Invention requires an excited mind; execution, a calm one. -Johann Peter Eckermann, poet (21 Sep 1792-1854)
Thanks for the photos and write up from yesterday. I enjoyed reading it. I am writing a journal also but yours is more interesting and descriptive . By the way the hostel that we are staying at in Kraków is called Ginger hostel. You could check if their is space available. Lorraine PS: I can receive emails on my Telus email but I can't seem to send so am using gmail to reply.
Hi Sweet Lorraine! Glad you enjoyed my missive. Thanks for your kind words but I'm sure your efforts are better, in spite of what you say. For my part, I simply enjoy trying to capture events and, time allowing, write as best I'm able, not worrying overmuch, if everything is "right", from grammatical constructions to facts. Of course, I would like to be accurate but also feel that it is better to put something down without fussing about perfection. Write, write, write is the only way to become a better, more accomplished writer, I believe. That being said, I'm keenly aware that I'm not ever going to be on anyone's Best Seller List! Not the point, of course, as I record for myself and if others might enjoy my halting efforts, so much the better. Anyway, must away as want to be downstairs for breakfast when doors open. See you shortly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick,Yes, I arrived in Vancouver! Today, we went to Stanley Park, Downtown, and Gasrown. At Stanley park, we rent bicycles and tour around by them. The sky was clear and we could see beautiful scenery. Tomorrow, we’ll go to UBC and Kitslano. I don’t remember well where Hotel Kits was. Near McDonald Street? Anyway, I’ll post pictures I find tomorrow. Best, Nobu Hi Nobi-Wan! Trust you and family are well. Glad you are enjoying Vancouver. Thanks for the terrific picture of your darling daughter! She's lovely! We lived at 2882 West 12th, one block west of MacDonald, close to McKenzie. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, thank you for the MD card. Very thoughtful of you😊 Wishing you lots of adventures while you are in Europe🚵♂️ Hi Naramata Goil! Trust you are well. Glad you enjoyed the card. Arrived from Bern this past Saturday and had our first "formal" ride yesterday. Leaving Brno today, to be back on May 25th, before I train to Kraków, (Cracow or Krakow, take your pick!), on May 26th! That two-week bike tour begins on the 28th. I was was pleasantly tired after yesterday's terrific ride, not having ridden since April 19th, in Cornwall! Onward! Brno and beyond! Fondestos to you, Pamela, and best to Wild Bill. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Katarina! Can't seem to deliver this message. Third time! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello Duhlink! Test message as I can't seem to access my UBC account! More later as we are off to visit the catacombs! Love and Cheers, Patrizzio! Test message worked. C
Hello Burns Street! Trust everyone is well. We left Brno, by car, myself and the Three Sunshine Girls, around 9:30 am, bikes on car racks, (others went in a separate van), to drive to Znojmo. As it was raining, Katarina asked if we would agree to go there instead of to Moravsky Krumlov where we were to have started riding, then making our way, roughly 40 km, to Znojmo. Sightseeing there was an option so we decided to do this. Countryside was green, green, green with crops as varied as sunflowers, wheat and grapes, with low, rolling hills. We arrived a little more than an hour alter and were able to check-in to our rooms before Katarina and rest pulled up in front of the hotel.
Another very comfortable room although not quite a modern a decor at in Brno. Still, I'm very pleased as I've plenty of space and a great "office desk"! For easier plug access I disconnected the TV but I really didn't watch it in Brno, preferring to stream a number of different BBC stations. Quite enjoy so much of the intelligent programming. Heard Simm Callow talk, at length, about Orson Welles, per esempio, as well as all the podcasts, BeSpoke, if the name of the program, on the Giro D'Italia where poor Chris Froome, (Tour de France winner for past four years!), seems to be on the out, as far as his riding career is concerned.
Once all the bikes were unloaded we stored them in a basement room and can gain key access from Front Desk. As it was still raining reasonably heavily it was decided to take a visit to the The Znojmo Catacombs, "a vast labyrinth of underground passageways, cellars and sub-cellars situated under Znojmo. These grottos date back to the 14th century, and were gradually expanded in the 15th century by connecting the individual cellars beneath the houses and palaces in the city into an elaborate labyrinth."
About a ten minute stroll to where one gains entrance to the site. [Danielle, still on crutches was advised not to go on the tour as it would have been very difficult for her to navigate all the steep stairs, narrow passageways and, at times, slippery floors. She and her dad, Jimbo, went shopping instead!] I was very much reminded, once we started to descend into the subterranean depths, so to speak, of the underground cities in Cappadocia, we'd visited in 2003, although this complex of passages, halls, smaller rooms, some for storage, wells About a ten minute stroll to where one gains entrance to the site. [Danielle, still on crutches was advised not to go on the tour as it would have been very difficult for her to navigate all the steep stairs, narrow passageways and, at times, slippery floors. She and her dad, Jimbo, went shopping instead!] I was very much reminded, once we started to descend into the subterranean depths, so to speak, of the underground cities in Cappadocia, we'd visited in 2003, although this complex of passages, halls, smaller rooms, made habitable with wells and ventilation shafts, was not as extensive or as deep, as recall. Still, a very, very interesting tour and all the more so as these so-called "catacombs", [Not actually "catacombs" as such since these various levels of cellars were not used as burial sites.], were only rediscovered in the early 1960's.
Tour took about an hour and we had what I thought was a very good hand-held guide device which you invoked at each of the 12 or so spots of interest. Tour was in Czech but recording was very clear and informative. Met up with the shoppers once we resurfaced and then walked back to the hotel. Had hoped rain would let up but, if anything, it was coming down, more heavily so most of us decided not to ride. A few brave soiled were going to go for a short spin on neighbouring streets. I repaired to my room to catch up on messaging but to my utter dismay and horror discovered I cannot log on to my UBC email account! Can log on to Gmail but I don't many addresses and am not overly familiar with this messaging system so not sure what I'm going to do, at least at this point.
I know one thing for sure, I'm going to go back into town for a bit of fresh air and look for a place to buy some local beer. Had planned to drink the bottle of Starobrno I bought yesterday but ended up not doing so. Was going to leave it with the rest of things I wasn't taking in my panniers, to have upon returning to Brno. When I was packing up a bit of the food I still had left I took it out of the bar fridge and placed it on the bathroom floor, [That is where fridge was located!], and when I but only just brushed the bottle it toppled over and smashed! Small bathroom smelled like St Austell's Brewery in Cornwall and there was glass everywhere! And this but twenty minutes or so before we were to leave hotel. Managed to pick up most of the shards and used some wadded toilet paper for the slivers and such and think I did a pretty good clean-up. Took the broken glass downstairs to explain to the manager what had happened and he didn't seem at all upset. Wanted to have him warn housekeeper to vacuum floor first. Anyway, need more hootch!

I know one thing for sure, I'm going to go back into town for a bit of fresh air and look for a place to buy some local beer. Had planned to drink the bottle of Starobrno I bought yesterday but ended up not doing so. Was going to leave it with the rest of things I wasn't taking in my panniers, to have upon returning to Brno. When I was packing up a bit of the food I still had left I took it out of the bar fridge and placed it on the bathroom floor, [That is where fridge was located!], and when I but only just brushed the bottle it toppled over and smashed! Small bathroom smelled like St Austell's Brewery in Cornwall and there was glass everywhere! And this but twenty minutes or so before we were to leave hotel. Managed to pick up most of the shards and used some wadded toilet paper for the slivers and such and think I did a pretty good clean-up. Took the broken glass downstairs to explain to the manager what had happened and he didn't seem at all upset. Wanted to have him warn housekeeper to vacuum floor first. Anyway, need more hootch!
Went for a quick stroll around 5:30 pm and saw a bit more of the town. Picked up some fuzzy water and then back to hotel to try out the restaurant. Whole place was reserved as about sixty German tourists staying. Still, I ordered a beer and a mixed green salad and took them up to room. Self-Serve Room Service, indeed! Still cannot connect to my UBC email account and struggling with Gmail. I might have to get you to send me people's addresses if I can't resolve issue. Not sure if it's UBC's system or something to do with where I am. One thing after another and something I never expected! Still, lovely town and everyone is hoping to ride tomorrow, rain or shine. Are you back with Chloë and The Kittens? Love to you, my Darling, and the Stay-at-Homes! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Swiss Ladybug! [Last chocolate from Anna Maria.] Breakfast in Brno; some of the buildings around our hotel and on the way to the Catacombs; Katarina; Judy, from Summerland. Hi again, Duhlink! Here is the album from today's outing! Starting to understand Gmail, but it's painful, right now! Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Chloë! Trust you are well. No updates on my favourite kittens! How are Etta and Duke? What about your work and studies? Busy life on the road, but loads of fun and lovely people in group, fascinating countryside, buildings, food and different cultural customs, etc. As I mentioned to your Mom, I couldn't eat in the hotel restaurant this evening so took my order to my room! When I took the tray back down, a few minutes ago, the German group were singing in a large room, across from bar/restaurant, large mugs of beer in front of most, accompanied by an accordionist, obviously having a good time. Sounded like traditional folk-songs. Think it will be an early night tonight as although no riding it was a busy time changing hotels and then touring catacombs. Much love to you and the kittens! Cheers, Dad! Pics: Some interesting details in parts of the hotel; Room service right to my office!
Hi D!! Sorry I haven’t replied to you sooner, I’ve been so busy with work, meetings, watering the garden, cat time, studying, spending time with Corey and Rebecca that it’s all s blur!! Kittens are very lazy as it’s 30 plus and the heat and bug chasing is exhausting!!!! Miss you but sounds like you’ve been having a fabulous time!!! Be careful, take care of yourself, hydrate and enjoy. Love you Dad!!! Kittens miss you!! They’ve both been sleeping with me and duke has been rolling in so much dirt a cloud of dust follows him!!! Back to work. ❤️❤️😘❤️😘❤️😎❤️😎 Hi Chloë, et al! Thanks for the Kitten Update! Great snapolas. Little Pig Pen is a cheeky fellow, laying regally, on neighbour's steps. Were Miss Etta and Roman on a date? You do sound busy at work. How do you feel about your course? How are Beckster and Kid Chelene doing in Penticton. Give them my fond regards. Sounds hot! When is Lady Dar home? Fondestos to the kittens and Love to you, Chloë, and Lady Dar. Cheers, Dad!
Hi D!! Sorry I haven’t replied to you sooner, I’ve been so busy with work, meetings, watering the garden, cat time, studying, spending time with Corey and Rebecca that it’s all s blur!! Kittens are very lazy as it’s 30 plus and the heat and bug chasing is exhausting!!!! Miss you but sounds like you’ve been having a fabulous time!!! Be careful, take care of yourself, hydrate and enjoy. Love you Dad!!! Kittens miss you!! They’ve both been sleeping with me and duke has been rolling in so much dirt a cloud of dust follows him!!! Back to work. ❤️❤️😘❤️😘❤️😎❤️😎 Hi Chloë, et al! Thanks for the Kitten Update! Great snapolas. Little Pig Pen is a cheeky fellow, laying regally, on neighbour's steps. Were Miss Etta and Roman on a date? You do sound busy at work. How do you feel about your course? How are Beckster and Kid Chelene doing in Penticton. Give them my fond regards. Sounds hot! When is Lady Dar home? Fondestos to the kittens and Love to you, Chloë, and Lady Dar. Cheers, Dad!
visit reminder by G L E Plumbing and heating: Hi Patrick Dunn, Just a friendly
reminder that we have an upcoming appointment. Date: 2018-05-15 Where: 611
Burns Street, / Penticton, BC V2A 4X2 Time: 11:00AM Hi again, Etta and Duke!
Trust you are both well! Tell Lady Dar I just managed to sign on to my UBC mail
account! Hellelujah! Anyway, if I hadn't been able to do so I wouldn't have
been able to forward this message. I believe it has to do with an annual
check-up for on-demand heater. Duke, you can let plumber in if nobody is home!
Cheers to my favourite Cats! No I had them come as we had no water. I turn the wrong value when putting on outside tap. Now fixed no charge. Lucky me, C Hi Imelda! Lucky you indeed! Now you can buy more shoes! Love, Patrizzio!
Hi All, Jim is still away so I have made an executive decision for this Thursday's Old Farts hike. The destination will be Eagle Bluff starting from the Owl Rehab Center (SORCO) near Vaseaux Lake. Because of the recent hot weather, we will return to our summer starting time of 8:00 AM. Soo -- meet at the Home Hardware, Penticton parking lot at 8:00AM for carpooling to SORCO
-- Summerlanders who wish to carpool to Penticton , meet at the IGA parking lot at 7:40 -- southerners meet at SORCO before 8:30 AM Please let me know whether we can expect you . Peter
Thanks for the update. Happy trails ahead! Pat Thanks patrick from room 300 ha ha. Such detail this must of took you forever. Thanks for good memories. More to come. Good to hear. Jim Hi Patrick, I went to Kitsilano area including UBC. Thanks to you, I could find Hotel Kits though the color has changed. The backyard where we played lawn darts reminded me of the old days. Tomorrow, I’ll go to Granville Island. Please look at my Facebook page. Have a nice trip,
Hi All, Jim is still away so I have made an executive decision for this Thursday's Old Farts hike. The destination will be Eagle Bluff starting from the Owl Rehab Center (SORCO) near Vaseaux Lake. Because of the recent hot weather, we will return to our summer starting time of 8:00 AM. Soo -- meet at the Home Hardware, Penticton parking lot at 8:00AM for carpooling to SORCO
-- Summerlanders who wish to carpool to Penticton , meet at the IGA parking lot at 7:40 -- southerners meet at SORCO before 8:30 AM Please let me know whether we can expect you . Peter
Thanks for the update. Happy trails ahead! Pat Thanks patrick from room 300 ha ha. Such detail this must of took you forever. Thanks for good memories. More to come. Good to hear. Jim Hi Patrick, I went to Kitsilano area including UBC. Thanks to you, I could find Hotel Kits though the color has changed. The backyard where we played lawn darts reminded me of the old days. Tomorrow, I’ll go to Granville Island. Please look at my Facebook page. Have a nice trip,
Nobi wan
Hi Nobi Wan!
Trust you and family are well. How long will you be in Vancouver? Thank you
for the lovely pictures of Hotel Kits! Glad you were able to see it
again. As well, enjoyed your Facebook pictures as it was fun to see
places I used to frequent, quite often, when we lived near Granville
Island. Sorry it has taken me a bit to send along this album and
write-up for a full day in the Czech Republic, but better late than never!
Life on the road had been very busy but extremely enjoyable and
interesting. Onward!! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: House number for Hotel Kits, taken by Chloë, this past weekend when she was visiting friends in Vancouver.
Hey Patrick, just a quick note to say Hello. Wondering where in the world you are? My friends peter and tracy are in Holland so if you see them share a drop although I think they are on their way to Italy. Have fun & safe cycling. **Steve** Dear Sir Patrick. Thanks for your newsy emails and sorry you had hassles re your bike and panier. Glad all well now and hope things continue to run smoothly. remember my trips in the 60s and fortunately had no real problems. Fell off the bike once in Germany cycling with friends and fell off once in Winnipeg on Academy Rd in winter and once in summer!
Hey Patrick, just a quick note to say Hello. Wondering where in the world you are? My friends peter and tracy are in Holland so if you see them share a drop although I think they are on their way to Italy. Have fun & safe cycling. **Steve** Dear Sir Patrick. Thanks for your newsy emails and sorry you had hassles re your bike and panier. Glad all well now and hope things continue to run smoothly. remember my trips in the 60s and fortunately had no real problems. Fell off the bike once in Germany cycling with friends and fell off once in Winnipeg on Academy Rd in winter and once in summer!
Things much the same.Music and singing.Will do a solo at a Scottish
Celidh in June and one in church recently. Trip with Twin Town to Paris
next week. Swimming and walking. Singing in Norway. Fondestos. Sir James and Lady Patricia.
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