A painter is a man who paints what he sells; an artist, on the other
hand, is a man who sells what he paints. -Pablo Picasso, artist and
sculptor (25 Oct 1881-1973)
Dear Patrick and Corinne Just a quick note before we leave London. We have enjoyed our visit here very much and tried to visit some of our favorite places and just enjoy. The weather has been a mix of rain, sun and cloud and fortunately yesterday after being a very rainy day it started to clear as we left the National Gallery. The clouds and sky were Contable-like and Lord Nelson's monument soared high in the air and we looked fondly across to Canada House. If my leg hadn't been so tired we would have tried to walk to the parliament buildings but alas I had to give it amiss and we just boarded a bus and headed to King's Cross.
There is just too much to see and do in London and this time round the crowds at all the venues and the intensity of the people travelling on the tube have been really noticeable. There are alot of people in this city. We discovered a new bus route that I love C10 and even though the bus was not a double decker one it afforded a great trip from Victoria station across the Thames and over to the Surrey quays. We also really loved our walk along the canal near Kings Place and leading into Camden Town. The next day we walked to Camden Town again and I valued visiting the many thrift stores--Oxfam, Cancer Research, Mental Health, Scope, and British Heart Foundation.
For the first time we actually visited St. Pancras church and in the Crypt there was an art exhibit called Earth is Calling. The exhibit used recycled materials and involved multimedia. Being held in the crypt was excellent as the underground venue was unique. Yesterday we had lunch at the St. Martin in the Fields Crypt which of course is always fun. I like their gift shop and it was great to have tea and a scone as I was tired after visiting the Victoria and Albert Museum and the National Portrait Gallery. Great portraits of Ed Sheeran, Irish Murdoch, Doris Lessing and Elton John in the gallery as well as two new ones of Philip and Queen Elizabeth.
Anyways we are off to Gatwick. Fortunately our flight with Norwegian Airlines is well on track and it would seem that Norwegian has been restored--prior to this we had been worried that the airline may go under. I understand that Flair Airlines is suffering. We will be in Boston next and then onto New York. Our suitcases are so heavy we can hardly move them. It is ever thus even though I try each time not to carry so much or purchase things. Books are a killer.
Bye for now and we hope that you are well and that you are getting ready for a great Halloween. Lots of love for now Jo-Anne and Colin Hello Boston Bound Jet-Setters! Thank you both for the wonderful travel epistles from Liverpool, [I apologize for not replying to Colin's query, from train to Liverpool, October 14th, but we were just recently back and had much to do, as you can well imagine, world travelers that you are! Also thoroughly enjoyed your wonderfully detailed description of Liverpool. Unfortunately, we've never had the chance to explore the city on any of our UK visits, to date, but will try to rectify this based on your experiences. Closest I've come was when we were travelling back to Canada, by ocean liner, in the 50's, and we left from Liverpool a number of times.], and now London.
I agree, there is so much to do in this incredible city. Just walking around the history drenched streets is exhilarating. In the past, we have made "surgical strikes" on various museums and galleries, for an hour or two, [Given entrance fee is by donation one doesn't mind not spending the entire day in a given spot and be able to leave before sensory overload dulls one's ability to absorb.], and then walk outside for a bit. We have been to a number of noon hour concerts at St Martin-in-the-Fields and then usually enjoy the tasty cafeteria-style lunch in the Crypt. We have also enjoyed many art exhibitions there, last one mounted by Miniaturists of Inner London, (or some such name), an incredible breadth of work depicting scenes of this part of The City. I find the National Portrait Gallery is "manageable" and simply fascinating, it goes without saying, but prefer to "hit" The Impressionists and/or Constable, per esempio, at the National Gallery before becoming glassy-eyed, while The Elgin Marbles and/or the Assyrian collection, and/or the Egyptian mummies, at the British Museum, with a walk-around the Rosetta Stone, thrown in for good measure, are favourites.
On one of my most recent forays, 2010, I believe, I "tagged onto" an immensely interesting, guided tour, of American high-school students, either bored or hung-over, or both, and ended-up asking questions, of the extremely knowledgeable guide, [Quite a process to become licensed I learned after the tour concluded.], much to the consternation of the teacher but to the relief of the students, absolved of responsibility, who simply didn't realize what they were missing. Pearls before swine! Have always wanted to do the "free" walking tours, [One usually tips guide.], especially of Inns of Court, but have never had the time! Ones we did this past trip in Vienna, Budapest, Ljubljana, Dubrovnik and Český Krumlov were simply wonderful as were ones in Paris in 2013. Our groups were always manageable, (under 15), and provided a tremendous overview of time and place, a real sense of local history, social and political, in the context of larger continental and world events.
You must travel with Lady Dar, in future, as the museum and gallery shops are almost more important than the collections themselves! [Also the thrift stores.] If we happen to pass something but don't have the time, or energy, for the museum or gallery she insists on visiting the shop! Sorry to hear about your leg. To a certain extent, Lady Dar was limited to how much walking she could do, particularly over the course of the first three weeks, based on how her left calf was reacting. She pulled something a week or so before we left and discomfort would re-surface, from time to time.
With respect to baggage, I understand completely. However, this time, I must say I am rather proud to proclaim, I severely limited what I took and only had a large knapsack, (which I checked), and a small back-pack, (laptop, toiletries and one change of clothes, [underwear, shorts and a couple of tops, all quick-drying material], in case checked-luggage didn't arrive. This happened to Lady Dar and her bag wasn't delivered until our second day in Vienna! Luggage wasn't as much of an issue when we had our rental car but once we started flying and taking buses and trains we were not hostage to our bags. I had left quite a large bag, with friends in France, in Chabeuill, so I was able to amalgamate clothes I wouldn't need for Paris and any souvenirs we'd purchased, in it and for rest of trip "lived" out of another small back-pack that I'd left there as well. Made life getting to Paris and, once there, far easier. Lady Dar was worried I'd have to pay the horrendous "overweight" levy but my checked bag was only 17.7 kg, 5 kg below limit.

Spent last weekend in Osoyoos, at Spirit Ridge, attending the AGM. Had a grand time. Flamin' and Sarge were there so we spent time with Clan Sutherland when not at Saturday's AGM and dinner. Chloë moved in to our place to take care of Etta and Duke so she enjoyed spending time with them as she has been so busy that she didn't see much of them when we were in Europe. Good friend, Dame Judith, moved in for the six weeks we were away. This past Tuesday, Maya's mother, Lynette, stayed overnight. She had been visiting her sister and mother who live in Vernon. She left for Courtenay, where she lives, on Wednesday and that evening I attended The Last Black Man in San Francisco, [Heard director interviewed, on CBC's Q, this past summer.], at the Kitchen Sink, [PAG's Kitchen Stove but I prefer the former!], series at the Landmark. I enjoyed it immensely but my "cousin" Michelle Dunn and her amore, Antonio found it very confusing, (couldn't follow much of the "Black" street dialogue), and far too long, according to Tony. Had little difficulty myself and didn't agree with latter criticism.
Closing credits were still running when I had to dash to the Lakeshore Hotel for a Grandmothers for Africa fund raiser. Lady Dar couldn't attend film as she had to help set-up for event, silent auction, etc. It was extremely well-attended, (all 125 tickets, maximum capacity of venue, Barking Parrot, were sold), and we sat next to good friends so it was fun to catch-up. One of the people in Lady Dar's walking group, Sandy, was actually on a boat/biking vacation in Croatia, around the time we were there and walked the wall in Dubrovnik about two days after we did. Flamin' has been in Penticton, on grandparent duty, since Osoyoos weekend, and she was over for dinner on Tuesday evening and came to last night's event as well. Sarge, Kid Chelene and Prince Valiant, [their two sons, former RCMP officer here, latter mining engineer in Kamloops], both award winning figure-skaters, themselves, now judges], are involved with the 2019Skate Canada International in Kelowna this weekend, so Sarge will collect her on his way up from Vancouver.
For our part, we are off to The Dream to hear Sweet Alibi this evening and then it's the last Farmers' Market on Saturday. After that we will go over to Chloë's place to help her hang pictures and move a few bits of furniture. [At noon today we are meeting the contractor, Mike, who did our kitchen, at her place as Lady Dar has asked him to provide a quotation on putting in suite in the basement. Since it is already wired and plumbed we are hoping that the cost will be "manageable" but we will see what we shall see!] I'm selling 50/50 ticket at the Dream on Saturday and then it will be home to pack as we are off to Vancouver on Sunday morning, [stopping at Sunshine Valley to see friends who have a lovely cabin there], returning on Thursday. Lady Dar has her book club on Monday evening and I've arranged to host two tables of bridge that night. We are staying on Bayswater and 7th, at Elaine Keating's place. She is in Japan visiting relatives and wanted us to stay to have someone in house for part of the time she is away. I have an annual check-up with my dermatologist on Wednesday and then we will drive back on Thursday, in time to host bridge that night, Halloween, the 48th anniversary of meeting in Winnipeg, at Champ's Motor Inn pub!
Must away as I want to do at least one set of shoulder exercises, [rest upon return], before we leave to meet Mike. Enjoy your time in Boston and New York. Sorry we will miss you in Vancouver. ["Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?" Thanks, Carole!] Fondestos from Lady Dar, playing soccer with Duke, to you both. Stay well. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Monday Bidders! Game and pot-luck are on. Fast Eddy has offered to bring a dessert but that is only menu item so far. One table to date, [The Penguin, Ragin' Bull, Fast Eddy and Il Conduttore], but yet to hear from Giorgio, O Susannah and Pedro. The Snozz is otherwise engaged, probably practicing his Mandarin. Have sent messages to Polly and Mick but no reply so far. Also message to Liz and Doug, neighbours of Elaine, so am fairly confident we'll manage two tables. Sarge will play if needed. I suggest anytime after 5:00 pm and we can visit until enough for play. I'll confirm numbers by Sunday evening, at latest. Keep the menu items coming! Stay well. Look forward to Bridge Reunion, Fall, 2019! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Spiller Road Folk, (Gilliana and Phillipo), my firewood connezzione after and afternoon of bridge this past Tuesday. Duke, waiting for Lady Dar to bid!
Pat, thanks for the invitation but I have a previous engagement plus I have not played bridge for several years. All the best, Peter Hi Peter! Sorry you can't make it. When you can, don't worry about not having played in awhile as we just have fun and I'm sure bidding will come back quickly. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Bridge, Monday evening, October 28th! Hello Liz and Doug! Would be wonderful to see you both, so please let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks. Fondestos from Lady Dar, readying herself for this evening. [We are off to The Dream Café to hear Sweet Alibi], to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sorry for tardy reply, but busy day! Walked to see my young heroine Greta Thunberg this morning then had gang round for pre Halloween party, see below.......We are in for bridge Monday evening , let us know how many will be present , we could provide chicken casserole. Trick or treat Mick
Hello Kitsilano, and environs, Bidders! Penticton People are pleased to announce that there will be two tables of bridge, [7 as of this writing, (although I still have a few Aces up my sleeve for another player), so Dummy will move], on Monday night. Heard back from Clan Carter and both Polly and Mick are able to play. They will bring a chicken casserole so the main course is set. Still looking for appetizers, a vegetable or rice or potatoe dish and a salad. As mentioned earlier, Fast Eddy will bring dessert. Those not having suggested a menu item, please let me know what you might wish to contribute so that I can print the Michelin 5 Star menus!
I had forgotten that Liz and Doug are traveling, in Japan, with Elaine and, by all accounts, having a wonderful time. Although we will miss the three of them, [and their keenly honed bidding skills], it means that we will be able to depredate their wine cellars! Thanks overseas travelers! Again, doors will be open at 5:00 pm on Monday so please come when work, grandchildren, dogs, home arrest conditions, garden clean-up, vacuuming, etc., allow, and we can visit before play begins. Wonderful that so many of our Lower Mainlander friends are free for this gathering and we look forward to seeing everyone. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Bridge, Monday evening, October 28th! Hello Liz and Doug! Would be wonderful to see you both, so please let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks. Fondestos from Lady Dar, readying herself for this evening. [We are off to The Dream Café to hear Sweet Alibi], to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I was just in Montreal. My nephew Noah Soroka the cabinet maker https://www.noahsoroka.com/ shares space in an old industrial building with this fellow, Benoit Daigle. https://www.instagram.com/benoitdaiglepotier/?igshid=1jdrx35xxbtku I met the guy and he sells these urns to Quebec wineries. They report the earthenware containers leach acidity from their wines-increasingly popular in Quebec. I'd like to help him start some interest in his urns in the Okanagan. Could you inquire whether anyone is interested, please.
I reckon he could make and ship some smaller ones as a trial. Al
Hi Big Al! Trust you are well. We just returned from a marvellous six week holiday in Europe, (Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland and France), and are now busy readying ourselves for the birth of Chloë's child. She is scheduled to be induced, due to her age, etc., on November 23rd. Exciting time for her and rest of family.
Enjoyed the links to both your nephew's site as well as to Benoit's. My suggestion is that he send out inquiries to the hundreds of wineries he will find listed on such sites as one below. He is far better able to make his case than anyone else.
Regional Organizations | Wine BC Industry:
Trust this helps. Must away as we are off to meet a contractor, Mike, [He did our kitchen last year.], at her place as Lady Dar has asked him to provide a quotation on putting a one bedroom suite in the basement. Since it is already wired and plumbed we are hoping that the cost will be "manageable" but we will see what we shall see! Chloë will certainly need the "mortgage helper". Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Cheryl. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Obsessive Compulsive Cleaner! Great to hear from you and see your handsome pooch! [Please remind me of his name: Cyrus? Marcus? Titus Andronicus?] Just remembered, Silas!!! Trust you are well. Funnily enough I was just thinking about you and wondering if you had dissolved in a batch of bleach! Glad to learn you are alive and well and hitting The Dream. Hope you enjoyed the gig last night. Last Farmers' Market is on tomorrow! See you there!
Fondestos from Lady Dar to you as she's looking forward to meeting you.
If not at Saturday's market, give us a shout/message and come by for
a drink when convenient. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Duke and Etta
send regards to Silas!
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