The first symptom of love in a young man is timidity; in a girl
boldness. -Victor Hugo, poet, novelist and dramatist (26 Feb 1802-1885)
Louise and Henryk Tie the Knot! For They Are Jolly Good Fellows! Hip Hip Hooray! Love & Affection, Lady Dar and Patrizzio!
Hello Snow-clad Bidders! Trust everyone is well! Lady Dar and I returned to Penticton, yesterday, via the Hope-Princeton. Except for compact snow through Manning, roads were in exceptional condition, often almost dry. Sunshine was brilliant as we came into Princeton but as we descended towards town, quite heavy, blowing snow, out of the east started. Continued until highway crosses to the north side of the Similkameen, shortly before the Packard Creek Campgrounds, and by the time we were at the West Hedley Mall, [I am always delighted by this sign!], snow was gone and we zoomed along. [Just listening to an account of the multi-vehicle crash on the Coquihalla last night so thanking our lucky stars that we decided on #3!]
Hi Patrick,Thank you for your prompt response. I was surprised to find the reply so soon. Your reply reminded me of many events such as the party held every night, lawn darts, and the people I met in hotel Kits!! On my end, I got married 5 years ago and have a four-year old daughter. Besides, we’re having a baby this coming summer. I’m working for Aflac ( whose branch in Japan has one of the biggest market share of life insurance. I’ve been dispatched from Aflac Japan to the US headquarters till the end of this year.
Since I have not used my English for almost 20 years, my English wouldn’t be improved so much compared to me 20 years ago. Thanks to my days staying with you for a month, I totally come to love alcohol, especially the drunkening red wine!! However unfortunately, as it turned out, it is unlikely to see you this time because I can’t find the schedule but May or June. As I mentioned, my wife’s due date is in the beginning of August. In addition, I’m working on a slightly big project now and it seems hard to have vacation before April. I’m really sorry, but I hope you would select Georgia or Japan as a destination for your trip. Anyway, I’ll keep in touch with you. Best! Nobiwan
This is my family. I’ve got 45 pound compared to me 20 years ago...Nobuhito Nakamura のメール Hi Nobiwan! Thank you for the pictures of your lovely wife and delightful daughter. [Names?] You are a very fortunate man indeed! Congratulations on the coming birth of your second child. I understand completely about the pregnancy and your work commitments. While we would dearly love to visit you in Georgia, this year's travel plans are already set with my aforementioned three months in Europe. As well, Corinne became a Marriage Officiant about two years ago and since then she has been doing an increasing number of weddings in the Okanagan. Spring and Summer are her busiest times, as you might imagine, so we tend to travel in the late Fall and Winter. That being said, one of our next major trips will be to Viet Nam and Laos, next Spring or Fall so perhaps we can visit you in Japan at that time. We first experienced your marvellous country in May, 2012, for three weeks, staying, at times, with a former boarder, Toshi, and her mother, in Osaka. Had such an exceptional time we certainly wish to return to see more of the spectacular country, learn a bit more about your incredibly rich, truly remarkable culture and drink Saké! Where do you live in Japan? While the proposed trip is still a bit away, it never hurts to do some long term planning.
When we were in Japan I bought three knives, one in Osaka and two in Tokyo and they are still my favourites. Consequently, when I came across another, still in the original packaging, for a mere $12 US, at an estate sale in Sun City, Arizona, I couldn't believe my eyes and bought it immediately! It is a lethal weapon and has more than lived up to what I imagined it would do. Chloë loves it and I'm afraid she will want to take it with her when she moves into her new townhouse, not yet ready until April/May. She has been living with us since last September when she moved to Penticton to start a new job. All the best to you, Nobiwan, and to your wife and daughter as well, of course. Stay well. Take care of each other. Do keep in touch as I trust our paths will cross, again, in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Leaving snow-bound Portland where we stayed with close friends, Michaelo and Marilyn, a week ago this past Thursday; Bridge with friends, Johnny the Snozz and Ragin' Bull, in Vancouver; Lady Dar with Sarge and Flamin', our hosts in Vancouver; Lady Dar with Josinta before we started playing bridge on Wednesday evening; with Olga Polga and Jack Rabbit Slims; Chloë watching TV with Duke on her lap while we played bridge; bridge gang says goodbye; When I came home after pool yesterday afternoon, both Duke and Etta were sleeping on the shower mat. It's nice and cosy as floor is heated. Etta left before I could take a snap of them curled up together! Duke having a pedicure, mango lotion rubbed on the pads of his feet. It helps to keep them from becoming sore as they are outside on the snow and ice during the day.
Colleen Teahan Waldron Glad we all we unaffected by the horrible crash and glad you two are home safe and sound and blanketed in fresh snow. Let's get you up to the valley for a visit.

At any rate, Lady Dar and I would love to host this week, (unless other plans have already been made), if anyone is interested and available. However, given her busy schedule of meetings, Wednesday and Friday evenings are only times she can play. I cannot play on Tuesday but otherwise am open. Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Looking forward to seeing one and all in the next little while and catching up since we left almost two months ago. Fondestos from Lady Dar, agitating for a fire as she isn't used to life in Antarctica! Cheers, Patrizzio, Hewer of Wood and Chimney Sweep!
Phil and I can do Wed, not Friday hope to see you all soon Gill Hello Spiller Road Folk! Pleased to hear you are safely back. How was your drive? I thought you might have been hiking or snow-shoeing today but perhaps have too much to do, like us, now home. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick and Corinne, Drive back okay but wasn't the greatest in parts. Of the bad parts I only had to drive 30 minutes on a skating rink!! Phil did the rest of the bad bits. We're snowshoeing this pm but yes have lots to sort out. Is Friday evening okay for bridge?? see you soon Gill Welcome home dear bridge friends. We came home driving back from Canmore in snow blizzards, and slippery roads all the way.
Glad we are back in Summerland where temperatures feel balmy compared to the minus 20 in Canmore. Hope the brain has defrosted by WEDNESDAY, to play bridge and reunite before everybody takes off again in different directions. Cheers, Jos
Hello Frosty Fingers! Jack Rabbit, Phillipo and Josinta can play on Wednesday so I'm making an executive decision to have bridge on Burns that evening, anytime after 6:30 pm. If three or more others are available we can have two tables to kick off the return of the Snow Birds! Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Interestingly enough, Lady Dar and I seemed to have had the easiest return drive, given icy highway conditions to both the east and south of us. Very happy to know everyone is back safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: A couple of snaps of some darling hummingbirds, in Vancouver, this past weekend. Poor, poor things were freezing, I'm sure, and I have never seen them sit still for so long, either on the feeders or nearbye tree branches. Quite a contrast to what we experienced in Costa Rica, with respect to these incredible creatures.
Patrick, Welcome back😎 I am able to play Weds night. See you then. Pam Hi dear Bridge friends, Great to have you all back home safe and sound! It will be super great to see everyone I will see you on Wednesday at 6:30. Hugs to all, Olly Hello Again, Card Snow-Shoers, as opposed to Card Sharks!
Thanks for welcome back wishes. With Naramata Goil and Olga Polga able to play on Wednesday, we now have seven eager bidders. Have not heard from Michaelo or Judy Blue. If one, or both of you can make it, de-lovelerly. Otherwise, Have Dummy, Will Travel! [Barbarella, can you hop a cheap flight? Trust all goes well with you.] If you plan to attend, JB, could you bring along your card table? I could also pick it up if more convenient. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick welcome home to you and Corinne. I am disappointed I will not be able to attend the first bridge game of the year at burns st. you are welcome to the table tho. Let me know😊and I will drop it off tomorrow Judy Xo Hi Judy Blue! Thanks for the welcome back! Great time away but terrific to be home! On the bridge front, so terribly sorry you won't be able to join us. However, very, very kind of you to lend the bridge table and even kinder to drop it off. We will be home all morning so anytime before 1:30 pm, [I have an appointment then.], or after 2:30 pm should see us both at Burns. Again, I'm more than happy to collect it if timing doesn't work. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Did ask ladies re last Saturday but no luck. Have you visited ted ? Hope your journey home was good. We leave on Saturday. Pauline Hi Polly and Mick! Trust you are both well in spite of the fact that you are coming to the end of your Palm Springs vacation. I did appreciate your effort, Polly. As it turned out, Johnny the Snooz was the fourth. Although he hasn't played in years, he is a very good player so it was loads of fun. I'm back for the March 9th weekend, VWF Dram Come True and then Rugby '7's. Are you going, Mick? If it works for people, perhaps we can arrange a get-together for one of the nights I'll be in town. I think I'll drive down on Thursday, March 8th so that evening or Saturday, March 10th, would be best for me, if anyone is interested. Must away as scads to do, just being back, as I'm sure you will experience shortly! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick welcome home to you and Corinne. I am disappointed I will not be able to attend the first bridge game of the year at burns st. you are welcome to the table tho. Let me know😊and I will drop it off tomorrow Judy Xo Hi Judy Blue! Thanks for the welcome back! Great time away but terrific to be home! On the bridge front, so terribly sorry you won't be able to join us. However, very, very kind of you to lend the bridge table and even kinder to drop it off. We will be home all morning so anytime before 1:30 pm, [I have an appointment then.], or after 2:30 pm should see us both at Burns. Again, I'm more than happy to collect it if timing doesn't work. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pauline, thanks for trying re bridge players. We got home late yesterday afternoon. We saw Ted twice. He is in hospice and being very well cared for. Elaine is able to stay with him. He is asleep most of the time. Has a semi alert time usually late afternoon. Not really eating drinking half a smoothie at a time. He is being given medicine for his muscle spasms and his breathing. If he lasts another week I would be very surprised. Really shocking how fast this disease progresses. Hope to see you two this summer if not earlier. Hugs Corinne
By the time I had done more unpacking and laid a fire for Lady Dar, feeling poorly with a tummy upset, it was close to 1:00 pm. I wanted to take the car to the self-wash. Not only did it need it, after Sunday's drive on the Hope-Princeton, but my Trek needed a good cleaning as well. Popped bike on the rack and made for Main. Had to wait for a few minutes as many other Pentictonites had the same idea, now that snow finally seems to be on the wane. Only took two cycles, one on wash, one on rinse and I was soon back home.
Turned my bike upside down, the better to oil chain, in front of garage door. Sun was streaming down and it dried nicely as I did a bit of shoveling to clear snow from driveway where it had not already melted. By the time I'd oiled and wiped the chain and then suited up it was about 2:20 pm. Had decided this would be a "scope" run as I wanted to see how clear of gravel and grit roads were, as well as which ones were free of ice and snow. For the most part, city streets were relatively clean of sand and such. However, in many places, there was a a foot or so of snow and ice protruding out from the curb, where the shadows had kept the accumulations from melting. Not a big deal but I had to ride further into the street so needed to pay careful attention whenever there was any traffic.
Road to Tennis Club was still covered in snow as it is quite shaded, even in hot weather so I was only able to go as far as the roundabout before I made for Lakeshore. There was more ice here than I had expected but nothing to really worry about. Riverside was almost completely free of snow but road was wet so I knew I'd have a skunk streak on my jacket by the time the ride was over. Looped around bare parking lot in the mini-mall at the bottom of Riverside and then returned to Power to describe enough loops to tick off first 11 km. Then began a series of larger loops around Riverside, Power and Westminster until I'd clocked about 28 km. On the last loop I caught the light to take me across Westminster towards the South Okanagan Events Centre.
Spent the rest of the time describing loops of varying distances, both around the Centre and in the adjoing parking lots, the latter nicely dry and warm as the setting sun blessed this large expanse with its rays before disappearing behind the hills, around 4:45 pm. Didn't mind as by that time I was well on the way to having 47 km on the clock before returning to Riverside and then home, up Ellis. Most of the ride had been quite lovely as it was bright and sunny, on and off, depending on cloud movement, and although wind was only blowing out of the South at 8 kph it was quite coolish, especially after Helios disappeared. Was very glad I had decided to wear my "Lobsters" as they kept my hands toasty and my 2010 Olympic volunteer jacket as it cheated Aeolus quite well. Certainly pleased to be back on the bike in my home town for first ride here of 2018. Cheers! Map and Stats for ride:
Hello Mother Katarina! Trust you are well! Happy Year of the Dog! Lady Dar and I returned to Penticton, this past Sunday, after being away for almost two months, a month of that in Costa Rica. At any rate, just wanted to say hello and mention I will be attending Dram. Will you be around for the evening? If so, look forward to catching up. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and VWF gang. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick! Lovely to hear from you! Glad you made it home safe and sound to P'tn. I am not attending DRAM as things stand now, just wrangling vols for the time being. BEST to you and Corinne! Kathryn Hi VWF Wrangler! I presumed as much but if you will be in the office on Friday, during the day, perhaps I'll pop by as I plan to drive down on Thursday. Cheers, Trizzio! No, sorry, Patrick, I am working from home at this point. Freed of the office! :)
Kathryn Hello again, Homebody! Too, too bad but you'll just have to visit us in Penticton! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Kathryn Hello again, Homebody! Too, too bad but you'll just have to visit us in Penticton! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pat, From Juan … and you now have his email. te veo//bjp Branko Branko, The Whiskies that we tasted at our recent Scotch Club meeting were as follows: Glen Garrioch (Pron: Geery) - 12yr 48% - $62.00 apparently - bourbon and Sherry Cask aging - excellent buy. A bit sharp from the high alcohol content but none-the-less a superb bargain,...
GLENDRONACH - 12 YEAR OLD SHERRY CASK (43%) $85.00 - Deep Amber, Red, And Gold Hue Of This Rich, Creamy, And Silky-Smooth Scotch Whisky Draws One In With Its Warm Appearance And Aromatic Nose. Followed By A Full Mouth Feel And Notes Of Rich Oak, Raisins, And Soft Fruits, The Finish Is Long, Full And Firm, And Slightly Nutty. Description From The LCB Website.
anCnoc - 22yr old about 100 pds sterling - bought in the UK, not available in this country, there is an 18 yr old available at 46% and $190. This one was the prize of the night! It had a superb nose, mature and elegant taste and finish…. Save up for Christmas,...All were characterized by aging in Oloroso Sherry Cask and all were rich on the tongue and especially the anCnoc had a superb nose. Pass these on to Pat,..John Hi Snozzola!Ragin' forwarded the malt tasting info so thanks for that. Not sure if he forwarded my message so just in case, here it is. Look forward to more bidding and malt tippling in the future. Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio! Hello Again, Lower Mainland Card Sharks! Thanks for sending along Snozzola's malt info and email address, Ragin'! Just to let you all know that you better hone your bidding skills as we are poised to have two tables here tomorrow. Cheers, Patrizzio!
GLENDRONACH - 12 YEAR OLD SHERRY CASK (43%) $85.00 - Deep Amber, Red, And Gold Hue Of This Rich, Creamy, And Silky-Smooth Scotch Whisky Draws One In With Its Warm Appearance And Aromatic Nose. Followed By A Full Mouth Feel And Notes Of Rich Oak, Raisins, And Soft Fruits, The Finish Is Long, Full And Firm, And Slightly Nutty. Description From The LCB Website.
anCnoc - 22yr old about 100 pds sterling - bought in the UK, not available in this country, there is an 18 yr old available at 46% and $190. This one was the prize of the night! It had a superb nose, mature and elegant taste and finish…. Save up for Christmas,...All were characterized by aging in Oloroso Sherry Cask and all were rich on the tongue and especially the anCnoc had a superb nose. Pass these on to Pat,..John Hi Snozzola!Ragin' forwarded the malt tasting info so thanks for that. Not sure if he forwarded my message so just in case, here it is. Look forward to more bidding and malt tippling in the future. Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio! Hello Again, Lower Mainland Card Sharks! Thanks for sending along Snozzola's malt info and email address, Ragin'! Just to let you all know that you better hone your bidding skills as we are poised to have two tables here tomorrow. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Glad to hear that you made it home safe and sound. I checked to see that highway 3 had no accidents before we went to bed so assumed you were fine. Michele has been in bed all day. Hoping she will be better by Thursday for the Lennie Gallant concert. Hi Sarge and The Newfoundland Patient! Sorry to hear that Flamin' is still poorly. For her part, Lady Dar seems to have come down with same bug as she woke up yesterday morning feeling quite poorly and spent most of the day lying around house, afraid to go to far, for obvious reasons. Do hope you will be able to make Lennie Gallant concert. Perhaps you can ask Grogg to send back the "special wine" he has for us so I can collect it in March!
Good news…Rick is interested in leading a snowshoe trip at Okanagan Mountain. Meet at 0900 at Home Hardware parking lot in Penticton (0840 at IGA in Summerland. Carpool and head to Chute lake Road and to the turnoff to Okanagan Mountain Park. Snowshoe! Return to Penticton for debriefing. If you are interested, Please let Rick know. He will appreciate it! Cheers, Jim
Cheers, Patrizzio!
Good news…Rick is interested in leading a snowshoe trip at Okanagan Mountain. Meet at 0900 at Home Hardware parking lot in Penticton (0840 at IGA in Summerland. Carpool and head to Chute lake Road and to the turnoff to Okanagan Mountain Park. Snowshoe! Return to Penticton for debriefing. If you are interested, Please let Rick know. He will appreciate it! Cheers, Jim
Hey Guys Hope all is well. Do you have a firm closing date on the purchase? We should probably get rolling on the supporting docs. Thanks, Zamir Hi Zamir, The finish date on my townhouse has been delayed and at this time fo not have an end date. I will email my agent and see if I can get a ballpark date of completion. Thank you for inquiring. Chloë
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