All the time a person is a child he is both a child and learning to be a
parent. After he becomes a parent he becomes predominantly a parent
reliving childhood. -Benjamin Spock, pediatrician and author (1903-1998)
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Such a Sleepy Pup! |
So we would love you to visit us in Stanwick if you have the time to make it up here, of course there is a place for you to stay, red wine, good food and company on offer! When do you think you could visit? Saturday/Sunday? If so we could have food and drinks Saturday night and weather dependent could go on the narrow boat on Sunday. Here is my mobile number and have my mums laptop for emails too so hopefully we'll hear from you soon. Big hugs Patrizzio and Nicolena X Hi Nicolena and Patrizzio The Younger! How wonderful to hear from you! Don't apologize for anything. I know how quickly things unfold when you live busy, busy lives. Thank you for the lovely, lovely invitation. l would dearly love to visit but as of this writing I simply do not know what my plans for leaving London for France will be, having much to do with the fact of the ongoing, revolving French train workers' strikes. The bike I will use on the two trips I will be taking has been stored in Chabeuil, a tiny village south of Lyon, since 2013 in the house of friends, Andre and Rosemary. She also has a flat in London where they stay when not in France or traveling elsewhere.
Heard from both of them yesterday and Andre was flying from Vancouver then to arrive in London this afternoon. [Probably same flight I was on, a week or so ago!.] Email from Rosemary, [Who didn't go to Canada.], alerted me to the important information on train strikes as it is obviously something we will have to take into account. Rosemary suggested May 1st as best date to leave for Chabeuil. Once Andre is back and settled I'm hoping we can arrange to hook up to plan our journey to Chabeuil. Ideally, I think I'd like to leave this coming Friday, before weekend strikes start. Once in Chabeuil I can start process of having my bike tuned-up, etc., as it hasn't been ridden since 2013. I have to be in Brno, Czech Republic by May 16th and have plans to visit quite a few friends in Switzerland, beforehand, so clock is ticking, and really so if I don't get to France until beginning of May.
All this to say that while I would dearly love to see you both, as of this writing I don't know if that will be possible. I do apologize for being so vague. However, if I don't leave this Friday I was thinking that perhaps my friend, Jamie, [He and his wife Patricia live in Amersham.], and I, could drive up on Sunday for a day visit, if that might work. [Unfortunately Saturday is probably out, again, as of this writing!] However, if it means a change in any of your plans please don't do so on my account, particularly since I don't even know if that is possible and I would feel very badly to have put you out, in any way. Nevertheless, thanks again for your simply wonderful invitation. [Could we sail to France and then I wouldn't have to worry about trains!] I'll be in touch as soon as things crystallize here and then we can see what might work for everyone. Stay well. Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio the Juggler, trying to keep seven balls and a dozen plates spinning and in the air at the same time! PS: Thanks for your mobile number. I will call as soon as I know what I'm doing as I know email presents a bit of a delay.
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Cats and candy!
[Is it me or does your friend Dave seem to look a little bit traumatized by Jamie Lol Hello again, The Sisterhood!Jamie traumatizes everybody so he always makes me look normal! Cats and Candy go together like Wine and Cheese! Cheers, Cosmopolitan Patrizzio!
Pics: Tube advertisements and adornments at Bank Station; buildings and statue around the station.]
Hi Dave! Trust you made it home safely! Really enjoyed the time at The Euston Flyer last night, in spite of having to shout over the cheers of the soccer fans watching the Challenge Cup! After we left you Jamie and I walked back to St Pancras to take our separate trains. We plan to meet up tomorrow to visit a number of galleries. Wanted to send along these snaps as soon as possible as it is going to be a busy next few days. Buona Fortuna with your travels in South East Asia. Take care of yourself and hope to see you in Penticton, in the not too, too distant future. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Euston Flyer and then on street outside pub, about two blocks from St Pancras; WW II memorial statue inside station. Thanks Patrick, it was great to catch up. Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip! Safe travels!! David Hi again, Dave! Here is the second hike with Gayle and Derek. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, I've looked everywhere for top but have had no clue so far, any clues.
Trying to get patio cleaned up and planted before I go on Friday. Will stay for two nights with Elaine and 2 nights with Wayne and Michele. Hope all is well with you. Had a message from Jamie on Saturday but I know he made contact with you. Bye for now, back to my search Lady Dar Hello Duhlink! Sorry, but I haven't a clue where gazebo top might be unless it is folded up on top of the mattress, close to where the new lamp is hanging. It could also be behind the boxes that re piled under Chloƫ's window. I might have placed it on one of the shelves before we stacked the boxes up! Buona Fortuna!
Glad you are staying with Elaine and you can malign me with Flamin' and Sarge! If possible, I'd rather stay with Elaine as it is closer to Fest if we decide to walk back and forth. I'll let you discuss plans with Clan Sutherland.
Has been a busy last two days but I'm delighted to report that yesterday, Tuesday, I was able to purchase the very last seat on the Eurostar, departing Tuesday, May 1st. [Not sure if you know but French railroad workers are mounting on-going, revolving strikes so could not leave earlier.] Really had to wait until I could talk to Andre and he arrived yesterday afternoon. I'd been in touch with Rosemary earlier, and she was very helpful in suggesting best date to travel, given strikes. I took train into London to attend an organ recital concert with Jamie. Very interesting, for many, many reasons. Small reception after wards with the six or seven of us in attendence. Most highly eccentric characters. Had occasion to chat with a Friends of the City Churches volunteer, Signe Hoffos, originally from Ottawa, so we had a pleasant conversation while Sir James had a number of glasses of wine, [Java for me!], and many crisps and biscuits at reception!
Afterwards we returned to King's Cross where I talked to a Eurostar agent about booking passage. I didn't realize I needed my Eurail pass to obtain discount but at least I knew when to book. I had intended to join Jamie at Evensong service at St Paul's at 5:00 pm, but knew ticket was top priority. I arranged to meet Jamie back at the station and I returned to Mill Hill. Once there I phoned Rosemary and talked to Andre, explaining that if we were to leave on May 1st he needed to book right away. He said they would do it online, [I couldn't do that as to obtain significant discount, over £110, I had to present pass to agent at station.], and phoned back fifteen minutes later to say that the booking was successful.
Afterwards we returned to King's Cross where I talked to a Eurostar agent about booking passage. I didn't realize I needed my Eurail pass to obtain discount but at least I knew when to book. I had intended to join Jamie at Evensong service at St Paul's at 5:00 pm, but knew ticket was top priority. I arranged to meet Jamie back at the station and I returned to Mill Hill. Once there I phoned Rosemary and talked to Andre, explaining that if we were to leave on May 1st he needed to book right away. He said they would do it online, [I couldn't do that as to obtain significant discount, over £110, I had to present pass to agent at station.], and phoned back fifteen minutes later to say that the booking was successful.
Before I left that morning I had sent Dave a message and asked him for his mobile number. Reply was waiting for me when I was back at Mill Hill so I called and arranged to meet him after he finished work at 7:00 pm. Earlier, I had asked Jamie if he wanted to join us if Dave was available, [I didn't know, then, if he was free.], and that was fine as we'd just go somewhere ourselves and visit. Anyway, as soon as I'd talked to Dave, I took off, back to King's Cross and while en route managed to figure out how to populate my phone's address book!
Quite a line-up when I was back at Eurostar Ticket Office so I was worried I might not be able to book a ticket on same train as Andre, if at all. Anyway, about half an hour later it was my turn so I gave agent the departure details and she quickly brought up appropriate screen, literally gasping as she did so, and hurriedly booked my ticket. As mentioned, I reserved very last seat available on 9:22 am train to Paris. [No seats left for train to Lille, alternative route they favour more but at least we were on our way to Chabeuil.] Even in same car as Andre as Rosemary had given me its number!
Then all I had to do was wait for the ever-late Sir James and ended up miscalling Rosemary, [On train, I had put her number, instead of Jamie's, into his contact information!], but since I had her on the line I told her about my great good fortune. We arranged to be in touch to get together, probably on the weekend. Anyway, Sir James finally showed up and we strolled outside to find a pub so we could let Dave know where we'd be. We chose The Euston Flyer, not far along Euston Road from St Pancras, and once we found a table, called him. He said he was only twenty minutes away and rode over on his bike.
We were still working on our first drink, [cider for Jamie, Guinness for me], when he arrived. I must say I didn't really have much of an idea of what he looked like but once I saw him I recognized him from brief encounter/meeting at The Meatery in Edgemont Village, many years ago. He said he'd been to a party at Harbour Terrace but I only have a vague recollection of seeing him there, if one at all. Anyway, we had a great visit in spite of the fact that it was so noisy one had to almost shout and/or lean close. Didn't help at all that we were sitting under a huge wide-screen, volume full-tilt and Challenge Cup soccer match was on. Just like being at the stadium with pub patrons supplying crowd's cheers! Funnily enough if we'd stayed in one of the bars in the station it would have been quiet enough to hear a pin drop. Jamie had suggested this option but I thought I should at least visit one local pub and so we ended up at The Euston Flyer!
Dave only wanted one drink as he was riding home so around 9:00 pm we walked back to where his bike was locked and made our goodbyes. He is waiting for his passport to be renewed and then he is off to South-East Asia, intending, once these travels are finished to return to BC. Really pleased that we were able to meet as he is a very interesting young man whose plans for opening his own business seem quite carefully thought out and realizable. I suggested he investigate possibilities in the Okanagan so who knows!
Have also made contact with Nicolena and Paddy. They have invited me to stay overnight this coming Saturday and have a short trip on the "narrow" canal boat on Sunday, before returning to London. Complicated by the fact that Carol has invited everyone to her place for dinner on Saturday. Have to find out more about trains as on weekends there are many track closures due to ongoing upgrades. Once I know what journey might look like I'll have to decide which invitation to accept! Tough being a Freeloader!
Must away as I want to take a stroll to the Mill Hill Broadway station to inquire about possible options and do a bit of shopping in high street as well. Hello and best wishes from Penny and Mike. Penny is at a play this evening and Mike is with one of his son's so I will have time to try and sort things out for the remainder of my time in London. Much love to you, My Darling! Say hello to Etta and Duke from Mimi! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Jamie popped by on Monday afternoon before Back Choir practice; dinner that night; Jamie arriving, late as usual, for concert at St Mary Abchurch; church organist Ian Straw, Jamie's friend; David Pearson, visiting organist from Kiel, although British himself. Two organists after concert. Incredible domed ceiling; organ pipes; Jamie before Dave arrived at pub. Hello Sleepy Cat Minder et al! Just wanted to say that Duke and Mimi must be First Cousins! She'e been sleeping on my bed ever since Monday! Little Pig Pen, as well, since I find pieces of leaves and bits of earth on the duvet when she leaves around 6:00 pm.
Just back from walking to the High Street. Missed the heavy April showers which have been coming down, on and off, since late this morning. Pelting down one minute, bright sunshine next. Fondestos to Etta and Duke from Mimi, and to everyone else as well. Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio! Pics: My favourite British feline and my favourite British sweet!
Hi everyone...Callie Diane has arrived!!! April 24th, at 0444 am, weighing 7.4 lbs, 21inches long and I missed it! Baby and her parents doing well. Nana and Grandpa on cloud 9 thank you all for all your calls and good wishes! much appreciated xoxox barb and John Hi Barb! Congratulations to you and John on the arrival of Callie Diane! Marvelous, marvelous news indeed! Congratulations to the proud parents as well. Enjoyed all the snaps so thanks for that. Enjoy Callie Diane. All the best. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Just back from walking to the High Street. Missed the heavy April showers which have been coming down, on and off, since late this morning. Pelting down one minute, bright sunshine next. Fondestos to Etta and Duke from Mimi, and to everyone else as well. Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio! Pics: My favourite British feline and my favourite British sweet!
Hi everyone...Callie Diane has arrived!!! April 24th, at 0444 am, weighing 7.4 lbs, 21inches long and I missed it! Baby and her parents doing well. Nana and Grandpa on cloud 9 thank you all for all your calls and good wishes! much appreciated xoxox barb and John Hi Barb! Congratulations to you and John on the arrival of Callie Diane! Marvelous, marvelous news indeed! Congratulations to the proud parents as well. Enjoyed all the snaps so thanks for that. Enjoy Callie Diane. All the best. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
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