Gullibility and credulity are considered undesirable qualities in every
department of human life -- except religion. -Christopher Hitchens,
author and journalist (13 Apr 1949-2011)
Duke grumpy: Duke is staring at me from the stool. He is missing everyone.
Hello biker scout Back from Germany I would like to give you a dernier information before you take off. May 5th afternoon is also fine. To pick you up at the train station Bern would be the easiest for both of us you just have to go to the Taxipoint on the higherlevel of the train station. I would pick you up with my big old Volvo stationwagen which is just made for a newly upgraded highend bike! But if you really want to go for to find Sonnenblick yourself ( which many Swiss without Navy never find) you take at the Bern train station the local train RBS line BERN-WORB from Bern you take 3rd stop ITTIGEN every 15 min. ( on Sunday every 30 min.) from there you find it eventually with Google Maps or you call me! My handy 078 756 34 93 sorry i should have given it to you before!
Now we wish you a pleasant and save trip and look forward to have you here.
Cheers, Heinz
[Oh my pups!!!i miss him❤️] Dear Konteradmiral! A first glance I understood your reply to contain a reference to you esteemed Swiss Navy, a game I played with much enjoyment as a young, naive child! Upon serious examination and many re-readings of your last message I have been disabused of my ridiculous desire to make my way, unassisted to the maze-like neighbourhood of Sonnenblick, akin to Shangri-La! This being he case, I hope, beyond hope, to see you and your trusty Volvo stationwagen outside the Bern Stazzione Centrale Taxipoint when I arrive in your marvelous city. Of course, I will be in touch, from Chabeuil, as soon as I know when I am able to make the trip to Die Schweiz Die Grausamste der Grausamen Europäischen Länder! Must away as my glass is empty and I have a tremendous thirst for some Single Malt! Cheers, Dein Bescheidener Freeloader, Patrizzio!
Tummler, we would love to join a bridge game but unless you arrange to bring some players to the north island (or we play by Skype) - we will have to decline If you have a chance to call over the weekend, we would love to chat. Jane is here at Ukiyo. If not, we wish you well on your journey. We are are certainly envious of the adventure and look forward to the updates from the roadside.
Safe travels and fond regards, G&J and Morita Dave meet my Dad Patrick, Dad meet Dave. Dad, Dave lives in London (not exactly sure whereabouts), but you two should try and arrange a drink or Dave give him some intel of where your working so he and his London friends can experience something cool!!! If you are still working at a restaurant now maybe it’s a butchery?? Any way, now that my dad has your email he will keep you in the loop as to his comings and goings!!!Hope it works for you two to get together even if is a quick pint in a pub!!xx Chloë
Hi Dave! Chloë passed along your email address as I will be in London on Sunday, April 22nd, probably until the end of the month, or a few days into May. Not sure, as of this writing. I will be staying with friends in Mill Hill Broadway but plan to take trips into the City so if it works, perhaps we can arrange to connect. Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Look forward to seeing you. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Had a great discussion last night. Thanks to Judi for hosting. The next bookclub is May 31st, at Pat and Corinne's at 6:30 pm. We had a discussion about going back and forth from fiction to non-fiction. Pam proposed Lands of lost borders: Out of Bounds on the silk Road by Kate Harris. There is a u-tube video that I found, one copy on order at the library and available through Amazon and as an e-book through Kobo. Mentioned also was The Human by Matt Haig and Son of a Trickster by Eden Robinson both fiction. Come with your appetite, Bring something to share and wine.Hopefully it will be warm enough to sit outside. Wear a sweater.
Hello Duhlink! I trust you are feeling a tad, or more, better. Did the kittens take care of you? I thought of you when I went to the bathroom around 4:00 pm! Pleased to hear Book Club went so well. I can see you it didn't take you long to steer the Book Club in the direction you feel it should take! PUSHY BROAD, INDEED! Chloë and I had a terrific drive and it only rained a tad, close to Hope, otherwise roads were dry and she sped along at warp speed! Was very pleased to hear more about her work and some of many things that she is dealing with/learning about so am glad for that opportunity.
Stopped in Abbotsford for gas and hardly blinked my eyes and we were in Vancouver. We were at Harbour Terrace Zoo by 9:30 pm and after we unloaded she visited with Nicole for a few minutes before taking off for Squamish. Marvin drove up just as I was letting her out of garage. I heard from her just a few minutes ago and she already has a contact for me in London! I hope to see her on Sunday as she is having lunch on 4th before heading back to Penticton. More zoo animals arrived this morning as Sarge collected Avery and Ashlynn and they are here for the day. Michele is making dinner for Nicole and Marvin, Bella and Bert, Rebecca and Corey and I even though she and Sarge won't be here. They are going to the Arts Club with Mary and Walter. I'm all alone on Saturday as gang is going to Cirque de Soleil, in Abbotsford, and F/S will stay with Jeannette and Mike until Sunday. Branko is bringing a leg of lamb and I'll supply salad and vegetables. I have invited Judy Blue, in town, as you know, to visit her daughter Vanessa, but not sure if she is able to come, as of this writing.
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I’m getting better. Up at 4 am to let kittens out. Then read for awhile and fell back to sleep till 8:30 when I let cats back in front door. Didn’t do hospital shift. Had a lazy day with a nap. Pam Webster called and invited me to Dream Cafe tomorrow night. Bill is sick. Good opportunity to get to know her better. Great that you had a productive day. Enjoy your time with Branko, Judy who? Love
Cora Lee
Hi Jugos! Thanks for good wishes for my European junket. Must away as I'm to open a bottle of Township 7 Riesling to keep the troops quiet. Fondestos to Lynne. Cheers, Your Soon-to-be-Foreign Correspondent, Patrizzio!
Patriçio, Pepperoni played at 3:00 today, but the result was not yet posted when I buzzed by earlier today. If he (probably) won, he will be in the semi tomorrow at 1:00pm (VRC). I could pick you up, leave the lamb roast to continue defrosting, we watch the game, get back in time to put the roast on the oven, and then attack Sarge’s locked cabinets Off to watch Snooz perform again, … will be home this eve. Will report on Brian’s game and let’s touch bases to plan accordingly. Branko Hey pat, long time since we chatted, wondering where in the world you are now? All is well in the big city , we just had a nice trip to Tofino for spring break. Then down to Tigh Na Mara lodge. We flew dear old Dad from Sechelt to Nanaimo for Tigh Na Mara. It was really fun. My dad is quite together for a 89 year old. Talk soon Bottoms up. Steverino.
Hi Slammin'! What a delight, (and a surprise, I might add, given your atrocious record as a correspondent), to hear from you. Right now, (If you received phone message I left.), I'm just trying to get to Europe! See you, for sure, this summer in Penticton! I'm back there on July 16th and then have a full, right shoulder replacement on July 26th so come and help me open wine bottles! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrice, we understand completely and hope you get everything straightened away for a smooth journey! Get in touch when you can. Cheers, Al
See you there!Cheers Aarturo ...the mountain minstrel Have fun, we'll miss you!
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