Tuesday, 31 March 2020

The Ides of March Corona Virus/Corvid-19 Blues: Tuesday, March 31st!

Grammar Police: the grammar police got him/split his infinitive/removed his colon/left him there/comatose/next day he was pronouned dead Brian Bilston, Poet Laureate of Twitter

Having battled the fierce winds yesterday, I was more than delighted to find, according to the forecast, that they would be far less forceful today, only out of the N at 13 km/h, gusting to 15 km/h, with the temperature going up to 10º or 11º C! Since my legs felt pretty rested I thought perhaps it might be an opportunity to make for Trout Creek and see if I could manage a decent AVG, above 20 km/h, even a km or so higher, if possible, would be terrific, of course. So, after fueling up on some overlefts, last of delish gluten-free pasta Lady Dar had made, a day or so ago, I was ready to hit the road at 11:30 am. Ellis was easy even with the slight headwind and by the time I'd done my three obligatory circuits, [first the marina parking lot and then the run to PTC and back], and made for Lakeshore I could tell that I was pulling an AVG just under 20 km. Felt pretty good about this as the twists and turns of this part of the ride slow one down and I felt that the straight run to the roundabout would allow me to regain lost speed. 

Turned out to be the case and so I abandoned my initial plan to make for Trout Creek, preferring to see if I could log a decent AVG on the Hamster Loop off Power. Things went well, for the first Gerbil section, using Dynes. Only dropped slightly below 20 km/h on the short stretch north, when back on Riverside and then negotiating the catapult out of the roundabout before the run along Lakeshore allowed me to regain additional speed. Made even more gains on the stretch of Power, south, before turning off onto Dynes for more loopage. 

On the second or third circuit I noticed Carol and Jim French walking along the boardwalk, near the SS Sicamous, but they didn't see me as I whizzed past at beyond the speed of light. On next round it was Chloë with Rowan James, strapped to her, in his snuggly, sound asleep! Actually had a few snatches of conversation with her, over the next two or three rounds,as she had turned around at the Sicamous and walked back towards Winnipeg. 

While all this was going on my internal route planner suggested that I should up the loops to nine, from the usual seven, as I wouldn't be utilizing the back lane run, further south, since I knew I'd lose more speed on the longer stretch north on Riverside. Next, once I'd clocked the requisite loops on Dynes I shifted to using Churchill and kept making incremental gains whenever I wasn't riding into the wind which had, maddeningly shifted to the NNE at 21 km/h, gusting to 30 km/h. This really increased the effort required to maintain my AVG and I needed to stand up in the saddle to make decent headway. Pleased to say that this seemed to work and my odometer readings told me that this was the case so I was further energized.

On my merry-go-round I passed quite a few of the locals, out walking their dogs or with companions, that I've come to recognize, and they me, so we would smile or deliver a friendly greeting. In fact, I think everyone seems more inclined to be even friendlier since the pandemic hit. Chloë and Lady Dar share this opinion, based on their own walks. At any rate, once I'd completed the Churchill circuit I made for PTC, eschewing the marina parking lot in favour of speed over additional, marginal distance. 

Zipping back along Lakeshore I repeated the Dynes loop, but only described seven circuits before hitting Churchill. Here I only required five circuits so after I reached the roundabout I headed south on Riverside, cutting over to return to Power on Dynes and then it was across Westminster and home. Run along Wade and jogs on Orchard and White took their toll as not only are they all slightly uphill but also there was a bit of a head wind coming at me as I "crawled" home. Couldn't wait to stop both the odometer and the AllTrails recording function on my iPhone as soon as I plowed into the remaining firewood piled near the garage door. Before I could so so the impact threw me, head over heels, through the window, glass everywhere, scaring poor Etta, out of her feline wits, who was asleep on the large wooden platter which sits atop the cabinet bed under the window. Lady Dar was not amused, Dear Reader, let me tell you but I thought stunt was rather Evel Knieval-ish of me! Cheers and Hip Hip Hooray as AVG was a blistering 21.2 km/h! Had hoped to make it 22 km/h but I suppose the resistance of the glass and the time taken to stanch the flow of blood from the nasty cuts I sustained on over 56% of my svelte body dropped my speed significantly! [Brooklyn Bridge for sale!]
Garmin Map and Stats for ride:


AllTrails Map and Stats for ride:


Parenthetically, a number of friends actually thought I had suffered a nasty spill and were concerned for my well-being. [Alan Waldron Omg Patricio, I am on my way! Just get lady Dar to pour some of your cheaper hootch over the cuts and then jam the bottle in your mouth to help numb the pain. Thank god you came and took that one week stunt course with me so you knew how to land!. hang in there and see you soon!! Hi Big Molly, The Paramedic! Terrific to hear from you

and know you were so worried about me! Quite liked your medical advice! Seems it worked!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Marilyn. Stay well yourselves. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!] Not sure how they will respond since I since told them it was an early April Fool's Day joke! Christina Tassell Patrick James Dunn 🤣🤣🤣

Hi Patrick. What a workout. And spectacular ending 🤭🙄? I was walking about 2pm...did not see anyone I knew today. Interesting news about Bylands Nursery as a virus centre...I wonder if the foreign workers are from Mexico. My son picked up Star Wars at Walmart today so was just transferred to another galaxy far, far away and a different kind of war. Fun .. but nothing beats the thrill of seeing the first Star Wars. Hi to Corinne.....neat pics of Rowan James. He sure looks like his grandad. Stay safe. Dianne 

Hi Princess Leia! [Nice move up the Royal Ladder!] Must have missed you as I was in your neighbourhood around the time you mentioned. Bylands is getting pretty close to home! Apparently twelve local workers as well as sixty-three migrant workers. Lady Dar sends best wishes to you. She's still sweeping up the glass from the Rumpus Room floor! Cheers, Patrizzio! Rowan looks rather proud of himself. Thanks for sending. Dianne ps. That boy has quite a wardrobe. Yes indeed! That is why I have to dress in rags! Cheers, Tramp Patrizzio!

Hi Raymond and Sylvia! Terrific to hear from you. Trust you, and Lane House Dwellers, are well! Pleased to report that all goes well with us, here in Penticton.  On today's ride I saw Chloë on boardwalk, along Lakeshore, with RJ in his snuggly as Nana wasn't able to join them. Have been able to cycle quite regularly, given wonderful weather, so appreciated the Janet Lord clip, [Thanks for sending it along.], even more after day's effort!

Chloë has become our "designated" shopper and we have been trying to limit trips for groceries as much as possible. We have signed up for on-line shopping at Canada Superstore but first delivery won't be until next week so Chloë will have to make a run, before then, for such things as fresh vegetables, milk and yogurt. I usually buy a tub of latter but used last remaining amount a few days ago. In desperation, I've substituted a soup bowl of malt until a new batch arrives!

We are currently waiting for the drywall, in the basement suite we are having put in Chloë's basement, [Unlike you lucky people, with lane house construction, we are footing the bill! In theory, we will be repaid when rent starts pouring in! Will let you know when that happen!!!], to be taped, mudded and sanded. Is supposed to be ready by the end of this Wednesday so that Lady Dar can supervise me as I do the painting! Trying to save what money we can, of course.

Have plenty to read, [American Dirt is our next book club selection but we'll probably have a virtual meeting, via Zoom, as regular gatherings have been suspended, of course. Lady Dar has had quite a few such meetings, [One with over 300 participants, a United Church seminar, as well as a couple with her other book club here in town and with her Flatlanders walking group!], and they seem to go extremely well. Are you tutoring, online, Raymondo?

This evening we finished watching Caliphate on Netflix and then began Season 3 of Ozark. We seem to have exhausted all the British police/murder mystery series. Do you know on any "new" ones? Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dear Patrick Thanks so so much for these remarkable verses. You may have already seen this:

I am giving up drinking for a month./Sorry, bad punctuation./I am giving up. Drinking for a month. 

Cheers for now Jo-Anne and Colin. Greetings from the Grandfather of the Charmer of Winnipeg Street! Terrific to hear from you, Marps and chortled uproariously when I read the poem you sent. Might have to petition Naramata Bench Winery Association to adopt it as their official poem for as long as the pandemic persists! Should raise spirits and spirit sales! Thanks for sending it along. Fondestos from Lady Dar, in absentia, to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Monday's ride, caught by Chloë when I passed them on their walk along Lakeshore. Tin Tin comes to The Burns Street Bistro!  


Monday, 30 March 2020

Raindrops Keep Falling on the Garlic Shoots Blues: Monday, March 30th!

The more I think it over, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people. -Vincent van Gogh, painter (30 Mar 1853-1890) 

Patrick, I just finished reading your last email, looking at the pictures and your video jokes. You absolutely amaze me with all the news you share. You certainly make it sound like you have full days and your biking prowess is outstanding!

We have continued with our self isolation and today is day 14. Stacee, Sean and Jeff have kept us in groceries fortunately. We have walked all over this part of town. One day it was all along Point Grey Road which was depressing as there are some beautiful homes on spectacular lots. There were 6 houses under construction! Yesterday we walked up to 25th and along the way went by MacDonald and 12th so walked over to see your old home. Many good memories from Hotel Kits. We took a photo for you to see - not as inviting as when you lived there.

The sun is out again today which makes life seem better. We are actually going to meet the kids at Dude Chillin Park to have a long distance visit. Poor Jeff is having a rough time as he closed his business about 2 weeks ago plus he is alone which makes for long days. Stacee and Sean at least have each other and both are employed. I wonder about accessing all the proposed government programs - apparently people applying for mortgage deferrals are not having a lot of success and of course you will have those that try to scam the system. Once this is over it will be interesting to see what steps are taken to revive the economy.

We are, well actually Gerry is, trying to see if we can get some compensation for our lost flights plus our flights home. Hopefully we will get some refunds. Our flights home from Jordan-Vienna-Vancouver are gone we suspect. We have travel insurance through our extended health travel plan so here’s hoping.

We just got back from having the family get together and it was really special to see everyone from a distance of course, have a glass of wine, some crackers, cheese and salami and enjoy the sun. They tried to convince us to stay another two weeks - we shall see. 

More recommendations for Netflix - we won’t live long enough to watch them all. We watched an episode of Homeland and it was really good - suspense and all. Went for a walk but it is challenging as you need to weave and bob to stay a distance from people. Most people are pretty good but you get the odd one that seems to think 6 feet doesn’t matter.

Pictures are self explanatory. Pigeons are making a nest on a balcony just below us so they perch on our railing to check out their spot - they are driving Gerry nuts after he did such a good job on the windows. Keep washing, smiling, enjoying your wine and eating Corinne’s cooking. Dawn 

Hello Vancouver Correspondent and Window Washer! Pleased to hear you are both well and almost finished your period of quarantine, as well as managing to visit with Stacee, Sean and Jeff, even if you need telescopes to see each other! Lady Dar had mentioned you called to inquire about the address for Hotel Kits so thanks for the snapola! Interestingly enough, we have had two other pictures of the once Five Star, Michelin Guide, establishment, over the last few years, from former boarders, both Japanese, so thanks for broadening the gene pool!

It is quite heartening to know that Hotel Kits has become a reconciliation shrine for many of those who have finally been de-programmed after having been subjected to the brainwashing of the cult leaders who controlled the insidious Home Stay program for many, many years. Apparently Netflix is planning a horror series, based on the bacchanalian Lawn Darts games which allegedly took place there during the '80's and '90's! Clare Danes and Brad Pitt will play the former owners, now serving life sentences at the correctional facility in Oliver. How The Mighty Have Fallen! On the other hand, the new restrictions have had certain positive effects, namely that Donna Maria's messages have become far more frequent, and lengthy, not to mention, wonderfully descriptive! Bravo! On the other hand, almost cannot imagine what Jeff is going through, with respect to his business, let alone his personal life. Please pass along our best wishes to him, and to Stacee and Sean, as well, of course. 

[He really does look like Tin Tin! He needs a little white dog! Auntie will help him find his pooch when he is ready! Ayn] I trust you two will have some good fortune in receiving compensation for your lost flights. So, so many uncharted waters across the whole spectrum of business and personal finances. With regard to the latter, perhaps Jeff could collect pigeon guano, from your balcony, package it and sell it to home gardeners as the country will have to depend on Victory Gardens before long as grocery supply chains are threatened everywhere. 

This way, Heraldo will encourage their defection rather than railing against it, angrily waving his bottle of Windex and shouting imprecations, in Italian, at the offending birds, as he regularly scatters the macadamia nuts, [to encourage a steady supply of guano], you have hoarded over the course of your many, many visits to Hawaii! Look at the silver lining. Lose weight and make money, what more do you want?

[Greetings from The Burns Street Movie Studio: Hi Chooch and Brunello!

Trust you are both well. Here is one of Chloë's home videos, made as direct result of your 6 Fun At-Home Activities! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Tin Tin comes to The Burns Street Bistro!

Video clip: Rowan James actually turned onto his back, for the first time, a few days ago, but his Mom missed recording the manoeuvre, when he flipped, so she had to "stage" it!]

Life here, at present goes extremely well, given exceptional circumstances. You might recall, if you don't immediately delete my well-crafted, highly informative, well-respected, [other than by Fox], reports from the Okanagan, that I often use the weekend to go for a longer ride so it fell to this past Saturday, as rain was forecast for Sunday, for my regular extended outing. Fabulous ride! Must away to do some of the six million chores Lady Dar assigned for me, now that my only day of rest is past! Fondestos from The Whip Wielder to you both, Vancouver Stringer and Pigeon Park Squeegee Man! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Rock Star Rowan, with shades to keep him incognito from Penticton paparazzi, in his pram, waiting to hit the boardwalk along Penticton Creek. Garlic shoots from our own bulbs, planted last Fall! Back patio: Etta is not amused by the presence of The Little Chap! More Formula One during pit stop at Winnipeg Street!

[Hello Winnipeg Street, Winnipeg, Falcon, Petawawa and Tinsel Town!

Rowan James came to collect Nana yesterday to go for a walk. Duke put his paw over his eyes as he couldn't stand all the fuss! Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!

PS: Chloë, could you please send me the snaps you took of me on my ride. [I bumped into The Flatlanders on the boardwalk off Lakeshore.] Thanks!] Hello, Padraig! Belated thanks for the card, my lad! It popped into my mailbox while I was in the UK and dealing with an hour-by-hour re-arrangement of my holiday. Fodder for this year's Xmas letter! Hope all are well and safe at your end! Deborah Hello Far Flung Friend, Gobnait!

Pleased you enjoyed the card, even better as you were just across the pond from The Emerald Isle! Your absolutely lovely post card of Devon arrived last week and I had been meaning to rely and thank you for it when the JL response came through. I gather, from both, that your trip has been rather trying and difficult, inasmuch as visiting with friends goes. [Can hardly wait for Christmas letter!] For our part, a very close friend, from Amersham, was on tour in the US with Back Choir, in early March, and had booked flights to visit us in Penticton, after tour ended. Jamie had to cancel visit but is safely back in England, I'm pleased to report. I assume you are back in Toronto, in self-quarantine! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you Gobnait! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!  

Greetings and Sincere Sympathy from Burns Street! Dearest Toshi! It is with great, great sorrow that Corinne, Chloë and I send you our deepest sympathy on learning, from Ayn, of the death of your beloved Mother, Tomiko. Our hearts go out to you and please know that we grieve with you and for you. I also apologize for not sending condolences sooner, shortly after you informed Ayn during your visit to Los Angeles. Nonetheless, we trust you are managing as best you can and wish you to know that we hold you in our hearts and Tomiko in our memories for the lovely, lovely kind and generous woman that she was. Please extend our heartfelt sympathy to all your aunts, uncles and cousins.

We trust that you are healthy, given the pandemic. Are you working, in self-quarantine, in Tokyo or Osaka? Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, dear, dear Toshi! Stay well. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio! Dearest Toshi, our heartfelt sympathy to you, on the death of your remarkable mother, Tomiko. Much love and affection, Corinne, Chloë and Patrick! 

Hi Patrick Hope all is going well with you and your gang. I was headed into town and thought I’d drop off your book. I was also wondering if you had a moment to select a couple of your favourites that I might borrow for awhile. Don’t worry if we can’t coordinate today. Take care Lou

Hi Book Thief, Luigi! Sorry we missed you! With the rain, on and off, most of the morning and early afternoon I didn't head out until just before 3:00 pm, about the time, I gather, you sent your message, so I didn't read it until I was back from my ride. Lady Dar and Chloë had taken Rowan James for a walk so they weren't home either. At any rate you are most welcome to any of the books we have on our shelves and Book Advisor Corinne is more than happy to offer suggestions as she is wont to do with advice, to me, on how to live my life, dress, and the like! Give us a shout and we'll plan accordingly. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! 
[Hi Photojournalist! Thanks for snaps but how does Rowan James warrant video clips while I only have stills! Love, Dad!]

With the rain, on and off, most of the morning and early afternoon I didn't head out until just before 3:00 pm and at that time wind out of the ESE at 11 km/h, gusting to 13 km/h, while the temperature was 11º C so I switched to much lighter riding gloves. Thought I'd be fine with my route regulare, down Ellis to PTC and then along Lakeshore, [No sign of Abbot Tomasino!], to ride The Hamster Cage route, the three streets off Power, seven circuits each, back to Riverside and the roundabout near SS Sicamous to start all over again. However, an hour later wind direction had changed to blasting out of the W, still at 11 km/h but gusting ferociously at 28 km/h. Really had to work hard when making back towards Riverside and then another hour later, out of the WNW at 25 km/h, now gusting at 37 km/h. Not much fun but in for a penny, in for pound, so I kept at it until I had enough distance to make for the empty parking lot at SOEC. Based on the route I usually describe there I was reasonably sheltered from the worst of the blasts and before I knew it I was making for Wade and Winnipeg, then White and home. Not overly pleased about 18.2 km/h AVG but given fierce head wind I didn't feel overly upset. Just glad that the rain stopped and the streets dried out nicely so that I could even ride at all! Cheers!

Garmin Map and Stats for ride:


AllTrails Map and Stats for ride: 


Greetings from the Cloistered Hoenischs: Hi Patricio & Corinne, we hope you are staying well and looking after yourselves. Tom & I go for walks around Naramata, making sure we social distance from others. I am doing online mat yoga via Get Bent Yoga on Facebook a few mornings a week. Our oldest son Anders phoned a few days ago saying his University of Ottawa Law graduation ceremony in June was just cancelled. So we've nixed our flight, accommodations & Theatre Tickets. My younger son Matt is just happy to still have a job, working at Structurlam in OK Falls. How is your grandson Rowan doing? Waiting for the weather to warm up a bit before we start Spring cleaning & gardening. Grateful to be home & living in Canada. In Solidarity, Isolation & Hand Sanitizer, Carol & Tom

Hi Mother Superior and Abbot Tomasino! How wonderful to hear from you, even though cloistered in The Naramata Priory. I trust your religious institution is still producing highly alcoholic Belgian-style beer, along with Schnapps made from local cherries, and that the health authorities have not commandeered you into making hand sanitizer! [Parenthetically, Lady Dar just discovered about six small bottles of same in the medicine cabinet in our guest bathroom, a spot we don't often look in!] Also pleased to learn that you are exercising responsibly.

Sorry to learn of your son's cancelled graduation and your own trip to Ottawa. We were planning to drive to LA, in early May, for our eldest grandson's graduation from Electrical Engineering. The trip is now off and it is unclear if Pierre will even be able to graduate. While most classes are on-line not sure if he will be able to complete lab work for necessary credits. Also put on hold a trip to Viet Nam we were planning for September. 

History of Central Europe and the Balkans from 1796 to 2008
Image: Esemono/Wikimedia
All things being equal Chloë is probably pretty well off being on maternity leave, although she just told me that strata management has been declared an essential service! As you say, grateful to be at home and living in Penticton, not on one of the 15 cruise ships looking for a harbour that will allow them to put into! Otherwise, I've been riding quite regularly so am pleased about that. [No sign of Abbot Tomasino on Lakeshore!]

Lady Dar wasn't home when I was back from today's ride as she had popped over to help Chloë bathe Rowan. Little Chap had just graduated from his nifty "whale" tub, which Chloë would place on kitchen counter, to the bathtub in guest bedroom. Nana had not seen this new venue so was curious to watch. 

History of Central Europe and the Balkans from 1796 to 2008
Image: Esemono/Wikimedia
When she was back we finished the last three episodes of Caliphate. Hope there will be a Season 2 as quite a few unresolved threads! Will probably start Season 3 of Ozark tomorrow. believe it aired last Thursday. Must away as I want to read for a bit before turning off bedside lamp. Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both, already reading in bed, with Etta curled at her feet! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Pics: Thanks for inquiring about Rowan James. Pleased to report that he is thriving so here are some snaps to prove my point: Rock Star Rowan, with shades to keep him incognito from Penticton paparazzi, in his pram, waiting to hit the boardwalk along Penticton Creek. Back patio. More Formula One during pit stop at Winnipeg Street! Young Clark Kent! Chloë bought him a pair of sun glasses in LA and the lenses fell out!

Mount Olympus

Photo: Eugene Zagidullin
Dear Friends, We’re starting a collective, constructive, and hopefully uplifting exchange. It’s a one-time thing and we hope you will participate. We have picked those we think would be willing and make it fun. Please send a poem to the person whose name is in position 1 below (even if you don’t know them), with the email subject Poem Exchange. It should be a favourite text/verse/meditation that has affected you in difficult times. Or not. Don’t agonize over it. If you’d like to send a poem in your own language and provide a translation, please do so!

Brian Bilston
[Bilston chose this Twitter avatar because it had "the right level of mock earnestness and smugness that I wanted Brian to have," he said. (Submitted by Brian Bilston)]

After you’ve sent the short poem/verse/quotation/etc. to the person in position 1, and only that person, copy this letter into a new email. Move my name to position 1, and put your name in position 2. Only my name and your name should show in the new email. Send it to 20ish friends BCC (blind copy). Seldom does anyone drop out because we all need new pleasures. The turnaround is fast, as there are only two names on the list, and you only have to do it once. Hope you can join in. Cheers, Mark Hello Marcus Aurelius! Great to hear from you after lo these many years! [Let me remind you that you are one of the worst correspondents, just in case you are blind to this failing! Shame on you for not doing your homework just because the dog ate your address book!] Trust you are well. Have started a book club here in Penticton. Just Colin and I and The Sisterhood of six or seven! Whirlygig and Calamity Jane have made it to the distant Okanagan for a couple of wine-soaked visits, and Lady Dar and I hope you will do the same, in the not too, too distant future.

With respect to the Poem Exchange I included the moving Refugees:

Brian Bilston
They have no need of our help

So do not tell me

These haggard faces could belong to you or me

Should life have dealt a different hand

We need to see them for who they really are

Chancers and scroungers

Layabouts and loungers

With bombs up their sleeves

Cut-throats and thieves

They are not

Welcome here

We should make them

Go back to where they came from

They cannot

Share our food

Share our homes

Share our countries

Instead let us

Build a wall to keep them out

It is not okay to say

These are people just like us

A place should only belong to those who are born there

Do not be so stupid to think that

The world can be looked at another way

(Now read from bottom to top)

as my choice to be forwarded. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Rowan James, born November 26th, now just over four months old!

Have fun all of you potential bards...I will pass on this challenge at this time. We are attempting to create a daily challenge / project for our 7 yr old granddaughter in Halifax. Going down memory lane as we sort reorganize and purge many years of photos. Cheers to all ...hang in there. AEB Hello Patrick, We joined the same group last week in Dutch. It has brought some amazing poetry into our home.Since Dutch is still our first language, we like to skip this challenge. Enjoy the project. Jos and Aart Sorry, I can't make it. Carol Milk milk lemonade round the corner fudge is made Bravo, Poet Laureate of Windsor Avenue, I knew you had it in you! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Brian Bilston

Smoking Jacket

He got himself a smoking jacket;

he thought it would amaze her.

But she just put a match to it

and it turned into a blazer.

to the grim:

America is a Gun

England is a cup of tea.

France, a wheel of ripened brie.

Greece, a short, squat olive tree.

America is a gun.


Brazil is football on the sand.

Argentina, Maradona's hand.
Germany, an oompah band.
America is a gun.

Holland is a wooden shoe.
Hungary, a goulash stew.
Australia, a kangaroo.
America is a gun.

Japan is a thermal spring.
Scotland is a highland fling.
Oh, better to be anything
than America as a gun.
to a cheeky, personal favourite:

Grammar Police

the grammar police got him

split his infinitive

removed his colon

left him there.


next day he was pronouned dead

Stay well. Happy Rhyming Couplets to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Dear Patrick That Rowan James is a real charmer!! Take care always Jo-Anne Greetings from The Charmer of Winnipeg Street! Hi Jo-Anne! Trust you are both well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Video clip: Rowan James actually turned onto his back, for the first time, a few days ago, but Mom missed recording the manoeuvre, when he flipped, so had to "stage" it!

He really does look like Tin Tin! He needs a little white dog! Auntie will help him find his pooch when he is ready! Ayn Hi Tinsel Town! Thanks for the generous offer but Rowan James doesn't need Snowy when he has two perfectly capable, crime-solving felines! At least when they are not napping!!! Cheers, An anonymous cat lover!Hi Patrick. Have not seen you ride past lately. Hope you are well. I think I will decline your fun sounding offer to join your poetry group. An old friend started something similar..though not poetry...I do not think the people I sent the invite to would like me to send anything else right now. I hope you get some great messages. Stay safe. Dianne

I am a longtime friend of Janet Tomkins and thought you might enjoy this. A “musical” poem from around the world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph1GU1qQ1zQ&feature=youtu.be eléna 🦋 Hi Elena! Thanks very much for the clip. Enjoyed it immensely, particulalry since Robbie Robertson is one of my favourite artists although I must admit I really only truly came to appreciate him, post-The Band, with his solo albums. Of course, now I'm going back to discover what I missed when I was younger and even more ignorant than I am now, at least musically, perhaps, probably in everything else in life as well! Fond regards to you and best wishes to Janet when next you see her. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Gilliana! Terrific to hear from you. The poem, The House that Built Me is very, very moving! Thanks for sending it along. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thank you Patrick I shared this with my church family. Thanks Jean Stay in your bubble! Colleen Jawohl Mein Kommandant, Mein General! Simply
Terrific to hear from you, ever in the imperative mood, Klink! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Stay well in your bubbles. Cheers, Patrizzio!

To All David Coffaro Futures Club Members - Our New Spring Pre-Harvest Offer is Here and it's Your First Opportunity to Reserve 2020 Futures!

As an active member of our Futures Club, you will recall that you have previously signed up for our futures program which automatically renews for two cases of the new vintage of futures each spring. We are pleased to offer the same great deal as last year, two cases of your choice for $384, shipping and tax included provided that you remain an active member. 
What You Need To Do: Make your selections for 24 bottles of 2020 vintage on or before April 30, 2020. After that date and sometime in May, your credit card on file will be charged for $384 and a confirming receipt sent on or before May 31, 2020. To update your credit card number, please check your online account.
If you wish to order more than 24 bottles, please contact Pat prior to making your selections.

Please Note: Though not on the Futures Selector Form, the 2020 Dave's Cuvee and 2020 Luminaire are also available on futures. Also, new this year, we are offering futures on our 2020 Fresco Rosé. You may order these wines now or at these initial offering prices at any time before the May 31st deadline.