The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him
absolutely no good. -Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784)
Hi Rosita and Lady Dar! Yes, I'll pass along condolences to Janet. I sent her a brief message last night but have not heard back yet. I assume she simply doesn't have time, given that she must go to Cranbrook. She was going to host two tables of bridge next week so will now have to see where we can play.
Up, as I had intended, when Duke's persistent attention could no longer be tolerated or ignored. Let the wild horses out to romp in the newly fallen snow and went back to the kitchen to make my java. Laid the fire before I headed out to sweep the front walks and was immediately joined by the felines, chasing each other through the lightly blanketed garden. Had to chortle when they both perched on Amanda's fence, the better to supervise me! She was brushing the snow off her car and I thanked her for shoveling the sidewalk last night. I gather it didn't snow all that much afterwards as I didn't need my shovel, the broom sufficed.
Once I'd swept the front walks I headed to the back to clear a bit of the snow from around the much diminished woodpile. Once I'd done that I decided I'd do the entire driveway as the morning was so gorgeous, the crisp air delicious. So light was the covering that I could almost use one hand.
Back inside to make my breakfast and while that, (fried onions, rice and frozen peas), was simmering I cut up and peeled three butternut squash to use for soup. Put the chunks into the steamer and while they were softening, I started on the large turnip I'd bought yesterday, for a variation on Rosita's fabulous turnip puff! Wanted to have most everything ready for Lady Dar's return, at 6:00 pm domani. In addition to hosting two table of bridge, at 7:00 pm, Olga Polga is coming for dinner beforehand, at 5:00 pm, so I need to be organized.
Once all the vegetables were pureed and mashed, seasoned and tasted, to satisfaction, I took out some fresh Rosemary and stripped the soft needles onto the chicken thighs I have marinating, for tomorrow's main course. Saved the flexible stalks as I knew the cats would love to worry them, at some point. In fact, gave one to Duke a few minutes ago and he chased it all around the kitchen and living room, behaving as if it was a snake or some such other living creature, leaping into the air and pouncing on it, finishing it off with a good chew!
Sun is really beaming down and al the cars I can see through the front window are clear of snow, as is road. Who knows, I might venture out on my bike a bit later. Have to plan my afternoon carefully, however,as I'm off to Oasis, at 7:00 pm to the kick off of the church's Lens on Lent film series, "Vicar of Dibley" Night. Lady Dar introduced me to this British sitcom, starring Dawn French, and I enjoy the silliness. Also looking forward to bumping into a number of hiking friends, most of whom I've not seen since my hip replacement.
Must away to taste the soup. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Neigbour's dog, Speedy, left these tracks when Amanada was clearing sidewalk. He always comes to visit. Lovely pooch. Snow removal supervisors; Upside Down Girl; Patrizzio's creations; Note the Rosemary stalks!
Hi! Mr. Bridge Man ....... Thanks for your pics & newsy email. I have to take a power nap after I read your detailed stories. Bill & Rita's 40th was fabulous. Delicious meal at Brodo's along with lots of fun, laughter, games & dancing. A wonderful celebration party. Did you get a card table from Miss Judy Pratt? If not, I can ask Elvia to give you mine for tomorrow. Enjoyed a nice hike up Peachcliffe Ridge in OK Falls yesterday with Aart & Tony leading. Today, I'm heading up to NP for my last day of snowshoeing. Then I have Euchre tonight at Eagles. Home to finish packing my bags. Will be heading to Kelowna airport by 9:00 am tomorrow. Since I will have NO email access while I am in ON, pls remove me off your mailing list & send no emails till I return back home in mid April. Thanks!!
Take care & will see you on the biking trails when I'm back in BC. Give Lady Dar a big hug from me when she returns home. Hope all went well with her Mom's eye surgery & visit with her parents. PP (Power Peanut)
Hi Mighty Mite! Pleased to learn that you had such a grand time at Brodo. Sounded like loads of fun. Yes, Judy will be bringing her table so thanks for that. Glad your hike went so well yesterday and trust today's snowshoeing outing was glorious with sun shining, at least here. I haven't played Euchre since 1971 when I played with two chaps I met when travelling in Europe. They were from Smiths Falls and we met on the boat going to England and they met up, by chance, in Malaga. In my limited experience, Euchre seems to be played more in eastern Canada than on the Prairies. Nevertheless, I always enjoyed the Left and Right Bowers!
Her Mom's surgery went well and she had a good visit with her Dad. He has started to gain weight so that is a very good sign. Must away to have a quick shower after riding the stationary bike for 93 minutes. Travel safely and look forward to seeing you when you return. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, Here you were so witty and numerous and we never even replied - how rude! We had a good chuckle over your comments. We are in Vancouver for a bit and today had snow. Poor Vancouver is really suffering this year. We are trying to find railings, lights and a picture for our renovated space. After no selection in Terrace Vancouver is overwhelming with so many places to look.
We watched the Oscars on Sunday as we had actually seen 3 of the nominated pictures. What a sad mishap at the end. Not much else new in our lives. Gerry got a new laptop and hopefully his impatience with the computer will end. His old one was slow. And seemed to frustrate him constantly. I think he is going to take advantage of a few free lessons from Apple. By the way what ideas does Corinne have for your home? You may have to curb your imbibing to pay for extensive renos! Cheers, Dawn
Hi High End Art Buyers! I know from bitter past experience that you obviously don't bother to read my missives or else, if you stoop to do so, barely scan them for salient details and remarkable, Nobel worthy prose! That being the case, here is an Executive Summary:
Give Lady Dar a shout on her cell as she is staying with Flamin' and Sarge and doesn't catch the bus until around noon tomorrow. Whether you can connect, or not, I don't know, but at least you can ask her yourself what hellish plans she has in store! Okay, you can now hit "delete", as long as you don't do it with satisfaction!
Lady Dar will bus home tomorrow so I hope the Coquihalla is not closed! Snowing heavily, I gather. Her Mom's surgery went well and she had a good visit with her Dad. He has started to gain weight so that is a very good sign. Speaking of slow computers, I have a MacBook Air, from 2012, I think, or thereabouts, and have been extremely pleased with it until this Fall when I started noticing a delay between striking keys and text appearing. Other delays, as well, so I think I'll try to make an appointment at an Apple Store when I'm in Vancouver next week, or I could trade mine for Heraldo's as he never sends any messages anyway!
I was at Oasis this evening to kick off of the church's Lens on Lent film series, "Vicar of Dibley" Night. Lady Dar introduced me to this British sitcom, starring Dawn French, and I enjoyed the silliness. I had never seen the first three episodes that were shown and I was in stitches the whole time. I simply adore the absolute goof who plays the verger. She is such an endearing dope that I am starting to laugh, just thinking about her as I write. If you know series, you will know that each episode ends with the vicar telling her a joke about a nun or nuns, one more, so far, with each succeeding episode. Her reactions or non-reactions to the punch lines are side-splittingly funny. My tummy is still sore and my eyes are still watering!
Was also looking forward to bumping into a number of hiking friends, most of whom I've not seen since my hip replacement. Had a great chat with Jim French who organizes the series. He took me under his wing on my very first hike. Addressed his wife, Carol, as "Sherlock" as she was wearing a smashing deer-stalker hat! Must away as I have to be up even earlier to get the house ready for the return of Lady Dar! Buona Fortuna with all your fixture and picture hunting. Hope you have a chance to see Lady Dar, or at least chat. Say hello to her for me as I know she won't be talking to me when she ticks off all the things I didn't do while she was away! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Cat pictures, just for Donna Maria!
Tummler, Hope this finds you and Corinne well. We are in the Wellington airport headed to Christchurch. Spectacular trip in NZ so far. We had a delightful morning visit with Sneaky Pete over tea, champagne and pastries exchanging yarns about the infamous Conductore. He wonders why you never show up in windy Wellie. We had a very short visit here but hope to return on our way north later in the month and may get to see Pete again then. More shortly. Fond regards to all, W and CJ Hello Antipodean Freeloaders and Sneaky Pete! Absolutely delighted that you were able to connect! However, sorry to inflict such reprobates on you, Pedrito. I thought they had disappeared when no word in aeons!
[Have had a number of messages from Mr Kalashnikov, aka Misha, over last week or so and he mentioned he'd not heard from the Itineratii either! He is well and managing to read a book a month, or so, by pretending to be in a Virtual NRBC!] I am truly sorry that we were not in Penticton when you visited over Christmas and an even sorrier that we have not been able to visit you in Windy Wellie, as my pretentious, know-it-all, fellow country people say! Funnily enough, Sylvia, just returned from NZ. She had a wonderful time visiting with friends and relatives.
[Her father was from NZ. Remind me to tell you another incredible story regarding Paul Day, now deceased, Sylvia's uncle, by marriage, I think. I met him in Winnipeg, once, in the 70's, and discovered the connection, by chance, talking to Sylvia, quite a few years ago now. I think he taught English at University of Waikato and the beach cabin that the family still owns and will rent is on the Coromandel Peninsula. I believe the Carters stayed there on their last trip to NZ. At any rate, Robo Man received a cycling magazine and a loaf of bread as presents. Do you two still share recipes?

Lady Dar will bus home tomorrow so I hope the Coquihalla is not closed! Snowing heavily, I gather. Her Mom's surgery went well and she had a good visit with her Dad. He has started to gain weight so that is a very good sign. For my part, Pedrito, I had my left hip replaced on September 14th, in Vancouver by same surgeon who did my right one, in 2010. Really pleased with results as my new hip is in fine form. Initially, spent time deep-water walking and riding a stationary bike, for rehab, but have finally been able to ride outside, last week, for three days.
[BrunocSterckeman: Patrick James Dunn, Just so you know, we are keeping a file on you too, Patrick James Dunn Falcon Lake, with a gorgeous Babe on my arm and a bottle of wine to boot, what more could one want, STASI Sterckeman? If you spent more time on the pleasures of life instead of pushing paper and creating files, you would be a far, far happier snoop! Cheers! Just so you know, I'm keeping files on Etta and Duke, so I need to know if you instructed them to spy on me while I was sweeping the walks this morning! Please send an encrypted message in return as Duke has learned how to hack into my computer. He finds the mouse a piece of cake!]
Must away as I have to be up even earlier to get the house ready for the return of Lady Dar! Buona Fortuna with all your travels, both in NZ and elsewhere. Keep in touch Sneaky Pete. Love to cycle in NZ so watch out! Everyone, stay well. Take care of each other. Travel safely, travelers. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio/Il Conduttore. Pics: Note hommage to Vivian Maier; The weekend before Grogg and Lurch visited, I saw Ariane at Sun Peaks, Pedrito. Morning. No problems getting home. Ended up staying at the Vancouver airport while I waited for the connecting flight bc I had a conference call (more work!). Really enjoying being home! Yes the snow is annoying! Not much in our yard, but definitely still at the edges of all the roads. BUT I just noticed that daffodils are blooming next to the house! YA!! Sorry you couldn’t get your ride outside, but it’s great you keep in shape. I’m sure you’ll be out riding soon enough.
I wonder what caused that fight? It is strange but younger brothers CAN be annoying! Maybe it is a territorial thing or something else? Have they been neutered? Poor Bobbie, his tumour has really grown. He still purrs but it sounds funny bc the tumour is pressing his throat so much. So sad. But he seems in good spirits. Just hates me for giving him pills. Have to indulge him with some crab meat!
Lots of work to do this week – we found out that one of our research Letters of Intent was given the go ahead for the full proposal, and the want it by mid-March! So I know what I’m doing for the next few weeks! I have a friend from Ontario coming to visit towards the end of March – really looking. Hoping the snow GOES soon. Luise
Hi Luise! Glad you are back home but sorry to hear about Bobbie. Maybe both tuna and crab! I just hung up the phone to Vancouver. Gave Lady Dar a call as she is to bus home tomorrow. I'm a tad concerned about Coquihalla! Told her to dress warmly and take food, just in case! I trust all goes well BUT I suspect that, at the very least, her bus might well be delayed, at the very least,due to road conditions. Asked her to send updates en route. Donna Maria and Heraldo, very close friends, from Terrace, happen to be are in town and I suggested that Dawn give her a call. Must away as I have to get the house ready for the return of Lady Dar! Terrific news about your Letter of Intent. Buona Fortuna with your full proposal. Coming visit should help you keep from procrastinating! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Old Farts, This coming Monday (6 March) we are going to do a little bit of geology, then go for a wander. We will head to the south side of Giants Head above the James Lake area and check out the basalt hexagonal columns there. Then mooch over to the Little Giant’s Head park and checkout the views from various hilltops. So.... meet at Summerland IGA at 0900 or HH Penticton at 0840. Hope you can join us. Cheers Tony & Aart