Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do. -Voltaire, philosopher (21 Nov 1694-1778)
Just letting everyone know that Thursday, Nov. 30th is the Summerland Light Up! Would Friday night be an option? Just asking? Olly Patrick, I can play Tuesday night. Thursday night is the only night I can play next week. I was very sad that the Bombers lost. I am cheering for Calgary now�� Pamela Hi all, I think Olly is confused. Light up in Summerland is on Friday November 30th, which means that we can play on Thursday November 29th. Cheers, Jos Hi Patrick. Next Thursday works for me. Thank you. Dianne Thursday works for me! You are right Jos, light up is on Friday. Thanks, Olly
Hello again, Card Sharks! Based on the response so far, it looks as if Thursday, November 29th is convenient for most. If I understand correctly, Pamela can play so that means we will have seven players confirmed, so another two-tables with Dummy to move. Hip Hip Hooray! Anyone interested in hosting? If not we can play at Burns Street. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks for organizing Patrick, and if you all want to come to Summerland , I am happy to host. Jos. I would be happy to host Judy Hi all, Count me in. Jos, thanks for hosting and I did stop by today and picked up Craig's sunglasses so we are off to the coast tomorrow. Patrizzio please bring my water bottle. See ya'all Thursday. We plan to be back Sunday night but I won't be hiking as I will be curling. Hugs to everyone, Olly
Hi again, Card Sharps! Thank you for offering to host Josinta, and Judy Blue. Since The Water Slide People hosted a tad more recently, I'm going to make an executive decision and suggest we play at JB's on Thursday, November 29th, at 6:30 pm. Please let me know if this is more than agreeable to all concerned. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: On another matter, we are having our Christmas Open House on Saturday, December 15th, so look forward to having twenty tables of bridge then! So far, I can join you on Thurs Susan
Sounds good, Patrick. Can you please send me Judy's address. Thanks. Dianne
Hi Lady Di! Judy Blue lives on Regina St., behind the Old Cemetery off Fairview. Glad you can make it. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you. Dianne Thank you Patrick, and Judy looking forward to play at your cozy place next Thursday.
Olly I got the green light today from the eye doctor and will drive next week. Cheers to all, Jos Just found my scarf on reindeer this am when retrieving paper Thank you for bringing it over !!! I could have picked it up. Sorry I wasn't home to invite you in. Was out playing bridge!!!!! Looking forward to seeing you Thursday altho I am walking today with the ladies may see you Corrine if you are going Xo Judi No walking today, have things to do for Caroling event. See you Thursday after the movie. Hugs Corinne
Hi Patrice, Sorry
for the lag in response but the emailing has taken a backseat to other
life stuff for a while. I enjoyed the pictures. Especially the ones of
Rick and Corrinne
passed out on the couch and I am sure they enjoy having them put out on
the internet as well!. Sounds like you social calendar continues to be
full of interesting and fun outings, events and visits. As for the
climate change seminar, don’t worry, as according
to Trump we just need to be like Finland and do a little raking and maintenance and everything will be alright!
very busy with the Lost in Space show I have to say I am enjoying my
time over there as I am getting plenty of time to look after personal
matters when
needed and the work itself is relatively easy with many young hands to
do the physical work so I can concentrate on the “smart stuff” designing
methods and equipment to achieve the numerous mechanical requirements
to move set pieces ie. Space doors and Saucer
deck masts etc. I wound up taking yesterday off after a 2 hour dentist
appointment in the morning for a crown prep and then meeting one of my
old friends Chris who I have known since grade 4. We went and had a
visit with my Mom and took her out to Wally burgers
around the corner from her care home much to her delight and bought her
a nice Starbucks coffee and her favourite Clamato juice to take home.
Afterwards we came back home and grabbed Clover and went for a nice walk at Robert Burnaby park. After that we dropped off my truck to get some work done at my local mechanic and walked home along the expo line trail chucking the ball for Clover as we went. Said goodbye to Chris and he carried on on the path to the Royal Oak skytrain while I came home to Maureen and Jeremy visiting. Jeremy just got back from a three week trip to India with his fiancé Khyati which initially started out well but did not end well as he had food poisoning and her family was very irritating according to Jeremy. This is a longer story and will tell you next time we see you.
Afterwards we came back home and grabbed Clover and went for a nice walk at Robert Burnaby park. After that we dropped off my truck to get some work done at my local mechanic and walked home along the expo line trail chucking the ball for Clover as we went. Said goodbye to Chris and he carried on on the path to the Royal Oak skytrain while I came home to Maureen and Jeremy visiting. Jeremy just got back from a three week trip to India with his fiancé Khyati which initially started out well but did not end well as he had food poisoning and her family was very irritating according to Jeremy. This is a longer story and will tell you next time we see you.
to take another day off today as We are in a slight lull at work and I
have a sore knee which I want to rest a bit. Probably should not have
done the amount
of walking I did yesterday but figured it was better to keep it moving.
Nice to have a chance to catch up on my emails and going to do some
picture sorting as I am trying organize a photo album for my cousins
visiting from San Francisco this coming weekend, some of whom you will have seen in the old family movies of my Uncle
Geoff’s. Time to take the dog for a walk and drop off paperwork at my
bookkeepers so must go. Much love to you and the family and we will talk
soon. Cheers, Al
My Coworker Jerry and myself installing the cloud at Minoru, The
Jupiter spaceship hallways and space doors, Colleen and friend Laura on a
walk through the
old growth forest of Sumallo Grove in Manning Park where the Sumallo
empties into the Skagit river. Clover and my Mom on a recent visit and a
picture of myself I found from a Christmas gathering photo, circa 1979. Hello Space Odyssey/Star Wars Man and Sumallo Grove Woman! Trust all goes well. Very pleased to hear that you are busy with work but enjoying the freedom of latest endeavour.
Enjoyed all your wonderful snaps and it was lovely to see your Mom, of course. Loved The Portrait of a Young Arsonist! Was this the gathering before the Great New Year's Eve Garage Explosion Caper? Great way for a cheap, close haircut, which you obviously needed!!! Fondestos to you, Hans Solo, and Princess Leia, from Lady Dar and Rosie! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick and Corinne, Happy USA Thanksgiving. We are going to my sister's house tomorrow. I am hosting Christmas eve for everyone. My sister, her boyfriend and my niece will leave after dinner. But Katie, her husband Michael, Elizabeth and the grand-kids and grand-dog are spending the night so after Santa visits Xmas morning, we'll have breakfast and then everyone will go home. Then Mike and I will just relax the rest of the day.
Not a lot of news. Mike and I went to Scandinavia Aug 1 through 18. Denmark, Norway, Sweden (some repeats in Denmark, but lots of new stuff too). My sister and I went to Portugal in May, plus 2 days in Amsterdam, and a few days on the French / Spain border in Basque country. A bit of a glitch in air travel kept us stuck in Lisbon 2 extra days. She and I are going back to Basque country again in May. I had my knee replaced in mid-October. Phys. Therapy is going well. Bought myself a stationary upright bicycle (Precor, the kind they have at the MAC). It helps a lot with stiffness and the challenge of getting back full rotation. And I can't fall off or skid on the ice. Kids & grandkids all fine. Chuck is making progress. Problems are in cognition (reading, writing, remembering people). He is playing a little squash every week.
Are you going south for Christmas? Let us know if you want to stop here. We've had an exquisite fall. Beautiful color and finally today the first rain in about a month. Like California, we can use the water. Fondly, Marilyn My Darling Marilyn!Thank you for the newsy message. Welcome to the Bionic Club! Wow, pretty spiffy stationary bike! I might have to use it when next we visit! Hope your full recovery proceeds apace. Unfortunately, for us, we won't be driving south, at least for Christmas, this year. Lady Dar is going to Mexico, Guyabitos, for Jan/Feb, while I'm staying home to snowshoe! Many thanks, however, for the more than generous offer to stay. Definitely a rain cheque! Pleased to hear that Chuck is actually well enough to play even a little squash.
Your travel exploits sounded terrific, in spite of glitch in Lisbon. You seem to have Christmas organized as well. Ours will probably be a much smaller affair this year, not heading to LA. However, might involve part of Clan Sutherland, with Rebecca and Corey and their two young daughters, here in Penticton. Both RCMP officers, on shift, so they cannot join their parents and other siblings for family gathering in Kamloops. As mentioned, Lady Dar has the Grandmothers For Africa Caroling for a Cause fund-raiser tomorow afternoon and Rosie and I are off to see Transit, part of a PAG series to which we subscribe. After film, we'll join carolers and then back home for dinner with Chloë, last night for visit with Rosita as she and Lady Dar will fly to Vancouver for start of journey back home on Friday. Fondestos to you both from Lady Dar and her choirs! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Invitation to our Open House!
Hi, Patrick, Thanks for that, there are some great photos! It is interesting looking at the architecture -- some has dated very well and some others look like they were just trying too hard. Still, a nice tribute to libraries. One sad thing: In September the National Library of Brazil burned down, with close to 90% of the collection destroyed. Very sad. <https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/sep/04/brazil-national-museum-fire-collection-destroyed-not-insured> Carpe liber! Ross Hi Ross! Yes, I do remember the terrible fire which destroyed Brazil's National Museum, this past January, I believe, akin to deliberate destruction of Palmyra by the Islamic State or that of the Library of Alexandria, in 48 BC, with the consequent loss of the most complete collection of ancient literature ever assembled. Fondestos to you both from Lady Dar! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Young Patrick, You are like he Energizer Bunny. you never stop.My time is running out soon. I leave for Bangkok next Wed. I am anxious to get going... Now to iron enough clothes and take care of a few chores. We have had some touches of winter, but nothing really bad.. The wind seems to do the most harm. I hope the snow holds off until I am in the air. Have a Great Birthday on Dec. 6th.. I will be enjoying the Thai heat by then. I hope you, Cirrine and Chloe have a great Christmas and New Year's and that your Daughter Ann was not affected by the problems in Californis.. Cheers my friend and will talk next year.. Bill😎 Hi Bangkok Bound Bill! Delighted to learn that all goes well! Thank you for the birthday and Christmas wishes and do enjoy your holiday in the sun. Fondestos to you from Corinne. Stay well, Wild Bill. Travel safely. Healthy New Year. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Luigi! Lady Dar mentioned that you had offered to drive to breakfast on Friday. That would be lovely. Around 7:30 am? Let me know and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick Unfortunately something has come up and I won’t be having breakfast with you guys. So sorry for the inconvenience! Take care. Lou Hi Luigi! Sorry we will missed you at breakfast. I'm sure it will be loads of fun. Glad you collected book. I'm planing to hike this coming Monday. Will you be joining group? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Enjoyed all your wonderful snaps and it was lovely to see your Mom, of course. Loved The Portrait of a Young Arsonist! Was this the gathering before the Great New Year's Eve Garage Explosion Caper? Great way for a cheap, close haircut, which you obviously needed!!! Fondestos to you, Hans Solo, and Princess Leia, from Lady Dar and Rosie! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Are you going south for Christmas? Let us know if you want to stop here. We've had an exquisite fall. Beautiful color and finally today the first rain in about a month. Like California, we can use the water. Fondly, Marilyn My Darling Marilyn!Thank you for the newsy message. Welcome to the Bionic Club! Wow, pretty spiffy stationary bike! I might have to use it when next we visit! Hope your full recovery proceeds apace. Unfortunately, for us, we won't be driving south, at least for Christmas, this year. Lady Dar is going to Mexico, Guyabitos, for Jan/Feb, while I'm staying home to snowshoe! Many thanks, however, for the more than generous offer to stay. Definitely a rain cheque! Pleased to hear that Chuck is actually well enough to play even a little squash.
Your travel exploits sounded terrific, in spite of glitch in Lisbon. You seem to have Christmas organized as well. Ours will probably be a much smaller affair this year, not heading to LA. However, might involve part of Clan Sutherland, with Rebecca and Corey and their two young daughters, here in Penticton. Both RCMP officers, on shift, so they cannot join their parents and other siblings for family gathering in Kamloops. As mentioned, Lady Dar has the Grandmothers For Africa Caroling for a Cause fund-raiser tomorow afternoon and Rosie and I are off to see Transit, part of a PAG series to which we subscribe. After film, we'll join carolers and then back home for dinner with Chloë, last night for visit with Rosita as she and Lady Dar will fly to Vancouver for start of journey back home on Friday. Fondestos to you both from Lady Dar and her choirs! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Invitation to our Open House!
Hi, Patrick, Thanks for that, there are some great photos! It is interesting looking at the architecture -- some has dated very well and some others look like they were just trying too hard. Still, a nice tribute to libraries. One sad thing: In September the National Library of Brazil burned down, with close to 90% of the collection destroyed. Very sad. <https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/sep/04/brazil-national-museum-fire-collection-destroyed-not-insured> Carpe liber! Ross Hi Ross! Yes, I do remember the terrible fire which destroyed Brazil's National Museum, this past January, I believe, akin to deliberate destruction of Palmyra by the Islamic State or that of the Library of Alexandria, in 48 BC, with the consequent loss of the most complete collection of ancient literature ever assembled. Fondestos to you both from Lady Dar! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Young Patrick, You are like he Energizer Bunny. you never stop.My time is running out soon. I leave for Bangkok next Wed. I am anxious to get going... Now to iron enough clothes and take care of a few chores. We have had some touches of winter, but nothing really bad.. The wind seems to do the most harm. I hope the snow holds off until I am in the air. Have a Great Birthday on Dec. 6th.. I will be enjoying the Thai heat by then. I hope you, Cirrine and Chloe have a great Christmas and New Year's and that your Daughter Ann was not affected by the problems in Californis.. Cheers my friend and will talk next year.. Bill😎 Hi Bangkok Bound Bill! Delighted to learn that all goes well! Thank you for the birthday and Christmas wishes and do enjoy your holiday in the sun. Fondestos to you from Corinne. Stay well, Wild Bill. Travel safely. Healthy New Year. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Luigi! Lady Dar mentioned that you had offered to drive to breakfast on Friday. That would be lovely. Around 7:30 am? Let me know and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick Unfortunately something has come up and I won’t be having breakfast with you guys. So sorry for the inconvenience! Take care. Lou Hi Luigi! Sorry we will missed you at breakfast. I'm sure it will be loads of fun. Glad you collected book. I'm planing to hike this coming Monday. Will you be joining group? Cheers, Patrizzio!
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