There is always something to do. There are hungry people to feed, naked people to clothe, sick people to comfort and make well. And while I don't expect you to save the world, I do think it's not asking too much for you to love those with whom you sleep, share the happiness of those whom you call friend, engage those among you who are visionary, and remove from your life those who offer you depression, despair, and disrespect. -Nikki Giovanni, poet and professor (b. 7 Jun 1943)
Up at around 6:30 am and stole into bathroom for a quick shower. Heard door open and close when I was drying off so suspected Glasgow had gone downstairs for tea. He returned a few minutes later with a java for me as well. Thanking him, I worked away at confirming my reservation for this coming Sunday until the Tuesday, possibly Wednesday, depending on my train reservations. Downstairs at 8:00 am for another scrumptious breakfast, starting with eggs, sunny-side up and tasty sausage. After I'd made my "Dagwood", I started on second round of fresh tomatoes, sliced cukes and an egg mixture with horseradish. Matt and I were last two down so we sat at out own table and chatted until about 8:30 am as I had to finish packing my panniers. Once this was done, downstairs, fully kitted, ready to roll.
There is a fair bit of road work going on just down the street form our hotel, Soal, and there are long, long lineups, in both directions as there is but a single lane over the bridge where much of the work is being done. I knew we would be riding in this direction so yesterday I scoped out the best way to avoid the incredibly rocky, temporary surface. This being the case, I walked my bike, on the sidewalk, the first little way until the worst of the construction zone started and then I nipped into the car line-up, stopped, at this point, for on-coming traffic. Had to wait for a few huge transports and the odd bus to go by but once they were peat there was enough room for our bikes and the cars coming from the opposite direction.
As soon as I passed the flagman I made a quick right and this took me to part of the intersection not many vehicles were using and then I was back on the wide, brick-paved sidewalk which is typical for most of the towns and even tiny villages we have cycled through. Some of the others took the route which necessitated clambering over a couple of unfinished granite curbs, climbing a number of stairs, followed by a fairly high drop onto more loose, large crushed rock, something that was difficult enough when simply walking without heavy panniers and a bike to worry about. At any rate, we all made it out of the work zone and began our 4 km climb out of town.
Yesterday, at the bike store, I asked Vlasshyk how long the hill was and how steep so I knew we had the aforementioned 4 km and an average grade of 5%, 9% for a reasonably long bit, about half way up, but after we had that under our belts, it was back to the gentler incline. Matt hadn't stopped at the bike store, (I waved to Vlasshyk when he came outside to set up some display bikes, giving him the thumbs-up for all his incredible work yesterday! What a grand feeling to have stopping power and know that my handle bars wouldn't pop off!) when Katarina popped in to buy some chain oil so he was waiting at the top when Sweet Lorainne and I crested the hill. Longest climb of the trip, I believe, but not as taxing, at least for me, as the one we made when riding from Kroscienko to Rytro, before all hell broke loose!
While he and SL waited for the others, I kept going as I knew they would be at least twenty minutes, if not more, before everyone was up. About 3 km furhter on I reached the turn-off I knew we were going to take but decided to turn around to see how group was doing. SL had followed me to the intersection so she stayed while I circled back. Found the rest recovering, in the shade, close to the top and so I returned to the intersection to wait for them there. When they did arrive Katarina oiled almost everyone's chain before we set off. I didn't need any as Vlassyk had seen to that yesterday.
A short climb past the intersection and then we began a stunning descent, through a tree tunnel for at least 6 km of an almost 15 km descent, before the road started to level off, to finally hit the flat of the river valley. Was I ever glad that my bike had brakes, (Metal on metal, so worn was one rear pad, Dear Reader!), and fixed handlebars as the first six km were quite steep and I approached them with utmost caution, unlike Speed demon Thomasino who swooshed down at break-neck speed to wait for us, miles ahead.
Once past him I continued, with Sweet Lorraine, until we came to a petrol station and there I circled for a few minutes and then I retraced the earlier route to reconnect with the laggards a few km on. Once back at the filling station the group wanted to have ice-cream, do a bit of laundry, write psotcards and help bale hay so I said I would meet them in Gryb贸w, not wnting to wait while they accomplished all their time-consuming, non-cycling tasks. Sweet Lorraine opted to ride ahead, with me, and we made our way, extremely pleasantly, through the the tiny villages and hamlets along the way.
Once we were on the outskirts of Gryb贸w I could tell where the town square was likely to be, given the towering church that we could see from miles away, and we had little trouble finding our way to it, once we were closer to The Centrum. A very helpful local pointed the way and we were soon ensconced on a low wall, munching our sandwiches, waiting for the group to arrive. Church bells rang out an extended noon hour and a few minutes later the group started to drift in. As we had already eaten our "Dagwoods" I went across the street to tell Katarina that I was riding ahead to our night's destination, Bobowa, as I didn't want to spend an hour waiting while the others had lunch.
Understanding my preference, she told me that the hotel was on the far side of Bobowa, and I set off, joined by Sweet Lorraine, who was ready to accompany me into the Great Polish Unknown. Easy peasey ride after that, stopping at a blue tree, in a break in the "suburbs" to wend our way, about thirty minutes later, [only one, marginally taxing climb, over a new bridge], to soon find ourselves on the outskirts of Bobowa. Dipsy-doodled a bit while SL went to see where we could check-in and when we did, immediately discovered that Hotelu Ostoja is fabulous!
Map and Stats for ride:
As soon as Sweet Lorraine and I checked in we went to our rooms to shower, do laundry and once changed I went downstairs to see if there was anywhere we could hang our things. Very helpful manager who checked us in, like a breeze, showed me the clothesline where one of the maids was just taking down the sheets that were already dry. Gorgeous sunny day so everything was dry in minutes as sun was really hot.
There was a delikatesy just a few minutes away so strolled over there to see what sort of fruit and vegetable selection they might have. Katarina suggested we have a picnic dinner this evening and weather being so superb it would be a great idea. Only minor complaint I have is that there is no bar fridge to keep beer cold! Other than that everything fell into place and most of the gang met in our room at 6:15 pm for hors d'oeuvres and hootch before we repaired, across the street, to the restaurancja which is part of the hotel complex. We sat outside, in a small outdoor area to enjoy simply wonderful food. I ordered chicken livers with salad and they were divine, the boiled potatoes garnished with fresh dill and the shredded beetroot salad as tasty as all get-out, for a mere z艂 10/$3.58. Think I tipped the waitress more than the cost of the meal and then Sweet Lorraine and I toddled off back to the hotel. What an incredible day! What an incredible country!! What an incredible life!!! Cheers!
Bob Altwein Wow, must be nice Pat. Evi and I hitchhiked from Nowy Sacz down to Tarn贸w and further. That was in July 1975. Looks like you cycled right through the Beskidy Mountains. Pretty cool countryside. Judy B Pratt Happy you are enjoying Bruno PS In one hour local time we'll know the outcome of the Ontario provincial election. Incumbent alredy announced she won't win, so it's between Ford and NDP
Brenda McMorland Olly Egilson Hi Patrizzio Thanks for the updates. It sounds like you are having a great time but a lot of fast biking. Amazing trip by the sounds of it....enjoy!!! I just got home myself on Sunday night. I visited the grandkids for their birthdays, then off to Calgary and Banff with some friends then after it was off to Kootenay Lake to join up with Craig. The guys had fun fishing for salmon and we all had lovely dinners and visit with our friends before headed home Sunday night. We have had no Bridge evenings as everyone is away doing their thing. Best of fun and safe travels for the rest of your trip. Hugs, Olly
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