As against having beautiful workshops, studios, etc., one writes best in a cellar on a rainy day. -Van Wyck Brooks, writer, critic (16 Feb 1886-1963)
Hi Chloë: Didn't stir until just before 8:00 am this morning even though Ayn was crashing around in the kitchen, as is her usual modus operandi. Then up to watch a number of Canadian women in Olympic speed-skating until OCD Ms Fine decided she needed to vacuum as Lady Dar somehow managed to get a minuscule sliver of glass in her left foot. While Ayn was trying to remove it she managed to poke herself with the needle so I expect I'll have to take them both to Emergency before long. Ironically, Ayn put the glass top to the frying pan, [The one we bought her before New Year's], directly from the oven into a sink full of water and it shattered. This all took place a few days before we left for Costa Rica. We presume some shards may have ended up on the kitchen floor, such was the force of the mini-explosion, and from there possibly been transferred, on a shoe or sock, to the bathroom rug where Lady Dar eventually stepped on it and first felt something amiss.
Trust you are starting to feel a bit better, by now. When Ayn was back from work last night she told us about your results. Of course, we are upset for you but it certainly is not the end of the world. Etta and Duke still love you, as do your parents, sister, nephews and other family and friends. In this instance, the past is just a goodbye although you need to learn from it. For now, concentrate on taking care of yourself and then make a plan to regroup for the next time. Onward! Fight!! Love, Dad!!! Pics: Thai food for Valentine's; Pierre last night; Wound! Little Red Riding Hood waiting to go to Emergency!
OH, the Crocs were too small..are you stopping by? Hi, Now Truly Grumpy Croc Aficionado! Sorry to hear that your high-heeled sneakers were not the right size! Yes, we plan to head out from Berkeley on Tuesday morning so imagine we will be at your place around 11:00 pm, perhaps earlier should we manage to wave goodbye to Nancy and David around 8:30 am and traffic cooperates. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Thai food for Valentine's dinner with one of our favourite Coffaro wines! I assume you mean 11AM. The gate will be closed especially for you at 4PM:-).................Hello again, Gate Keeper! Great to know that you are back to being The Truly Grumpy Winemaker! Just needed to touch the right nerve to set you off. At least I'm pleased to know that there is a special place in your heart of anthracite for me, even if it is encased in rigid inflexibility! Yes, eagle-eyed proof reader, we will be pulling up sometime around 11 am! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello The Sisterhood! Ayn will be off shortly to have a pedicure, Lady Dar will hobble around the block when it is time to take Winston out and I will head out for another ride as soon as I've booked reservations in Berkeley and Portland! Fondestos from Lady Dar, busy cleansing her wound before she develops gangrene. Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio! Pics: Coffee Centre in Monteverde, Cost Rica. Ayn wanted a snap of mounted coffee bean bag, for reference, as we gave her one, [different design, with a hummingbird], as a souvenir. Ok, Poppa is set for 5pm today with John at the nail shop Thank you! Much appreciated. Cheers!
Around 10:30 am I put the last of the overlefts in Ayn's fridge into the fry-pan and topped the melange with some slices of Trader Joe's Monterrey. Tasty as all get out and perfect fuel for the ride to come. Had to wait until Lady Dar took Winston for his walk as we only have one set of keys for the apartment. Was suited up when she returned and was on the road by about 11:50 am. Had decided I would explore south of here but before doing that I logged 12 km in my own backyard, so to speak, before crossing Fulton into the development I'd first ridden two days ago. Felt great to have a pretty good idea of the streets here so it wasn't long before I had clocked 24 km.
[Hi Philipo! By chance, one of my regular subscriptions included the image of a mounted Napoleon, (1769-1821), and I was reminded that we both admitted that we didn't know where he was buried. Turns out that his most notable tomb is at Les Invalides, in Paris. "Napoleon was initially interred on Saint Helena, but King Louis Philippe arranged for his remains to be brought to France in 1840, an event known as le retour des cendres. Napoléon's remains were first buried in the Chapelle Saint-Jérôme in the Invalides until his final resting place, a tomb made of red quartzite and resting on a green granite base, was finished in 1861." Hence the name of the rock formation, I presume! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Jack Rabbit. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: My snap is probably not the best. Perhaps you will have the opportunity for a better picture if you ever hike closer to the formation.]
Then it was time for new territory so I took Fulton south. No bike lane on this street but it isn't all that busy so I felt very comfortable. Passed Los Angeles Valley College, on my left, where Pierre played his first two years of basketball after high-school, continuing on across Burbank to make a right onto Chandler. Haven't ridden here for a number of years but I really like this boulevard as it lined with huge trees, as well as having a large central median, planted with more gorgeous trees, and dedicated bike lanes to boot! Feels more like being in a forest than a city.
Started on the development between Chandler and Burbank and when I had about 36 km on the odometre I took advantage of a lull in traffic and scooted across Chandler to explore the development bounded by Magnolia. Had never ridden this complex before but since these developments are essentially cookie-cutter templates, I had a very good idea of what to expect. Furthermore, names of many of the streets are the same, whether they run N/S or E/W, as they often/usually continue between developments. Even took note of a couple of places for sale as Ayn and Lady Dar are looking at condos or small bungalows, now that Ayn feels she is financially ready to enter the housing market.
Given the grid of the cross-streets I knew I could do a number of large loops once I'd ridden all the interior cul de sacs and shorter access roads so did just that before I took advantage of a another lull in the traffic on Chandler to head back into the earlier development there. Few dipsy-doodles here before making a right onto Woodman, heading north. Bike path here so that was part of the plan. Timed the light at Burbank perfectly and mid-block I turned on Collins to explore this development. Again, new to me, so it was quite interesting to discover just how different layout was, compared to one just south. Many more narrow streets, especially at the top end as the Orange Line Busway limits development to the east.
By the time I had carpet cycled this quadrant I had logged over 61 km so returned to Woodman. Had to dipsy-doodle onto Califa Street in order to give the light at Oxnard time to change in my favour but otherwise smooth sailing all the way back to Erwin and I was back in my "hood"! Since I literally know the streets and distances here,like the back of my hand, I quickly set out the remainder of the ride, by and large, taking the longest loops possible and only resorting to side streets when absolutely necessary. Was back at the front entrance of the apartment by about 3:40 pm, in plenty of time for my 5:00 pm pedicure! Very pleased with discovering more new territory as well as gradually increasing the ride distance. Cheers. Map and Stats for ride:
Hi Ragin'! Trust you and Juno are well. I just heard from Sarge and he is not able to play on Saturday so let me know if you have someone else in mind for the fourth, otherwise I can blackmail Lady Dar into playing! I know she would like to visit with a number of The Sisterhood but if you are unable to come up with someone else, I'm sure she can be coerced. Le the know and we'll plan accordingly.
Once upon a time, someone wrote to us and asked "if Natasha and Boris will have us, on the night of Tuesday, the 20th. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly!" So it turns out you are coming on Monday instead. Oh well. That's fine, but you will have added company at dinner as our friend Rachel, soon moving to Little Rock, Arkansas is coming for dinner that night. Nancy has book group that afternoon, so it's a good thing she is not doing the cooking.
See you when you get here. One night stand? Great message by the way; too bad it's not fiction instead of Lady Dar's foot and Ayn's frying pan top. Getting tops for those great iron skillets is not that easy and they never fit perfectly. Know from experience, although I didn't have Ayn's fireworks display. Cactus
Hi Non-Fiction Man! Natasha and Boris were not wrong, initially, BUT that was before we were informed by Ms Ayn that she needed to clean her apartment, thoroughly, after The Invasion of the Beyond Messy Parents, on President's Day! Sorry, yes, it is a one night stand but we'll still love you both in the morning! Simply wonderful that we will have the opportunity to meet Miss Little Rock Rachel. Guess I better pick up more Caparone! Had a grand ride today. Map and Stats for ride:
Followed by a New Age Male pedicure. What with the spiffy shirt and Izod shorts, from Lady Dar, for Valentine's, Boris and Natasha probably won't recognize me. On the fireworks display front, Ayn's frying pan wasn't an iron skillet but Lady Dar did pick up one of same which I have been threatened with already! Not fiction, I'm afraid! Must away as dinner, (sausages, fresh corn and my mixed green saladin), will be served as soon as Ayn returns with Winston. As well, I must needs open a 2016 Coffaro Escuro, 15.4%. After dinner, The Shape of Water will be the evening's entertainment. More media connezzzione, in fact from neighbours across the hall, she from Deep Cove, North Vancouver, both doing very well as choreographers here. 'Ain't Life Grand! Fondest from Lady Dar, watching Olympic figure skating. Cheers, PaTREKio! [My carbon fibre steed!] Pics: Where I usually buy my designer threads; pedicure place; Winston having a foot bath!
Hi Had a phone call I did not recognize. Was it you guys? Hi Palm Springs! How goes the full house? No, as far as we know we didn't call. However, I've a favour to ask. We might need a fourth for bridge on Saturday, February 24th, when we are back in Vancouver. Do you think any of the women in your group would be interested? If so, could you pass along a phone number or email address. So far we have three players, Ragin', The Penguin and myself. Lady Dar would rather not play as she would like to visit with Robyn. Anyway, if someone is interested that would be great. If not, don't worry. Thanks. Wanted to send along this clip. Thought your grandchildren might enjoy it. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Mick and all the hordes. Cheers, Patrizzio!
See you on Thursday and I think I will pass on Bridge. I think the plan is for Corey Rebecca and the kids to come in for dinner. Sarge Look forward to seeing you stay as long as you want Flamin' Hi Kids! Thanks for unlimited stay privileges. Sorry you won't be joining us, Sarge, but understand. In fact, we spoke to Chloë this evening and Beckster and Kid Chelene, as you probably know, are staying. Apparently Etta and Duke were hiding in the garage, from Avery and Ashlynne! Fondest from Ayn and Lady Dar, watching Olympic coverage, to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello Dunbar! Trust you are both well. Enjoyed BREXIT Archer! Gather it is still winter in Penticton after we spoke to Chloë this evening. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello world travelers, Well the two of you are like the preverbal rabbit that just never stops, continually wound up and off you go. It is fun reading about all your adventures. One of the keys to a long life is finding the child within and learning to play, keeping the mind continually in a playful mode of happiness. Do keep us informed when you are back and touch base in this part of the world.
Watched the other night “My Old Lady” with Maggie Smith and Kevin Klein. It is brilliant and will make you cry in the end. The acting is superb. Had dinner at friends this week, Rick a retired firefighter, chef. Indulged us with, Smoked salmon appetizers. Arugula, feta, caramelized pecans with baked beet salad. Rack of lamb on a bed of spinach and potatoes. And Jan’s creative dessert - almond flour chocolate torte with layers of chocolate, Yummy good!
On Valentines John treated me to another rack of lamb, roasted potatoes and grilled carrots & green beans, my favourite and more chocolate!! We shared valentine cards with the dogs. So cute. And yesterday we had a luncheon for the Univ. Retires assoc. at a Chinese Rest. with guest speaker from China speaking on the history of China and I am sure will take over the world. Loretta and Barry were there, haven’t seen them in a long time. Aka the Judge.
I was on line one day doing research for my book when I came across a ‘Dr. Jordan Peterson’ a professor in psychology at the Univ. of Toronto. You know doubt have heard of him as he has become world renowned psychologist and prof. of psychology. He has over fifty million followers watching his classes he has filmed on ‘You Tube – Dr. Jordan Peterson” and there are hundreds to watch. You can also type in a topic of interest that he has lectured on everything in terms of how you are affected psychologically in life. He is incredibly knowledgeable and offers tough talk to his ‘millennial’ students
Dr. Peterson has been written up in The New York Times, The Times of London and The Wall street Journal. He has done lecture tours in North America and Europe and now his lectures are spreading throughout Europe. He has also been on Ted & has done endless interviews on “TV”. A leading public intellectual of our time. His strength is that he tackles important subject in an accessible way. His bestselling book “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” is now the number one seller. He explains what does everyone in the modern world need to know and he combines hard-won truths of ancient traditions.- His idea for the book arose from his belief that today’s floundering young men are begging for guidance in how to find their purpose and grow up. He feels millennials have been brought up with almost no practical advice about how to live. A complicated generation.
I thought how wonderful it was to have grown up in the sixties, we were given free reign right from being a child and can only remember having as a teen on Sunday night radio “Ask the Pastor”. I asked John and he remembers too that was all we had then to help guide us. We were so incredibly naïve then. Now young and old can listen to Dr. Peterson he will be a guiding light for millions of young people. His biggest rule of all is that before you can change society, you must take responsibility for your own life. Many young men today swear he has changed their life and I agree I cannot stop listening to his lectures they are incredibly informative even for my generation. His book will shake you up as he gets to the core of every subject. The following interview went viral. Luv ya! Jean & John Hi Kids! I used to listen to Ask the Pastor on my transistor radio when I was in Junior High at Isaac Brock! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Statue of Napoleon I in Cherbourg-Octeville, France
Photo: Eric Pouhier/Wikimedia
Around 10:30 am I put the last of the overlefts in Ayn's fridge into the fry-pan and topped the melange with some slices of Trader Joe's Monterrey. Tasty as all get out and perfect fuel for the ride to come. Had to wait until Lady Dar took Winston for his walk as we only have one set of keys for the apartment. Was suited up when she returned and was on the road by about 11:50 am. Had decided I would explore south of here but before doing that I logged 12 km in my own backyard, so to speak, before crossing Fulton into the development I'd first ridden two days ago. Felt great to have a pretty good idea of the streets here so it wasn't long before I had clocked 24 km.

Then it was time for new territory so I took Fulton south. No bike lane on this street but it isn't all that busy so I felt very comfortable. Passed Los Angeles Valley College, on my left, where Pierre played his first two years of basketball after high-school, continuing on across Burbank to make a right onto Chandler. Haven't ridden here for a number of years but I really like this boulevard as it lined with huge trees, as well as having a large central median, planted with more gorgeous trees, and dedicated bike lanes to boot! Feels more like being in a forest than a city.
Started on the development between Chandler and Burbank and when I had about 36 km on the odometre I took advantage of a lull in traffic and scooted across Chandler to explore the development bounded by Magnolia. Had never ridden this complex before but since these developments are essentially cookie-cutter templates, I had a very good idea of what to expect. Furthermore, names of many of the streets are the same, whether they run N/S or E/W, as they often/usually continue between developments. Even took note of a couple of places for sale as Ayn and Lady Dar are looking at condos or small bungalows, now that Ayn feels she is financially ready to enter the housing market.
Given the grid of the cross-streets I knew I could do a number of large loops once I'd ridden all the interior cul de sacs and shorter access roads so did just that before I took advantage of a another lull in the traffic on Chandler to head back into the earlier development there. Few dipsy-doodles here before making a right onto Woodman, heading north. Bike path here so that was part of the plan. Timed the light at Burbank perfectly and mid-block I turned on Collins to explore this development. Again, new to me, so it was quite interesting to discover just how different layout was, compared to one just south. Many more narrow streets, especially at the top end as the Orange Line Busway limits development to the east.
By the time I had carpet cycled this quadrant I had logged over 61 km so returned to Woodman. Had to dipsy-doodle onto Califa Street in order to give the light at Oxnard time to change in my favour but otherwise smooth sailing all the way back to Erwin and I was back in my "hood"! Since I literally know the streets and distances here,like the back of my hand, I quickly set out the remainder of the ride, by and large, taking the longest loops possible and only resorting to side streets when absolutely necessary. Was back at the front entrance of the apartment by about 3:40 pm, in plenty of time for my 5:00 pm pedicure! Very pleased with discovering more new territory as well as gradually increasing the ride distance. Cheers. Map and Stats for ride:
Hi Ragin'! Trust you and Juno are well. I just heard from Sarge and he is not able to play on Saturday so let me know if you have someone else in mind for the fourth, otherwise I can blackmail Lady Dar into playing! I know she would like to visit with a number of The Sisterhood but if you are unable to come up with someone else, I'm sure she can be coerced. Le the know and we'll plan accordingly.
On another matter, would you be able to order the cable below? [It goes without saying that I'll reimburse you. Cheque's in the mail!!!] I bought a monitor in Sun City and this is what it needs, according to my Arizona Computer Wizard. I'd like to set it up with you as my Vancouver Computer Wizard. Bought the monitor at an estate sale for $25 USD and it lists for about $167 CDN new! This, as a result of your suggestion regarding other monitor you looked at. Anyway, let me know what you think. Must away as I have to have a quick shower. Just back from my ride and am off for a New Age Male pedicure! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Once upon a time, someone wrote to us and asked "if Natasha and Boris will have us, on the night of Tuesday, the 20th. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly!" So it turns out you are coming on Monday instead. Oh well. That's fine, but you will have added company at dinner as our friend Rachel, soon moving to Little Rock, Arkansas is coming for dinner that night. Nancy has book group that afternoon, so it's a good thing she is not doing the cooking.
See you when you get here. One night stand? Great message by the way; too bad it's not fiction instead of Lady Dar's foot and Ayn's frying pan top. Getting tops for those great iron skillets is not that easy and they never fit perfectly. Know from experience, although I didn't have Ayn's fireworks display. Cactus
Hi Non-Fiction Man! Natasha and Boris were not wrong, initially, BUT that was before we were informed by Ms Ayn that she needed to clean her apartment, thoroughly, after The Invasion of the Beyond Messy Parents, on President's Day! Sorry, yes, it is a one night stand but we'll still love you both in the morning! Simply wonderful that we will have the opportunity to meet Miss Little Rock Rachel. Guess I better pick up more Caparone! Had a grand ride today. Map and Stats for ride:
Followed by a New Age Male pedicure. What with the spiffy shirt and Izod shorts, from Lady Dar, for Valentine's, Boris and Natasha probably won't recognize me. On the fireworks display front, Ayn's frying pan wasn't an iron skillet but Lady Dar did pick up one of same which I have been threatened with already! Not fiction, I'm afraid! Must away as dinner, (sausages, fresh corn and my mixed green saladin), will be served as soon as Ayn returns with Winston. As well, I must needs open a 2016 Coffaro Escuro, 15.4%. After dinner, The Shape of Water will be the evening's entertainment. More media connezzzione, in fact from neighbours across the hall, she from Deep Cove, North Vancouver, both doing very well as choreographers here. 'Ain't Life Grand! Fondest from Lady Dar, watching Olympic figure skating. Cheers, PaTREKio! [My carbon fibre steed!] Pics: Where I usually buy my designer threads; pedicure place; Winston having a foot bath!
Hi Had a phone call I did not recognize. Was it you guys? Hi Palm Springs! How goes the full house? No, as far as we know we didn't call. However, I've a favour to ask. We might need a fourth for bridge on Saturday, February 24th, when we are back in Vancouver. Do you think any of the women in your group would be interested? If so, could you pass along a phone number or email address. So far we have three players, Ragin', The Penguin and myself. Lady Dar would rather not play as she would like to visit with Robyn. Anyway, if someone is interested that would be great. If not, don't worry. Thanks. Wanted to send along this clip. Thought your grandchildren might enjoy it. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Mick and all the hordes. Cheers, Patrizzio!
See you on Thursday and I think I will pass on Bridge. I think the plan is for Corey Rebecca and the kids to come in for dinner. Sarge Look forward to seeing you stay as long as you want Flamin' Hi Kids! Thanks for unlimited stay privileges. Sorry you won't be joining us, Sarge, but understand. In fact, we spoke to Chloë this evening and Beckster and Kid Chelene, as you probably know, are staying. Apparently Etta and Duke were hiding in the garage, from Avery and Ashlynne! Fondest from Ayn and Lady Dar, watching Olympic coverage, to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello Dunbar! Trust you are both well. Enjoyed BREXIT Archer! Gather it is still winter in Penticton after we spoke to Chloë this evening. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello world travelers, Well the two of you are like the preverbal rabbit that just never stops, continually wound up and off you go. It is fun reading about all your adventures. One of the keys to a long life is finding the child within and learning to play, keeping the mind continually in a playful mode of happiness. Do keep us informed when you are back and touch base in this part of the world.
Watched the other night “My Old Lady” with Maggie Smith and Kevin Klein. It is brilliant and will make you cry in the end. The acting is superb. Had dinner at friends this week, Rick a retired firefighter, chef. Indulged us with, Smoked salmon appetizers. Arugula, feta, caramelized pecans with baked beet salad. Rack of lamb on a bed of spinach and potatoes. And Jan’s creative dessert - almond flour chocolate torte with layers of chocolate, Yummy good!
On Valentines John treated me to another rack of lamb, roasted potatoes and grilled carrots & green beans, my favourite and more chocolate!! We shared valentine cards with the dogs. So cute. And yesterday we had a luncheon for the Univ. Retires assoc. at a Chinese Rest. with guest speaker from China speaking on the history of China and I am sure will take over the world. Loretta and Barry were there, haven’t seen them in a long time. Aka the Judge.
I was on line one day doing research for my book when I came across a ‘Dr. Jordan Peterson’ a professor in psychology at the Univ. of Toronto. You know doubt have heard of him as he has become world renowned psychologist and prof. of psychology. He has over fifty million followers watching his classes he has filmed on ‘You Tube – Dr. Jordan Peterson” and there are hundreds to watch. You can also type in a topic of interest that he has lectured on everything in terms of how you are affected psychologically in life. He is incredibly knowledgeable and offers tough talk to his ‘millennial’ students
Dr. Peterson has been written up in The New York Times, The Times of London and The Wall street Journal. He has done lecture tours in North America and Europe and now his lectures are spreading throughout Europe. He has also been on Ted & has done endless interviews on “TV”. A leading public intellectual of our time. His strength is that he tackles important subject in an accessible way. His bestselling book “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” is now the number one seller. He explains what does everyone in the modern world need to know and he combines hard-won truths of ancient traditions.- His idea for the book arose from his belief that today’s floundering young men are begging for guidance in how to find their purpose and grow up. He feels millennials have been brought up with almost no practical advice about how to live. A complicated generation.
I thought how wonderful it was to have grown up in the sixties, we were given free reign right from being a child and can only remember having as a teen on Sunday night radio “Ask the Pastor”. I asked John and he remembers too that was all we had then to help guide us. We were so incredibly naïve then. Now young and old can listen to Dr. Peterson he will be a guiding light for millions of young people. His biggest rule of all is that before you can change society, you must take responsibility for your own life. Many young men today swear he has changed their life and I agree I cannot stop listening to his lectures they are incredibly informative even for my generation. His book will shake you up as he gets to the core of every subject. The following interview went viral. Luv ya! Jean & John Hi Kids! I used to listen to Ask the Pastor on my transistor radio when I was in Junior High at Isaac Brock! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pat, Corinne, thank you for all of your advice, you know I lean on you guys quite a bit in this area, and it is much appreciated and taken to heart. I will start looking at the colleges actually, never thought of that route. On that note, just want to wish you both a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! With lots of great fortune, happiness and splendid health. It's Pat's "year" since it's the year of the mutt, I mean, dog : ) Take care, VL Hi Victorious!
Thanks for the Chinese New Year's wishes! Fondestos from Ayn and Lady
Dar, watching Olympic coverage, to you Victorino! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Winston having a foot bath, getting ready for
The Year of The Dog!
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