Sounds like you’ve been spoiled rotten. Life in Penticton is much harder.
Here I have to finish staining lattice tomorrow before I’m allowed breakfast.
Can’t imagine you milking a cow. Happy Biking, Hugs Corinne Hi Kids! Am off shortly for Bern to catch the train to Brno at 4:21 am! Spent a fabulous day yesterday in Emmental where my host Anna Maria grew up. Pics of a restaurant we stopped at, en route to her parent's farm, now run by her brother Matias. I've already milked my first cow and celebrated with a couple of snorts of her Dad's dynamite schnapps! Farm house was built in 1847. Anna Maria's loaf made for my sandwiches! Must away. Fondestos, Love and Cheers. Patrizzio!
Hello Rosemary and Andre! Trust you are both well. Andre, in particular, as I know he was fighting a nasty cold when I left. I do apologize for not being in touch sooner but life in Switzerland was even more of a whirlwind than in busy Chabeuil! First and foremost, thank you, Andre, for everything you did for me: your wonderful, wonderful meals and your tireless chauffering, finally culminating in the L'Affaire Pannier! The rack has worked well with every change of station, as of this writing, and I hope to be able to put it to a pre-tour test when I arrive in Brno this afternoon. [Caught the train from Bern to Brno at 4:21 am this morning!]
Looking ahead, Rosemary, I would like to be back in Chabeuil by July 1st, at the latest, possibly June 30th, depending on strikes, etc. Once I'm in Denmark I'll have time to plan my trip from there more carefully and will certainly let you know my schedule as soon as I have confirmed reservations.
Weather has been gorgeous for most of my time in Switzerland so I hope it has cooperated in Chabeuil, allowing the pool to be drained and cleaned and your garden tended to, Andre. Thanks again for so much, Andre. I look forward to seeing you, Rosemary, in July. Until then, Thanks, Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Spent a delightful day yesterday in Emmental where my host Anna Maria grew up. Pics of a restaurant we stopped at, en route to her parent's farm, now run by her brother, Matias. I milked my first cow and celebrated with a couple of snorts of her Dad's dynamite schnapps! Farm house was built in 1847. Anna Maria's loaf made for my sandwiches last night!
Dearest Eveline and Heinz! Trust you are both well and that you, Simon, in particular, are enjoying a well-deserved rest this holiday weekend! I do apologize for not being in touch sooner but life in Ortschwaben seemed even more of a whirlwind than in busy Bern and wonderful Weissenstein! First and foremost, thank you both, Eveline and Heinz, for everything you did for me: your wonderful, wonderful meals and vino splendido, your tireless chauffeuring and unbelievable sightseeing, and the critical shepherding through the ticket reservation process. Thank you, Simon, of making such a generous effort to make our visit possible. It was more than a delight to see you and I only regret that I was not able to see Sabine, Lia and Max.
At the moment, weather is gorgeous so I hope it cooperates in The Czech Republic. Thanks again for so, so much, dear friends. I look forward to seeing everyone again, next time with Lady Darjeeling! Until then, stay well and take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: As I mentioned, in an earlier message, as soon as I manage to find time, I plan to assemble a number of albums which I hope will do justice to my "head-over-heels with delight" stay in Switzerland so will send them along as soon as I possibly can!
Dearest Anna Maria and Rudolphino! First and foremost, thank
you both for getting me to the train in plenty of time and for the incredible sandwiches and more. [I had one for breakfast once the train left for Zurich and it was simply wonderful, the bread incredible and the filling delish, delish, delish!] I do so apologize for getting you out of bed at such an ungodly hour! Again, for everything you did for me: your
wonderful, wonderful meals and vino splendido, your tireless
chauffeuring and unbelievable sightseeing excursions, culminating with the visit to the farm and then meeting your kind, welcoming family, Anna Maria, make my head spin when I think back to these many moments with you.
All went well in Zurich for connection to Vienna. At the moment I'm speeding through the Austrian countryside. I
hope to be able to put myself and my bike to a pre-tour test when I
arrive in Brno this afternoon. At the moment, weather is gorgeous so I
hope it cooperates in The Czech Republic. Thanks again for so, so much,
dear friends. I look forward to seeing ou
again, next time with Lady Darjeeling! Until then, stay well and
take care of each other. Thanks, Fondestos, Much Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dearest Anna Maria and Rudolphino! First and foremost, thank you both for getting me to the train in plenty of time and for the incredible sandwiches and more. [I had one for breakfast once the train left for Zurich and it was simply wonderful, the bread incredible and the filling delish, delish, delish!] I do so apologize for getting you out of bed at such an ungodly hour! Again, for everything you did for me, culminating with the visit to the farm and then meeting your kind, welcoming family, Anna Maria, all making my head spin when I think back to these many moments with you. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Again, Sleepy Heads! Wanted to include a few more pics of your family. Anna Maria! Please send my best wishes to your parents and brother. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Here I have to finish staining lattice tomorrow before I’m allowed breakfast.
Can’t imagine you milking a cow. Happy Biking, Hugs Corinne Hi again, Kids!
Anna Maria and Rudolphino got me to the train in plenty of time, set with incredible sandwiches and more. [I had one for breakfast once the train left for Zurich and it was simply wonderful, the bread incredible and the filling delish, delish, delish!] I did so apologize for getting them out of bed at such an ungodly hour! Train left at 4:21 am! Their unstinting generosity was remarkable. They wouldn't let me pay for a single thing. I managed to buy a couple of bottles of wine in Zurich when visiting Nadia. Otherwise, every restaurant drink/meal/dessert, train fare and fabulous Emmental cheese and salami for my sandwiches was on them. Talk about a Freeloader! I win the Oscar!!!
The wonderful, wonderful meals and vino splendido, their tireless chauffeuring and unbelievable sightseeing excursions, culminating with the visit to the farm and then meeting Anna Maria's kind, welcoming family, still makes my head spin when I think back to these many moments with them.
The wonderful, wonderful meals and vino splendido, their tireless chauffeuring and unbelievable sightseeing excursions, culminating with the visit to the farm and then meeting Anna Maria's kind, welcoming family, still makes my head spin when I think back to these many moments with them.
All went well in Zurich for connection to Vienna. At the moment I'm speeding through the Austrian countryside. I hope to be able to put myself and my bike to a pre-tour test when I arrive in Brno this afternoon. At the moment, weather is gorgeous so I hope it cooperates in The Czech Republic. Must away as I want to get ready to disembark when we arrive in Vienna. Although I'm sitting in th esame car as my bike it's at the opposite end. Train is comfortable but crowded so I want to move everything closer to the bike to make getting off as easy as possible. Stay well and take care of each other. Fondestos, Much Love and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Walk behind their home; drive to Emmental; Cheese, cheese, cheese! Dairy and inside house; Cindy! Hi Again! Some snaps of Anna Maria's and Rudi's gorgeous home and view!
Ayn P 42 years ago this very weekend we were hopping a seaplane to Victoria, B.C. to get married! It was like a scene out of Casablanca landing right in front of the Empress Hotel where I broke a personal record charging several Shirley Temples at the bar to Mom and Dad's honeymoon suite. I am proud to say I continued this trend as we further honeymooned in Tofino at the Wickinish Inn (where we, of course, ran into several Vogts Lol) and I very likely broke a world record for Shirley Temples there.
The budget must have dwindled due to my many room charges as we took the city bus home from the ferry after the trip. I rewarded every passenger with a very stinky starfish I was transporting home to Kitsilino safely in an old KFC bucket. Like I said readers, the budget had severely dwindled. Happy almost anniversary Mom and Dad, it's been a great ride so far and I look forward to renewing our vows at 50 xoxo Mom, now you'll be able to conduct the ceremony AND be the blushing bride!
Ayn P 42 years ago this very weekend we were hopping a seaplane to Victoria, B.C. to get married! It was like a scene out of Casablanca landing right in front of the Empress Hotel where I broke a personal record charging several Shirley Temples at the bar to Mom and Dad's honeymoon suite. I am proud to say I continued this trend as we further honeymooned in Tofino at the Wickinish Inn (where we, of course, ran into several Vogts Lol) and I very likely broke a world record for Shirley Temples there.
The budget must have dwindled due to my many room charges as we took the city bus home from the ferry after the trip. I rewarded every passenger with a very stinky starfish I was transporting home to Kitsilino safely in an old KFC bucket. Like I said readers, the budget had severely dwindled. Happy almost anniversary Mom and Dad, it's been a great ride so far and I look forward to renewing our vows at 50 xoxo Mom, now you'll be able to conduct the ceremony AND be the blushing bride!

Karen Vogt Lovely

Bike rack holds my two panniers but I have to take them off when I board train/disembark as platform is three steps below train, and bike is very unwieldy in such a steep, cramped space. Anyway, I have things down to a science now and sometimes other passengers help, one way or another.

Ayn P Mom says you've been getting so spoiled with everyone paying your way that she can't wait for the cash to arrive that you're sending from all your travel savings for further renovations! Corinne Durston is already drawing up plans! Carol Riera Ayn P when isn’t Corinne drawing up plans! Patrick James Dunn I've already taken this into account as am now a qualified cow herd and milking expert. The Swiss francs are pouring in! Patrick James Dunn Thank you Qualicum Beach Babe! Royal Standard, near London, last week in April!
Patrick James Dunn Hit the wrong key as I also wanted to say that once I've showered and changed I'm going to go for a stroll to scope out town. Bike tour begins tomorrow morning but I want to poke around this evening for an hour or so to see what I can discover on my own. Let me know which flight you are on and I'll have my Rolls waiting! As Stephen Stills used to say., "If you can't be with the one you love, honey, Love the one you're with!"

Ni Cole Marie Awe jealous of that pic
😕 Ayn P Carol Riera she draws up plans in her sleep Lol Ayn P Carol Riera tell him, he has been doing a lot of kissing and had a Swiss babe on his lap the other day too! Michele Darrow-Sutherland Oh yes and you wished your wife a happy anniversary
Patrick James Dunn Flamin', I always expect you to tell me what to do when I stay in The Cave, even when you practice your cleverly honed Freeloader skills in Penticton, at Burns Street, but do I have to go to Siberia, Antarctica perhaps, to escape your far-flung, tyrannical reach? Must away as I've made some new friends at a night club across the street from my hotel! Cheers!
Hi Patrizzio, I am sorry for a late response. I hope everything went well and you are safely in the hotel now. If you have any question awaiting very quick response, please call me or send me sms to my phone. See you tomorrow. Katarina Hi Katarina! I arrived in Brno right on time, around 4:30 pm and had no difficulty finding the hotel. Checked into my room and then came downstairs for a cup of java as I'd been up since 2:30 am! All things considered, [I left Bern at 4:21 am!], train trip went exceedingly well. Back to my room and once I'd showered and changed I went for a stroll. Don't know why but I thought Euros were used here so I'll have to find an ATM tomorrow! See you at 10:00 am. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Bart Fisher This is the best wedding anniversary story. EVER!! Starfishes from a KFC bucket for everyone! Happy anniversary to your parents! xob Hi Bart! Trust you are well. Thanks for the best wishes. Unfortunately, for me, I have to drown my sorrows, being all alone, here in Brno, with nobody to love me! Cheers!

Hi Patrizzio, I am sorry for a late response. I hope everything went well and you are safely in the hotel now. If you have any question awaiting very quick response, please call me or send me sms to my phone. See you tomorrow. Katarina Hi Katarina! I arrived in Brno right on time, around 4:30 pm and had no difficulty finding the hotel. Checked into my room and then came downstairs for a cup of java as I'd been up since 2:30 am! All things considered, [I left Bern at 4:21 am!], train trip went exceedingly well. Back to my room and once I'd showered and changed I went for a stroll. Don't know why but I thought Euros were used here so I'll have to find an ATM tomorrow! See you at 10:00 am. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Bart Fisher This is the best wedding anniversary story. EVER!! Starfishes from a KFC bucket for everyone! Happy anniversary to your parents! xob Hi Bart! Trust you are well. Thanks for the best wishes. Unfortunately, for me, I have to drown my sorrows, being all alone, here in Brno, with nobody to love me! Cheers!
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