I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him. -Booker
T. Washington, reformer, educator, and author (5 Apr 1856-1915)
Hi Judy Blue! We missed you last night. Hope you are starting to feel better. Unfortunately, Lady Dar's condition has taken a turn for the worse. Her throat is now terribly sore and she has developed a nasty, nasty cough. I'll have to ply her with hot rum and lemon! Cheers for now, Patrizzio! Pic: Duke comforts The Canadian Patient! Thanks Pat - hope Corinne feels better. Amos
Photos from Andalusia.. |
I am happy that you all enjoyed yourselves at pam's See you next weekπ Judy
Hi Parizzio Please count me in for Wednesday and Pam, many thanks for a wonderful evening in your beautiful home. It was a great night with lovely snacks enjoyed by all. Corinne and Judy, here's wishing you a speedy recovery. Hugs to everyone, Olly Thank you Patrick for being our chauffeur. Thank you Pam for hosting, I can see ourselves already playing on your deck this Summer, with Omeletta and Soufle making happy squekee noises in the background. I will be there next Wednesday to play. Healthy Wishes to the sickbay babes. Josπππ Yes thanks Pam for hosting on Wed. Phil and I should be good for next Wed at P and C's house. Chance we may go Chilliwack to pick up Nala but more likely we'll go later than Wed depending on the weather. We'll let you know when plans are definate. bye Gill Bridge Friends! Trust everyone is well. I have decided that the group needs a motto. I put forward this one for discussion: "I'll give you a definite maybe." If you can attribute the individual who made this remark you will be entered into a draw for fabulous bridge prizes, twice if you can suggest the individual or individuals whose behaviour exemplifies the motto! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Rosemary and Andre! Trust you are both well. I have just been in touch with the Flight Centre here in Penticton and am very happy with the suggestions and subsequent bookings made on my behalf. I will be taking the Eurostar from CD to London on April 17th and then will visit friends in Cornwall, returning to London to see other friends there. Do you have any idea when you will be returning to Chabeuil, Andre? If it works, we had talked about training to France together. If this is still the case please let me know what you think the departure date would be and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
This our big news! Richard and Anna are parents so that makes us grandparents! Julia Anna gave birth this morning at 11:30am. She went in to labour last night. Three weeks early, but all is well. The baby was breech, so they were thinking of turning her, but she wouldn't wait, so Anna had a C-Section. Willa Joan Hedley weighed 5 lb. 5 oz. Mother and daughter just fine. We are thrilled! Julia Congratulations Julia and Ross! Such wonderful news indeed! Hip Hip Hooray! Please pass along our best wishes to Anna and Richard. Will you be leaving for Edmonton soon?
![]() |
Willa Joan Hedley |
Interesting about Shane Koyczan. I am sure I walked past him at Park Royal at about noon today. If not, his identical twin. Julia Hi again, Grand-mère!
Could well
have been as screening did not start until 7:00 pm. Did individual have a
shaved head as Stuart mentioned this fact last night? Hello to Gramps. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Stuart and Jean-Denis introducing film and then with Shane for Q/A session.
I am so sorry to hear the Corinne has found herself with a spring cold--the worst kind of all. How dare the climate gods punish us for simply wanting to enjoy a bit warm air and some birds coming back to the yard! There is of course one thing wrong with your bridge game--you need more malt to warm up the bidding! This evening I nearly fired Leroy my regular Thursday partner. My one good hand of the night was a lay down 5 diamonds. He corrected to 5 spades. It was a disaster. I definitely need some malt. In fact that is the cupboard I am heading for right now. Good night my friend. Jim Hi Zircon! Sorry to hear about your bridge disaster! At least misery loves company in the malt cupboard! Better luck with Leroy or should he be named L'idiot instead of Le Roi? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Wild Bill!I will certainly say hello to Bruce and Brian if I manage to connect. I didn't see Brad's pictures as I really don't use Facebook for much, although took a peek when you mentioned his heart surgery. Coincidentally, you might remember that I reconnected in September 2016, in hospital when I was having my left hip replaced and he was in for a knee-replacement. I'll have to send him a note wishing him a full recovery.
Thank you for your condolences on Ted's death. I have included a number of links which will take you to the video tribute that was shown at the celebration of Ted's life: <https://youtu.be/kC7OclTigx0>, as well as an audio link to the celebration of Ted's life: <https://drive.google.com/file/ d/1D238CdtXQZT6AMsedgHewaMhE9D boEdb/view?usp=drive_web>
Hi Inquiry-Based-Learning/Laundry Mom! You do sound busy! Buona Fortuna! Just took another look at the lovely pictures you included in your Christmas card and must say what handsome lads, both Damian and Corben are! Though almost angelic in look, heaping hand-fulls too, I'm sure! Must away to tend to The Penticton Patient! All the very best, Ariane. Cheers, Patrizzio!
My condolences to C!! Hope you can avoid it all before your flight! Thank you for compliments. I usually throw out pictures after I paint them. I keep some but I have had only one professionally framed as it is extremely expensive. Before I ditch them I do turn them into a greeting card. When they are smaller you don’t see what a mess I have made ! I also have a digital version for reference and reconsideration. The scenery is quite spectacular in your photo Anyway.. good luck on your trip. Hi Greeting Card Woman! You talented people are always so terribly self-critical! Poor wretches like me dream of creating what you toss!! All the very best, Waste-Basket Woman! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for the newsy email re: Easter celebrations! Sorry to hear Lady Dar is sick.. not fun at all for her… but I’ll bet she will enjoy your medicinal libations!
I went to Twatson (LOL) for dinner where 5 of us women enjoyed a delicious ham, scalloped potatoes, zucchini casserole, carrots and 2 salads. Dessert was a l emon cake with creme de menthe sauce.. lots of white wine and chocolates… yum! Oh yes, my culinary contribution was hot cross buns… (not made by me)Our hostess had "hors de oeuvres" out prior to dinner, olives, dill pickles, salami, cheeses, crackers, veggie tray with dip… I was full after the appies..
I absolutely hate the drive there and back.. but the party was well worth it.
We were entertained by a woman who says she used to be bi polar but is not now.. and then she exhibited all the signs of being manic..told stories of people from the dance community and of her ex husband, her pregnancy and her constipation after that … and how the nurse had to pick the poop out of her… the topics were a tad out of place for a dinner party.. It was a laugh anyway..!! She had no clue that her behaviour was much too ‘out there’ for the situation..Other than that, no news of my brothers… we don’t communicate too much… texts back and forth is all. All the best! Cheers!
Joan Hi Joan! Thoroughly enjoyed the hilarious description of your Easter dinner party! Speaking of Winnipeg, (I think your brothers are still there.), there was a terrific article on John Patkau and his wife, Patricia, in the Saturday, March 31st, Globe and Mail. Did you know him at Daniel? He was in our Grade X11 class. Since moving to Vancouver they have become regarded as being among Canada's most accomplished architects. All the very best and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dearest Patrick, family and friends, Thank you scrumptious update all round, and you write so well you made the Okanagan valley look like sunny Hawaii! in the winter. Don't get me wrong, we love your new neck of the wood as we have good memories summer vacation with our then young kids. May be we will make an effort, extra one, to visit you in the valley this coming summer. We did have a wonderful Easter Sunday dinner, thank to Shewa, and we will have another one this Sunday for Eastern Easter. On the home front, after 25 years working with MOSAIC, I am leaving my post in June 2018. I will take a year or less to rest and imagine what next. But I should have plenty of time to visit people. For future communication you can use my personal address. See you soon. egn
Hello Eyob! Congratulations on your coming retirement! Hip Hip Hooray! Wonderful news and certainly well deserved after such incredible service to MOSAIC and the community it supports. Bravo indeed! Terrific that once you've actually retired you may well have time to visit. Look forward to that occasion so please let us know your plans as they develop. All the very best to Shewa and family and Hearty Congratulations, again, Eyob. Cheers, Patrizzio! Latest from Eyob! Hi Janet! Thought you would like to see this if you've not already received it. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I am so sorry to hear the Corinne has found herself with a spring cold--the worst kind of all. How dare the climate gods punish us for simply wanting to enjoy a bit warm air and some birds coming back to the yard! There is of course one thing wrong with your bridge game--you need more malt to warm up the bidding! This evening I nearly fired Leroy my regular Thursday partner. My one good hand of the night was a lay down 5 diamonds. He corrected to 5 spades. It was a disaster. I definitely need some malt. In fact that is the cupboard I am heading for right now. Good night my friend. Jim Hi Zircon! Sorry to hear about your bridge disaster! At least misery loves company in the malt cupboard! Better luck with Leroy or should he be named L'idiot instead of Le Roi? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Young Patrick, Please say Hi to Bruce and Brian for me if you get to see them. I thaought a lot of Bruce and enjoyed our friendship. I did not know Brian as well. .. Did you see Brad Joohnson's picture on Facebook of his heart surgery scars? It is very gory. I hope he didn't have that done in South America. I don't hear from him, but the pic showed up on the Facebook daily pic thing.
I was sorry to hear that your friend Ted Keating died. He was a pretty quiet guy, but always pleasant. I have a breathing test tomorrow morning at the hospital.. I guess I should be studying. I am gaining ground slowly. My appetite has also started to come back.. along with about 6 pounds.I would really like to keep it off, but I need the food as well. My belly is still way too big even after losing about 5 inches.. my arms and legs seem to have taken the hit...Have a wonderful trip to Europe..which I am sure you will. All the best to You, Corinne and Chloe...Old man Dempster
Hi Wild Bill!I will certainly say hello to Bruce and Brian if I manage to connect. I didn't see Brad's pictures as I really don't use Facebook for much, although took a peek when you mentioned his heart surgery. Coincidentally, you might remember that I reconnected in September 2016, in hospital when I was having my left hip replaced and he was in for a knee-replacement. I'll have to send him a note wishing him a full recovery.
Thank you for your condolences on Ted's death. I have included a number of links which will take you to the video tribute that was shown at the celebration of Ted's life: <https://youtu.be/kC7OclTigx0>, as well as an audio link to the celebration of Ted's life: <https://drive.google.com/file/
Pleased to
learn that your appetite has returned and that you are making slow but
steady progress towards full recovery. Thank you for best wishes on my European trip. Earlier today I contacted
the Flight Centre, here in Penticton, and was very happy with the
suggestions and subsequent bookings for all my rail travel, both in
England and Europe. Now all I have to do is pay for the rail passes and
start packing! I trust your breathing test went as well as possible. All
the best, Vieil Homme Dempster! [Sounds far, far better in French!] All the very best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick, So sorry to hear Corinne is not well. The spring flu bugs are just so uncomfortable π£. I suppose the only good thing is that it feels like November right now! Your Easter sounds wonderful. Ours was spent working on projects and doing loads of laundry from the ski hill. Guess we should have stayed skiing but too much to do at home with homework for the kids.
Massive projects that they have 7 weeks to do and all of it is to be done at home. Well they have had a couple of computer lab days but no instructions on how to tackle the actual assignment. All I can say is thank God I know what inquiry based learning is and how to find teaching resources! Rain today but I am seeing a bit of green on my lawn more each day. April showers.... will just need the heat and it will all start growing! Just hope we don’t have the flooding like last year. Hopefully the boys will have their projects finished this weekend.
They both went to a swim practice this morning at 7am. Elementary swim meet is April 18. Damian is in Battle if the Books April 12 and Heritage Fair is April 17. Science World sleepover is April 21st and Corben has hockey tournaments almost every weekend until May 5/6! Maybe I will get my taxes done this weekend if time permits. Otherwise I have to do that the 14/15. We plan to go to the mountain and take the clean laundry back that weekend too. The boys want to see the slush cup so that will be a nice day trip. Well.. Damian is almost done his guitar lesson. Have a great evening and look after your lady. Hugs to you both π Take care, Ariane
Hello Patrick, So sorry to hear Corinne is not well. The spring flu bugs are just so uncomfortable π£. I suppose the only good thing is that it feels like November right now! Your Easter sounds wonderful. Ours was spent working on projects and doing loads of laundry from the ski hill. Guess we should have stayed skiing but too much to do at home with homework for the kids.
Massive projects that they have 7 weeks to do and all of it is to be done at home. Well they have had a couple of computer lab days but no instructions on how to tackle the actual assignment. All I can say is thank God I know what inquiry based learning is and how to find teaching resources! Rain today but I am seeing a bit of green on my lawn more each day. April showers.... will just need the heat and it will all start growing! Just hope we don’t have the flooding like last year. Hopefully the boys will have their projects finished this weekend.
They both went to a swim practice this morning at 7am. Elementary swim meet is April 18. Damian is in Battle if the Books April 12 and Heritage Fair is April 17. Science World sleepover is April 21st and Corben has hockey tournaments almost every weekend until May 5/6! Maybe I will get my taxes done this weekend if time permits. Otherwise I have to do that the 14/15. We plan to go to the mountain and take the clean laundry back that weekend too. The boys want to see the slush cup so that will be a nice day trip. Well.. Damian is almost done his guitar lesson. Have a great evening and look after your lady. Hugs to you both π Take care, Ariane
Hi Inquiry-Based-Learning/Laundry Mom! You do sound busy! Buona Fortuna! Just took another look at the lovely pictures you included in your Christmas card and must say what handsome lads, both Damian and Corben are! Though almost angelic in look, heaping hand-fulls too, I'm sure! Must away to tend to The Penticton Patient! All the very best, Ariane. Cheers, Patrizzio!
My condolences to C!! Hope you can avoid it all before your flight! Thank you for compliments. I usually throw out pictures after I paint them. I keep some but I have had only one professionally framed as it is extremely expensive. Before I ditch them I do turn them into a greeting card. When they are smaller you don’t see what a mess I have made ! I also have a digital version for reference and reconsideration. The scenery is quite spectacular in your photo Anyway.. good luck on your trip. Hi Greeting Card Woman! You talented people are always so terribly self-critical! Poor wretches like me dream of creating what you toss!! All the very best, Waste-Basket Woman! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for the newsy email re: Easter celebrations! Sorry to hear Lady Dar is sick.. not fun at all for her… but I’ll bet she will enjoy your medicinal libations!
I went to Twatson (LOL) for dinner where 5 of us women enjoyed a delicious ham, scalloped potatoes, zucchini casserole, carrots and 2 salads. Dessert was a l emon cake with creme de menthe sauce.. lots of white wine and chocolates… yum! Oh yes, my culinary contribution was hot cross buns… (not made by me)Our hostess had "hors de oeuvres" out prior to dinner, olives, dill pickles, salami, cheeses, crackers, veggie tray with dip… I was full after the appies..
I absolutely hate the drive there and back.. but the party was well worth it.
We were entertained by a woman who says she used to be bi polar but is not now.. and then she exhibited all the signs of being manic..told stories of people from the dance community and of her ex husband, her pregnancy and her constipation after that … and how the nurse had to pick the poop out of her… the topics were a tad out of place for a dinner party.. It was a laugh anyway..!! She had no clue that her behaviour was much too ‘out there’ for the situation..Other than that, no news of my brothers… we don’t communicate too much… texts back and forth is all. All the best! Cheers!
Joan Hi Joan! Thoroughly enjoyed the hilarious description of your Easter dinner party! Speaking of Winnipeg, (I think your brothers are still there.), there was a terrific article on John Patkau and his wife, Patricia, in the Saturday, March 31st, Globe and Mail. Did you know him at Daniel? He was in our Grade X11 class. Since moving to Vancouver they have become regarded as being among Canada's most accomplished architects. All the very best and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dearest Patrick, family and friends, Thank you scrumptious update all round, and you write so well you made the Okanagan valley look like sunny Hawaii! in the winter. Don't get me wrong, we love your new neck of the wood as we have good memories summer vacation with our then young kids. May be we will make an effort, extra one, to visit you in the valley this coming summer. We did have a wonderful Easter Sunday dinner, thank to Shewa, and we will have another one this Sunday for Eastern Easter. On the home front, after 25 years working with MOSAIC, I am leaving my post in June 2018. I will take a year or less to rest and imagine what next. But I should have plenty of time to visit people. For future communication you can use my personal address. See you soon. egn
Hello Eyob! Congratulations on your coming retirement! Hip Hip Hooray! Wonderful news and certainly well deserved after such incredible service to MOSAIC and the community it supports. Bravo indeed! Terrific that once you've actually retired you may well have time to visit. Look forward to that occasion so please let us know your plans as they develop. All the very best to Shewa and family and Hearty Congratulations, again, Eyob. Cheers, Patrizzio! Latest from Eyob! Hi Janet! Thought you would like to see this if you've not already received it. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Old Farts, Not Rattlesnake as we had planned to do today….instead we began at Soorimpt picnic area and ascended Mama Jerry for a ways. It was challenging and wet- a good day! I am sending this notice out early as I need to find a volunteer to lead next Thursday, as I am unavailable. You get to choose and lead the hike! Such an honour doesn’t come your way too often. And I will gladly send out the notice for you. If you are interested and available, let me know in the next day or so, Many thanks, Jim
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