A wise man fights to win, but he is twice a fool who has no plan for
possible defeat. -Louis L’Amour, novelist (22 Mar 1908-1988)
As we didn't have enough milk to mix up a batch of pancakes yesterday I was quite looking forward to having Lady Dar's flapjacks this morning as we had now had quarts waiting in the fridge! After she griddled five, specially for me, and I enjoyed them with maple syrup drizzled over them, I was ready to suit up and head out.
While the sun had been shining from early morn on, the wind speed forecast looked very promising for a decent AVG. When I first looked it was out of the ESE at 7 km/h but by the time I was ready to roll, 11:30 am, it had changed direction to S at 9 km/h, and the temperature was around 11º C. While I knew I'd have to face a head wind if I rode to Trout Creek I felt that the resistance wouldn't be too, too great so I opted for the highway north. Before reaching 97, however, I wanted to log about a third of the distance I had set for the day, 61 km, so after the marina parking lot and PTC I did eleven loops, off Power, east on Churchill and then onto Lakeshore. This accomplished I had about 26 km on the clock by the time I left Red Wing East. Perhaps more importantly, I knew that I was riding quickly enough that my AVG was above 20 km/h. I hoped, with the tail wind I could increase that so that I'd have a buffer, on return leg, when I'd be riding into a head wind, slight though it might be.
This being the case I set about pushing myself all the way to Trout Creek, standing up in the saddle whenever my speed feel below 21 km/h. Was even more heartened when I spied a cheeky Yellow-Bellied Marmot, [I believe this is the correct identifiction but I could well be wrong.], standing atop one of the large rocks jumbled along the lake shore, just beyond Red Wing. He was chattering away like a gattling-gun so I quickly invoked the handy-dandy translation device I have on my advanced odometer and learned he was encouraging me with "Ride Like The Wind, Patrizzio!" Tipping my helmet, in thanks, to the little chap, I tried to pedal even faster. Everything, just everything, was falling into place Dear Reader!
Whizzed along the highway and felt pretty confident when I turned onto Wharf Street, to ride the main streets of Trout Creek. I usually dipsy-doodle into various cul-de-sacs, to gain extra distance, but today the AVG was paramount. Once I reached the top of Landry Crescent I completed three loops of Thornber, Oak, Randall and back to Landry so that I had 49 km on my trusty odometer when I returned to 97. I knew I had a built up a bit of a "cushion" on the AVG front but what I had not expected was that I wasn't riding directly into a head wind as Aeolus had changed direction, yet again, and was now out of the WSW at 9km/h!
This being the case I was quite sheltered, by the bluffs, all the way back to Penticton. One I was back on Eckhardt I decided I'd return home that way but missed the light at Railway so I had to do a bit of creative dipsy-doodling around this intersection. Not really a big deal bit I was a tad annoyed as I knew my AVG would suffer as a result. Nevertheless, I put my head down and tried to make the best of things. Had to slow down to wait for the light to change on Main but once through that intersection it was pretty smooth, if slightly uphill, sailing, right to our back lane, pulling into our back driveway, shrieking with delight as I knew, or at least presumed, that I had bested a 20 km/h AVG. Turned out to be 22 km/h so I couldn't have been happier. Hip Hip Hooray!!! Garmin Map and Stats for ride:
AllTrails Map and Stats for ride:
Hi Patrick. In case Corinne did not get this from Sylvia. But would be better with a game of Bridge. You are really clocking the miles on your bike. I saw Cloe and Rowan on the lake walk earlier this week. Hi to Corinne. I miss seeing everyone. Dianne Hi Lady Di! Thanks for the fabulous exercise video! I've been "working out" with it ever since you sent it along, much to the detriment of our wine fridge! Almost sorry that I didn't know about it before yesterday's ride! [Do you walk to the KVR, up Vancouver, or elsewhere? You are a pretty disciplined walker!] Fondestos from Lady Dar to you. Stay well, Patrizzio!
OMG Patrick. I had no idea you were riding so far or so fast. Great🤗 My walks are daily but not too long...not as much exercise filling my glass from a box......but good for hand/eye coordination🍷Had a nice walk yesterday on the KVR above Hillside. Thanks for the pics...Rowan is getting big...so cute. Loved the marmot. You guys stay well. Dianne Hi Lady Di! The fact that you walk regularly is far more important than distance. Onward!! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Chopper! Terrific to hear from you and that you made it back from England, without incident and that your mother is doing well, now. Must away as I want to go for another ride today and need to have a quick bite. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Stay well, Patrizzio!
Volunteers during COVID-19 Dear Colleagues, Happy
Monday afternoon wherever you are. I hope you are well and not getting
too depressed by everything that is happening in and to our world.
gather that some department heads have compiled volunteer lists. The
idea is to compile a list of names and phone numbers of those members
who are willing and able to get groceries, fill prescriptions, etc., for
a colleague who is sick and has been quarantined. I think this is a
good idea for the Emeritus College and I am willing to coordinate such a
list. The only qualification is that I would ask you to identify the
area where you live (Vancouver West, East Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond,
North Vancouver, West Vancouver, or another area). So do send me the
information (area and contact information) if you would like to
volunteer or if you are requesting help.
have just signed up for Zoom, which is one of the technical miracles
that apparently will allow you to chat, have breakfast or a late
afternoon martini with a group of friends. My brother-in-law was part of
a Unitarian Fellowship meeting on Cape Cod where 92 folk were able to
be virtually together. Take care Don
Dear Colleagues, What a difference a few days make with regard to appropriate action in relation to the pandemic. What seemed like a good idea on Sunday with regard to volunteerism now seems to be somewhat foolhardy. The best advice from public health experts is that anyone in the Emeritus age-group should not be invited to increase the risk to themselves or their households. It follows that I am abandoning the Volunteer List initiative. The good news is that none of the respondents asked for help. This is encouraging as I assume that those members that need help are being cared for. Let me thank all of you who volunteered. Keep well and in good spirits. Sincerely, Don
Hi René! Trust you and Terry are well. I apologize for not being in touch sooner. Both Corinne and I are wondering if you might need any help getting groceries, prescriptions, etc., or with any household chores you might have. We are certainly available to be of use if required. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Until then, stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio
Pics: Rowan James, our "new", four months old today, grandson, waiting for his Grandmother's pizza on the weekend and then with his "reading" glasses! Lenses fell out of shades Chloë picked up for him when they were in LA a few weeks ago. Their quarantine is now over!
Hi folks, I think the inevitable has to happen sometime. I am making a decision to do away with Old Farts’ Thursday hikes until further notice. The more I watch and listen to the news, the more I realize that we are no different from the hundreds of groups which have made the same decision. We are putting ourselves at risk by continuing. If any of you wish to gather for hikes, that is entirely your decision. But I cannot do so under the banner of the Old Farts.
To those from whom I have sought and received advice, my thanks. I appreciate your input and your support. And to the many of you who love what we do on Thursdays, we will return, hopefully someday soon. Cheers, Jim Hi James! Trust you and Carol are managing under these unexpected, difficult circumstances. As far as suspensions go, the same is true, if unofficially, as far as I'm aware, for the Monday hikers/snowshoers. Furthermore, we've suspended our bridge and book clubs as well. Fortunately, we have plenty of reading material and loads of painting to do in Chloë's new basement suite, when drywall is finished. Lady Dar collected three wine club releases last week so we are well supplied with both red and white. While my malt cabinet is relatively full Lady Dar uses only the most treasured and expensive bottles for hand sanitizer! Fondestos to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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