Monday, 16 March 2020

East is East and West is West KVR Blues: Monday, March 16th!

Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other sects? -James Madison, 4th US president (16 Mar 1751-1836) 

Tummy time photo session ❤️ Chloë He is so photogenic!! Give him a kiss from me! Ayn Baby boy model in the making!! George 

This morning Lady Dar was volunteering at Soupateria, a voluntary organization which serves lunch to homeless. She didn't stay to serve food but left after all the sandwiches and soup had been prepared as she is concerned about bringing something home to Rowan James. For my part, I went boot hiking, out of Summerland, with four other friends. Groups have been quite small, of late, as pandemic seems to be keeping many away. At any rate, medical opinion is that being outdoors is one of best ways to combat virus. We shall see what we shall see.

Hello Today's Well-Rewarded Folk, et al! Thanks to Chuckerini for deciding, (before we left the IGA parking lot), upon the route, given The Cousins' time constraint, and for doubling as chauffeur to the start of the Fenwick Trailhead. Couldn't have asked for a more stunning day, from shining sun to blue, blue sky. Not a breath of wind and underfoot the trail was more than easy to negotiate. Where shade allowed ice to remain it was usually covered with a light dusting of snow so not at all slippery. [I was only one who wore cleats and others really didn't require them.] As well, the temperature was just above 0º C, so the ice, where encountered, was slightly soft so very good boot traction. Fairly short hike but did wonders for our souls. Pleasant de-brief over java at The Beanery. Will be in touch about next Monday's outing once the route has been decided upon. Stay tuned. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Garmin Map and Stats for hike:

AllTrails Map and Stats for hike:

Patrick I have an extra pair of gloves in my car. They are either yours of Colin's.
Let me know if you want to claim them. Regards Chuck Hi Chuck! Yes, they are mine! When I was back home and realized I didn't have them I thought I might have left them in Colin's vehicle so thanks for letting me know. If you can keep them until next Monday that would be great. Won't really need them until then. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
OK, will do! Chuck

Shortly after I was back from hike Lady Dar left for a meeting, at The Bench Market with a couple she will marry this May, all going well, of course, in terms of public gatherings.
Afterwards she and Chloë met with Rona to make some changes to kitchen installation that they had proposed and booked installation to take place on April 13th. Had a delicious nap after I put together the album for hike and when I woke, refreshed, I made a salad for dinner before we left for Summerland at 6:30 pm. Just back from there, around 8:00 pm. We were to have two tables of bridge there but a number of players never showed up so I left Lady Dar to play. She will hitch a ride from two others who live in Penticton. Before I left I had a long visit with Aarturos, Josinta's husband, as he doesn't play. He made me one of his fab cappuccinos so I sipped while we chatted. May well join them on Thursday, for another snowshoe outing, close to Apex, near some trails near a start-off spot known as Snowflake. Rowan James' tummy time, from Chloë, sent earlier today. He is holding his head up and neck out just like a little turtle! 

Hello Bridge Sisterhood, et al! Thanks to Josinta for hosting and to Aarturos for fab capp! Just back from Summerland. We were to have two tables of bridge there but a number of players never showed up, [Dame Judith? Michaelo?], so I left Lady Dar to play. She will hitch a ride with O Susannah and Lady Di. Before I left I had a long visit with Aarturos. He made me one of his fab cappuccinos so I sipped while we chatted. Stay tuned for notice of next week's game. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge before Sisterhood sent me packing! Latest cocktail craze!

That little boy is sooo cute.  Thanks Patrick.  Dianne Amazing picture of Rowan!
Jos Thanks Patrizzzzio, very nice pics, especially the ones of suuuuupppeeer cute Rowan! Aart

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