All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster’s autobiography.
-Federico Fellini, film director, and writer (20 Jan 1920-1993)
If you don't love me, it does not matter, anyway I can love for both of
us. -Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle), novelist (23 Jan 1783-1842)

Hello from Miami Xoxo How’s your buying trip going? Being dined and wined? Olly has been sick all day and last night. Starting to feel a bit better. I’m fine. We had an Italian reunion at lunch 4 out of the 7 of us who went to Tuscany.
Lazy day tomorrow market day and getting a pedicure. Hugs to you all, Lady Dar It's going very well! I've met some great new content distributors that have titles to populate my new SVOD service Hallmark Movies Now! So it's been a very successful conference with plenty of amazing dinners and good tequila (and some Cuban rum) to end each long day of meetings. All in all, I met with 10 studios per day. Kelly Clarkson gave a private concert for a group of us, great performance and then she hopped back onto her bus as she is on tour currently! Heading home tomorrow just ahead of a rain storm :) Love to all!
Hi Miami Blues, et al! Glad to hear that your trip went so well on so many fronts. Great
snapola and wave action! Was a tad worried about your flight home as
there has been quite a lot of coverage on flight safety, (Air-Traffic
Controllers, Security, etc.), with government shutdown. Guess Lady Dar
will have to stay in La Peñita especially since she's probably too lazy
to even go to airport! Fondestos to all in Tinsel Town and to The Lazoids of La Peñita! [Does pedicurist come to your apartamento since I'm sure walking to the market would be exhausting!] Cheers, Patrizzio/Dad!
Nao Bolliger-Hirano Patrick James Dunn Haaaappy New Year, Patrick! l'm doing all right, thank you😘 You're looking fab as usual😎 Snowshoeing & Super Blood Wolf Moon (it was something like that, right?😅) how nice! Oh never mind about last May - it was my plan change caused confusion! Next time l'll come visit you! Enjoy you life! Kisses😘😘😘Patrick James Dunn I'm trying my best while Lady Dar is enjoying life in Mexico for a couple of months, then a week in LA before flying home. You are always welcome. Plenty of wine to taste. Cheers!
Hi my dear, Thank
you for your editing. It was enlightening. It was my first attempt and
excited with the creation the editing would come later. It
is a earthly cosmology filled with animism blurring the boundaries of
what is real and what is not. Both worlds are very necessary &
filled with history. I like using many, many adjectives ideally three at
a time but have not even gone back in my writing
to do this. That will be lots of fun. It is important that each scene
projects its self like a painting if the adjectives are taken out it is
dull. Remember it is a fantasy, it is about Gods it is about Dogs so the
more one can be descriptive the better. Thanks for the pics seems Corinne is enjoying her meditative retreat. Love, Jean
What’s the point of the tale? Corinne Hello Harsh Critic! Good point about what's the point of the tale? I can only surmise Jean is "struggling" with writing and is simply not nearly as accomplished with this as she has been with her pewter, painting and gardening. Without trying to be Sigmund I think she is still over-compensating for not having attended university, silly and sad, given her other remarkable talents, as this seems. Read On!
Dear Patrick, As I move along in my magical world oblivious to what goes on around me. After six years of writing off and on I hope I can finish writing this year but probably not. I appreciated your wisdom on observing my work from a different perspective. Reality sets in & I would rather just create. I am sending you another chapter & would like your opinion. This one I have edited a few times and I feel it tends to move along. Remember I use a lot of adjectives as it is important that every scene becomes alive. Remember it is of two worlds of Gods of Dogs. I have about six more chapters to create then the editing begins.
Thanks my dear. Love Jean This work is boring. C I use her prose to fall asleep quickly Good grief Good Grief Indeed! I agree completely except that the non-work is beyond boring! Guess I'll just pass along your comments to Jean and say that I think it is a wonderful tale, far, far better, more tellingly, beautifully, erotically written and certainly more riveting, spell-bindingly exciting than A Wizard of Earthsea or The Lord of the Rings! Love and Cheers, Adjective , [The more the merrier sayeth Jean!], Man! I'd rather be left in the silence of non-work than have everyone realize I have nothing to say except "here, listen to my extensive vocabulary everyone, gather 'round"...Love to all xo
Hi again, Tao Mountain Mistress! Sorry I have not replied sooner
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