Grammar Police: the grammar police got him/split his infinitive/removed his colon/left him there/comatose/next day he was pronouned dead Brian Bilston, Poet Laureate of Twitter
Having battled the fierce winds yesterday, I was more than delighted to find, according to the forecast, that they would be far less forceful today, only out of the N at 13 km/h, gusting to 15 km/h, with the temperature going up to 10º or 11º C! Since my legs felt pretty rested I thought perhaps it might be an opportunity to make for Trout Creek and see if I could manage a decent AVG, above 20 km/h, even a km or so higher, if possible, would be terrific, of course. So, after fueling up on some overlefts, last of delish gluten-free pasta Lady Dar had made, a day or so ago, I was ready to hit the road at 11:30 am. Ellis was easy even with the slight headwind and by the time I'd done my three obligatory circuits, [first the marina parking lot and then the run to PTC and back], and made for Lakeshore I could tell that I was pulling an AVG just under 20 km. Felt pretty good about this as the twists and turns of this part of the ride slow one down and I felt that the straight run to the roundabout would allow me to regain lost speed.
Turned out to be the case and so I abandoned my initial plan to make for Trout Creek, preferring to see if I could log a decent AVG on the Hamster Loop off Power. Things went well, for the first Gerbil section, using Dynes. Only dropped slightly below 20 km/h on the short stretch north, when back on Riverside and then negotiating the catapult out of the roundabout before the run along Lakeshore allowed me to regain additional speed. Made even more gains on the stretch of Power, south, before turning off onto Dynes for more loopage.
On the second or third circuit I noticed Carol and Jim French walking along the boardwalk, near the SS Sicamous, but they didn't see me as I whizzed past at beyond the speed of light. On next round it was Chloë with Rowan James, strapped to her, in his snuggly, sound asleep! Actually had a few snatches of conversation with her, over the next two or three rounds,as she had turned around at the Sicamous and walked back towards Winnipeg.
While all this was going on my internal route planner suggested that I should up the loops to nine, from the usual seven, as I wouldn't be utilizing the back lane run, further south, since I knew I'd lose more speed on the longer stretch north on Riverside. Next, once I'd clocked the requisite loops on Dynes I shifted to using Churchill and kept making incremental gains whenever I wasn't riding into the wind which had, maddeningly shifted to the NNE at 21 km/h, gusting to 30 km/h. This really increased the effort required to maintain my AVG and I needed to stand up in the saddle to make decent headway. Pleased to say that this seemed to work and my odometer readings told me that this was the case so I was further energized.
On my merry-go-round I passed quite a few of the locals, out walking their dogs or with companions, that I've come to recognize, and they me, so we would smile or deliver a friendly greeting. In fact, I think everyone seems more inclined to be even friendlier since the pandemic hit. Chloë and Lady Dar share this opinion, based on their own walks. At any rate, once I'd completed the Churchill circuit I made for PTC, eschewing the marina parking lot in favour of speed over additional, marginal distance.
Zipping back along Lakeshore I repeated the Dynes loop, but only described seven circuits before hitting Churchill. Here I only required five circuits so after I reached the roundabout I headed south on Riverside, cutting over to return to Power on Dynes and then it was across Westminster and home. Run along Wade and jogs on Orchard and White took their toll as not only are they all slightly uphill but also there was a bit of a head wind coming at me as I "crawled" home. Couldn't wait to stop both the odometer and the AllTrails recording function on my iPhone as soon as I plowed into the remaining firewood piled near the garage door. Before I could so so the impact threw me, head over heels, through the window, glass everywhere, scaring poor Etta, out of her feline wits, who was asleep on the large wooden platter which sits atop the cabinet bed under the window. Lady Dar was not amused, Dear Reader, let me tell you but I thought stunt was rather Evel Knieval-ish of me! Cheers and Hip Hip Hooray as AVG was a blistering 21.2 km/h! Had hoped to make it 22 km/h but I suppose the resistance of the glass and the time taken to stanch the flow of blood from the nasty cuts I sustained on over 56% of my svelte body dropped my speed significantly! [Brooklyn Bridge for sale!]
Garmin Map and Stats for ride:
AllTrails Map and Stats for ride:
Parenthetically, a number of friends actually thought I had suffered a nasty spill and were concerned for my well-being. [Alan Waldron Omg Patricio, I am on my way! Just get lady Dar to pour some of your cheaper hootch over the cuts and then jam the bottle in your mouth to help numb the pain. Thank god you came and took that one week stunt course with me so you knew how to land!. hang in there and see you soon!! Hi Big Molly, The Paramedic! Terrific to hear from you
and know you were so worried about me! Quite liked your medical advice! Seems it worked!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Marilyn. Stay well yourselves. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!] Not sure how they will respond since I since told them it was an early April Fool's Day joke! Christina Tassell Patrick James Dunn 🤣🤣🤣
Hi Patrick. What a workout. And spectacular ending 🤭🙄? I was walking about 2pm...did not see anyone I knew today. Interesting news about Bylands Nursery as a virus centre...I wonder if the foreign workers are from Mexico. My son picked up Star Wars at Walmart today so was just transferred to another galaxy far, far away and a different kind of war. Fun .. but nothing beats the thrill of seeing the first Star Wars. Hi to Corinne.....neat pics of Rowan James. He sure looks like his grandad. Stay safe. Dianne
Hi Princess Leia! [Nice move up the Royal Ladder!] Must have missed you as I was in your neighbourhood around the time you mentioned. Bylands is getting pretty close to home! Apparently twelve local workers as well as sixty-three migrant workers. Lady Dar sends best wishes to you. She's still sweeping up the glass from the Rumpus Room floor! Cheers, Patrizzio! Rowan looks rather proud of himself. Thanks for sending. Dianne ps. That boy has quite a wardrobe. Yes indeed! That is why I have to dress in rags! Cheers, Tramp Patrizzio!
Hi Raymond and Sylvia! Terrific to hear from you. Trust you, and Lane House Dwellers, are well! Pleased to report that all goes well with us, here in Penticton. On today's ride I saw Chloë on boardwalk, along Lakeshore, with RJ in his snuggly as Nana wasn't able to join them. Have been able to cycle quite regularly, given wonderful weather, so appreciated the Janet Lord clip, [Thanks for sending it along.], even more after day's effort!
Having battled the fierce winds yesterday, I was more than delighted to find, according to the forecast, that they would be far less forceful today, only out of the N at 13 km/h, gusting to 15 km/h, with the temperature going up to 10º or 11º C! Since my legs felt pretty rested I thought perhaps it might be an opportunity to make for Trout Creek and see if I could manage a decent AVG, above 20 km/h, even a km or so higher, if possible, would be terrific, of course. So, after fueling up on some overlefts, last of delish gluten-free pasta Lady Dar had made, a day or so ago, I was ready to hit the road at 11:30 am. Ellis was easy even with the slight headwind and by the time I'd done my three obligatory circuits, [first the marina parking lot and then the run to PTC and back], and made for Lakeshore I could tell that I was pulling an AVG just under 20 km. Felt pretty good about this as the twists and turns of this part of the ride slow one down and I felt that the straight run to the roundabout would allow me to regain lost speed.
Turned out to be the case and so I abandoned my initial plan to make for Trout Creek, preferring to see if I could log a decent AVG on the Hamster Loop off Power. Things went well, for the first Gerbil section, using Dynes. Only dropped slightly below 20 km/h on the short stretch north, when back on Riverside and then negotiating the catapult out of the roundabout before the run along Lakeshore allowed me to regain additional speed. Made even more gains on the stretch of Power, south, before turning off onto Dynes for more loopage.
On the second or third circuit I noticed Carol and Jim French walking along the boardwalk, near the SS Sicamous, but they didn't see me as I whizzed past at beyond the speed of light. On next round it was Chloë with Rowan James, strapped to her, in his snuggly, sound asleep! Actually had a few snatches of conversation with her, over the next two or three rounds,as she had turned around at the Sicamous and walked back towards Winnipeg.
While all this was going on my internal route planner suggested that I should up the loops to nine, from the usual seven, as I wouldn't be utilizing the back lane run, further south, since I knew I'd lose more speed on the longer stretch north on Riverside. Next, once I'd clocked the requisite loops on Dynes I shifted to using Churchill and kept making incremental gains whenever I wasn't riding into the wind which had, maddeningly shifted to the NNE at 21 km/h, gusting to 30 km/h. This really increased the effort required to maintain my AVG and I needed to stand up in the saddle to make decent headway. Pleased to say that this seemed to work and my odometer readings told me that this was the case so I was further energized.
On my merry-go-round I passed quite a few of the locals, out walking their dogs or with companions, that I've come to recognize, and they me, so we would smile or deliver a friendly greeting. In fact, I think everyone seems more inclined to be even friendlier since the pandemic hit. Chloë and Lady Dar share this opinion, based on their own walks. At any rate, once I'd completed the Churchill circuit I made for PTC, eschewing the marina parking lot in favour of speed over additional, marginal distance.
Zipping back along Lakeshore I repeated the Dynes loop, but only described seven circuits before hitting Churchill. Here I only required five circuits so after I reached the roundabout I headed south on Riverside, cutting over to return to Power on Dynes and then it was across Westminster and home. Run along Wade and jogs on Orchard and White took their toll as not only are they all slightly uphill but also there was a bit of a head wind coming at me as I "crawled" home. Couldn't wait to stop both the odometer and the AllTrails recording function on my iPhone as soon as I plowed into the remaining firewood piled near the garage door. Before I could so so the impact threw me, head over heels, through the window, glass everywhere, scaring poor Etta, out of her feline wits, who was asleep on the large wooden platter which sits atop the cabinet bed under the window. Lady Dar was not amused, Dear Reader, let me tell you but I thought stunt was rather Evel Knieval-ish of me! Cheers and Hip Hip Hooray as AVG was a blistering 21.2 km/h! Had hoped to make it 22 km/h but I suppose the resistance of the glass and the time taken to stanch the flow of blood from the nasty cuts I sustained on over 56% of my svelte body dropped my speed significantly! [Brooklyn Bridge for sale!]
AllTrails Map and Stats for ride:
Parenthetically, a number of friends actually thought I had suffered a nasty spill and were concerned for my well-being. [Alan Waldron Omg Patricio, I am on my way! Just get lady Dar to pour some of your cheaper hootch over the cuts and then jam the bottle in your mouth to help numb the pain. Thank god you came and took that one week stunt course with me so you knew how to land!. hang in there and see you soon!! Hi Big Molly, The Paramedic! Terrific to hear from you
and know you were so worried about me! Quite liked your medical advice! Seems it worked!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Marilyn. Stay well yourselves. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!] Not sure how they will respond since I since told them it was an early April Fool's Day joke! Christina Tassell Patrick James Dunn 🤣🤣🤣
The Areopagus, as viewed from the Acropolis
Photo: O. Mustafin / Wikimedia
Hi Patrick. What a workout. And spectacular ending 🤭🙄? I was walking about 2pm...did not see anyone I knew today. Interesting news about Bylands Nursery as a virus centre...I wonder if the foreign workers are from Mexico. My son picked up Star Wars at Walmart today so was just transferred to another galaxy far, far away and a different kind of war. Fun .. but nothing beats the thrill of seeing the first Star Wars. Hi to Corinne.....neat pics of Rowan James. He sure looks like his grandad. Stay safe. Dianne
Hi Princess Leia! [Nice move up the Royal Ladder!] Must have missed you as I was in your neighbourhood around the time you mentioned. Bylands is getting pretty close to home! Apparently twelve local workers as well as sixty-three migrant workers. Lady Dar sends best wishes to you. She's still sweeping up the glass from the Rumpus Room floor! Cheers, Patrizzio! Rowan looks rather proud of himself. Thanks for sending. Dianne ps. That boy has quite a wardrobe. Yes indeed! That is why I have to dress in rags! Cheers, Tramp Patrizzio!
Hi Raymond and Sylvia! Terrific to hear from you. Trust you, and Lane House Dwellers, are well! Pleased to report that all goes well with us, here in Penticton. On today's ride I saw Chloë on boardwalk, along Lakeshore, with RJ in his snuggly as Nana wasn't able to join them. Have been able to cycle quite regularly, given wonderful weather, so appreciated the Janet Lord clip, [Thanks for sending it along.], even more after day's effort!
has become our "designated" shopper and we have been trying to limit
trips for groceries as much as possible. We have signed up for on-line
shopping at Canada Superstore but first delivery won't be until next
week so Chloë
will have to make a run, before then, for such things as fresh
vegetables, milk and yogurt. I usually buy a tub of latter but used last
remaining amount a few days ago. In desperation, I've substituted a
soup bowl of malt until a new batch arrives!
are currently
waiting for the drywall, in the basement suite we are having put in
Chloë's basement, [Unlike you lucky people, with lane house
construction, we are footing the bill! In theory, we will be repaid when
rent starts pouring in! Will let you know when that happen!!!], to be
taped, mudded and sanded. Is supposed to be ready by the end of this Wednesday so
that Lady Dar can supervise me as I do the painting! Trying to save
what money we can, of course.
Have plenty to read, [American Dirt is
our next book club selection but we'll probably have a virtual meeting,
via Zoom, as regular gatherings have been suspended, of course. Lady
Dar has had quite a few such meetings, [One with over 300 participants, a
United Church seminar, as well as a couple with her other book club
here in town and with her Flatlanders walking group!], and they seem to
go extremely well. Are you tutoring, online, Raymondo?
This evening we finished watching Caliphate on Netflix and then began Season 3 of Ozark.
We seem to have exhausted all the British police/murder mystery series.
Do you know on any "new" ones? Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick Thanks so so much for these remarkable verses. You may have already seen this:
I am giving up drinking for a month./Sorry, bad punctuation./I am giving up. Drinking for a month.
Cheers for now Jo-Anne and Colin. Greetings from the Grandfather of the Charmer of Winnipeg Street! Terrific to hear from you, Marps and chortled uproariously when I read the poem you sent. Might have to petition Naramata Bench Winery Association to adopt it as their official poem for as long as the pandemic persists! Should raise spirits and spirit sales! Thanks for sending it along. Fondestos from Lady Dar, in absentia, to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Monday's ride, caught by Chloë when I passed them on their walk along Lakeshore. Tin Tin comes to The Burns Street Bistro!
I am giving up drinking for a month./Sorry, bad punctuation./I am giving up. Drinking for a month.
Cheers for now Jo-Anne and Colin. Greetings from the Grandfather of the Charmer of Winnipeg Street! Terrific to hear from you, Marps and chortled uproariously when I read the poem you sent. Might have to petition Naramata Bench Winery Association to adopt it as their official poem for as long as the pandemic persists! Should raise spirits and spirit sales! Thanks for sending it along. Fondestos from Lady Dar, in absentia, to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Monday's ride, caught by Chloë when I passed them on their walk along Lakeshore. Tin Tin comes to The Burns Street Bistro!
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