Roads endure longer than pyramids. -Karol Bunsch, novelist (22 Feb 1898-1987)
Buongiorno Bridge Fans! What a grand evening of bridge last night with the just returned Spiller Road Folk! Welcome back, Gilliana and Phillipo! However, Lady Dar's nose will certainly be out of joint as Naramata Goil has replaced her in Duke's affections! He was ever so helpful in advising her what to bid! Josinta is still as slow as molasses but as smooth as silk in deflecting criticism! Gilliana played extremely well in spite of her protestations to the contrary. The Non-Toothless Wonder remains unchanged, except for the aforementioned dental work, exhibiting even more of his acerbic wit.
Both Olga Polga and I will be exposed to more barbs as we have been invited to Spiller, this evening, to continue the sparring! [Hi Olga Polga! Just in case you didn't see invitation in my recent message, we are on to play with Famiglia Robson tonight, at their place, anytime after 6:30 pm. If I recall, you are in town for a massage, or such, so if you'd like to come here for dinner afterwards, please do. We can talk about bridge strategy over a gourmet meal! If not , then if you plan to arrive at Burns at about 6:15 pm we can then make our way to Spiller. Let me know what you think. Cheers, Patrizzio!] Thanks to everyone for the wine and beer, but more importantly the good fellowship and the good natured acceptance of having to bear bridge prize de-cluttering!
Unfortunately, we were having so much fun that we didn't agree on a venue for next week. Lady Dar will not be back until Wednesday so I suggest we leave date open until we see who is available when. I know both Josinta's preference for Tuesday evenings and Olga Polga's curling schedule but if others cannot play, on one evening or the other, or either, this will obviously affect possible gathering. Let me know your availability and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, Thank you for hosting bridge last night. Lots of fun. Either Tuesday or Wednesday next week works for me. Hi Duke's Girlfriend! Terrific that either evening works for you! Also wanted to say thanks very, very much for the 2015 Black Hills Roussane, 13.9%! Have never had this varietal from this winery but Roussane is one of our favourite whites. Will save it until Lady Dar is back and bridge is here so that we can all have a snort!
Entre nous, while I certainly appreciate any contribution, I can't for the life of me, understand why people impose their home-made wine on others, especially when, at least in my opinion, it is simply aweful! Some, of course, is pretty damn good. Our friend, and your fellow Naramatian, Peter, makes phenomenal Riesling and Chardonnay, with a neighbour, from grapes they both grow. I suspect, but don't know, for sure, that Aarturo's plonk is made from a kit, or some such, with an eye more on unit cost than taste. Again, with so much interesting wine so readily available, why not try what the land has to offer? I abhor such sayings but in this case it is rather appropriate: "Life is too short to drink cheap wine!" Would never waste it, however, perfect for marinating!
Yes, I know, I'm a horrible friend but I can only shake my head and bite my tongue. Poor Aarturo really counts his pennies when I don't think there is any need, whatsoever, to do so. To tell you the truth, Josinta is not so inclined but it is my opinion that she is often overly swayed by him, unfortunately. Not for me to say, of course, but there, I've said it!
Anyway, they are both very generous friends, in many other ways, so I'm more than appreciative of their friendship and am amused rather than annoyed by such idiosyncrasies. Of course, I've many, many of my own "warts and all", in spite of recent minor surgery, so I shudder to think what others think. Fortunately, I have a rhino skin. Thanks again, Darling Naramata Goil, for your ear and for your ever interesting selection of wine, so freely shared. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, Black Hills is producing a wine from this varietal for the first time. Unit holders received one bottle of it last fall. So thank you for saving it for when I can have a glass with you and Corinne.
My sister throws out home made wine that guests bring. I have advised her not to waste it but to serve it to her guests that bring it😊 Another corollary is to enjoy fine wines with people that you know appreciate good wines👍
Additionally, I have observed that the type of wine glasses in people's cupboard is very telling of their interest in and knowledge of wine. Although, all this said, Bill used to make pretty decent wine from grapes imported by an Italian grocer from California. You are right we all have our foibles and I try, as you do, to appreciate people's good points but, it is certainly interesting to observe people. See you next week. Pam
Hi again, Fellow Foibler! I must meet your sister! Funnily enough, this is what I said to Lady Dar: "I'm off to Summerland, to Famiglia Dronkers, for dinner on Friday so I plan to take their wine back to them. Since it's so damn good I'm sure they'll be delighted!"
I heartily applaud your advice and certainly agree with you about wine glasses, Sherlock! In fact, when we first started becoming interested in wine we did much the same as Bill,. We were part of a group which made wine from grapes imported from California as well. Once we started tasting there, in the early '80's, we soon realized we'd rather spend roughly the same amount of money on such wine, Of course, $CDN was far better and US prices were very, very reasonable. Ayn, who now lives in LA, lived in Oak Harbour, [Her husband, Melvin, was in the Navy stationed at the base there.], at the time and she would "mule" two cases over border when she visited, every month or more. Canadian Customs, generally speaking, weren't looking at Washington plates then. Technically illegal and certainly couldn't do that now, of course. At one time we had over twenty cases stored at their place!
That being said, I must admit I had the Roussanne for breakfast with my Eggs Benedict! Fabuloso!!! However, I kept the bottle and will refill it with Chateau Dronkers. I'm sure you won't be able to tell the difference, although you are very observant! Cheers, Patrizzio, Self-Proclaimed Charlatan and Wine Fraudster in the Making!
Hi! How are mom and dad doing? You are going to Winnipeg at the end of the week? Rach is home but very tired and regressed even more. We went to a new brew pub 30 minutes away, White water brewery for Gavin's birthday, with the neighbours and Rach and Bekah so 8 of us. Raining her today. Zero right now. P
Had a talk with Dad who said he didn't need his oxygen. That if he wants to stay in his home he has to take oxygen, not fall and eat. He is having trouble getting out of chair as his muscles are not being used but he won't use the walker. I think a bad fall will be the end of his living at home. He has gained some weight back and is eating more. Had porridge for breakfast plus a piece of toast and cocoa. His feet are getting better and I got his paints out and set up the table and he has prepared a canvas and is looking at flower pictures to paint.
He also stayed awake to watch the hockey game last night and some curling during the day.
The biggest issue is his quiet speech which mom can't hear and her asking him questions from the kitchen and then yelling at him when she can't hear the answer. I suggested if she wants to talk to him she sits down and asks him the question and is closer to hear the answer. Dad gets very frustrated when she does not hear him and starts shouting. He is pretty with it and wants to be included in the decision making. This is probably what you, Patti, observed in December.
George and Barb are doing a great job of handling all the work around the place and doing the shopping errand running, driving etc. Dad is sleeping right now, mom going to have her first shower since the eye surgery. That's all for now,
Hello Nurse Darjeeling! Glad that the Canadian Patient can shower on her own now. Pleased that Picasso is gong to start churning out product! Why not suggest he do miniatures for GFA choir venture. As originals, they'd sell for thousands! Rosita must have a drawer-full of loose buttons somewhere! Did Giorgio eat all the ribs? I'm still waiting for delivery!!! As far as I can tell, the two Painted Rock events, in question, do not require pre-registration but we can call when winery opens in April, just to be sure.
On another matter, Erika wanted to chat this evening. She said she has felt a bit "gloomy" ever since one of her favourite Aunts died. Funeral is today. I thought I'd be home when I replied that this evening would be fine but now I'll be playing bridge on Spiller. [Dearest Patrizzio, I just got in the house from downhill skiing with Aart, Jos and Kilian. Do you still want to go to bridge? Pls do call me again asap] I'm going to suggest that if she can't call before 6:00 pm that she should call you at Falcon. Is that okay? I know she would like to chat, you know how she likes to chat, and I'm sure you are the perfect listener. Perhaps your parents could shout at her! That might make call shorter!
[Hi Erika! Trust you are feeling a tad better although funeral probably hasn't helped. If you can call around 5:30 pm, my time, 7:30 pm, your time, I will still be at home so we can chat. If not, I suggest you call Lady Dar in Falcon. Is that okay? Anyway, hope we do have the chance to talk. Fondestos and Much Warm Love, Patrizzio!]
Must away as I want to split more kindling. Duke is restless. He just hopped up on table, behind my laptop screen and flipped last pill out of small Mexican dish before I realized what he was up to. When I rescued the pill he started scrabbling at the dish, quite enjoying the slippery surface, although it puzzled him when his needles couldn't grasp its polished surface!! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Take to Aspirin and call me in the morning! Pics: Duke dreaming of Pamela last night, after everyone left!!
Kaitlyn has just survived a very strenuous birth delivery, to bring Kellan Andrew Edwin Christenson into this world. Born: Sunday, February 19, 2017 Weight: 8 lb 14 oz Height: 22 1/2" Earlier today, I dropped over to Kaitlyn and Scott's house to deliver a jumbo jar of home-made pea soup, and took some photos.
Scott was dead in bed. Kaitlyn is so exhausted she can't sleep.
Hello Newly Minted Grandparents! Congratulations to you both and to Kaitlyn and Scott, of course. Pleased that both mother and and Kellan are well, after such an arduous delivery. Pretty hefty boy! Does he have a paper route yet? Wonderful news, indeed, but I guess, from what you've already described, that they will be finding out what parenthood is really all about! Any chance of a take-out order of pea soup? I'm planning to make some acorn squash soup today, as it happens.While I'm certainly not comparing myself to new parents I have certain feline demands exacted upon me which I can sidestep, unlike Kaitlyn and Scott. I assume you will pass along e-card. Thanks. Again, congratulations to one and all. [Snaps did not come through so when you have a moment, please resend.] Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
My, you are a busy guy.��Ain't retirement fun!! Can't play Pickleball now.😞 No golf or bowling either.😩 Singing in chorus & on the marketing team.👍��Chorus is performing this evening with trio of amateur comedy plays.😍 I continue to coordinate & participate in Zumba, but very cautiously.��I like the weights & chair part. It's good to hear your hip is working well. I'll see the Orthopaedic Surgeon in late April or early May.
There are many gatherings & parties happening now as we approach our last month.��🥂����We love our life here, but I miss our family. They are busy! It's a good thing we too can enjoy fully & celebrate life.��We'll see them all en route home. Our landlords, also friends, have told us we can be in their Park Model again next winter. Unfortunately, they will retire next year & will move into this PM. We will have to be on the lookout for another reasonably priced place. Rents can be as high as 1700/mo. We want 1300.00 or less, plus electricity. Hopefully, we will find a tenant for our patio home again. It makes a big difference. The CAD is still not great!
Hi Zumba Woman! Sorry to hear that your orthopaedic issues are limiting your physical activities but you still seem to be managing well, in spite of them. Buona Fortuna with hunt for new place. Couldn't agree more about our dollar. Our youngest grandson's wedding, in LA, this July, will not be cheap. Weddings never are, of course, but exchange rate certainly won't help. Nonetheless, greatly looking forward to it. Should be loads of fun. Lady Dar has rented a house, in Camarillo, (Wedding is taking place in this community, just north of LA.), where the family members, from away, will stay before and after wedding itself. Clara, her mom, 92, will fly down with Marlo, one of her granddaughters. Unfortunately, Dusty, (her dad, 92 as well), is probably too frail to travel. Furthermore, he is on oxygen. Great to be retired but our kittens are still hard at work! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Scarfaccio: Before I forget to mention it… if Corinne needs a place to stay in August she is welcome to stay here. . barring any unforeseen circumstance.
Pleased to hear that Corinne became a marriage commissionaire. Two of my colleagues took that job after retiring from the school system. It actually became quite a lucrative enterprise. I attended two separate events with them and was surprised how personal a ceremony could be with a hired gun.
Duke looks like he spotted the wallet and sat up at the table to check out the ante. I see he didn’t stay long. lol
Am certainly glad to read that your biopsy went well. What an ordeal! I feel (somewhat ) chastened that I made light of your misfortune. It is great to think ahead to cabin weather and the Quaaout Lodge will be a great setting for a wedding.
Cats and kids! Today we were securing our own medications and vitamins as our little monkey is exploring all the drawers and cubbyholes in our house. He thinks he has rights over all he surveys. Cheerio. I have been up too long today and tired of blowing my dode.
Hi Brenda Louise! Trust you are on the mend! Don't feel at all badly about my snozz. I certainly didn't think you were making light of it. For my part, I feel it is plain silly to pretend that we don't all have one thing or another to face, obviously some issues are more difficult. Such is life and I firmly believe, within reason, that it is far better to talk about such things rather than to pretend they do not exist.
Thank you for the very kind and generous offer of accommodation. Certainly much appreciated and I will let Lady Dar know, of course. I can't, for the life of me, remember what arrangements have already been made. I do know that the ceremony will take place at the bride's mother's home, in the garden. Not even sure where in Kamloops. It would be lovely to see you both, no matter what.
A small distinction, perhaps, but she is not a marriage commissionaire but rather a wedding officiant. Former is very tightly controlled, provincially, (Union shop, stevedore-like, protecting their sinecures with nasty longshoreman's hooks!), so waiting list is ridiculous. This being the case she licensed herself through All Seasons Weddings, fast-tracking herself, so to speak:
If you do take a look, Judy Ritcey is a friend. She took same route when she learned what Cora Lee had done, although she is already a lay minster. Lady Dar first me her at Oasis United and I met her behind the tasting counter at Noble Ridge where she still works part-time. She is in my book club and her husband, Kevin, is the president of the South Okanagan Whiskey Tasting Society. I don't belong but our good friend, Peter, in Naramata, does, so I met Kevin through him. Lynne, Peter's wife, was in same Library School class as Lady Dar, (a year behind me), and they have lived in Naramata for about ten years now. Both couples came to our Open House, in early December, so our social network is expanding.
Talk about "monkey business"! Must away as Duke is beside my laptop and pestering me as he thinks it's his turn to use the mouse! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: Too much background light but shots give you some idea of Duke's curiosity. Marriage Mobile through window and just after car was "wrapped" this past summer!
Buongiorno Bridge Fans! What a grand evening of bridge last night with the just returned Spiller Road Folk! Welcome back, Gilliana and Phillipo! However, Lady Dar's nose will certainly be out of joint as Naramata Goil has replaced her in Duke's affections! He was ever so helpful in advising her what to bid! Josinta is still as slow as molasses but as smooth as silk in deflecting criticism! Gilliana played extremely well in spite of her protestations to the contrary. The Non-Toothless Wonder remains unchanged, except for the aforementioned dental work, exhibiting even more of his acerbic wit.
Both Olga Polga and I will be exposed to more barbs as we have been invited to Spiller, this evening, to continue the sparring! [Hi Olga Polga! Just in case you didn't see invitation in my recent message, we are on to play with Famiglia Robson tonight, at their place, anytime after 6:30 pm. If I recall, you are in town for a massage, or such, so if you'd like to come here for dinner afterwards, please do. We can talk about bridge strategy over a gourmet meal! If not , then if you plan to arrive at Burns at about 6:15 pm we can then make our way to Spiller. Let me know what you think. Cheers, Patrizzio!] Thanks to everyone for the wine and beer, but more importantly the good fellowship and the good natured acceptance of having to bear bridge prize de-cluttering!
Unfortunately, we were having so much fun that we didn't agree on a venue for next week. Lady Dar will not be back until Wednesday so I suggest we leave date open until we see who is available when. I know both Josinta's preference for Tuesday evenings and Olga Polga's curling schedule but if others cannot play, on one evening or the other, or either, this will obviously affect possible gathering. Let me know your availability and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, Thank you for hosting bridge last night. Lots of fun. Either Tuesday or Wednesday next week works for me. Hi Duke's Girlfriend! Terrific that either evening works for you! Also wanted to say thanks very, very much for the 2015 Black Hills Roussane, 13.9%! Have never had this varietal from this winery but Roussane is one of our favourite whites. Will save it until Lady Dar is back and bridge is here so that we can all have a snort!
Entre nous, while I certainly appreciate any contribution, I can't for the life of me, understand why people impose their home-made wine on others, especially when, at least in my opinion, it is simply aweful! Some, of course, is pretty damn good. Our friend, and your fellow Naramatian, Peter, makes phenomenal Riesling and Chardonnay, with a neighbour, from grapes they both grow. I suspect, but don't know, for sure, that Aarturo's plonk is made from a kit, or some such, with an eye more on unit cost than taste. Again, with so much interesting wine so readily available, why not try what the land has to offer? I abhor such sayings but in this case it is rather appropriate: "Life is too short to drink cheap wine!" Would never waste it, however, perfect for marinating!
Yes, I know, I'm a horrible friend but I can only shake my head and bite my tongue. Poor Aarturo really counts his pennies when I don't think there is any need, whatsoever, to do so. To tell you the truth, Josinta is not so inclined but it is my opinion that she is often overly swayed by him, unfortunately. Not for me to say, of course, but there, I've said it!
Anyway, they are both very generous friends, in many other ways, so I'm more than appreciative of their friendship and am amused rather than annoyed by such idiosyncrasies. Of course, I've many, many of my own "warts and all", in spite of recent minor surgery, so I shudder to think what others think. Fortunately, I have a rhino skin. Thanks again, Darling Naramata Goil, for your ear and for your ever interesting selection of wine, so freely shared. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, Black Hills is producing a wine from this varietal for the first time. Unit holders received one bottle of it last fall. So thank you for saving it for when I can have a glass with you and Corinne.
My sister throws out home made wine that guests bring. I have advised her not to waste it but to serve it to her guests that bring it😊 Another corollary is to enjoy fine wines with people that you know appreciate good wines👍
Additionally, I have observed that the type of wine glasses in people's cupboard is very telling of their interest in and knowledge of wine. Although, all this said, Bill used to make pretty decent wine from grapes imported by an Italian grocer from California. You are right we all have our foibles and I try, as you do, to appreciate people's good points but, it is certainly interesting to observe people. See you next week. Pam
Hi again, Fellow Foibler! I must meet your sister! Funnily enough, this is what I said to Lady Dar: "I'm off to Summerland, to Famiglia Dronkers, for dinner on Friday so I plan to take their wine back to them. Since it's so damn good I'm sure they'll be delighted!"
I heartily applaud your advice and certainly agree with you about wine glasses, Sherlock! In fact, when we first started becoming interested in wine we did much the same as Bill,. We were part of a group which made wine from grapes imported from California as well. Once we started tasting there, in the early '80's, we soon realized we'd rather spend roughly the same amount of money on such wine, Of course, $CDN was far better and US prices were very, very reasonable. Ayn, who now lives in LA, lived in Oak Harbour, [Her husband, Melvin, was in the Navy stationed at the base there.], at the time and she would "mule" two cases over border when she visited, every month or more. Canadian Customs, generally speaking, weren't looking at Washington plates then. Technically illegal and certainly couldn't do that now, of course. At one time we had over twenty cases stored at their place!
That being said, I must admit I had the Roussanne for breakfast with my Eggs Benedict! Fabuloso!!! However, I kept the bottle and will refill it with Chateau Dronkers. I'm sure you won't be able to tell the difference, although you are very observant! Cheers, Patrizzio, Self-Proclaimed Charlatan and Wine Fraudster in the Making!
Hi! How are mom and dad doing? You are going to Winnipeg at the end of the week? Rach is home but very tired and regressed even more. We went to a new brew pub 30 minutes away, White water brewery for Gavin's birthday, with the neighbours and Rach and Bekah so 8 of us. Raining her today. Zero right now. P
Had a talk with Dad who said he didn't need his oxygen. That if he wants to stay in his home he has to take oxygen, not fall and eat. He is having trouble getting out of chair as his muscles are not being used but he won't use the walker. I think a bad fall will be the end of his living at home. He has gained some weight back and is eating more. Had porridge for breakfast plus a piece of toast and cocoa. His feet are getting better and I got his paints out and set up the table and he has prepared a canvas and is looking at flower pictures to paint.
He also stayed awake to watch the hockey game last night and some curling during the day.
The biggest issue is his quiet speech which mom can't hear and her asking him questions from the kitchen and then yelling at him when she can't hear the answer. I suggested if she wants to talk to him she sits down and asks him the question and is closer to hear the answer. Dad gets very frustrated when she does not hear him and starts shouting. He is pretty with it and wants to be included in the decision making. This is probably what you, Patti, observed in December.
George and Barb are doing a great job of handling all the work around the place and doing the shopping errand running, driving etc. Dad is sleeping right now, mom going to have her first shower since the eye surgery. That's all for now,
Hello Nurse Darjeeling! Glad that the Canadian Patient can shower on her own now. Pleased that Picasso is gong to start churning out product! Why not suggest he do miniatures for GFA choir venture. As originals, they'd sell for thousands! Rosita must have a drawer-full of loose buttons somewhere! Did Giorgio eat all the ribs? I'm still waiting for delivery!!! As far as I can tell, the two Painted Rock events, in question, do not require pre-registration but we can call when winery opens in April, just to be sure.
On another matter, Erika wanted to chat this evening. She said she has felt a bit "gloomy" ever since one of her favourite Aunts died. Funeral is today. I thought I'd be home when I replied that this evening would be fine but now I'll be playing bridge on Spiller. [Dearest Patrizzio, I just got in the house from downhill skiing with Aart, Jos and Kilian. Do you still want to go to bridge? Pls do call me again asap] I'm going to suggest that if she can't call before 6:00 pm that she should call you at Falcon. Is that okay? I know she would like to chat, you know how she likes to chat, and I'm sure you are the perfect listener. Perhaps your parents could shout at her! That might make call shorter!
[Hi Erika! Trust you are feeling a tad better although funeral probably hasn't helped. If you can call around 5:30 pm, my time, 7:30 pm, your time, I will still be at home so we can chat. If not, I suggest you call Lady Dar in Falcon. Is that okay? Anyway, hope we do have the chance to talk. Fondestos and Much Warm Love, Patrizzio!]
Must away as I want to split more kindling. Duke is restless. He just hopped up on table, behind my laptop screen and flipped last pill out of small Mexican dish before I realized what he was up to. When I rescued the pill he started scrabbling at the dish, quite enjoying the slippery surface, although it puzzled him when his needles couldn't grasp its polished surface!! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Take to Aspirin and call me in the morning! Pics: Duke dreaming of Pamela last night, after everyone left!!
Kaitlyn has just survived a very strenuous birth delivery, to bring Kellan Andrew Edwin Christenson into this world. Born: Sunday, February 19, 2017 Weight: 8 lb 14 oz Height: 22 1/2" Earlier today, I dropped over to Kaitlyn and Scott's house to deliver a jumbo jar of home-made pea soup, and took some photos.
Scott was dead in bed. Kaitlyn is so exhausted she can't sleep.
Hello Newly Minted Grandparents! Congratulations to you both and to Kaitlyn and Scott, of course. Pleased that both mother and and Kellan are well, after such an arduous delivery. Pretty hefty boy! Does he have a paper route yet? Wonderful news, indeed, but I guess, from what you've already described, that they will be finding out what parenthood is really all about! Any chance of a take-out order of pea soup? I'm planning to make some acorn squash soup today, as it happens.While I'm certainly not comparing myself to new parents I have certain feline demands exacted upon me which I can sidestep, unlike Kaitlyn and Scott. I assume you will pass along e-card. Thanks. Again, congratulations to one and all. [Snaps did not come through so when you have a moment, please resend.] Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
My, you are a busy guy.��Ain't retirement fun!! Can't play Pickleball now.😞 No golf or bowling either.😩 Singing in chorus & on the marketing team.👍��Chorus is performing this evening with trio of amateur comedy plays.😍 I continue to coordinate & participate in Zumba, but very cautiously.��I like the weights & chair part. It's good to hear your hip is working well. I'll see the Orthopaedic Surgeon in late April or early May.
There are many gatherings & parties happening now as we approach our last month.��🥂����We love our life here, but I miss our family. They are busy! It's a good thing we too can enjoy fully & celebrate life.��We'll see them all en route home. Our landlords, also friends, have told us we can be in their Park Model again next winter. Unfortunately, they will retire next year & will move into this PM. We will have to be on the lookout for another reasonably priced place. Rents can be as high as 1700/mo. We want 1300.00 or less, plus electricity. Hopefully, we will find a tenant for our patio home again. It makes a big difference. The CAD is still not great!
Hi Zumba Woman! Sorry to hear that your orthopaedic issues are limiting your physical activities but you still seem to be managing well, in spite of them. Buona Fortuna with hunt for new place. Couldn't agree more about our dollar. Our youngest grandson's wedding, in LA, this July, will not be cheap. Weddings never are, of course, but exchange rate certainly won't help. Nonetheless, greatly looking forward to it. Should be loads of fun. Lady Dar has rented a house, in Camarillo, (Wedding is taking place in this community, just north of LA.), where the family members, from away, will stay before and after wedding itself. Clara, her mom, 92, will fly down with Marlo, one of her granddaughters. Unfortunately, Dusty, (her dad, 92 as well), is probably too frail to travel. Furthermore, he is on oxygen. Great to be retired but our kittens are still hard at work! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Scarfaccio: Before I forget to mention it… if Corinne needs a place to stay in August she is welcome to stay here. . barring any unforeseen circumstance.
Pleased to hear that Corinne became a marriage commissionaire. Two of my colleagues took that job after retiring from the school system. It actually became quite a lucrative enterprise. I attended two separate events with them and was surprised how personal a ceremony could be with a hired gun.
Duke looks like he spotted the wallet and sat up at the table to check out the ante. I see he didn’t stay long. lol
Am certainly glad to read that your biopsy went well. What an ordeal! I feel (somewhat ) chastened that I made light of your misfortune. It is great to think ahead to cabin weather and the Quaaout Lodge will be a great setting for a wedding.
Cats and kids! Today we were securing our own medications and vitamins as our little monkey is exploring all the drawers and cubbyholes in our house. He thinks he has rights over all he surveys. Cheerio. I have been up too long today and tired of blowing my dode.
Hi Brenda Louise! Trust you are on the mend! Don't feel at all badly about my snozz. I certainly didn't think you were making light of it. For my part, I feel it is plain silly to pretend that we don't all have one thing or another to face, obviously some issues are more difficult. Such is life and I firmly believe, within reason, that it is far better to talk about such things rather than to pretend they do not exist.
Thank you for the very kind and generous offer of accommodation. Certainly much appreciated and I will let Lady Dar know, of course. I can't, for the life of me, remember what arrangements have already been made. I do know that the ceremony will take place at the bride's mother's home, in the garden. Not even sure where in Kamloops. It would be lovely to see you both, no matter what.
A small distinction, perhaps, but she is not a marriage commissionaire but rather a wedding officiant. Former is very tightly controlled, provincially, (Union shop, stevedore-like, protecting their sinecures with nasty longshoreman's hooks!), so waiting list is ridiculous. This being the case she licensed herself through All Seasons Weddings, fast-tracking herself, so to speak:
If you do take a look, Judy Ritcey is a friend. She took same route when she learned what Cora Lee had done, although she is already a lay minster. Lady Dar first me her at Oasis United and I met her behind the tasting counter at Noble Ridge where she still works part-time. She is in my book club and her husband, Kevin, is the president of the South Okanagan Whiskey Tasting Society. I don't belong but our good friend, Peter, in Naramata, does, so I met Kevin through him. Lynne, Peter's wife, was in same Library School class as Lady Dar, (a year behind me), and they have lived in Naramata for about ten years now. Both couples came to our Open House, in early December, so our social network is expanding.
Talk about "monkey business"! Must away as Duke is beside my laptop and pestering me as he thinks it's his turn to use the mouse! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: Too much background light but shots give you some idea of Duke's curiosity. Marriage Mobile through window and just after car was "wrapped" this past summer!
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