll play it by ear as I've already made tentative arrangements, if I arrive in time, with a number of other friends.
When he did so we retrieved the two bottles of wine I had left there in 2013 and also took a look at my bike. Covered in five years worth of dust but until we take it down, [It has been hanging by the frame so even though the tires are flat I'm hoping they are still in good enough condition to at least go for a short ride tomorrow before we take it into Valence to see about a servicing. Left a pump, helmet and shoes here, as well as some other bits and pieces of cycling gear, so I'm all set! Andre will prepare pasta for dinner and I plan to suggest we pick up something for the next few days while in Valance, or wherever else he deems best. Not sure how long I'll be here but as soon as my bike is ready I need to take off for Switzerland if I'm going to see any of the people I'd like to visit.
Have already missed Max and Monica as they are off to Spain on May 4th and I won't be in Bern until the 5th at the earliest. Fiona will be ther so I'm planning to see her. She even invited me to stay but I'll play it by ear as I've already made tentative arrangements, if I arrive in time, with a number of other friends.
away as I hear Andre calling from upstairs. I think he wants me to open a bottle of wine! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Arrivederci Sleepy-head Penny although Madcap was wide awake! Andre at Eurostar; Hard to take a shot from a train hurtling along at 284 kph! Didn't capture that speed as train had slowed a trifle by the time I was able to take a shot. House and grounds in Chabeuil. Not sure when Andre will take cover off the pool. Some of the house, (three stories), and
grounds at Chabeuil. Don't know when Andre will remove pool cover.
He just turned on the heat as it is quite chilly so probably not for
some time yet. Hi Kids! Trust everyone is well. Fondestos, Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Lying in bed at Joanne’s she will drive me to the airport later. Enjoy France. Had a great weekend here. Time to go to Manitoba and dry out. Thanks for putting your share into joint acct. I only have garden expenses. Can we do expenses in July? Lunch with Noreen tomorrow. Hugs C Hello Duhlink! I gather you might well be in Winnipeg by now. Much love to the gang there. Glad you had such a good visit with Elaine. Sorry to hear about JT's back. Is she better? How was Glasgow's party? Fine about account settling-up. Too, too bad about not contributing to worthy charity. You and Rosita are great disappointments in this regard. At least you both answered while rest pretended not to receive appeal!
Lying in bed at Joanne’s she will drive me to the airport later. Enjoy France. Had a great weekend here. Time to go to Manitoba and dry out. Thanks for putting your share into joint acct. I only have garden expenses. Can we do expenses in July? Lunch with Noreen tomorrow. Hugs C Hello Duhlink! I gather you might well be in Winnipeg by now. Much love to the gang there. Glad you had such a good visit with Elaine. Sorry to hear about JT's back. Is she better? How was Glasgow's party? Fine about account settling-up. Too, too bad about not contributing to worthy charity. You and Rosita are great disappointments in this regard. At least you both answered while rest pretended not to receive appeal!
Andre prepared a wonderful dinner this evening. He offered his own olives from the tree just outside Gite. They were terrific. Did a pasta with a frozen pesto sauce he had made from his own basil, as well as a green salad. The 2011 Gravas, 14.5%, last of two bottles left in 2013, was superb. After we had polished that off, Andre raided Rosemary's cache for a 2009 Chateau Giscours Margaux, Bordeaux, 13%, a gift from her Dublin gig, worth about £80, so don't tell her! To tell the truth it was prety damn good but I preferred the Gravas as it had far more fruit. Anyway, a very, very pleasant evening.
Tomorrow we'll take my bike into local store to see what can be done there and if timing doesn't work, then to Valence where there are more and larger shops. Must away as my eyelids are starting to droop. Hope weather cooperates in Falcon. Hello and fond regards to Noreen. Much love to you, my Favourite, Favourite Wife! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Dinner this evening! Hi Patrizzio! Welcome to Europe. So, your summer adventure has already started. Plan your arrival to Brno to by there on Sunday, May 13th morning. You can stay in the same hotel that is booked for the tour. I have been keeping a couple of reservations for a while. I was just going to cancel those additional reservations. If you want a room, let me know for which night you would like to stay there. There is no other man who would share a room with you for Moravia. You will have a single room. See you soon. Katarina
Hi Katarina! Trust you are well. Thanks for welcome. I'm in Chabeuil now. Arrived about 4:45 pm. Very good connections all the way so trip went smoothly. Looking at train schedules from Bern to Brno I believe I can take a night train on Friday, May 11th to arrive in Brno at 9:28 am, Saturday, May 12th. If you could reserve a room for me at the hotel we will be staying at for that night, Saturday, May 12th, I would appreciate it. This way I'll be ready to join tour on Sunday morning. With respect to payment, I gather I will have to make up the difference between a single and a double for tour in Moravia. That is fine but if it is alright with you could I give you that difference when I arrive? Or do I just pay the hotel? I trust this will be acceptable as you will remember that I have already paid you the full amount for both tours, albeit based on double occupancy and making a transfer here might be more complicated than at home. Anyway, let me know what you think and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Katarina! Trust you are well. Thanks for welcome. I'm in Chabeuil now. Arrived about 4:45 pm. Very good connections all the way so trip went smoothly. Looking at train schedules from Bern to Brno I believe I can take a night train on Friday, May 11th to arrive in Brno at 9:28 am, Saturday, May 12th. If you could reserve a room for me at the hotel we will be staying at for that night, Saturday, May 12th, I would appreciate it. This way I'll be ready to join tour on Sunday morning. With respect to payment, I gather I will have to make up the difference between a single and a double for tour in Moravia. That is fine but if it is alright with you could I give you that difference when I arrive? Or do I just pay the hotel? I trust this will be acceptable as you will remember that I have already paid you the full amount for both tours, albeit based on double occupancy and making a transfer here might be more complicated than at home. Anyway, let me know what you think and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Mimi Mimenheimer and Her Minders! Trust you were not both exhausted after my early morning departure. Once again, I don't know how to thank you enough for making my stay as comfortable and as pleasant and as interesting as it was. Your boundless generosity and friendship knows no bounds and I had so much fun each and every time we spent time together, not to mention all the wonderful food and drink and chauffeur service, that I have to pinch myself for leaving! Again, thank you for allowing me to insist myself into your busy lives for as long as I did and making me feel so welcome at each and every step of the way. Words fail but I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
You are probably on your way to France today. We returned home yesterday having spent a very nice time in Amsterdam. We saw Alan and Loretta off on their across Europe river cruise and spent another day there before returning home. Very quick and easy on the Eurostar even with a change of train in Brussels. We didn't realise that Friday was the annual Kings Day celebrations. The city was packed and a sea of orange but it was fun watching all the street events going on. I think there must have been many a sore head on Saturday! Your Bedruthan Steps pictures are very nice and the only flora mix up you had was the flower you named as Heather which was in fact Sea Thrift!
Alan and Loretta are travelling with some other Canadian friends but separating after the two week river trip. Their friends will be spending another five weeks travelling and Alan and Loretta will spend a week in Hungary and then return home. We are back to the chores!I hope the rest of your trip goes to plan and enjoy! Cheers Derek Photo Loretta and Gayle getting into the Kings Day spirit! Loretta trying to fix Alan's backpack Lunch across from Rembrandt's house (1606) [Love it!! Spring in Canada is the best!]
Hello Indentured Servants of Sydney House! Trust you are both well. How did Spuddy fare while you were away? Friend of Penny, my host, was back from Amsterdam on Monday. Joan, [She and a friend stayed at Harbour Terrace a few years ago, in The Annexe, while we were away and Chloë was flat-sitting.], said she had a wonderful time at the Tulip Festival.
Yes, I am now Freeloading in France! Not sure if you need to take a short course in Attaching Pictures for Dummies, Derek, but the snaps did not appear, just an empty icon! Perhaps you should take over the simpler household chores and leave correspondence to ever savvy Gayle! Delighted your trip went well. Thanks for good wishes. Fond Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again, Master Gardener! Thought I'd send along snap Chloë sent. Our own Tulip Festival in Penticton! Bulbs are from Dusty's garden, back in Manitoba, given to us about three years ago. In planter along south side of front yard. Cheers, Patrizzio!
In Calgary waiting to take off. Easy first leg. JT drove me to airport. Your dinner sounds great. More soon, Luv Lady Dar At Pam’s going to Noreen’s for lunch tomorrow then George and Mom will pick me up around 2. Hugs Mom Have a great time xoxo
Dear lovely people in the book club. It is with a heavy heart that I am not going to be able to attend the book club - at least for the summer months. My wedding numbers have increased and my pulpit supply, plus continuing education for re-licensing are eating into any possible reading time that I might have. I also am hoping to work one day at a local winery so reading just isn't in the cards at the moment. Perhaps when the fall comes I might be able to resume reading, but Musaic is singing with the symphony in November plus doing their own Christmas concert, so I can't even promise that. It has been fun, I hope to rejoin you, but for now. ......... LOL Judi
First Tulip 🌷 |
Hello Indentured Servants of Sydney House! Trust you are both well. How did Spuddy fare while you were away? Friend of Penny, my host, was back from Amsterdam on Monday. Joan, [She and a friend stayed at Harbour Terrace a few years ago, in The Annexe, while we were away and Chloë was flat-sitting.], said she had a wonderful time at the Tulip Festival.
Yes, I am now Freeloading in France! Not sure if you need to take a short course in Attaching Pictures for Dummies, Derek, but the snaps did not appear, just an empty icon! Perhaps you should take over the simpler household chores and leave correspondence to ever savvy Gayle! Delighted your trip went well. Thanks for good wishes. Fond Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again, Master Gardener! Thought I'd send along snap Chloë sent. Our own Tulip Festival in Penticton! Bulbs are from Dusty's garden, back in Manitoba, given to us about three years ago. In planter along south side of front yard. Cheers, Patrizzio!
![]() |
Teetotal Street, St Ives, UK
Matt Brown
Dear lovely people in the book club. It is with a heavy heart that I am not going to be able to attend the book club - at least for the summer months. My wedding numbers have increased and my pulpit supply, plus continuing education for re-licensing are eating into any possible reading time that I might have. I also am hoping to work one day at a local winery so reading just isn't in the cards at the moment. Perhaps when the fall comes I might be able to resume reading, but Musaic is singing with the symphony in November plus doing their own Christmas concert, so I can't even promise that. It has been fun, I hope to rejoin you, but for now. ......... LOL Judi
Dear Lovely People In The Book Club: I feel as Judi does. Unfortunately this summer will be one with lots of Out of Town and Country Company. And……….I also volunteer at our local Hospital Thrift Store. About mid-September I will have more time to read again. I will see some of you during the Summer Months. Enjoy the warm weather and Reading. And send me emails…………to keep in touch. Cheereo and Lots of Hugs. To All. 😊😊😊 Dear
Lovely People Exiting the Book Club and Lovely, albeit Lonely People
Still In! In spite of defections, trust everyone is well. I'm sure you will be pleased to know that I'm alive and well and Freeloading in France! Fondestos and Cheers to one and all, Patrizzio!
Hi O Susana! Trust you are well. I'm sure you will be pleased to know that my Britrail and EurRail passes both worked well. Thanks again for tip about Flight Centre. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Album below chronicles my time in Stanwick with Nicolina and Paddy! Pictures chronicle Eurostar to Valence, then where friends, Rosemary and Andre, live in Chabeuil, a tiny, picturesque village. This is where I left my bike in 2013. Boules pitch. At the moment, sand is a bit too wet yet so it would be great if it dries out before I leave as I'd love a game, being the Lawn Toss Champion of Upper Kits, Granville Island and now Penticton, that I was and currently am!!!