If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. A. A. Milne
I'm like the kid in kindergarten; I really do send valentines to everyone. Susie Bright
Dear Valentine! I hope, beyond hope, that you will be my Special Valentine, Adoringly, Imploringly, a Secret Admirer!
Up at 6:30 am to zap a mug of java. While the rays were heating up the water I popped down to the garage to collect my reading glasses, from the car, and noticed that it must have sprinkled during the night as there were patches of wet on the apartment courtyard and sidewalks. Looks like we brought the rain clouds from Sedona to Tinsel Town! Forecast doesn't predict more showers so I'll be hitting the Orange Bus Line at some point for my Valentine's Day ride.
Happy Valentine’s Day From Lady Dar! I made a donation to the David Suzuki Foundation in order to send you a special Valentine’s Day message. The gift made in your honour supports our work combatting climate change, protecting biodiversity and securing your right to a healthy environment.
Happy Valentines Day! Thank you for the card. It's nice to hear from friends when you are far from home. I'm heading home Sunday so I will see you there. Colleen Thanks, Patrick. You are so sweet!! Lynette Dear Secret AdmirerI will be your special Valentine for ever and ever Love Your Valentine
Dear Valentine, aka Hawaii Gidget or Monsoon/Turtle Woman! I'm head over heels with joy knowing you'll be my Valentine for ever and ever. As A. A. Milne said: " If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you!" [Both Ayn and Lady Dar wept like jilted teenagers when they watched Goodbye Christopher Robin, Ayn on a flight to Miami, Lady Dar on flight back from Costa Rica to Tinsel Town!]
Must apologize for not replying to your lovely, newsy message from Mauna Lani. We were just back from Costa Rica the day it came, en route to Palm Desert where we spent two nights with Lynne and Peter Lighthall before continuing on to Sun City fro three nights with Louise and Henryk, more good friends. They have a very comfortable house there and they house sat for us in 2015 when we were in India. Then on to Oak Creek, just south of Sedona, as you might know, for another three nights with Penticton friends, Gill and Phil Robson, who live on Spiller Road, in the hills up above Penticton. They own a very comfortable home on Coffee Pot Rock Road, (Views are spectacular, as you can imagine!), and have been there since September. Left for Tinsel Town yesterday and will be here until Monday. Fondest from Lady Dar, to you Donna Maria, and Heraldo, just now struggling out of bed. All the best. Take care of each other. Hope to see you both in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Of course! Sandee! Happy Valentine’s Day to you both!! Maggie & Frank Hi Patrick and Corinne: Very happy Valentine's Day to you two lovebirds. Enjoy the day and celebrate in style! Julia Hello West Van! Trust you are both well. The Lovebirds have already opened a bottle of Coffaro bubbly to try and forget that Trump is still President! Fondestos from Lady dar to you, Julia, and Ross. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello, "Secret Admirer"! (They always put your email after that so it's not so secret...) Thanks for the card, hope you and yours also have a lovely Valentine's Day! Deborah Thank you, secret admirer! Agneta Hey You Secret Admirer.... Thanks for the thoughts! Susan
Oh! How adorably cute. Sending you hugs and kisses too! xx Hello Cadboro Bay! Trust you are both well. Thank you for the lovely card. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you, Jean, and John. Cheers, Patrizzio!Happy Valentine's Day to you as well. By the way, have you changed your email address as this doesn't look like the one I have in my contact list. Greetings to Corinne. Roma & Leonard
Hi Roma and Leonardo! Trust you are both well. I don't know which address you have but no, my email address hasn't changed, of late. Here it is but earlier ones are redirected. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Roma, and Leonardo. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy Valentines to you too!! Thanks again to you and Corinne for a great time seeing you those few days her. Gill Hi Jack Rabbit and Phillipo! Glad you enjoyed the card! Thanks for the Valentine's wishes. Again, thank you both for such a wonderful, wonderful stay. After the terrific guided tours and bike rides I really feel we have a much better idea of this incredible part of the world, so thanks, one more, for making this happen. Did you manage to go riding yesterday?
Of course! Sandee! Happy Valentine’s Day to you both!! Maggie & Frank Hi Patrick and Corinne: Very happy Valentine's Day to you two lovebirds. Enjoy the day and celebrate in style! Julia Hello West Van! Trust you are both well. The Lovebirds have already opened a bottle of Coffaro bubbly to try and forget that Trump is still President! Fondestos from Lady dar to you, Julia, and Ross. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello, "Secret Admirer"! (They always put your email after that so it's not so secret...) Thanks for the card, hope you and yours also have a lovely Valentine's Day! Deborah Thank you, secret admirer! Agneta Hey You Secret Admirer.... Thanks for the thoughts! Susan
Oh! How adorably cute. Sending you hugs and kisses too! xx Hello Cadboro Bay! Trust you are both well. Thank you for the lovely card. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you, Jean, and John. Cheers, Patrizzio!Happy Valentine's Day to you as well. By the way, have you changed your email address as this doesn't look like the one I have in my contact list. Greetings to Corinne. Roma & Leonard
Hi Roma and Leonardo! Trust you are both well. I don't know which address you have but no, my email address hasn't changed, of late. Here it is but earlier ones are redirected. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Roma, and Leonardo. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy Valentines to you too!! Thanks again to you and Corinne for a great time seeing you those few days her. Gill Hi Jack Rabbit and Phillipo! Glad you enjoyed the card! Thanks for the Valentine's wishes. Again, thank you both for such a wonderful, wonderful stay. After the terrific guided tours and bike rides I really feel we have a much better idea of this incredible part of the world, so thanks, one more, for making this happen. Did you manage to go riding yesterday?
When Ayn left for work we gave her money for Thai food for tonight's dinner. Will celebrate Valentine's Day with a bottle of David Coffaro 2016 Sparkling Pinot Noir, left over from New Year's! Initially, we said we'd like to take her out but given her very hectic schedule, of late, she much prefers to stay at home and relax, once back from the office, rather than face more freeway driving. Will celebrate Valentine's Day with a bottle of David Coffaro 2016 Sparkling Pinot Noir, [Where we will collect latest bottlings, done in January, I
ordered as futures.], left over from New Year's! Initially, we said
we'd like to take her out but given her very hectic schedule, of late,
she much prefers to stay at home and relax, once back from the office,
rather than face more freeway driving.
Suits me as we still have a few
bottles of wine left for latest road trip and can watch Netflix after meal. Lady Dar just headed out as she wants to hit Macy's and do a bit of grocery shopping for rest of our stay here. I'll wait until she's back before I set out for my ride. Plenty to do to keep me occupied as I need to let friends, along way north, know when we will be stopping by. Until next we meet, take care of yourselves. Fondest from Lady Dar, in absentia, Power Shopping, I'm sure, by now!. Thanks again, for everything. All the best to you both. Travel safely and see you for bridge in a couple of weeks! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Farewell Coffee Pot Rock Road People! Inadvertent Selfie! Rest stop just before we left Arizona! Ayn's small balcony and view, through trees, to Granada Hills; Valentine's Bubbly!
Hi Amy and Ian! Trust you are both well and Cupid smitten, not frost-bitten! Simply loved the juxtaposition of toes, Amy!!! [In the Flickr album you will see snaps of Cathedral, in the sunshine and then, next day, in the rain, in one of the attached snaps. Talk about "What a difference a day makes!" How go the Spanish lessons? Will watch something on PBS, Amy, after dinner tonight! Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both, Amy and Ian! ¡Estudia mucho y haz tu tarea! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lady Di and Lord Patrizzio! Trust you are both well and Cupid smitten, not mosquito-bitten, like Lady Dar, in Costa Rica! At this point, not quite sure what our plans will be for rest of stay. Are you around over next few days/weekend. If everyone's schedules allow perhaps we can arrange to meet for a java and a visit. Anyway, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Until next we chat, take care of yourselves. Fondest from Lady Dar to you both, Lady Di and Lord Patrizzio! Cheers, Indentured Patrizzio! We are camping this weekend but around tomorrow night if you want to come this way for an early dinner.
From one Secret Admirer to another - I hope you have a wonderfully cheery and fabulous day too! Hi Patrizzia and New Knee Man! Will leave Tinsel Town this coming Monday, February 20th, for the night in Berkeley. Was thinking of stopping by, on Tuesday, if I have any new bottlings. Thought I had a record of what I picked up in December, on way down, but cannot find it. Perhaps I don't have any futures left but do hope I have a long future ahead! If you could let me know, at least about the former, I'd appreciate it. While we'd love to see you both, if there is nothing to collect, we have a long drive to Portland so the sooner we hit 1-5 the easier it will be, although not nearly as interesting, of course. Until next we chat, take care of yourselves. Fondest from Lady Dar, in absentia, Power Shopping, I'm sure, to you both, Patrizzia and Tesla Man! Cheers, Patrizzio! Here Endeth the Executive Summary! Read on, only if of a masochistic bent!
Shortly after Lady Dar was back from Macy's, with empty pockets, she took Winston out for his afternoon constitutional. When the two were back I suited up and headed out just before 2:00 pm. I had decided I's explore the territory to the east of where Ayn lives so criss-crossed most of the streets bounded by Woodman, Oxnard, Fulton and Victory before catching the light at Erwin and Fulton to take me into uncharted tarmac, so to speak. Much the same sort of housing development although instead of a school there is a a lovely park, Valley Glen Community Park,in the middle with quite a nice jogging track around the periphery. More "blanket" cycling of all the streets here, basically two complete circuits, until I had about 26 km on the clock. Then I returned to Erwin, crossing Fulton, going west, and by the time I was ready to cross Woodman I had logged 28 km.
Am pretty familiar with the streets here, bounded by Hazeltine on the west, as I rode them quite often when here after New Year's. Three in particular, Sylvan, Calvert and Bessemer allow long, uninterrupted runs so I concentrated on them once I'd ridden the connecting side streets. Bit of a steady wind, out of the north at 10 kph, but nothing to fuss about. Temperature was absolutely perfect for riding, 17.9º C, (64º F), coolish for LA but not at all uncomfortable as far as I was concerned. Not a particularly quick pace, with only an AVG of 19 kph, but I was more than delighted to have finally hit 51 km, a distance I managed on last ride day we left for Cost Rica but had not had time for in Palm Desert, Sun City or Sedona. Cheers! Map and Stats for ride:
Hi, It was great to host your visit. Glad you enjoyed staying here. C u in BC.Phil Hi again, Oak Creekites! Already missing our nightly bridge game so we've opened a bottle of Coffaro bubbly to try and forget that our hosts drubbed us! Have the blue skies returned? Lady Dar is watching Olympic coverage while Winston is pacing, anxiously waiting for Ayn to arrive so that she can feed him. Feed us as well, as she is bringing Thai take-out home! Fondestos from her to you, Filipo, and Jack Rabbit. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Palm Desert Lonely Hearts Club People! Let me echo Lady Dar's thanks for the fab stay. Already missing the fire pit so we've opened a bottle of Coffaro bubbly to try and forget that our hosts turfed us out, weeks and weeks before we wanted to leave! Pleased to hear that Gary is doing so well. Speaking of movies, Ayn brought home Call Me By Your Name, The Greatest Showman and Molly's Game. Phantom Thread arrives tomorrow! All from Ayn's media connections who need to screen films in order to vote for Oscars. Life in Tinsel Town! Before I forget, thanks so much for pool-side snaps. My agent is veddy, veddy happy with them and has already had three offers for my stunts, one with Bruce in Die Hard XLIX!
Who, if not our Patrick, could this Secret Admirer be? And of course we Secretly Admire you (and Corinne) too! Jack and Jane P.S. We also love ChudleighHi again, Jane and Jack! Glad you enjoyed Chudleigh! Wanted to send along this link which shows some of his friends, Titi monkeys, the smallest in Costa Rica. Took video at the Jungle Beach Hotel in Manuel Antonio, last place we stayed. Finally had a moment to upload it to YouTube. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Video is at: <https://youtu.be/ucfVSUnNsqo>
Hi Lady Di and Lord Patrizzio! Trust you are both well and Cupid smitten, not mosquito-bitten, like Lady Dar, in Costa Rica! At this point, not quite sure what our plans will be for rest of stay. Are you around over next few days/weekend. If everyone's schedules allow perhaps we can arrange to meet for a java and a visit. Anyway, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Until next we chat, take care of yourselves. Fondest from Lady Dar to you both, Lady Di and Lord Patrizzio! Cheers, Indentured Patrizzio! We are camping this weekend but around tomorrow night if you want to come this way for an early dinner.
From one Secret Admirer to another - I hope you have a wonderfully cheery and fabulous day too! Hi Patrizzia and New Knee Man! Will leave Tinsel Town this coming Monday, February 20th, for the night in Berkeley. Was thinking of stopping by, on Tuesday, if I have any new bottlings. Thought I had a record of what I picked up in December, on way down, but cannot find it. Perhaps I don't have any futures left but do hope I have a long future ahead! If you could let me know, at least about the former, I'd appreciate it. While we'd love to see you both, if there is nothing to collect, we have a long drive to Portland so the sooner we hit 1-5 the easier it will be, although not nearly as interesting, of course. Until next we chat, take care of yourselves. Fondest from Lady Dar, in absentia, Power Shopping, I'm sure, to you both, Patrizzia and Tesla Man! Cheers, Patrizzio! Here Endeth the Executive Summary! Read on, only if of a masochistic bent!
Shortly after Lady Dar was back from Macy's, with empty pockets, she took Winston out for his afternoon constitutional. When the two were back I suited up and headed out just before 2:00 pm. I had decided I's explore the territory to the east of where Ayn lives so criss-crossed most of the streets bounded by Woodman, Oxnard, Fulton and Victory before catching the light at Erwin and Fulton to take me into uncharted tarmac, so to speak. Much the same sort of housing development although instead of a school there is a a lovely park, Valley Glen Community Park,in the middle with quite a nice jogging track around the periphery. More "blanket" cycling of all the streets here, basically two complete circuits, until I had about 26 km on the clock. Then I returned to Erwin, crossing Fulton, going west, and by the time I was ready to cross Woodman I had logged 28 km.
Am pretty familiar with the streets here, bounded by Hazeltine on the west, as I rode them quite often when here after New Year's. Three in particular, Sylvan, Calvert and Bessemer allow long, uninterrupted runs so I concentrated on them once I'd ridden the connecting side streets. Bit of a steady wind, out of the north at 10 kph, but nothing to fuss about. Temperature was absolutely perfect for riding, 17.9º C, (64º F), coolish for LA but not at all uncomfortable as far as I was concerned. Not a particularly quick pace, with only an AVG of 19 kph, but I was more than delighted to have finally hit 51 km, a distance I managed on last ride day we left for Cost Rica but had not had time for in Palm Desert, Sun City or Sedona. Cheers! Map and Stats for ride:
Hi, It was great to host your visit. Glad you enjoyed staying here. C u in BC.Phil Hi again, Oak Creekites! Already missing our nightly bridge game so we've opened a bottle of Coffaro bubbly to try and forget that our hosts drubbed us! Have the blue skies returned? Lady Dar is watching Olympic coverage while Winston is pacing, anxiously waiting for Ayn to arrive so that she can feed him. Feed us as well, as she is bringing Thai take-out home! Fondestos from her to you, Filipo, and Jack Rabbit. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy Valentines Day Hi Corinne and Patrick, Happy Valentines Day to you too. Likewise, we really enjoyed your visit, such comfortable and helpful guests. We just drove Ann and Gary to the airport so we’ll be on our own for a week. That will be good. Gary is doing well beating the odds with his blood disorder. He walked/ran a half marathon on the weekend. We’re going to take advantage of the cooler weather and see some movies this week. Have a good drive home. Hugs, Peter Hi Lynnie and Peter, Just wanted to say how much fun it was to visit you two. Enjoyed getting to know my sisters friends in Sun City better and getting a feel for that area. It is certainly all about the over 55’s.
Oak Creek near Sedona was stunning in terms of scenery but only had one really good day before temp fell and rain started. Anyway back in LA dog walking and helping Ayn hunt for a place to buy. See you in a month. Hugs Corinne
Oak Creek near Sedona was stunning in terms of scenery but only had one really good day before temp fell and rain started. Anyway back in LA dog walking and helping Ayn hunt for a place to buy. See you in a month. Hugs Corinne
Hello Palm Desert Lonely Hearts Club People! Let me echo Lady Dar's thanks for the fab stay. Already missing the fire pit so we've opened a bottle of Coffaro bubbly to try and forget that our hosts turfed us out, weeks and weeks before we wanted to leave! Pleased to hear that Gary is doing so well. Speaking of movies, Ayn brought home Call Me By Your Name, The Greatest Showman and Molly's Game. Phantom Thread arrives tomorrow! All from Ayn's media connections who need to screen films in order to vote for Oscars. Life in Tinsel Town! Before I forget, thanks so much for pool-side snaps. My agent is veddy, veddy happy with them and has already had three offers for my stunts, one with Bruce in Die Hard XLIX!
At the moment, Lady Dar is watching Olympic coverage, (Canada vs US, Women), while Winston is pacing, anxiously waiting for Ayn to to feed him. Us as well, as she was to bring Thai take-out home but restaurant's phone was off the hook so food will be delivered, we hope! Had a note from the couple we met at our hotel in Manuel Antonio. They live in San Pedro, about an hour and a half south of us, and have invited us for dinner tomorrow. Had to wait until Ayn was home as we were not sure of Pierre's part-time job commitments. He is taking enginering classes during the day and manages a number of teams that provide security for various nightclubs and other events here in LA and environs. If he is free tomorrow we'll have to pass on San Pedro. Unfortunately, for us, they are off camping on weekend and we leave for Berkeley on Monday. Must way as Lady Dar's glass is empty! Fondestos from her to you, Lynne, and Jugos. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Ayn's tiny deck with Burbank Hills through trees; My Trek before ride; Coffaro Bubbly resting!; Winston keeping Lady Dar company while I was riding! Ayn's Valentine's treats from work.
Many thanks Patrick - when are you sending over a chudleigh lookalike? And would Mimi like him? Happy Valentine’s Day to you too. I spent the afternoon with heather and Bruno sipping white wine and the evening with madcap gluggjng bubbly - what more could a girl want?!! Xx Hello White Wine/Bubbly Glugger! Pleased to learn that all goes so well. You will definitley need a helper dog so a Chudleigh lookalike is en route even as I scribe! I'm sure Mimi will adore him so don't fuss. After our more than delicious dinner then watched Idris Elba in Molly's Game.
Many thanks Patrick - when are you sending over a chudleigh lookalike? And would Mimi like him? Happy Valentine’s Day to you too. I spent the afternoon with heather and Bruno sipping white wine and the evening with madcap gluggjng bubbly - what more could a girl want?!! Xx Hello White Wine/Bubbly Glugger! Pleased to learn that all goes so well. You will definitley need a helper dog so a Chudleigh lookalike is en route even as I scribe! I'm sure Mimi will adore him so don't fuss. After our more than delicious dinner then watched Idris Elba in Molly's Game.
We were back from a month in Costa Rica on Sunday, February 4th, and then following day, en route to Palm Desert to spend two nights with Lynne and Peter Lighthall, friends from Naramata. Afterwards, continued on to Sun City for three nights with Louise and Henryk, more good friends. Then on to Oak Creek, just south of Sedona, for another three nights with Penticton friends, Gill and Phil Robson. Left for Tinsel Town this past Wednesday and will be here until Monday, February 20th, for the night in Berkeley. Will stop by Coffaro Winery on Tuesday morning to collect a case of wine and then a long drive to Portland. Back home on Sunday. Fondest from Lady Dar to you and Madcap. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Secret Admirer, thank you very much for this adorable card! It certainly brightens the day! Hope all is well with you, whoever you are, and that you are enjoying some outdoor adventures. Happy Valentines' Day! Anthea Hi Anthea! Glad you enjoyed the card! All goes extremely well with us. Trust you and James are enjoying the snow! Fondest from Lady Dar to you, Anthea, and Jim. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Some snaps from hike along Rock Creek and then towards base of Cathedral. Morning we left Oak Creek. What a spectacular back yard!
Dear Secret Admirer, thank you very much for this adorable card! It certainly brightens the day! Hope all is well with you, whoever you are, and that you are enjoying some outdoor adventures. Happy Valentines' Day! Anthea Hi Anthea! Glad you enjoyed the card! All goes extremely well with us. Trust you and James are enjoying the snow! Fondest from Lady Dar to you, Anthea, and Jim. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Some snaps from hike along Rock Creek and then towards base of Cathedral. Morning we left Oak Creek. What a spectacular back yard!
Who, if not our Patrick, could this Secret Admirer be? And of course we Secretly Admire you (and Corinne) too! Jack and Jane P.S. We also love ChudleighHi again, Jane and Jack! Glad you enjoyed Chudleigh! Wanted to send along this link which shows some of his friends, Titi monkeys, the smallest in Costa Rica. Took video at the Jungle Beach Hotel in Manuel Antonio, last place we stayed. Finally had a moment to upload it to YouTube. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Video is at: <https://youtu.be/ucfVSUnNsqo>
. . .Hi!
Secret Admirer ................. How sweet of you to think of me &
send me such a cute Valentine's Day greeting. Hope you & lovely
Corinne are enjoying a fabulous time in your sunny destination. Keep on
having a SUPER TIME!! Hugs,
Mary Lee xoxo Hi KVR Valentine! Glad you enjoyed the card. Had a grand ride today. Another gorgeous, sunny day. Fondest from Lady Dar, watching Olympic coverage, to you and Paolo! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Mary Lee xoxo Hi KVR Valentine! Glad you enjoyed the card. Had a grand ride today. Another gorgeous, sunny day. Fondest from Lady Dar, watching Olympic coverage, to you and Paolo! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sweet of you to remember all your lady friends on this day!! I'll try to make sure our chef serves up delist treats for all assembled next week!! Xoxo, Nancy Hello Donna Florida and Cactus! Glad you enjoyed the card! We plan to leave Tinsel Town between 8:00 am - 9:00 am on Monday. Will take the 101 as we would like to pop into Caparone, just out of Paso Robles. Drive is about seven hours +/- so, with stop, I imagine we will be struggling up to Base Camp Everest at sometime after 4:00 pm, depending on traffic, etc. Still have not heard back from Amos so I assume we will not connect with them. At any rate, looking forward to seeing you two. I will head out for a ride as soon as I've booked more reservations in Portland and Vancouver! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: The Sisterhood go shopping in style in Sun City! View from front yard in Oak Creek!
Thank you for the warm thoughts...wish we were in the tropical climes with you .... it is freezing here Sir Pat and Lady Coriander. Thanks for a most amusing doggy card.Church service tonight.Ash Wednesday.A special meal after.Hope all is well.Cycling, fitness etc. Shall phone soon. Busy as ever. Singing, walking dog,swimming,reading,film club,other clubs and a little art. All our love.Sir James and Lady Patricia. So sweet. Where ever you are. Enjoy your day.Sorry you had to miss last Tuesdays best party in town.A 5-2 win on Banks Crescent Patrick, Happy Valentine’s day to you and Corinne. Are you going to the play at the Dream Cafe tonight? Happy valentines back to you❄️💕😘. Thank you. This is a happy surprise. Love to both of you Judy xo❤️ Thanks ...Happy V Day to both of you! Thank you for the card. Its nice to hear from friends when you are far from home. I'm heading home Sunday so i will see you there. Colleen
Dear Secret admirer I will be your special Valentine for ever and ever Love
Your Valentine Good morning Patrick, Some secret since your email address is included in the message! Hope all is well and you enjoyed your month in the sunshine. Are you back in Penticton yet - if so, we will give you a call to catch up with all your news. Just tell me when and which day would be a good time for us to speak. Much love and Happy Valentines to you too, Rosemary XX
Patrick I would be delighted to be your Valentine - here is a Valentine’s 😘.
Thank you for the warm thoughts...wish we were in the tropical climes with you .... it is freezing here Sir Pat and Lady Coriander. Thanks for a most amusing doggy card.Church service tonight.Ash Wednesday.A special meal after.Hope all is well.Cycling, fitness etc. Shall phone soon. Busy as ever. Singing, walking dog,swimming,reading,film club,other clubs and a little art. All our love.Sir James and Lady Patricia. So sweet. Where ever you are. Enjoy your day.Sorry you had to miss last Tuesdays best party in town.A 5-2 win on Banks Crescent Patrick, Happy Valentine’s day to you and Corinne. Are you going to the play at the Dream Cafe tonight? Happy valentines back to you❄️💕😘. Thank you. This is a happy surprise. Love to both of you Judy xo❤️ Thanks ...Happy V Day to both of you! Thank you for the card. Its nice to hear from friends when you are far from home. I'm heading home Sunday so i will see you there. Colleen
Dear Secret admirer I will be your special Valentine for ever and ever Love
Your Valentine Good morning Patrick, Some secret since your email address is included in the message! Hope all is well and you enjoyed your month in the sunshine. Are you back in Penticton yet - if so, we will give you a call to catch up with all your news. Just tell me when and which day would be a good time for us to speak. Much love and Happy Valentines to you too, Rosemary XX
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