The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw. -Havelock Ellis, physician, writer, and social reformer (2 Feb 1859-1939)
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Photo: Quinn Dombrowski |
adjective: Involving unnecessary repetition of an idea, especially in different words, for example, a good-looking beautiful woman.
Hi Patrick, Great to hear from you and about your journeys to all places south.Once again I hope this email gets thru as we have had ongoing issues with people not receiving our small notes so let me know if this gets through. We have not being up to much of late just trying to renovate our little shack down at the Gold Coast. A little one bed room ground floor unit 50 metres from the beach. We have completely stripped it to the bare walls and are now in the process of refitting it.. Claire bear has been making cushions and helping to redesign the interior. So far we have made the kitchen cabinetry (to her specification and with my sweat) the bathroom vanity and have had the bathroom room completely refurbished (re tiled and new plumbing) so a bit of work all round really. So we will shortly have a nice little get away place by the beach and far enough away from Surfers Paradise not to be worried by the idiots.
So if you guys want a little place to stay in Aus. we will have just the place with bicycles though only Specialised hybrids though quite light on hand, a car if needed, a surf club and restaurants within a couple of hundred metres a pool and not much to do. This weekend we are off to great-Dane day at the beach with our dog so she can play with other giants (she has a real problem with dogs that are not 3 feet tall) there are generally 20 or 30 great-danes to play with so should be fun. Our trip in June is rapidly approaching so we are looking forward to that and perhaps a little camping in March Cheers from down below Greg and Claire
Hello Little Shack on the Gold Coast/Great Dane People! Reading you, loud and clear! Your protestations to the contrary, sounds as if you have been very busy indeed, your elbow grease and The Bear's growled instructions! Thank you for the most generous invitation to visit/stay. Sounds like a grand slice of Paradise, indeed. I'm also looking forward to my trip to Europe, in April. Most recent development is that Glasgow, mate from Vancouver, will join me on two week bike tour in Poland. Lady Dar's calendar seems to be filling up, quite nicely, with weddings, this summer. However, she and Chloë are annoyed that I won't be around to help move most of Chloë's earthly possessions from our place to her new town-house, unless it is finished before I fly out on April 16th.
Sound sleep, last night, only vaguely aware of Howler calls, around 4:30 am. Up at 7:00 am to have my first mug of java on breakfast patio. Diana arrived a short time afterwards and we chatted until Patrizzio II and Lady Dar joined us. No monkeys this morning. Apparently a few Howlers had been around much earlier. Shortly before 8:00 am Diana and Patrick returned to their room to collect their bags and we followed them to the parking lot to say goodbye. They invited us to visit when we are in Tinsel Town so we might just take a day trip to San Pedro, next to Long Beach, I understand.
Back on breakfast patio to have another mug of java and two pieces of "dulce" a tasty, light cake. Plan to stroll down to the beach later this morning as I want to play in the "grandes" again. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both! All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrizzio, Thank you for rubbing it in w.r.t. the wonderful weather and great time you are having in la-la land. However, when you do return to reality, you will be deeply envious of my “rain” tan. I look more like a prune every day.
Speaking of which, it is difficult to to decipher from your (no doubt) white rum influenced correspondence, where and when you will be where. I presume “rain city” refers to sunny Vancouver, but “sun city”, “tinsel town” etc, seem to vary in location depending on … hmmmm.
In order to nail down a date for a bridge game, that you have kindly offered my culinary expertise for, would be useful to have a narrow-as-possible window, so I can make a quick Costco run and buy a case o macaroni & cheese. Your’s, in envy//bjp Branko
Hello again, Ragin', et al! I would never, ever try to make you feel badly, suffering as your are from prune skin, while we laze around the pool, being entertained by the latest Attack of the Killer Titis! Furthermore, I think you have been drowning your sorrows in too, too much Bourbon as La-La Land and Tinsel Town are far removed from Costa Rica, so your hootch soaked interpretive cortex is muddled, not mine! As I mentioned, if we do pass through Vancouver, it will likely be on the weekend of the 24th/25th, staying in Portland on the night of the 23rd. Buy to cases of macaroni & cheese as we'll take one back to Chloë who has eaten everything in our freezer!
At the moment I'm digitating on breakfast patio, have another mug of java and to pieces of "dulce" a tasty, light cake. Plan to stroll down to the beach later this morning as I want to play in the "grandes" again. Just a few minutes ago, about five Titis came down out of the tree canopy to look for easy food. Couple beside us had some pineapple in a bowl but placed another empty bowl over it to prevent pilferage. But a moment later they left table to try and catch a shot of a Toucan. While everyone's backs were turned, two of the enterprising Tatis removed the empty bowl and took hunks of pineapple. We think they are in cahoots with the Toucan! Fondestos from Lady Dar to one and all! Cheers, Patrizzio/Il Conduttore!Pic: Titi pineapple thief this morning!
Hi Diana and Patrizzio II, et al! Trust your drive went well. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both! We'll be in touch once back in Tinsel Town and see if a day trip to your neck of the woods might work for everyone. Until then, stay well. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: El Largato, (Lady Dar is one who usually has her eyes closed!), and Arrivederci! Unfortunately we are heavily over booked. The children and families and micks sister are coming at various times. In fact out of 30 days we are alone just last night and tonight! Time to get in food for everyone. And the last night of our stay time to clean up! So a lot of sheet washing. Our car was filled with car seats booster, seats and cots! But would love to see you if you have time to come by for dinner and a swim.
Hi Diana and Patrizzio II, et al! Trust your drive went well. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both! We'll be in touch once back in Tinsel Town and see if a day trip to your neck of the woods might work for everyone. Until then, stay well. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: El Largato, (Lady Dar is one who usually has her eyes closed!), and Arrivederci! Unfortunately we are heavily over booked. The children and families and micks sister are coming at various times. In fact out of 30 days we are alone just last night and tonight! Time to get in food for everyone. And the last night of our stay time to clean up! So a lot of sheet washing. Our car was filled with car seats booster, seats and cots! But would love to see you if you have time to come by for dinner and a swim.
Hi again, Polly and Mick! When we took a virtual tour through Il Palazzo di Francis Alexander I thought that Famiglia Carter would be flocking south! Not to worry, (not that Mick would, anyhow! Probably no Zins left anyway!), as we will probably head straight on in to Tinsel Town. Thanks for invite for dinner and swim. If we do end up staying with Lady dar's second cousin in Carefree, we might drop by for a coffee.
It is about four hours from Palm Springs. I presume we'd leave around 9:00 am and come knocking around 1:00 pm. I'd like to be back at Ayn's by late afternoon so a brief hello and goodbye would be fun, if we can negotiate the driveway for car seats, strollers, cribs and the like! At any rate, will be in touch again, closer to dates in question and see how things stand. If we do pass through Vancouver, (No word regarding Ted, as of this writing.), it will likely be on the weekend of the 24th/25th, staying in Portland on the night of the 23rd. However, since you'll still be in Palm Springs, please leave key under your front door mat and wine rack full! Fine state of affairs to think that supposedly close friends from Vancouver cannot even offer a bed for one night in Palm Springs! Cheers, Patrizzio! Enough of your sarcasm!! We already have 9 sleeping that night. Safe home.
Yes Pam, I'm in as well. Jos and Mike, whoever is driving in from Summerland, would you please stop at Patrizzio's and pick up Judy and me. After my physio I'll pick up Judy and meet you there so we could ride to Pam's together. I'm hoping this would be okay with everyone. Hugs, Olly Hi Patrizzio and Corrine,
Ohh, how I wish for a beach right about now!! and I just love those cute faced little monkeys. This morning we woke up to 3 or 4 inches of new snow and it is mild outside so the snow will be heavy. Good luck shoveling Craig! I'll clean off the vehicles as they are buried and we'll look after the rest on the weekend as Craig left for work early this morning. Have fun in L.A and in Sedona and please give Jill and Phil a huge hug from me. Next Wednesday us Bridge folk have been invited to Pam's new mansion for some games. I am so excited to see her new place. I'm so glad that you and Corrine are having such beautiful weather and are enjoying yourselves! Hugs, Olly
Hello Olga Polga and rest of Bridge Fiends! Sorry to hear about latest snowfall but pleased you are playing bridge, Chicago Only at The Naramata Mansion! Think we should make it Bridge Central from now on, so, so terribly comfortable and when weather improves we can play in the hot tub as we own plasticized cards for just such an occasion! In the meantime, please pay $20 parking fee, to Duke, [I don't trust Chloë!], when you leave your cars in front of Burns Street! Fondestos from Lady Dar to one and all! Happy Bidding! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sounds like you’re having a fabulous time. Do most tourist folks speak English? I can’t recall but I thought most locals don’t. Do you speak any Spanish? I forget, where to next? Hi Steel Magnolia! In fact yesterday was our last full day here in Manuel Antonio. We take another shuttle to the airport in Alajuela, 20 km west of San José, tomorrow, around 1:00 pm, for a four hour, or so, ride. Leave Sunday morning for LA. We haven't ever had any real difficulty communicating. Have encountered some people who don't speak any English but those working in tourism, (hotel reception, restaurants, souvenir stores, shuttle drivers, etc.), seem very fluent and are most helpful. I possess but a smattering of Spanish but can often decipher menu items based on my knowledge of French and Grade 9 Latin!
Around 2:00 pm we walked down to the beach and found a shady spot under the trees at the of the sand' Lady Dar relaxed on one of our beach towels and I went to play in the surf. Waves were not quite a high as the day before but I've learned never to take their size for granted. Lots of people around me, some body surfing, some using small boards and others just frolicking as was I.
I really enjoy diving under the larger waves just before or as they crest. If one times it right one can also allow your legs to catch the jet surge rushing above so that you can be carried with it, underwater, towards the beach. Have to be careful, however, as if you are not quite deep enough you end up being "blenderized", tossed and turned, around and around, like a rag doll, in the shallow water as the rip recedes.
Nothing truly serious or dangerous, given relatively small waves, but you often end up with lots of sand in your suit, hair and ears. Water isn't overly salty so my eyes were never burning. Again, have learned to open them quickly after resurfacing as sometimes another "grande" will be coming along, hidden by the one just negotiated and if you don't see it before it crashes on top of you, that is when you are really pulverized! Didn't happen on this trip and I'm very glad it didn't as my aging frame cannot really take such punishment. Back to rejoin Lady Dar to be entertained by about ten Capuchin monkeys. Had never seen them playing on the sand and it was an absolute delight to watch their antics.
Quite reminded us of our two cats, Etta and Duke, when they race around the house and ambush each other. Here, of course, the Capuchins were leaping from tree trunks to branches, back onto the sand of the clearings between the trees, leapfrogging over each other in an endless display of unbridled energy. After this entertainment, Lady Dar waded into the surf but didn't brave any "grandes". After this we read for another hour or so and then made our way back to our hotel. I rinsed off under the outdoor shower and then had a cooling dip in the pool.
Lazy time after that, reading and digitating, until it was time to shower and change for dinner. Around 7:00 pm we walked down the road which parallels the beach, to scope out a couple of restaurants that are located in the small market area located there. Decided upon The Marlin, primarily because there was a nine piece band performing out front. Members of Cuchá Cuchá are from Argentina and Uruguay and have been on a nine month road trip of Colombia, Peru, Panama. I gather they will head to Nicaragua after Costa Rica. Quite an impressive array of instruments, among them a trombone, sax, clarinet, fairly large hand-held harp and some sort of steel percussion tube which produced the most wonderful sounds. Lead singer played guitar and had a very strong voice but everyone contributed back-up vocals so it was a true wall of sound. We picked up tow of their CD's and that is how we learned a bit about where they were from, etc.
After their last number they picked up their instruments and moved across the street to start all over again, while we enjoyed our dinner. Both of us had decided upon fresh tuna steak and will certainly miss all the wonderful meals we've had of this fish while being here. A Swiss couple sat next to us as we were finishing our meal so we enjoyed chatting with them for a few minutes before we paid our bill. Toddled back to our room and I was ready for bed as I guess the sun and surf had taken their tool. Pics: Map shows where we came from, Santa Teresa, and where we will head today. Beach vendor and "Grandes"; Capuchins cavorting; Cuchá Cuchá

Hi Patrizzio, It is obvious that you and Lady Dar are having a great laid back time, thank you for sharing. But do not be mistaken, the snow here is super and certainly helps us keep our minds sane in all the Bristow Valley trauma. Skiing some 2x a week plus hiking/snowshoe'ing at least once a week is fantastic. Think of what rigerous training & excersize you need to go through to get back in shape upon your return 😀! Photos are beautiful, also showing us the blue skies. Smootch for Dar & Patrique Kiss the turtles for me ...Aarturo
[But later around noon like this...]
Hi Patrick, Nothing to be sorry about. The bidding is fearless, the game have lighting speed (at a time) and the weather....
Hi Faster then the Speed of a Lightening Bolt Bidder! Pleased to hear that this is so, regarding bridge! Heard from Chloë that the snow, at least in Penticton, seems to melt fairly quickly after falling so she is pleased not to have to shovel! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello all! Writing from Sunny but cold, Montreal! We arrived back from Cuba late Wednesday afternoon, borrowed a car and visited the house. I think we have lucked out this time! So far so good! Bell has been here for 3 hours so far....hopefully, we’ll be up and running for super bowl on Sunday. Cuba was ok. Amazing people, food not so great, weather worse than food! However, we did get some down time which was the entire point of it! Hope this finds you all well and that I have not missed anyone. Miss you guys already!!!! Much love and big hugs Barbie. 😘🤗♥️🦋��������❤️
Sounds like you guys are having too much fun and there is no end in sight..keep up the good work. Ed Hi Barbarella! Lovely to hear from you and know you are settling in, back from Cuba. Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you and Barbara. We both miss you too but understand why you felt you had to move back to Montreal. Cheers, Patrizzio Did you book all your different hotels and transportation yourself or use a travel agent? pat Hi Patrizzia, et al! Lady Dar used a company called Anywhere Costa Rica and we decided where we wanted to visit and for how long. Company arranged shuttle service and hotels, based on price range we provided. I'd recommend them as we've haven't had any glitches at all. Food has been truly remarkable, everywhere we've stayed, so most impressed with various cuisines.
Fondestos from Lady Dar, to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi, Sorry I’ve been MIA, work is busy and I’ve been doing lots of studying. Weather is a little crazy, snow, which then melts quickly so thankfully no shoveling required!!!! Cats are glued to me, they really miss you both.....Dukes actually meows/cry’s lately outside your closet mom at night when I think he misses you. Etta is really biting/loving me up.... but they are alone 10-11 hours a day so I really try to give them lots of attention. I’m always so tired can’t wait to pass this exam and not feel guilty about no alwsys studying. Corey and Rebecca are coming on the 10th for a night to look at houses at Sendaro. Love you both!!!
Hi, Sorry I’ve been MIA, work is busy and I’ve been doing lots of studying. Weather is a little crazy, snow, which then melts quickly so thankfully no shoveling required!!!! Cats are glued to me, they really miss you both.....Dukes actually meows/cry’s lately outside your closet mom at night when I think he misses you. Etta is really biting/loving me up.... but they are alone 10-11 hours a day so I really try to give them lots of attention. I’m always so tired can’t wait to pass this exam and not feel guilty about no alwsys studying. Corey and Rebecca are coming on the 10th for a night to look at houses at Sendaro. Love you both!!!
Hi Chloe, yes the weather certainly sounds crazy, we get picked up around 1:30 tomorrow for 4 hour drive to near SAN Jose to be close to airport for 9 am flight to L A. on Sunday. We should be back by the 24th or earlier. While I want to visit friends I’m ready for home. Hope to look at some condos with Ayn. I miss Etta and Duke as well. Have a good study weekend are you managing to get some exercise? Love you, Mom Hi Chloë, et al! Glad to learn that the snow, at least in Penticton, now seems to melt fairly quickly after falling so am quite sure you are very pleased not to have to shovel, not that you did anyway! I also see that you have Etta doing the dishes so that you have more time to study! Please lock both the wine cellar and malt cabinet when Beckster and Kid Chelene come to stay, and remind them of the nightly rate, $250 USD, payable before check-in! Pics: "Grandes", for habitués of Guyabitos!
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