The greatest analgesic, soporific, stimulant, tranquilizer, narcotic,
and to some extent even antibiotic -- in short, the closest thing to a
genuine panacea -- known to medical science is work. -Thomas Szasz,
author, professor of psychiatry (15 Apr 1920-2012)
Up at 7:30 am to scurry to my computer to see if there had been any change notifications to my flight to London. Lady Luck finaly smiled on me and unless something changes, later today, I'm to wing my way to Jolly Old at 6:35 pm. Sarge has very kindly offered to drive me to YVR at around 2:45 pm, once he is back from a meeting, so I'll have enough time to run a few short errands and then finish final packing to ready myself for the roughly 15 hour plane/train trip ahead. All going well I hope to be shaking Derek's hand in Truro, Cornwall, sometime between 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm, local time, depending in which train I catch out of Paddington. One of the other added benefits of landing in London is that I can take the Heathrow Express, (15 minutes shout the advertisements but I'll be happy if commute is only half an hour!], right to Paddington. Must away as I want to fix myself some breakfast, one pancake's worth of mix which I "saved" from being tossed, last Friday! Nicely aged by now!!!
Pat, I live in bern, very close to the train station. Yes, please contact me, once you are here. Your trip sounds incredible! My phone (and what‘s app) nr ist: .
All the best and fingers crossed for your flight! Fiona Hi again, Fiona! Thanks very much for your number. Heinz has already offered to collect me from the train station but I will call you as soon as I've a chance, once in Bern. Very much looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up. Cheers, Patrizzio! Perfekt patrizio! Loking very much forward to seeing you!! Hi again, Fiona! Perfekto Indeed! Cheers, Patrizzio!
OMG!! What an airline adventure and you haven't even boarded the plane!!!
I love reading your journal and find it most entertaining. Tomorrow is the much anticipated Heritage Fair. The boys have had enough of me working their butts off for the last 6 weeks. Well mostly since spring break but it has been so many long hours. I hope they are proud of the final product and feel proud to show their displays. Paddling is now back on the water. Rain tonight and Damian wore my scuba gloves to keep his hands warm. What these kids do for a ride on the lake! Paddles up!! Have a fabulous trip and will look forward to more news.
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Hi Patrick, Thanks for getting in touch. I'd certainly be interested in meeting if you are up for it. Let's sort something out for when you are around. Hi again, David! Thanks for speedy reply. Look forward to connecting so will be in touch once I'm settled in Mill Hill. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Hello Etta and Duke! Is this how you terrorize neighbourhood pooches? Take care of your Minders for me! Fondestos, Patrizzio!] Hi Patrick Just wondering what your status is and whether you will be making it to Cornwall. I am assuming that you are not on a West Country train at the moment since we haven’t heard from you. Cheers Derek Hello again, Derek!
Well, you are not rid of me yet! Sorry I've not updated you but life has seemed a blur for last day or so! [I was literally just composing this message to you when yours arrived!] Anyway, I'm on today's AC flight to London! All going well I hope to be shaking your hand, sometime between 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm, local time, Wednesday, April 18th, depending on which train I catch out of Paddington. I will call or send an email as soon as I'm on the right platform at Paddington and know which train I'll be taking. Trust this still works. Cheers, Patrizzio, desperately hoping to see you both soon!!
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Photo: Binary Koala |
Haha, that was a laugh to read. I'm glad your travel plans are falling into place, it sounds like a great journey. Say hi to Derek for me, he "should" know who I am. Also, get him to make his pastys they are amazing! Hope to hear from you when you are sorted in London. Safe travels.
Look forward to seeing everyone and coastal walk sounds wonderful. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio! Yes Dave is a friend of Krissy. He was the butcher at the place she worked at in North Van and rented a room at Mark and Krissy’s for quite a while. Nice chap. Think when his visa runs out he is planning on living in Squamish No, I think he plans on re-locating to Blackwater when his money runs out! I didn't include that bit of his message as I didn't want you and Gayle to close up shop and run for the hills! Hello to Sputnik!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again Dave! I mentioned you to Derek and he mentioned that he thought that you might move to Squamish when your visa expires. I told him that was not the case but that you planned on re-locating to Blackwater when your money runs out! I was a bit reluctant to mention this as I didn't want Gayle and Derek to close up shop and run for the hills before I arrived! Cheers, from Another Professional Freeloader! This is true indeed but my intentions lie solely in the freeloading of pastys and ales. Accommodation comes as a distant 3rd. I trust my vagabonding ways will not interfere with your current arrangements. Weather is great here at the moment, oh wait did I say great I meant grey. But really it is quite good.
Hi again Professional Vagabond! Now I'm really looking forward to meeting you as I hope we can swap freeloading techniques the better to live off the land! At any rate I'm all packed and ready to go as soon as Sarge returns. Just enjoying a delish brunch of salad topped with sliced pork chops, overlefts from last night's dinner. Bright and sunny here today although it was quite coolish when I walked out for a few things earlier. Must away as I needs must pack away my computer, having just checked to see that flight is still leaving on time! All the best. Cheer, Heathrow Bound Hobo! Thanks for the pictures Patricio. Good luck with your travels today. Cheers Ben What a nightmare. Hope all goes well. Take care, Matt Hi again, The Eggman, Santiago and Glasgow! Glad you enjoyed snaps, Santiago. Thanks for best wishes, lads. Must away as I want to fix myself some brunch as I know it's going to be a long haul before I'm munching Cornish pasties tomorrow evening! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Quite a saga and I’m glad to hear you worked it out. I would have gone along with Sarge’s advice too, get out to the airport and make you their problem. I hope the final plan came together OK. Also hope that you have packed light so you can be flexible as travel arrangements change. Looking forward to the first missive from overseas. Very rainy week here in the Okanagan desert, everybody bracing for floods and landslides. Cheers, Peter Patrick, Great pictures of the handsome Sutherland clan. Amazing how the boys look like their Dad. Cheers from the rainy Okanagan, Peter
Hi again Jugos! Glad you enjoyed the snapolas. I think Ryan has a bit more of Sarge's features but yes, you can see who the Dad is. You are right, Flamin' is The Online Goil while Sarge likes it up front and poisonal. At any rate I'm all packed and ready to go as soon as Sarge returns. Just enjoying a delish brunch of salad topped with sliced pork chops, overlefts from last night's dinner. Wish I could take more from the fridge as I know it will not be eaten, in all likelihood. I'll ask Sarge to put the food in the freezer and I'll eat it in July when I return! Bright and sunny here today although it was quite coolish when I walked up to 4th for a few things earlier. Must away as I needs must pack away my computer having just checked to see that flight is still leaving on time! Fondestos to Lynne Lynne. Brave the floods and landslides. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello The Sisterhood! Well, I'm back at YVR but scheduled to fly today! Sarge dropped me off at just before 3:00 pm and I had my bag checked about ten minutes later. Hardly anybody around so Security was the same. Took me longer to put my belt on and my money, etc., back in my pockets than it took to scan me for my Titanium hips of mass destruction. While I was "re-packing" I started chatting to three women, from the Comox Valley, who are off on a walking tour around England. They will be in Cornwall, walking the entire coast, I believe, at the beginning of May, so I told them they could stay in Blackwater with Gayle and Derek. I even gave them one of the keys I made, just in case we ever needed to go back ourselves!
Jugos Dom Pedro sent me a farewell note and remarked that it was a "very rainy week here in the Okanagan desert, everybody bracing for floods and landslides." Guess I'm leaving just in time, what with ice storms in the east! Must away to scope out Duty Free although I'm not really inclined to lug any hootch around, given what is already on my plate. Still, who knows what new Single Malt is calling, screaming to be tasted! Fondestos and Cheers to one and all, Patrizzio in Full-Freeloader Mode, readying for take-off! Pics: Sarge snapped these at curbside! Safe travels to my favourite son - in - law !!!!! Clara Hi Clarisse! Thanks for the good wishes! However, I fought the Malt and the Malt won! Love and Cheers, Your Very, Very Favourite Son-in-Law!
Hi Patrick, Heard your message left on our answering machine a couple of nights ago -hope you are over jet-lag by now. I remembered that you were going on this big long trip to Europe this spring-summer -nothing in small measures for our Patrick!
Sadly we recently heard that Ted had passed away. Have not been to VRC until recently, so I haven’t been keeping up to date on people from there. Did you hear that Af Khan moved up to Kelowna? That was ages ago. Also, Steve Lawton is retiring this summer. My right buttock and leg have been bugging me quite a bit lately. (my surgery was on the left side but fortunately the current prob is minor in contrast). How are you and Corrine doing health-wise these days? We were up in Kelowna just last week for a quick visit to our friend Hazel who has recently discovered she has 4th stage lung cancer -real bummer!
We are leaving for Europe in late May (all France & England) and will return in late June. You and Corrine are very welcome to stay with us for a couple of nights around July 10th. Denise is having cataract day surgery scheduled on July 13th so we will have to work your visit around that. We are not planning on visiting the OK Valley this summer unless Hazel wants us up there. So have a great time over there and send a little epistle to up-date us. cheers, Bill. Hello Flamin' and Sarge! Sorry I didn't manage to give you a prickly kiss farewell, Flamin'! Anyway, thank you both for serving up more of your bounteous, ever-wonderful hospitality. I'm almost glad I had to stay another night as last night's dinner, "with just the three of us" was simply lovely. Truly, thank you both for being so very, very accommodating and welcoming. However, forgot to ask Sarge to put overlefts in fridge in the freezer and I'll eat it in July when I return! He did offer, however, to give me frozen chicken to be reheated in plane's kitchen! All the best. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Sarge, thanks for the ride, of course! You are about as bad as Nicolina as a chauffeur! Have a god trip and I have opened a bottle of the Motts now that there is just the three of us. Hi again, Sarge! Put the cork back in as Molly Mop doesn't count! Anyway, this is what I'm having during the flight! Thanks for good wishes! Cheers, Patrizzzio!
Safe travels vagabond Poppa!! Love from Los Angeles It was a lovely service for Rozella, Sam's grandmother, The NAACP sent a delegate to speak about the loss of her son, James Mincey Jr. In 1976 when he was killed by a police chokehold during a routine stop. I never even knew Verneen had a brother because they don't talk about the incident. But Rozella fought to have California laws changed in the name of her son and it changed how the police were allowed to approach and detain people. A movie was made of the story. Love Ayn
Hi Tinsel Town! Thanks for good wishes. As well, pleased, of course, to hear service went so well. Quite a story indeed, about James. What a terrible, terrible ordeal for Rozella and family but what tremendous courage she showed in the face of such unspeakable racism and murder. Almost impossible to even imagine such a waking nightmare. Love to you and Los Horridos and Sam and Patsy Cline! Stay well and take care of each other and Winston! Was able to keep sending messages until just before I had to line up for Zone 4. Was pleased to find that there was plenty of room for my panniers and carrier in the overhead luggage bin. There was a young woman siting in the window seat when I arrived and we were both delighted that nobody came to claim the middle seat before the doors closed. She lives in Kelowna and is a student at UBC Okanagan, doing Anthropology. She will be working on her Master's degree but has not yet started that course of studies. Anyway, she was en route to Zurich to visit her boyfriend who is Swiss and lives there. She mentioned she will only be there for five weeks but will return next year for a year. We had a pleasant chat until just after take-of and then we both started watching movies.
Had tried to call Derek from the Vodophone kiosk but an automated response said I had used up all my 100 minutes and needed to top up! When I asked the chap about this he said it would take about twenty minute for everything to be initiated. Tried again, once I found a seat but still the same response. Fortunately there is free WiFi on the train so I was able to send Derek an email and he will collect me at 8:00 pm, in Truro. However, there have been numerous short delays, starting at the first stop, Reading, which will probably make us at least half an hour late. Anyway, I'm pretty comfortable, working away on messaging, jumping up every so often to snap a few pictures. Countryside is lovely and once past Exeter track runs along the coast so some gorgeous views. Crossed the bridge to Cornwall around 7:00 pm and it reminded me of driving over it towards the end of July, 2013, when we were coming from staying in Devon at The Malt Scoop, the wonderful vacation cottage owned by Chris and Mandy Durston, second cousins to Lady Dar.
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