It's far better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone. -Marilyn Monroe, actress (1 Jun 1926-1962)
Map and Stats for ride, Zakopane to Oberża pod Różą, Nowy Targ:
Map and Stats for ride, into Nowy Targ, for ice-cream:
sounds amazing Patrick, wish we were there! My knee was sore though, and have been giving it a break. I think Poland may have to be our next trip with Katarina! Enjoy every moment!
Mom and I had a visit with her yesterday afternoon. We stayed for about an hour. George said she enjoyed our visit. She was fitted for a back brace to support her spine and hopefully reduce some of the pain she is in. Tuesday she and Ryan will go and see the cancer specialist and decide on treatment. She is already showing some jaundice as it is in her liver.
George and Barb are bringing Emmett out tonight until Sunday. Quinn is at camp with her two aunts, Carly and Karen(Ryans sister). So that will give Ryan and Marlo some time alone. Ryan has been working most days as Barb & George are there. I'm staying with mom. Took her into Winnipeg yesterday to see her dentist and then denturist. We have to go back for next Thursday for 8:30 am appt. So we are going to go into Winnipeg on the Wednesday and stay in a hotel near the denturist office.
Saw a big wolf on the highway side on the way into Winnipeg early yesterday morning. It is cool and windy here. High of 13 or so so I'm not out working in the garden as it is wet from rain. Have my wool socks on and mom put on the heat this morning. Will go to Pam's cabin for lunch after church on Sunday. Her friends Monique and Larry are visiting. Will keep you up to date on Marlo. Love you all, Corinne/Mom/Nana Thanks for the great pics of your ride and accommodation. I hope you are having supper with Matt occasionally as he did come to bike with you. And thanks for the money, I sent you an email already today. Poor Duke is missing the daytime company. He loves to be around the house in the mornings. Off to start supper! Love Cora Lee
George and Barb are bringing Emmett out tonight until Sunday. Quinn is at camp with her two aunts, Carly and Karen(Ryans sister). So that will give Ryan and Marlo some time alone. Ryan has been working most days as Barb & George are there. I'm staying with mom. Took her into Winnipeg yesterday to see her dentist and then denturist. We have to go back for next Thursday for 8:30 am appt. So we are going to go into Winnipeg on the Wednesday and stay in a hotel near the denturist office.
Saw a big wolf on the highway side on the way into Winnipeg early yesterday morning. It is cool and windy here. High of 13 or so so I'm not out working in the garden as it is wet from rain. Have my wool socks on and mom put on the heat this morning. Will go to Pam's cabin for lunch after church on Sunday. Her friends Monique and Larry are visiting. Will keep you up to date on Marlo. Love you all, Corinne/Mom/Nana Thanks for the great pics of your ride and accommodation. I hope you are having supper with Matt occasionally as he did come to bike with you. And thanks for the money, I sent you an email already today. Poor Duke is missing the daytime company. He loves to be around the house in the mornings. Off to start supper! Love Cora Lee
Hi Chloë and Kitchen Woman! So sorry to hear about the depressed soccer boy! Too, too bad you can't ship him over to Poland as I'm sure he'd love to be traveling through the countryside with me. Fabulous rolling hills and wildflowers today, along with almost an entire village where the traditional house construction is from logs, squared, not rounded, but still fascinating to see. As unexpected as it might seem, we have spent the last three days in the Polish equivalent of Whistler. Incredibly interesting and this afternoon, after we had cycled, (69 km for me but rest about 15-20 km less as I often went ahead, etc.), from Zakopane to Nowy Targ, the hotel there was over-booked so we have been put up in a number of ski chalets for the local ski hill! Family who own hotel in Nowy Targ also have a number of chalets in this resort village, about 10 kms from Nowy Targ.
By the time we were driven to where we would stay is was close to 6:00 pm. Since we were sharing a bathroom with Carol and Tom, from Naramata, we let them shower and change while Matt and I walked into the village. I bought a few groceries and then we had a much needed beer before I left Matt to have a bite to eat. I had a sandwich and radishes back at the chalet and I wanted to try and send a few messages before going to bed. It had been a long, long day and we are to be collected at 7:20 am so I needs must hit the sack soon. Just wanted to say that I hope poor Duke is feeling better. I'll spend loads of time with him when I'm back. Until then, much love to you, Chloë, and your Kitchen Mom! [I transferred $25,000 into the joint account but not sure when transaction will be completed.] Fondestos and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Pics: Matt at the start of the ride on a trail I wouldn't go on as it was too rough for my narrow tires. Eventually group tuned back and came the same way I did as it was too difficult even for mountain-bike tires! [We had arranged a rendezvous point so I joined them about 90 minutes later.] Log cabin village; lunch break and then riding out of village; Tatra Mountains in distance over rolling hills; My cone and gang enjoying theirs. We cycled into Nowy Targ to reward ourselves for long ride; our chalet and my IPA!
Greetings-where are you? Heard you might be cycling in Europe. Did some cycling in Bordeaux, around St Emilion for a day-very nice! Just had a week at a house in country, exploring country, small villages, and of course, wines and eateries! Off to Limoges, Vichy, a few nights in Burgundy, and finish in Paris-home June 15th. Hope all is well! Cheers, Grog & Lurch A few pics from last couple of days...G Hi Lurch and Grogg! Great to hear from you. France sounded wonderful. I enjoyed my time there before I left for Switzerland.
First bike tour in Czech Republic was wonderful,
as has been time in Poland so far. Weather has been all we could ask for
except for one very, very wet day out of Brno and then a thunderstorm,
with hail, two days ago which caught me but not rest of group! I'll be on my way to
Aarhus, Denmark, when you fly back from Paris. Hello from Glasgow. Stay
well. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Kids: Here is an account of ride, a few days ago, out of a wonderful town called Zakopane, if interested. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello Brat Pack! [Katarina, bike tour leader, is from Bratislava!]
Greetings-where are you? Heard you might be cycling in Europe. Did some cycling in Bordeaux, around St Emilion for a day-very nice! Just had a week at a house in country, exploring country, small villages, and of course, wines and eateries! Off to Limoges, Vichy, a few nights in Burgundy, and finish in Paris-home June 15th. Hope all is well! Cheers, Grog & Lurch A few pics from last couple of days...G Hi Lurch and Grogg! Great to hear from you. France sounded wonderful. I enjoyed my time there before I left for Switzerland.

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