Why should a poet pray thus? poets scorn / The boundaried love of
country, being free / Of winds, and alien lands, and distances, /
Vagabonds of the compass, wayfarers, / Pilgrims of thought. -Vita
Sackville-West, poet and novelist (9 Mar 1892-1962)
Hi All, What a gorgeous day for a hike! Three hours and fifteen minutes of beautiful sunshine. Cheers, Tim Hi Buttercup People! Thanks for making me feel ever worse for missing what looked like a fantabulous hike! Pleased it obviously went so well! Any discussion about next week? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Monday Nighters! Just chatted with Dame Judith and she will join us this evening. Consequently we can field two tables. Cannot remember if Lynda might be able to play tonight so if Ann or Judy could give her a shout I would certainly appreciate it. If she cannot play, Dummy to Move. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello old man, sorry for taking so long to reply to your spam email, but nevertheless a pleasure to find them in my junk mail inbox! In all seriousness though, congratulations to you, Corinne and Chloe on the newest addition - fortunately, it looks like Rowan James got all of the good genes from Corinne's side. Life continues, and it is beautiful when it does, I'm so happy for all of you and I hope I will get to meet Rowan James in person soon.
Not much has changed since we last talked in the summer, just keeping busy but trying to figure out where to go from here, what the next challenge will be. I have not heard from my younger and less-apt cousin of mine, but through the magic of social media I can see that he is doing well and has grown a bit of hair on his chin (I guess we all grow up some day!)
You will be happy to know due to my increase in annual funds through my new job I have been able to climb up the Malt ladder and no longer will I bring porch climber/chain cleaner to our next gathering and you will also not find that in my small but growing cabinet. Mind you, despite my affinity and growing knowledge of single malts, my collection remains small but it is growing in size and age from 12 years to 15 years. I do appreciate the smoother taste that comes with those three extra years. Just bought a nice bottle of the 12-year Glen Grant as it was 10 dollars off at the government store and it wasn't bad, and as a lifetime freeloader nothing tastes better than a good discount!
We continue to toil away at VPL as well, and the more I work there, the more I realize how many librarians hate it there. As well, VPL continue their mission to make librarians a relic of the past by replacing us with non-MLIS staff. Still, I consider myself somewhat fortunate that I got into the system as a librarian before they stopped hiring new librarians.
It's funny how age and life has a way of sometimes changing your spirit in ways that you could have never imagined as a child. I hope life is good for you and despite all my truthful wisecracks at you, I love you and hope to see you soon Take care, V/VL
Hello Long-Lost Librarian, and Fjord Mann! Pleased to learn that you, Victor Vicious, are dumpster-diving your spam folder, as your indolence allows! Even happier to know that you are gainfully employed, [ever, as always, disgruntled and kranky, with said employment, shades of when we first met!], and now attempting to climb the Malt Ladder to Malt Heaven, though your budget and questionable taste, [I spit on "smooth"!], destine you to remain on the lower rungs, as long as you remain an inveterate Freeloader, a role you seem to have managed to play with considerable skill, with a paltry, pathetic, pedestrian, half-empty, less than inspired collection in your Old Mother Hubbard's malt cupboard!
That being said, thank you for the the congratulations on the birth of Rowan James. He really is quite a wonderful little chap and has made Chloë one of the happiest and fulfilled mothers possible. Lady Dar is over the moon, it goes without saying and I'm rather chuffed myself, in spite of your incorrect perception that his handsome visage and red hair are not inherited, directly, from me!
They are just back, [this past Saturday], from Tinsel Town, where they were for two weeks, celebrating Olivia Rose's 1st birthday, [Our great-granddaughter was born to Samantha and Alex, our youngest grandson, on February 22nd, last year.], and seeing/meeting rest of LA family.
I didn't join them as we are currently having a basement suite completed in Chloë's place, a townhouse she moved into last August, on Winnipeg Street, but a few blocks from us, and needed to be contact for contractors, etc. Towards the beginning of May we will drive to LA to attend our eldest grandson's graduation. Pierre will have a degree in Electrical Engineering, from U Cal, Northridge, when Ayn went, as well as Alex. Need to plan out the trip quite carefully as we are now the proud owners of an eKona and have only taken it to Vancouver so far, stopping to recharge at Manning Park. Works well but have yet to research our route and charging stations at appropriate distances.
Have had plenty to do while the vacationers were away. Plenty of great rides as weather has been simply wonderful. Tinsel Towners arrived home safely this past Saturday evening, as mentioned above. Am hoping that the drywall installation will be finished this week so that we can paint the place ourselves, [to save cash where we can], and then flooring will be laid down, followed by bathroom fixtures and kitchen cabinets, etc. Chloë needs to rent out the suite as quickly as possible as she is barely subsisting on maternity leave so extra income is critical.
Other than the aforementioned trip to California, we will be home until September, [Have been planning a trip to Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia, with friends, Colleen and Big Al, but this junket might well have to be rethought, given COVID-19. My own personal felling is that the global situation, with respect to public health, never mind equally frightening, economic downward spiral, is going to become even more pronounced and de-stabling.], and would so enjoy a visit, from you and your latest flame, [No mention made. What's up?], armed with porch climber/chain cleaner, [my Trek needs a good tune-up with all the rides, of late], in spite of your spiteful, false witlesscracks. Rowan James has a great set of fists and he'll whip you into shape with a lightening left-jab to your pretty face, Victoramous!
Must away as I'm to be collected shortly, by The Sisterhood, out earlier, at various appointments, as we are off to buy paint for basement suite. Look forward to hearing from you in 2021! Until then, stay well. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Victor the Villain, and Patrizzio, "The Bearded" Younger. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrizzio, Haven’t heard from you in quite a while. Are you on "email silence"? Or just uncharacteristically non-effusive? How are things in Penticton? We had snow here, twice! Once it lasted long enough to be shoveled.
Here. in the great Lower Mainland, traffic continues to increase. January was the wettest in like, 100 years. I had semi-serious water problems in the basement, but it’s all good now! I am still dealing with my annoying legal issue so I can sell the house and move on with my life and plans.
On the brighter side of life, I continue to recover. I expect to get on my bike soon,,and will be behind the wheel early August. Not that’s it been a hardship to date, as I am on great bus lines, but, looking forward to firing up the beemer … Mabe a September visit would be possible? In the meantime, if you are in the big city this summer, leave some more time for socializing! Branko
Hello Long-Lost Builder of Shelves and Omelette King! Pleased to learn that your recovery goes well and your are saving the planet taking the bus! However, sorry to hear about your water problems and ongoing legal issues with house. Trust latter will be resolved as quickly as possible.
Hi all, we are having a fabulous time in NZ, look forward to seeing you all again in a few weeks, Hanneke and Doug Hi New Zealanders! Pleased you are having such a terrific time in NZ. We have only visited once, in January/February 1992, having had a marvellous time ourselves. Would dearly love to return to continue exploring.
We have decided upon two teams for Trivia Quiz event but have yet to draw lots to see who will be on which team: Josinta/Aarturos; Michelle/Antonio; Marian/Tim; Lady Dar/Patrizzio! My preference is to have Team Dunn but will probably run into tough opposition as rest will know we would have an inordinately competitive advantage with Clan Dunn on the board! Hee Hee! Will be in touch once you return. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Wow, thanks Patrick! Good to hear from, and so glad we have an enthusiastic bunch of quizzing old farts! We have only a week left and are making the most of it. Walked from out airbnb to the coast this morning, and our hosts are loaning us their bikes for a ride this pm. See you soon, cheers, Hanneke and Doug Hi Boardwalkers! Nice life indeed! Happy cycling. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Two tables of bridge at our place this evening! Love it! H/D

Thanks very much for passing along greetings to Peter. Funnily enough, I have not been able to have a "cryptic" voice message for some time now. When we moved to Penticton, in 2015, Lady Dar became a Marriage Officiant and she needed a "respectable" voice message, [unlike UBC Library!], for those calling about weddings, etc., so I was denied this "creative" outlet. Then, a few months ago, we changed carriers, from Telus to Shaw, and Lady Dar decided to put her voice message on her cell, a number far more useful than the land line in terms of connecting with clients, on the road, at wedding venues, etc.
I couldn't have been more delighted and when I finally got around to setting up the voice mail on our home phone, a week or so ago, I discovered, to my utter horror, that our "basic" package did not include voice mail! Unwilling to pay the outrageous $6/month fee, I will now have to move into the iPhone Age. I have one, cast off from Lady Dar, [Nothing but the latest and greatest for The Marriage Officiant!], and which I really only use when cycling, in case of emergency, and more recently, when snowshoeing/hiking, as I use a wonderful app, AllTrails, which tracks the route and provides maps and stats.
However, Luddite that I am, I need to have Chloë walk me through setting up the voice mail feature on it as it is nothing for her, a mountain to climb for me! Then, I can let my pent-up juices flow. Stay tuned for a cryptic voice message coming to a cell number close to you! Fondestos to you both, and to Sue, from Lady Dar. Best wishes and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Rowan James, born November 26th, just back from Tinsel Town, this past Saturday. He could probably help me with iPhone! Snap from last Monday's snowshoeing outing to Mount Riordan, next to Apex ski resort here, close to Penticton.
Hi pat; Round the mulberry bush you go……….. On a happy (ish) note…….. while we all have a bit less $$ than Friday, fortunately we have been selling into the market strength for the past year and currently you have +/- 45% cash/gic’s and bonds So we have plenty of monies to fund your lavish lifestyle as well as have adequate $$ to take advantage of opportunities The ‘buy low’ part of the buy low, sell high axiom
Hope you are well; kinda nervous to say I am taking the fam with many many other relatives to Puerto Vallarta Wednesday till march 20th I’m sure all will be ok, yet can’t help feeling I am putting them in front of danger……..but hey quarantined a month in Mexico??? Might work out fine Talk soon Chris
Hi Tequila Man and Night of the Iguana People! Great news about coming vacation. Even with the falling dollar your money should do well in Puerto Vallarta. Nice life indeed! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Travel safely. Enjoy your days, eating shrimp and strolling The Malecón, fending off proposals for time-shares! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio.
Thanks pat: Ill have a looksee for the tequila Also,I am the proud owner of snowshoes! Bought our first pairs a couple weeks ago Great fun that TALK SOON CHRIS Hi Fellow Snowshoe Person! Great that you are a fan of said activity. I still marvel, everytime I'm out, at the winter wonderland landscapes we have on our doorstep. Am even getting to know a number of the various routes well enough to be able to take other friends and visitors on them without having to worry about directions, etc. Album below is a route my next door neighbour took me on last year and I was subsequently able to take Chloë there afterwards. Happy sandshoeing! Cheers, Patrizzio! Fun fun fun We had a great time up in vaseaux range a couple weeks ago doing the annual sheep count too Going to do again next year, maybe take the snow shoes if the snow was deeper ck Hi again Mouton Man! Didn't know about annual sheep count but would certainly be keen to participate next year so let us know if you'll be back! Cheers, Patrizzio! [Will doo xo] Pics: Came across this herd in March, 2017, in meadow, [now mostly replanted to grape vines!], under Peach Cliff outside of OK Falls. (Was wine-tasting at the time but often see them when cycling this route.) Then saw a smaller grouping on Rocks above 97, driving towards Gallagher Lake that same day. Pictures of same location, but in 2015, as couldn't stop at the time.
Hi pat: As discussed, in the past 3 weeks, we have sold a good portion of your equities and moved the monies to high interest savings For the most part we have sold into the up days As discussed, I believe this will leave you in a good position to take advantage of the eventual bottom This now gives you approx. 56% cash/bonds I’m off to Mexico (eeeek) back 21st Will have cell and email access if you need to discuss xo Chris Hi Margaretaville! Thanks and enjoy the drinks with tiny umbrellas! Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! xo
Hi Patrick, Mexico is done. Time to play a serious game of cards 🤪 Count me in next week please. Cheers. Mike Hello Monday Nighters! Thanks to everyone for the spirited bidding, treats and wine! However, almost wish Dame Judith had not joined us, [Her presence meant we could field to tables, Dummy to Move], as she connived to put me down on almost every bid I made, whether for game or not! Better news, by far, is that The Mexican Bandito is back and ready to help me join forces against The Sisterhood! Welcome home, Michaelo!
I will be there! Susan Hi Patrick. I can make it. Susan, do you want to do our usual journey up to Summerland from Dynes Ave? ps. Patrick, please check if I am on your lust as I only receive your e-mails second hand. Thanks. Dianne
Hi Lady Di! This is the address I have for you and one included in my bridge list so am puzzled that you do not receive group mailings. Could it be something to do with your computer's filters? At any rate, how did you find out about the other one? Patrick, please check if I am on your lust as I only receive your e-mails second hand. Quite distressing I presume!!! Let me know the result of this posting, obviously through second-hand means, if this address is incorrect. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick. Right address...mail not in my spam box so do not know why I only read your mail when someone has replied "to all" and the original note is included☹.....and the word lust should read list. Thanks. Dianne Hi again, Lady Di! I assumed it was a typo! However, address behaviour still remains a mystery. I assume it has something to do with my computer talking to yours. I have a Mac and use Outlook, [a Microsoft product and used by UBC as their mail client], and I know there have been some "glitches", at times. Perhaps this is one of them. Cheers, Patrizzio! Sorry, I can't make it. Grannie Annie is otherwise needed next week. Have fun. AEB
Here is something on the lighter side -I’m not sure if this guy is joking? Much better than the news from Bill D, but things sound better for Branco. cheers, Bill. Hi Wild Bill! What an elegant solution to the face mask shortage. Not only patriotic but sustainable and reusable, as needed, however worn! Trust your lives go swimmingly. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio.
Hi Patricio - Thanks for the generous donation to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. While it makes me feel good to see my appeal bringing in funds, the best result is seeing a worthy cause gain support. The Foundation seems to have improved its online presence and support for volunteers – new contact person helped me construct a better web site this year. They continue to do a good job balancing support of researchers, communicating research results into practice, and providing appropriate, accurate information to the public. Your support is appreciated by me and by the Foundation!
We have great news – Noemie Lemire Godolphin arrived on January 30, 6lb15oz, Mum & baby healthy and happy. Picture below is the growing family, daughter Julia with her husband, Bruno, and Noe. She immediately latched onto her Mum and the team has been in synch since, so much so that Noe is sleeping good stretches at night and all are enjoying good sleeps, if, for Julia, interrupted occasionally. We landed in Montréal at 8pm on the 29th and had a call from Julia that she had just arrived in the hospital. Needless to say, our baggage couldn’t come fast enough for Bruno, who picked us up. Noe arrived at 8am the next morning – typical Henderson, right on her due date.
Jocelyn worked on a contract for Concordia that involved a few meetings so I had most of the fun. We did lots of shopping and cooking, but weren’t really needed. Bruno has been stepping up – we hardly had to change a single diaper. He is working from home most days. I took Noe to give Julia a bit of a break and time to do some other things, whiling away mornings carrying Noe around showing her the snow swirling down out of various windows, with a Chopin piano sonata or Oscar Peterson playing in the background. Music does sooth the savage baby, when she isn’t needing her Mum. She is awake and interested in the world for good stretches in the day, and the last week we were there her eyes are focusing properly – fun for Grampa for sure. I was in Montréal when each of the four Vancouver grandkids were born so it was very special to be here for her first month. Back to Vancouver last Tuesday. Really enjoyed the Montréal weather – there were a few really cold days and lots of snow – did make it out with a friend twice for a cross-country run on the Rive Sud. Also catching up with Montréal friends, and even a jaunt to Ottawa – Museum of History was too good – have to go back because we only scratched the surface of what’s there.
We are missing the little one and the family. They miss us too, but they are through the early, more challenging days. Noe has outgrown the hat she has on in this picture. She is gaining weight and thriving and the family is more than surviving. Hope we can cross paths before too long. Be in touch if you are in Vancouver! With thanks and warm regards, to Corrine too, Jim
Hi Jocelyn and James! Congratulations, indeed, on the birth of Noemie Lemire Godolphin! Hip Hip Hooray! Lovely snap of her and parents so thanks for that. Happy to have helped out with donation. Terrific work by H&S Foundation, of course. Pleased you had such a wonderful time in Montreal, some working, others lollygagging!!!
Not sure if you knew we became grandparents, [again!], last year, on November 26th with the birth of Rowan James! Other than a trip to California, in May, we will be home until September and would so enjoy a visit from you if you plan to be here again. Not sure if we will swing through Vancouver, at this point, but if we decide to do so will certainly be in touch about a visit and bridge, of course! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both and Congratulations, again, on the birth of Noemie.! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio.
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