A fellow of mediocre talent will remain a mediocrity, whether he travels
or not; but one of superior talent (which without impiety I cannot deny
that I possess) will go to seed if he always remains in the same place.
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer and musician (27 Jan 1756-1791)
Hi, Patrick: Thanks for your message and pictures of Rowan lying on the quilt that Mum made for him. I’ll show her — she’ll be pleased. I did think it was one of her most outstanding efforts. Yes, thank you, the thank-you notes arrived and I passed along Mum’s to her.
Poor Mum, she has really been struggling with her lungs lately. A bout of pneumonia in early December and a new infection diagnosed recently and now under control. She had been feeling crappy for quite awhile and was getting discouraged. In a sense it was a relief to her that her issue has been identified, is understood, and is treatable. I heard all about this new infection here in India. It is such a huge relief that Sandy and David are in Vancouver the entire time that I am away (staying at my place) and stickhandling Mum’s needs. Not that she is particularly demanding. She has just had more than her share of challenges lately. Overall, I’d say that we are quite blessed with our mother.
(Cognitively, she is 100%).
For my part, I am quite well. In fact, the spicy India food seems to be clearing
up my sinuses, which have become chronically troublesome in recent years. I am in Delhi now, staying at Maidens Hotel. I’m not sure if you stayed there?
I love it, a heritage hotel built around 1903, “reeking” of atmosphere. I moved over from the LaLiT in South Delhi this morning. I had originally planned two nights in Delhi on this trip, but then an event I was planning to attend in Punjab was cancelled.
[Corinne Durston Rowan's 2 month milestone! 0n way to airport for his first travel experience. Winnipeg bound]
So I added on two nights . . . . However, Maidens was fully booked so I went to the LaLiT for the additional two nights. As hotels go, it was fine apart from gouging prices for laundry service and in the restaurant. But it might as well have been in New York or London. I much prefer to be at Maidens.
I’m doing my best to keep up the blog . . . Please refer for further details of this year’s India trip. Hedgehugs, Janet
Good day Patrick, and Corinne, I hope you two are having a great start to 2020! We were going over the monitoring of a few of our systems, and I noticed that there is no monitoring data after December 10. This may be for a couple of reasons: 1) Snow on the modules. But I think all the snow has melted in town. 2) Monitoring is not connected to the internet or became disconnected for some reason. I would have to re-pair your system with the internet. 3) You are away and have turned off the internet, therefore there is no communication with the monitoring unit. Which means there is nothing updated onto the monitoring dashboard.
Let me know if any of these apply, and I will do my due diligence to ensure that we get your solar array reconnected for monitoring. Have a wonderful day. I look forward to hearing back from you at your convenience. Thank you!
Sincerely, Jonathan
Hi Southside! Thanks for the New Year's wishes. Same to you! Thanks, of course, for your keen monitoring. I think the problem lies with the fact that we changed carriers, from Telus to Shaw, over a month ago now. With our new grandson, Rowan James, I must admit that I've been too, too busy to even look at the website and discover the lack of communication. I'm around so let me know, [Email is probably best.], when it might be possible to have you drop by and we can coordinate time. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick, Great to hear from you as well. Glad that the year is off to a good start! Plus the good news about the addition to the family! That makes complete sense to me. Changing internet providers means I will have to get your monitoring re-connected with your new network. I can come over on Thursday if that works for you? Let me know a time that works best, and I will accommodate. Be sure to have your wifi network name and password ready! Cheers. Jonathan Hi Southside! Thursday is just fine with me. The earlier, withing reason, the better, for me so that I can either go for a ride or to the pool, after you re-set system. Let me know what time and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Rowan James leaves for airport!
Thank you so much. How does 9am sound? Or 9:30am? It should take about a half hour, up to an hour at the most. Jonathan Hi again, Southside! Thank you! 9:00 am is fine or anytime afterwards. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Lady Dar and I left the house at 7:00 am to pick up Chloë and Rowan James for the drive to the airport. The Little Chap was still sleeping when we arrived so I went about loading their baggage and by the time that was done, Grandma had woken him up and changed him, ready for feeding time at the Zoo! I took the opportunity to make myself my own breakfast as I'd only had a mug of java before we left Burns. Cackle Berries and bacon so I was well fueled for drive to Kelowna.
Everyone was ready to roll at just after 8:00 am so we headed out, Chloë driving. With car seat behind front passenger there isn't much leg room so The Sisterhood insisted that I should occupy this seat, having short, stubby, sturdy Ukrainian legs! While we are more than pleased with our eKona, it doesn't have the cargo carrying capacity of outr earlier vehicles so space was tight. Nevertheless, Ms Sterling Moss drove like a bat out of hell and we pulled up at the Air Canada Departure gate at around 9:30 am. Quickly unloaded the baggage, kissed everyone goodbye, bid them a safe journey and returned to Penticton.
Traffic was light so I was home shortly after 11:00 am. Did a few quick chores and then suited up to be back outside by a few minutes to noon. Knew this ride was going to be more challenging, than one on Sunday, at least on the outward bound leg as the wind was out of the SSE at 24 km/h, gusting to 32 km/h. Fortunately, the temperature was around 6º C so wind chill was not really a factor. Reasonably sunny although there was also quite a bit of cloud cover at times. Since I had decided I'd head for OK Falls, [to have a tail wind on return], I headed along Government. Wasn't sure if this was the right choice as the bike lane was more of a gravel pit than anything else, completely covered with sand and grit put down when we first had snow.
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The Crystal Palace at Sydenham (1854) |

Just as I was approaching the parking lot at the marina, more tell-tail signs that the tire was deflating so I knew I really had a puncture and immediately made for home, crossing my fingers that I'd have enough air left in the tube to reach home. I thought Freedom was closed on Monday, [I was mistaken, as it turned out.], otherwise I would have ridden there. At any rate, I made it home and rear tire was certainly much flatter than on earlier return. Although frustrated at this turn of events, I was somewhat pleased that I had only fallen short, [combining both distances], of my basic ride by 1.02 km, although I must admit I had had to touch The Dreaded Burning Ground over the course of both rides, to check the tire, Dear Reader! O Woe is me! Needless to say, the AVGs were nothing short of abysmal. Boo Hoo! Cheers! Maps and Stats for ride:
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Allerman! |
Hello Card Kids! Really enjoyed this evening even if The Sisterhood continues to trounce me with every hand dealt, every bid made. My only consolation, ironic though it be, is that I am the author of my own distress, having passed along what little I know of the game to their willing ears! Still, I am distressed that they insist on rubbing more salt into my already savage wounds!
This being the case, I plan to wear my Kevlar vest next Monday. I'm hoping that Josinta will offer to host as I have to collect Lady Dar and Company, from the airport in Kelowna at 4:00 pm. Even if flight is on time, with traffic, etc., I'm not sure I'll be back home by 6:00 pm so I would have them drop me off before they proceed to Penticton. Chooch will be slaloming down the Swiss Alps but both Green Gable Goil and O Susannah are on so we have one table, if Josinta can play. Others, please let me know if you are available and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Image: iridi66/Adobe
On another matter, we have a number of baby things I'm wondering if Laxmi might like: a high chair, (almost new and in very good shape); a small crèche-like enclosure which which Chloë used on her bed, beside her, when Rowan James first came home from the hospital. He has now outgrown it, [Hulk that he is!], so she is using another "in-between" crib piece of furniture. As well, quite a few articles of clothing, [There will be even more, in the next little while, I'm sure.], which he has also outgrown. If she would like any or all of these items I thought I'd drop them off when driving to Kelowna, probably around 2:00 pm on Monday afternoon, as there will be no room in our car with their baggage, etc., on way home. If you will still be skiing or snowshoeing, I could leave everything on the deck. Anyway, let me know what you think and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Chloe, My apologies for not getting this out to you on Friday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and safe travels today. Please see attached two options for the kitchen, as well as an option for the bathroom. The kitchen bases are relatively the same in both options, and I’ve included a double bin garbage pull out to the right of the sink. The base corner cabinet in both options is referred to as a blind corner, and we can add in a Lemans accessory (it’s a kidney shaped pull out, and allows for easy access to everything in the cabinet). I’ve drawn the washroom at a finished height of 36” (same as the kitchen). This is known as comfort height, but we can definitely drop it down to vanity height which is a finished height of approximately 32”.

Let me know which option you’re leaning towards, or if there are any other changes you’d like to see. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Cayley Belair, Kitchen & Bath Designer, InsideOutKitchens.
I am not able to play on Monday. I have a strata mtg. Wishing you all good cards! Welcome home to Corrine, chloe and Rowan! Judy Xo I can play and drive Susan out and Patrick back as long as she knows how to get to Jos's house. AEB Hi Chauffeur Woman! Thanks for offering to drive. Much appreciated. O Susannah knows the way so you'll be fine. Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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A Reading from Homer, 1885 (detail)
A poet crowned with a laurel wreath reads Homer to an audience
Art: Lawrence Alma-Tadema
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