There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many controlled
by the few. -Lawrence Lessig, professor and political activist (b. 3
Jun 1961)
Up at 6:15 am to steal downstairs to make myself a mug of Instanto. Wasn't sure if the the breakfast room would be open, at this time, but it was, so proceeded inside even though the place was deserted. After I boiled the kettle and poured it over the Espresso blend, I went back upstairs to collect my computare so that I wouldn't disturb Glasgow, exhausted after being lost with two of The Sunshine Goils, Merrily and Pat, last night on way home from from the wonderful, wonderful restauracja!
Anyway, the day didn't look all that promising for the rafting cruise, through the Dunajec Gorge, through part of the Pienny National Park, Katarina had arranged. Nevertheless, after a splendid, splendid breakfast we met in the lobby and walked into the village to wait a few minutes until a private bus had enough passengers to drive us to the village of Sromowce Wyżne where the wooden raft trip begins. While we waited for Katarina to buy the tickets it was interesting to watch how the raftsmen lashed together five, long, square-sided, canoe-like craft, to accommodate up to twelve passengers, (spread across three bench seats with a back support running the length of the bench),
and two raftsmen, (one in the stern, one near the front, both using poles to steer and propel the craft downstream), the better to disassemble them where the trip finishes, in the village of Szczawnica, (about 18 km downstream, taking approximately 90 minutes), to be loaded onto a truck for transportation back to SW. As well, if one of the craft sustains a leak, the others will keep the raft afloat to complete the trip. At any rate, after we clambered aboard, we pushed off from the river bank and our guide/front raftsman, Karol, was most entertaining and informative, jesting with us while pointing out many of the points of interest through the stunning Dunajec Gorge and along the banks of the river itself.
Interestingly enough, here the river forms the natural border between Poland and Slovakia and as the raft travels downstream we moved, a number of times, from one country to the other. While it was a tad coolish, at times, for the most part it couldn't have been a better day, not too, too hot and but one or two rain drops, if that. It was unbelievably quiet, except for the times we negotiated a number of small rapids, receiving nothing more than the odd splash of water, and birdsong filled the surrounding forest. We were privileged to see a Black Stork, (quite rare and a protected species), at one point, and Katarina was chuffed as it was on the Slovakian side!
Close to tend of the trip we glided towards some ghostly river mist and this only added to dreamlike quality of the outing, magical in the extreme. Katarina had negotiated with the raftmen to drop us further along the river than at Szczawnica so that we were closer to the hotel. We pulled into a small flat area of the shore and once out of the raft, clambered up a the fairly steep bank, thanking and waving goodbye to our two stalwart raftsmen. A lovely stroll of about 15 minutes, much of it along the river, in a tree tunnel, for part of the way, and we were back at the hotel, the Crosna Spa, feeling elated to have just experienced such a remarkable part of the Polish countryside. Your video will be live at: Dunajec River Rafting & Black Stork
Most of the gang were then off to explore the village while Thomasino very kindly offered to help me change the flat inner tube on my back tire. It was dangerously low when we arrived yesterday and I asked Radek, the owners' son, if he would mind pumping it up with his compressor. He very kindly did just that and when I checked it this morning, before we left for the rafting outing, it was flat again so I knew it had sustained a puncture of some kind.
Katarina provided me with a patch kit and I had taken off the wheel when Radec reappeared, jsut back from church and he offered to help. He did more than help, once he say how inept I was, although Thomasino had patched Sweet Lorainne's tire in Nowy Targ yesterday morning, and is much more skilled at such things. Anyway, once we had tube out, Radek took it back into the workshop and using a small tub filled with not much water, determined the tube had two small "pinch" punctures, sustained, we theorized, over the terribly rocky, uneven bike path we followed yesterday, along the Dunajcem, putting an inordinate amount of pressure on the tire, given the heavy, heavy panniers I was carrying.
Following the patch kit instructions, (written in Slovakian!), Radek did a most impressive job of applying patch, (I opened the tube of glue, lest you think I was an idel bystander, Dear Reader!), and then refitted tube and tire onto rim, gently and carefully, so as not to pinch the tube, yet again, and then re-balancing tire, as best he could , once it was slightly inflated. Then, again, using the compressor, put in as much air as possible, given that the fitting he has does not match the Presta valve on the tire. Will use Katarina's hand-pump to inflate tire to proper PSI tomorrow, before we leave.
Thanking Radek for his generous, patient help, I also thanked his lovely wife, Sabrina, [Last night she volunteered him to drive us into town to the restauracja.], for allowing me to take him away from the family weekend. From Kraków, they are here, visiting his parents, who own the hotel, along with their two beautiful daughters, Domenica and Amelia, the toddler. Waving goodbye and wishing them a safe drive home, I returned to the room to put pen to paper. Now that most of the writing is done I plan to hie myself into the village for a bit of a stroll. Want to look for toothpaste, sunscreen and Żubrówka, not necessarily in that order, Dear Reader!
After I walked around the village for a bit, a very helpful waitress pointed me towards an open delikatesy, just across the street from last night's restauracja. A 500 ml bottle of Bison Grass Żubrówka, ($7.57/zł 21.59), .202 kg of Sal. K. Swojska, (sausage), three tomatoes and a cuke and I was ready to head back to my room to have a picnic. Thomasino came by for a snort of Żubrówka and Glasgow and I, the Three Cyclateers enjoyed each others company, a bit of separation from The Sisterhood, before The Lads left to go into the village for dinner! I'm happy to stay and send along messages and work on the Bike Diaries, Dear Reader! Hello Brat Pack and former Brat Packers! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Patrizzio on raft, snap taken by raftsman, Karol; Sabrina with Dominica, Radek and Thomasino, after fixing flat.
I don't know if you noticed on Facebook chat, I sent you info on international literature festival around the time you plan to be here .
Anyway, let me know how things work out with your trip. Have fun! See you soon!! XO from Margareta
Awesome work Patrick, I felt like I was on holiday with you. The raft ride was one of the reasons I wanted to do Poland, but my youngest is graduating from University this weekend, so one year soon I hope!! Make sure you start going out for dinner. We had amzing spreads, the picnics you can have anytime! I'm dieting now, lol Judy lol you're too kind Patrick. Dj was very flattered by your mention of him in this post. haha Glad to hear you're still biking away and having a grand time!! Eat a pork knuckle for us! Warmly, Danielle and Dj
Thank you Jodi, look forward to trying the wine. Patrick is away until mi-July and I am caring for my mom in Manitoba. We should be able to pick the wine up by Jul 17. I hope that is ok, Best Corinne Durston
Lazy Saturday 😻 and Lazy Sunday!
Hi Dad, Found the cats curled up last night on your bed, they both slept there together. They are really missing you and mom. Went and did the KVR today with Corey and Rebecca and the girls. Overcast and windy, now I’m home and there’s some thunder and the wind had really picked up. We are supposed to get a big rain shortly!!!
Working lots, last week alone three night meetings and AGM season is upon us!! Looks like you and Matt are having a great time!! When I’m in Vancouver next week I’m going to meet up with Krissy and Derek and Gail as they arrive on the 10th for a week before their Alaskan cruise!! Love and miss you, still haven’t found my summer shoes 🙁 will have to stick you with a big replacement shoe bill when you arrive home!!😉 ❤️😘 Chloë
Hi All, I’m writing to invite you to a celebration of Pat Placzek this coming Saturday, June 16th (the anniversary of his death), at Spanish Banks through the time honoured tradition of a beach bbq, an art that Pat knew well. As in past years, we will set up at the last parking lot on Spanish Banks near the big anchor statue and close by to the memorial bench that was collectively created for him. Come on down to party and channel the energy of our lovely Pat. Please feel free to come by anytime from 3pm and into the night. We are going to set up some bbqs and will bring some foods to grill but if you wanted to pitch in with anything, please do so! Pat was a master at beach hangs so let’s try to do him right.
As in previous years there will be a short ceremony to honour Pat and to talk about some of the work the Placzeks and Pat's network of friends have created in his memory. One of those pieces is a scholarship in perpetuity called the Pat Placzek Award for Indigenous Urban Studies at York University. Attached to this email you will find a letter from this year’s recipient, along with a photo of Ravi Costa, the Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York, at Pat’s memorial bench along with Jim and Dan Placzek.
Another is that Pat’s last album has been mixed and mastered, and is going to be made available to everyone in cassette + digital download form! This was under his music moniker Zach Fanta. We will be passing out tapes to everyone with the digital downloads on the day. Here’s the rough schedule for the day:
3PM + onwards: meet near anchor public statue at Spanish Banks. Start the damn party. 6:30PM: (roughly) -get together and hear news on: -York University scholarship -CiTR label project -Pat’s I Ain’t Tha 1 album release -chanting for five minutes or so 7PM: (roughly) - Continue the freakin party until….??? I hope you can make it! If anyone needs anything please email me back or call/text me. Hope to see you all soon. Also it goes without saying but everyone is invited so if we missed anyone on the email please forward it along! Channeling Pat-level love of the universe, xoxox
Hi Chloë and Etta/Duke, my favourite kittens
Great snapola of the cats. Thanks
muchly! Just a short note as it is way past my bedtime. We have a long
ride tomorrow and I'm not even sure if my back wheel's tube is fixed.
Anyway, just wanted to say hello to the fabulous
cats of Burns Street and send greetings from Duke's Polish cousin! Love
and Cheers and Fondestos from The Soccer Coach! Pics: Duke's cousin and Life in Poland!
Hello Arthur, and Janet! I trust this message finds you both well. My name is Patrick Dunn and Janet very kindly contacted you on my behalf. I do apologize for not being in touch sooner but life on the road has been very busy, wonderful indeed, but very, very busy. Our group will be cycling towards Kraków as this week draws to a close and we are to arrive on Friday, June 8th. We will be staying at the Ibis Centrum. The tour is "officially" over on Sunday, June 10th but I plan to stay in Kraków until the following Tuesday or perhaps Wednesday, before traveling on to Aarhus, Denmark.
I had hoped to visit Warsaw but now know that I will not have time to do this. If your schedule allows, I would be more than delighted to meet you. If I could ask you to let me know what times might be convenient to meet and where, that would be most kind. If I have not heard from you by the time I'm back in Kraków I will call you as Janet provided me with your number. Thanks again and I do hope we are able to connect. All the best. Stay well. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Arthur, and Janet! I trust this message finds you both well. My name is Patrick Dunn and Janet very kindly contacted you on my behalf. I do apologize for not being in touch sooner but life on the road has been very busy, wonderful indeed, but very, very busy. Our group will be cycling towards Kraków as this week draws to a close and we are to arrive on Friday, June 8th. We will be staying at the Ibis Centrum. The tour is "officially" over on Sunday, June 10th but I plan to stay in Kraków until the following Tuesday or perhaps Wednesday, before traveling on to Aarhus, Denmark.
Hello, Artur and Patrick: It's nice to hear from you, Patrick, and all indications are that the trip is going well. I'm really looking forward to hearing whether or not you are able to connect with Artur. Artur, if you are reading this, I know that there is always a fair chance that you are not in Krakow or maybe even not in Poland, as your academic activities frequently take you away. Patrick, I think it is a very good idea to spend extra time in Krakow -- so much to see in that beautiful, historic city, not to mention the Salt Mine too. And Auschwitz, though such a sad, grim place, is also worthwhile. Guess what, I am now RETIRED! And with very few pangs for my former working life at VPL, I must say. All the best, Janet
Hi Patrick, Thanks very much for the wonderful diary of the POLSKA WYCIECZKA 😀. I have to admit, although I have been to all those places in Kraków and Zakopane, but it was a long time ago, and never on a bike, which adds to the attraction of the whole trip. Yes, I envy you quite a bit, but I am very glad you have such a fantastic time, good for you. Enjoy the rest of the trip, and say hello to Jim and Judi from us. Cheers Mike
Hi Patrick, sound as if trip in Poland is tuning out very well! Nice photos! We are having the hottest month of May ever, top summer temperatures for 4 weeks! We are swimming Open Water in sea and rivers almost daily!
I wonder if your travel plans are evolving as to your visit in Denmark /Aarhus? You are of course welcome Any time. As to the possibilities of meeting Hans it now turns out that he has cancelled a trip and will be om town weekend of June 15-17. Hans loves biking and if schedules fit, I think he can go with you around here, and also give ideas /tips regarding nice routes.
I wonder if your travel plans are evolving as to your visit in Denmark /Aarhus? You are of course welcome Any time. As to the possibilities of meeting Hans it now turns out that he has cancelled a trip and will be om town weekend of June 15-17. Hans loves biking and if schedules fit, I think he can go with you around here, and also give ideas /tips regarding nice routes.
I don't know if you noticed on Facebook chat, I sent you info on international literature festival around the time you plan to be here .
Anyway, let me know how things work out with your trip. Have fun! See you soon!! XO from Margareta
Awesome work Patrick, I felt like I was on holiday with you. The raft ride was one of the reasons I wanted to do Poland, but my youngest is graduating from University this weekend, so one year soon I hope!! Make sure you start going out for dinner. We had amzing spreads, the picnics you can have anytime! I'm dieting now, lol Judy lol you're too kind Patrick. Dj was very flattered by your mention of him in this post. haha Glad to hear you're still biking away and having a grand time!! Eat a pork knuckle for us! Warmly, Danielle and Dj
Thank you Jodi, look forward to trying the wine. Patrick is away until mi-July and I am caring for my mom in Manitoba. We should be able to pick the wine up by Jul 17. I hope that is ok, Best Corinne Durston
Lazy Saturday 😻 and Lazy Sunday!
Hi Dad, Found the cats curled up last night on your bed, they both slept there together. They are really missing you and mom. Went and did the KVR today with Corey and Rebecca and the girls. Overcast and windy, now I’m home and there’s some thunder and the wind had really picked up. We are supposed to get a big rain shortly!!!
Working lots, last week alone three night meetings and AGM season is upon us!! Looks like you and Matt are having a great time!! When I’m in Vancouver next week I’m going to meet up with Krissy and Derek and Gail as they arrive on the 10th for a week before their Alaskan cruise!! Love and miss you, still haven’t found my summer shoes 🙁 will have to stick you with a big replacement shoe bill when you arrive home!!😉 ❤️😘 Chloë
Hi All, I’m writing to invite you to a celebration of Pat Placzek this coming Saturday, June 16th (the anniversary of his death), at Spanish Banks through the time honoured tradition of a beach bbq, an art that Pat knew well. As in past years, we will set up at the last parking lot on Spanish Banks near the big anchor statue and close by to the memorial bench that was collectively created for him. Come on down to party and channel the energy of our lovely Pat. Please feel free to come by anytime from 3pm and into the night. We are going to set up some bbqs and will bring some foods to grill but if you wanted to pitch in with anything, please do so! Pat was a master at beach hangs so let’s try to do him right.

Another is that Pat’s last album has been mixed and mastered, and is going to be made available to everyone in cassette + digital download form! This was under his music moniker Zach Fanta. We will be passing out tapes to everyone with the digital downloads on the day. Here’s the rough schedule for the day:
3PM + onwards: meet near anchor public statue at Spanish Banks. Start the damn party. 6:30PM: (roughly) -get together and hear news on: -York University scholarship -CiTR label project -Pat’s I Ain’t Tha 1 album release -chanting for five minutes or so 7PM: (roughly) - Continue the freakin party until….??? I hope you can make it! If anyone needs anything please email me back or call/text me. Hope to see you all soon. Also it goes without saying but everyone is invited so if we missed anyone on the email please forward it along! Channeling Pat-level love of the universe, xoxox
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