Death is a friend of ours and he that is not ready to entertain him is
not at home. -Francis Bacon, essayist, philosopher, and statesman (22
Jan 1561-1626)
Hi Sarah! Happy New Year! Trust you and all Upper Benchers are well. I had a note from Corinne, laying in a hammock on the beach in Mexico, informing me of this release so I'd like to put in an order for 6 bottles, if still available. I can pop by the winery most anytime today or tomorrow. Let me know and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick,
Hello Lazy Non-Beach Bums, et al! Trust you both have mustered enough energy, by now, to at least get out of bed in the morning! You obviously need Duke to be your interactive alarm clock! Although I must say, of late, he is sleeping in until 6:30 am and looks forward to his pumpkin. He even ate what was left of Etta's this morning. Must away as I'm Olga Polga in a couple of hours, meeting Jos at their place before bridge at Anglican Church, I believe, in town. Looking forward to it as it should be fun. Jos played many, many of the contracts last night. Fondestos to you both. PS: When does Olga Polga fly home? [Olly flies home on the 28th. C] Cheers, Patrizzio the Picklemaker!
Recent sunsets and visit to Satan Poncho today! Hi finally took my iPad along today to get some photos. Took Collectivo to San Poncho today and bus back. Olly reading on patio all bundled up. Wind has come up and rain storm looks like it is coming. Only lasted for an hour or so last time. We could use some rain to clean things up. Shrimp tacos I made when Olly arrived with cheese and peppers. Cheers Corinne
Hi Taco/Hammock Women! Great snapolas! Tacos look delish. Just back from playing bridge with Jos. Enjoyed it immensely even if we didn't really have particularly good hands. Very friendly group so it was fun to chat. At the java break, (after three tables), one of the ladies we were playing with was behind me in line and said "Your wife is a cutie!" Had to laugh, of course, and when we were back at the table I mentioned that my wife was in Mexico with Olga Polga and she asked if Olly was my wife!
Recognized Carol?/Karen? from GFA who collects money at start of afternoon. Might play at the GFA fund-raiser, in Oliver, but will depend on my shoulder as it is March, I believe. Would like to play in the Queen of Hearts tourney, a fund-raiser for Summerland Museum on February 23rd. Interested Hammock Woman? Another lady, Dolores, has a place at Apex so she said she wouldn't be around as she spends a fair bit of time on mountain. I asked her if she knew Judy Holtjer and she said she skis with her all the time. I plan to give Judy a call as I'm hoping Chloë and I can do some snow-shoeing with her and Jim, on a weekend.
Must away as I want to make a salad for dinner and eat while I watch the second episode of Dogs of Berlin. Chloë will probably come for dinner tomorrow evening and if so we'll watch both Outlanderand True Detective. What are you lazy-bones taco/hammock people watching? Sorry to hear it is a bit coolish but you both look well. Fondestos to my bridge lookalike and much Love to you, Shrimp Woman! Cheers, Patrizzio!
This morning, Miss Etta, the Shelf Climber and Duke watching her and
yard! Bridge; Start; Second table, lady on left thought "my wife was
cute!" I said she was but far, far away! Our opponents on second last
table, both named "Dolores". One on left knows Judy. Chap in background
is a very accomplished Duplicate player but very helpful, explaining
their bids, etc. as was his wife. We put them down on first hand when they bid 6 Spades!
Tasting Notes for Robbie Burns Event: 2019 SOWTS Membership Attached are the tasting notes for our upcoming Robbie Burns Event on Sunday, January 27th. This event is completely sold out. We have a great line-up of whiskies for you to enjoy, and our new caterer has put together a very tasty meal for you to enjoy. I will forward the minutes of our last event and the agenda for Sunday's "very short", business meeting later this week. Looking forward to seeing those who have purchased their tickets, and their guests on Sunday. Please print your tasting notes as we will only have blank ones available at the registration desk. Judi Ritcey, Event Co-ordinator SOWTS Sorry to be sending a 2nd e-mail. When I went to print my tasting notes I noticed that they were not numbered, and you could not print them double sided and cut them to fit your books. Please see attached "revised' notes. Judi Ritcey, Event Co-ordinator SOWTS
Hello Wordsmith/Photographer! Trust you are both well. No time to be lonely. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge this afternoon, in Summerland, with my partner, Jos. Patrick, I just finished Glass Houses. Have you read it or are you interested? If yes, I will bring it with me next Monday. Susan Hi Susannah! Thanks for thinking of me with respect to Glass Houses. Lady Dar has a copy so I won't need yours but I do appreciate your thoughtful offer. Had fun with Jos today at Anglican Church in Summerland. See you on Monday. Cheers,
Hi Dame Judith! Welcome back! Thanks for the Tasting notes. Looks like a grand lineup indeed. Had a message from Lady Dar today and she and Olga Polga seem to be "surviving", if only barely! I've been busy hiking, snowshoeing and playing bridge so no time to be lonely. Looking forward to seeing you both on Sunday and catching up. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Life in La Peñita; Your former charges this morning! Great pictures! It is good to be home. See u Sunday Judi Hi Stormin'! Just received these notes so thought I'd send them along. I'll be in touch, in next day or so, and we can figure out transportation. I'm hoping Chloë will be able to drive us as well as collect us afterwards. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks Pat Sounds like fun! I will print these off!
Cheers Norm
Cheers Norm
Dear Patrick, Loved the pictures of the lunar eclipse it seemed magical being out late at night with the stars. You write beautifully. Since your world is deliciously white I thought of my latest creation that I conceptualized last week. It will need two or three edits but I was pleased with what I visualized came into form. Feel free to edit as it is still quite virgin. Put your spell of the sensuous on it. The outer world of nature is what awakens our inner world to understand its depth. Enjoy Love, Jean
White Spirit Bear & the Ice Castle on Mt. Olympus Chapter 22
With the glacier blue mountain all around us my silver winged white stallion Pegasus descended high up over the ancient towering giants as five black & white Dalmatians & a Siberian Husky rambled in and out of the density of the deep dense sacred rain forest. Three foot sword ferns swallow us up as we moved through the lush moss draped towering ancient forested trees two thousand years old. Ancient Red Cedars, Douglas Fir, and Sitka Spruce & Hemlock they stood in their magnificence some three hundred feet high and seven feet wide.
A soft gentle river flows through the forest a ribbon of turquoise blue, boldly flowing amid the viridian green of the ancients. The trees begin to talk, whispering, bending in their ancient way wanting to share their wisdom. Everything on the blue mountain, in the forest has a soul and the river begins to talk as we all listen to her words always moving, always present for up ahead a shadowy figure lumbers down to the shore lounging in the woods living on a rich unthreatened ecosystem in his Rainforest he calls his own.. He pauses on a patch of rockweed algae to sniff the air. We can smell pink salmon carcasses lying tangled in linguine strands at the tidal edge.
He stands on the moss patched boulder he has the purest of white fur coats this most ancient White Spirit Bear they call Kermode as he watches the water rushing over the boulders waiting for the salmon to jump. He turns to us with the salmon flipping back and forth in his mouth then bolts over the rocks into the dense rain forest then within a short time returns to the same spot
As he begins to come towards us I too moved closer to him. I could feel his power a power that he shares with all the ancient animals in this rainforest. His fur coat is thick, dense & lush & as white as white as snow with a thick muzzle & the blackest of eyes his shoulders broad and wide with heavy long legs. Behind him she stands his gentle wife with the whitest of fur coat & she has brought her cub with a fur coat the blackest of night. Spirit Bear walks towards me & bends down to greet me & touches my black nose with his black wet nose.
“I have heard through the “Golden One” the white stag with his golden antlers and the “Pure One” the beautiful blue horses that you were coming Benson Ancient Zeus God of Mount Olympus now a God a Dog transformed” said Spirit Bear.
Yes, we are the Olympian Gods transformed from the fourth century into ancient Dalmatians with our sleek white and black fur coats, my wife Tess the Goddess Hera my sister, my twins Dalmatians Artemis and Apollos and my guardian Alexios like me since birth.
“I am the Goddess Aphrodite of Beauty transformed a beautiful black Siberian husky with a lush velvet thick fur coat, white translucent fur on my face with the bluest of eyes.”
“I am the ancient silver winged white stallion Pegasus protector of God Zeus”, he says as he gives a low bow and up above my golden giant eagle Periphas cries out with delight.
“How many centuries have you lived on this sacred mountain” Pegasus asked
“Legend has it that thousands of years ago when the world was once covered with glaciers my creator Raven made the Magical White Kermode Spirit Bear to remind the First Nations “Kitasoo/Xai’xais” of a time when their land was covered in ice.. We became a cult and lord of the animals, a god and the ancestor to humans. As Spirit Bear we live in the Great Bear Forest on Gribbell Island & Princess Royal Island on Vancouver Island & we share our home with the First Nations, “Gitga’at” & “Tsimshian”our creators who call me “Moksgm’ol” which means white bear.” said Spirit Bear
“I must tell you another story of your creation Spirit Bear. In Ancient Greece as Zeus the Olympian God I fell in love with my daughter Artemis’s huntress Callistro & she bore me a son Arcas.
“Before you go on with your story Benson it was very upsetting to learn that you as Zeus seduced my hunting partner Callistro she was a virgin and had sworn to chastity.” said Artemis
“Yes I too can remember Zeus, when I found out about your infidelity.” said Tess, “I went into a fit of rage as your wife Hera and turned Callisto into a bear.”
“When Callisto’s son Arcas was out hunting he did not know the bear he was stalking was his own mother Callistro. As Zeus I whisked Callisto up into the heavens and made her a constellation as Ursa Major the Great Bear. I did not like seeing Callistro alone and so I transformed her son Arcas into a bear alongside his mother creating Ursa Minor, the Little Bear.
“Spirit Bear, as Zeus I influenced your creator Raven to make two black bear’s white. You were the first White Spirit Bear along with your wife to live in the Great Bear Forest on Vancouver Island. I noticed Spirit Bear your young black cub & his pure white mother carries the recessive gene which is the subspecies of the black bear. In Ancient Greece where populations of animals that contain two or more genetic variants we would call this “polymorphic” meaning “many forms...
“As the Spirit White Bear I am considered the rarest animal in the world. I live in many places on the island. Here on the north of Mount Olympus at the base of the Blue Glacier Mountain the coastal temperate Rain Forest I roam with my family for I am the Ghost Bear. “I have great super natural powers and can swim deep underwater and lead animals to magical places.
“Let me take you up to the blue glacier mountain to a most exquisite magical place where the Olympian Gods will be reminded of their home in Ancient Greece.” said Spirit Bear
As the sparkling sun began to kiss the snow there was a mesmerizing moment of pure magic as the Kermode Bear as white as snow began to take us up the mountain. The white of the snow clung to the mountain side and the ancient trees like guardians to the wood were blanketed in snow I felt the soft snow beneath my paws as feelings of acute wanderlust consumed me.
[The exchange above needs to be reworked,
significantly, inasmuch as you seem to be trying to blend both Classical Greek
mythology with indigenous spirits and landscapes. Nothing wrong with that but
this section is too obviously “cut and paste” for my taste. Many of the same
awkward constructions, (run-on sentences, over-used adjectives, and the like),
abound and need to be reworked and otherwise smoothed out so that the narrative
engages rather than hop-scotching the reader around.]
Hi Ice Queen! I have
attached a word document with some suggestions. I thank you for the
compliment on my writing but believe me, I struggle and am certainly no
editor. For what it is worth, the changes indicated were some of the
things that stood out, from my limited point of view. Take them with a
pinch of salt, or probably best, not all. All the best, Jean. Fondestos
and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi again, Jean! Sorry, forgot to attach Word document. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Goils! This is the Word document, with some editorial suggestions I sent to Jean. Cheers, Harsh Critic Patrizzio!
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