Impiety, n. Your irreverence toward my deity. -Ambrose Bierce, writer
(1842-1914) [The Devil's Dictionary, 1906]
Chloe Alexis Dunn Yum, thanks for the tuna sista!! #fursiblings #blackcat #diningalfresco — in Penticton
Up at just after 7:00 am so sent along a few more messages now that my UBC account is back in working order! Down for breakfast at 7:30 am to find The Sunshine Goils and The Summerlandians already there. Another lovely breakfast, similar to that provided at VV Garni in Brno, but java is from an automated machina so not quite as good. Never no never mind, as sun was shining so everyone was looking forward to this morning's ride. Must away as I have to be ready to roll in a few minutes!
Buongiorno Brat Pack! Trust everyone is well and looking forward to being back in the saddle. Could not connect to my UBC email account until late last night and for some reason Flickr didn't deliver album to that account until this morning! Anyway, gremlins seem to have vanished now. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, Try to send me email back. There could also be a restriction for the size or amount of attachments. Usually I receive emails that have 10 - 12 MB without any troubles. Katarina Hello Patrizzio You can try this email, Katarina
Good Evening Brat Pack People! Trust everyone is feeling pleased about today's triathlon: cycling, downhill skiing and mountain climbing! At any rate, here is my perspective on wonderful outing. Cheers, Patrizzio!
By the time more adjustments had been made to some of the bikes, (thanks to Donaldo!), we left the hotel around 9:11 am. Sky looked like it was going to cooperate so high spirits abounded. Katarina lead us out of town, following a number of lovely dedicated bike paths, stopping in náměstí Komenského for some more minor bike adjustments, and shortly thereafter we left Znojmo, following tertiary road, 40819, immediately swooping down a long, fairly steep hill to have to then climb up to the tiny village of Znojmo-Hradiště. Then, basically, we were on the flat, riding between emerald fields of wheat, the road lined with cherry trees! we stopped to sample the fruit and found it deliciously sweet. What a marvellous tree to plant.
On through the rolling countryside, down into another village and up the other side, past more wheat fields and into threatening rain clouds ahead. Somewhere between Mašovice and Podmolí, (I think!), it started to rain fairly steadily ans so we stopped to don our rain gear. Next few kilometres were not much fun. I was warm enough but my riding loves were soon soaked and my hands became quite chilled. However, by the the time we were past Lukov, perhaps it was Horní Břečkov, the rain started to let up, to a drizzle, at first, and then but a few drops. Just above Lesná we came across a WW II bunker, so located as position gives clear views of the surrounding countryside and villages and is quite near the Austrian border, then part of the Third Reich.
On into Lesná where we stopped to take a look at a well-preserved, traditional windmill, now a restaurant. Shortly thereafter, the real fun began as we left 40819 for a small road through the forest of Podyjí National Park. I was beside myself with delight. The rain had stopped and as we rode through a stunning tree tunnel canopy it was quiet as quiet could be. A few km later we began to descend adn I thought not much of it, that is, until the grade became steeper and steeper, the track, no longer a road, muddier and rougher. My bike tires are quite narrow so I really didn't have much traction in the quite muddy patches or on the often fairly rough rocky service
Add the steep incline, (13%-14% from the experts, but seemed like 22% to me!), into the mix and with frequent fish-tailing, particularly over the narrow wooden-drainabe channels, set diagonally across the track, I was not overly comfortable. Furthermore, my hands were still very chilled and my wet gloves were quite slippery so I was afraid I might lose my grip on the brakes. Had to keep steady pressure on them on as the moment I let up, the bike would hurtle ahead, given grade, and I didn't want to lose control, as you can well imagine Dear Reader!
By the time we were about half-way down we reached a short stretch of level ground and stopped for a bit of a break. I pulled up, slightly ahead of rest and noticed a gorgeous salamander, black with vibrant yellow spots. What a reward! By this time I could feel the muscles in my shoulders and upper arms, tiring from the constant exertion of having to squeeze the brakes. Still, more of the same again, some even rougher spots and grade was still, at least for me, a Black Diamond! Pleased as punch when trail finally leveled out, surface improved and we came out of the trees next to the Thaya River with a hanging bridge over it. Bounced up and down as I walked to the middle to take a few pictures and then we were off, soon to be rewarded with stunning views of Vranov nad Dyji, sitting majestically, high above us, atop stunning rock cliffs.
After a chance to take pictures we repaired to a local restaurant to have a tasty, warm lunch. I ordered onion soup and along with others who were also having soup, held the bowl in our hands to warm them up. Pat and Lorraine wanted to try the vegetarian chili but when it came it was so spicy they could barely eat it. I can tolerate a bit of heat but this soup was certainly spicy hot, let me tell you! After lunch we suited up again and girded our loins for the climb to the castle itself. Roughly the same sort of grade as on Peach Orchard in Summerland, but only about half as long. Still a good workout and certainly warmed everyone up by the time we were at the castle gates. Locked up our bikes and took a quick stroll inside the grounds. Didn't buy tickets for the tour but wanted to enjoy the tremendous views afforded there.
Renovation on the roof of a number of the buildings was going on so it was interesting to see some of it going on. Back to our bikes to swoop back down to the village below and then begin the long climb back up, on the other side of the river. We were taking 40819 back so the surface was top notch but we still had a good pull to a look-out point back to the castle and an even longer, more gradual grade back to the flats of the wheat fields. Lorraine and I took off, ahead of the others, still snapping away, from the curve in the road where the look-out is located, so we waited for them at the intersection of 40819 and the track leading to the Black Diamond run. Couple of ups and downs into a few villages, one being Bezkov, I believe, before we were on fairly level ground again.
Easy sailing, from then on, into Znojmo. I was ahead of everyone by then so I stayed on 40819, right into town, finding the Centrum without any trouble and then I was back at the hotel by about 4:30 pm. [Later learned that Katarina took group on a quieter, though rougher road, back to Znojmo.] Asked the chap behind the bar to let me into the basement room, assigned to us for storing our bikes, and then repaired to my room. From my window I saw gang arriving so went downstairs to see what plans would be for tomorrow.
Couldn't have been happier with day's outing, in spite of rain, and even happier that I'd survived the ski run! Stats and maps for ride come in three separate sections. Haven't figured out how to pause/resume yet, [Any help much appreciated, Dear Reader!], so, en route, I had to save two segments, the one before lunch, and then the one after climb to castle. Anyway, here they all are, for what they are worth. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Map and Stats for ride, to the Castle:
Map and Stats for ride, up to Castle:
Map and Stats for ride, from Castle to Znojmo:
Judy B Pratt
😊nice to read your travelog Patrick James Dunn How is my favourite Judy Blue! Any bridge while I'm away? Cheers, Patrizzio! Wine-tasting this evening! Hi Poppa Beautiful pictures and you appear to be in good company!! It's sunny and 80 degrees here in LA! Love to all Ayn Hello from Winston. Lol Christina Tassell Great trip Patrick James Dunn
Colleen Teahan Waldron Wow!!! What a fabulous cellar
Patrick, Life sounds good! Keep the accounts coming. I have begun working at Legend Distilling again, Monday and Wednesday each week. I am enjoying my shifts. Bill (mainly) and I are busy in our large yard trying to wrest it into something other than a tangled mess. l have planted a second cedar hedge and holes have been dug for three more trees. I decided today that the curly willow in the front yard has to go. I am not sure when but we will wait for an opportunity to remove it at a reasonable price. It is messy, produces copious amounts of pollen (right now) and it is hitting the power line. I will replace it with a Japanese lilac tree.
We are hosting a group of 17 triathlete friends from Calgary for dinner on Friday night. I am looking forward to catching up with them. Corinne and I had a nice evening out at the Dream Cafe in April when we went to see Erin Costello, a singer based in Halifax. She looks good driving her VW rag top! Happy and safe trails. Pamela

Colleen Teahan Waldron Wow!!! What a fabulous cellar
Patrick, Life sounds good! Keep the accounts coming. I have begun working at Legend Distilling again, Monday and Wednesday each week. I am enjoying my shifts. Bill (mainly) and I are busy in our large yard trying to wrest it into something other than a tangled mess. l have planted a second cedar hedge and holes have been dug for three more trees. I decided today that the curly willow in the front yard has to go. I am not sure when but we will wait for an opportunity to remove it at a reasonable price. It is messy, produces copious amounts of pollen (right now) and it is hitting the power line. I will replace it with a Japanese lilac tree.
We are hosting a group of 17 triathlete friends from Calgary for dinner on Friday night. I am looking forward to catching up with them. Corinne and I had a nice evening out at the Dream Cafe in April when we went to see Erin Costello, a singer based in Halifax. She looks good driving her VW rag top! Happy and safe trails. Pamela
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