There are two possible outcomes: If the result confirms the hypothesis,
then you’ve made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the
hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery. -Enrico Fermi, physicist and
Nobel laureate (29 Sep 1901-1954)
Hello Heinz! Trust you are well. We stayed, in Dietikon, last night with friends, Maryam and Stefano. As it turns out we will take the train to Bern later this afternoon as Fiona has plans for most of the day. This way we will be able to have dinner together this evening. I mention all of this as you had mentioned you might have stopped by Zurich to have a quick visit en route to Ticino. With these changed circumstances I'm hoping it might be more convenient for us to have a visit with you in Bern.
Once we are with Fiona we will give you a call or you could call us at Stefan's number as we will be in Zurich until 4:00 pm or 5:00 pm. At any rate, let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and dear Eveline. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again, Fiona! Thanks again for your generous hospitality and extreme flexibility. Given what you said we thought we would take the train to Bern later this afternoon, probably around 4:00 pm or 5:00 pm, so that we would be able to have
dinner together this evening, if that still works well for you. Once we make a few arrangements to see another friend here and visit a few places we will determine which train to catch, preferably from Dietikon, rather than Zurich itself. Anyway, will give you call as soon as we have a better idea and we can all plan accordingly. Since we have your address and door code we can always let ourselves in to your place, if the key will be in your mailbox, even if you are still busy. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, in the shower, readying herself for today's outings. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Pat That‘s perfect! I‘ll leave the keys for you and you can install yourselves in my room (the one at the end of the corridore) and make groceries for dinner.
I think I‘ll be home at 6.30 pm the latest. See you later! Fiona
Dear Pat and Corinne I‘m home and very much looking forward to seeing you! Have save travels! Fiona Dear Patrick The best way to reach us is on our mobile number. So see you soon Rudi and Annemarie
Patrick James Dunn Hi again Faye! After spending Saturday night in Zurich we caught the train to Bern today to stay with Fiona, a former "host daughter". She and her boyfriend, Severin, are off to Italy tomorrow, for a week, so we have her spacious apartment all to ourselves until next Saturday. We feel very fortunate indeed. Over the course of this coming week we hope to arrange a "bash" for as many of the other former students, (and their parents), who have lived and/or visited with us starting more than thirty years ago, and are now in Bern.
Patrick James Dunn Oops, hit the return key before my note was finished! Wanted to mention that Corinne, [aka Lady Darjeeling ever since our trip to India in 2015 with Peter and Lynne, (Isberg), Lighthall. We still see Jocelyn Godolphin as she and her second husband, Jim Henderson, regularly visit the Okanagan each summer. We missed them this year as we had already left to begin this trip.], "purloined" a hardback copy of A Gentleman in Moscow when we were in Vienna as it is next selection for our book club back in Penticton. She read it quickly as she didn't want to have to carry it so now I'm her sherpa!
We were just on the phone with the father, Heinz, of two of our former ESL students, to arrange to have lunch together tomorrow. He also happens to be leaving for Ticino, in the Italian part of Switzerland, so last chance to see him here. Fiona's apartment is extremely well-located so we can stroll into the "old" centre of Bern in little more than ten or fifteen minutes. Also right next to the train station so that makes our "nomadic" life much easier. Cheers! Just before we left for train station in Zurich.

Hello Fartograms, This Monday September 30 we will venture up from the Weigh Station in Kaleden, under the friendly but decisive leadership of our own Tony Cottrell with help from his right hand Aarturos! We will as usual gather at the new parking area in Penticton (map attached) at 9:00am. Summerlanders will get together at the IGA at 8:40AM, then carpool to Penticton. Once we have blundered in all our creativity, we will relax in a venue of your choice, enjoy friendship and refreshments, discuss the affairs of the world and next Monday's hike. See you tomorrow! Aarturos
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