No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're
looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs,
we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed, and love of power.
-P.J. O'Rourke, writer (b. 14 Nov 1947)
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A Moloch statue from the 1914 film Cabiria, at the National Museum of Cinema, Turin, Italy
Photo: Jean-Pierre Dalbéra/Wikimedia
Hi Lady Di! Thank you so much for the more than lovely dinner invitation. I regret to say that we won't be able to see you and accept your generous offer of a meal and a visit. I do apologize for not replying sooner but we felt we needed to talk to Pierre, our eldest grandson, to see what his plans were for today, before being in touch. Last night, as it turned out, he was on a Valentine's date, with his girlfriend, Shannon, at a jazz club, Vibrato, off Mulholland and Beverly Glen, apparently, we learned from Ayn, our daughter here, when she was back from work. By the time he called we were almost asleep, having enjoyed a delicious Valentine's dinner ourselves. Unfortunately, it seems our lives have become unduly complicated by the fact that Ayn cancelled her dog walker, when we arrived earlier this week than she expected, so we are Winston's minders this afternoon and Pierre will be coming by after 5:00 pm, for an early dinner here, before he drops Shannon at work, so that we can meet her for the first time. Whew!
I guess you two will just have to visit us in The Okanagan, at some point. You are always welcome to stay should your travels take you close to our neck of the woods. While we don't know, for sure yet, we will probably be back next Christmas as Lady Dar is interested in renting a place in Mexico, north of Puerta Vallarta, in Guayabitos, for a couple of months, like we did a number of years ago. If this transpires, we would drive as having a car there works very well, for day trips and the like. Furthermore, I would like to have a bike along as I really enjoyed riding in the community and neighbouring beach villages.
Anyway, thanks again for the kind offer. Trust your camping weekend goes well. I trust our paths will cross again, in the not too, too distant future. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Stay well. Cheers, from Patrizzio to Patrizzio and Lady Di! Thanks for the update. Sorry you will not be able to join us. Sounds like you are having a great trip. Thanks too for the Valentine's Day surprize! Look forward to seeing you when youth paths meet again. Give Lady Dar our greetings!
Yes you have a case. You could try driving up the coast to Eureka, just as fast because you do no have to navigate through Clear Lake. Then you hop over to Grants Pass and then through Eugene on I5, just a thought.......Hope to see you and show off my new Crocs........Hi High Fashion Flyer! Wow! Designer Crocs! Obviously, The Sisterhood has finally gotten to you. You used to be my idol, tank tops and regular Crocs, but now you are on The Runway with Armani and Ferragamo. How the mighty are fallen. I'll need the case you mention to drown my sorrows. At any rate, thanks for wine update and suggestion about Eureka. Might consider it as we've not driven that route since our very first trip to Sonoma, back in the mists of time in '83!
Last night we opened a bottle of your bubbly to celebrate Canada's victory over the US Women's hockey team, so Coffaro Winery was a winner as well! Enjoyed your 2016 Petite Sirah with our more than delicious Thai dinner so thanks for that as well! Look forward to seeing you in all your finery this coming Tuesday. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I made myself a tasty bit of goulash with some of the Thai overlfts and was ready to hit the streets of Van Nuys by 10: 30 am,or so. Knew I was going to head north on Woodman, at some point, but wanted to warm up in my own neighbourhood first. When I was on West Oxnard, the side street which runs parallel, for a few blocks, to Oxnard itself, a very busy thoroughfare, I decided I'd use a brak in the traffic, both ways, to cross to explore the development across the way, particularly since I'd not ridden there before. Quite pleasant to discover the arrangement here, dictated by the Orange Line Busway which curves through the quadrant, on a diagonal. Given this, the streets do not offer the longer stretches one finds in other "regularly" shaped developments. Still, I was happy so have visited.
Once again, crossed Oxnard when it was free of speeding vehicles and made my way to Erwin to ride north on Woodman. Once I crossed Victory, I turned right onto Kittridge and proceeded to ride the grid here, bounded by Vanowen to the north. When I had exhausted the possibilities here, back on Woodman to cross Vanowen to turn onto Hart. This development is slightly smaller than most, limited by the LA River to the east. Once finished here I took advantage of the light on Hart to cross over Woodman to explore the development to the west. Again, had not been here before so enjoyed the different houses although most of the street names are the same.
Given the distance I wanted to achieve I knew I wasn't going to go north of Sherman and was able to take advantage of the sparse traffic on Vanowen to cross into the development to the south. More new territory and by the time I had clocked about 52 km I decided I'd better head for home. However, soon felt like I was in the Zillah Loop as I couldn't find my way out. I had forgotten that Kittridge does not exit onto Woodman in this block had to take Vanowen to Woodman and then I was fine. Short dipy-doodle off Sylvan to put me on very familiar territory and with a few long loops I was ready to hit Erwin and didn't even need a dipsy-doodle once I'd crossed Woodman before I pulled up at the front door. Only thing that annoyed me was that I misread distance and only logged 60.76 km as opposed to 61 km, my goal for the day! Not quite as disastrous as touching The Dreaded Burning Ground but almost, Dear Reader! Cheers! Map and Stats for ride:
Hi Eyob! Trust you and family are well. We drove to LA the day after Boxing Day and spent New Year's with Ayn and our grandsons before flying to Costa Rica for a month. Back in the US on February 4th. Visited friends in to Palm Desert, Sun City and Oak Creek, both in Arizona. Back inTinsel Town this past Wednesday and will be here until Monday. Plan to be back in Vancouver by the 23rd and then home to Penticton next day. Cheers! Eyob G. Naizghi That is a wonderful trip you two had, no wonder both of you grow younger by the day! Let's have lunch or coffee when you are in Vancouver, that is if you can squeeze time in your busy schedule. Enjoy the rest of the trip. Hi again, Eyob! It would be terrific if we can arrange something. I will contact Janet and see what her schedule looks like. Ours is busy, as you say, but I hope we might manage something. Will be in touch again, when i have a better idea of timing. Cheers!
Hi Chloë: Trust you are starting to feel a bit better, by now. When Ayn was back from work she told us about your results. Of course, we are upset for you but it certainly is not the end of the world. Etta ad Duke still love you, as do your parents, sister, nephews and other family and friends. In this instance, the past is just a goodbye although you need to learn from it. For now, concentrate on taking care of yourself and then regrouping for the next time. Onward! Fight!! Love, Dad!!!
Hi Santa Susana Pass Man! Trust you are well. I am wondering if you might like to ride together on either Saturday or Sunday, or both. I presume you will be working tomorrow. When you have a moment, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Wole. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I made myself a tasty bit of goulash with some of the Thai overlfts and was ready to hit the streets of Van Nuys by 10: 30 am,or so. Knew I was going to head north on Woodman, at some point, but wanted to warm up in my own neighbourhood first. When I was on West Oxnard, the side street which runs parallel, for a few blocks, to Oxnard itself, a very busy thoroughfare, I decided I'd use a brak in the traffic, both ways, to cross to explore the development across the way, particularly since I'd not ridden there before. Quite pleasant to discover the arrangement here, dictated by the Orange Line Busway which curves through the quadrant, on a diagonal. Given this, the streets do not offer the longer stretches one finds in other "regularly" shaped developments. Still, I was happy so have visited.
Once again, crossed Oxnard when it was free of speeding vehicles and made my way to Erwin to ride north on Woodman. Once I crossed Victory, I turned right onto Kittridge and proceeded to ride the grid here, bounded by Vanowen to the north. When I had exhausted the possibilities here, back on Woodman to cross Vanowen to turn onto Hart. This development is slightly smaller than most, limited by the LA River to the east. Once finished here I took advantage of the light on Hart to cross over Woodman to explore the development to the west. Again, had not been here before so enjoyed the different houses although most of the street names are the same.
Given the distance I wanted to achieve I knew I wasn't going to go north of Sherman and was able to take advantage of the sparse traffic on Vanowen to cross into the development to the south. More new territory and by the time I had clocked about 52 km I decided I'd better head for home. However, soon felt like I was in the Zillah Loop as I couldn't find my way out. I had forgotten that Kittridge does not exit onto Woodman in this block had to take Vanowen to Woodman and then I was fine. Short dipy-doodle off Sylvan to put me on very familiar territory and with a few long loops I was ready to hit Erwin and didn't even need a dipsy-doodle once I'd crossed Woodman before I pulled up at the front door. Only thing that annoyed me was that I misread distance and only logged 60.76 km as opposed to 61 km, my goal for the day! Not quite as disastrous as touching The Dreaded Burning Ground but almost, Dear Reader! Cheers! Map and Stats for ride:
Hi Eyob! Trust you and family are well. We drove to LA the day after Boxing Day and spent New Year's with Ayn and our grandsons before flying to Costa Rica for a month. Back in the US on February 4th. Visited friends in to Palm Desert, Sun City and Oak Creek, both in Arizona. Back inTinsel Town this past Wednesday and will be here until Monday. Plan to be back in Vancouver by the 23rd and then home to Penticton next day. Cheers! Eyob G. Naizghi That is a wonderful trip you two had, no wonder both of you grow younger by the day! Let's have lunch or coffee when you are in Vancouver, that is if you can squeeze time in your busy schedule. Enjoy the rest of the trip. Hi again, Eyob! It would be terrific if we can arrange something. I will contact Janet and see what her schedule looks like. Ours is busy, as you say, but I hope we might manage something. Will be in touch again, when i have a better idea of timing. Cheers!
Hi Chloë: Trust you are starting to feel a bit better, by now. When Ayn was back from work she told us about your results. Of course, we are upset for you but it certainly is not the end of the world. Etta ad Duke still love you, as do your parents, sister, nephews and other family and friends. In this instance, the past is just a goodbye although you need to learn from it. For now, concentrate on taking care of yourself and then regrouping for the next time. Onward! Fight!! Love, Dad!!!
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