The limits of tyrants is prescribed by the endurance of those whom they
oppress. -Frederick Douglass, abolitionist, editor, and orator
Glass table top as snow gauge as it's snowing cats and dogs and I need to shovel the walks before there are too, too many footprints! Just started snowing this morning. They are predicting up to 15 cms. Chaos reigns on the roads. Onward (slowly and with caution).... Paul
Hi Cautious, with good reason, Paolo! I gather Oak is causing all sorts of problems! Just in from shoveling our walks and back driveway. About 2" so a fair bit. A few flakes are still coming down but think heaviest fall is over, for now at least. As I was finishing back driveway I heard a loud crash and assumed it was one of he cats, knocking something over under the louvres. Turned out to be the water barrel. Frozen solid so I think it simply tipped over as ground upon which it sat is slightly uneven. Fortunately, no felines around or a person as had it fallen on a cat or a someone's leg, could have had serious consequences. As it was, it smashed the garden hose container so will need a new one, come Spring. Will have to make sure I attach stronger bands to barrel when I put it back in place, after ice thaws!
Trust Gregor will have streets under control this time around so not another Saltgate! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Snow cats, downed water barrel and remains of garden hose container!
Patriçio, I am in for Bridge. Let me know if you need a pick up from the bus station. Why not fly? It’s snowing here as I scribe. saludos//bjp
Hi Ragin'! Grand that you are in for bridge with The Penguin! Thanks for offer to collect me at Bus Depot. I'd rather spend the difference between bus fare and cost of flight, ($85 vs $400 +/-), on malt! WiFi on bus so I can digitate, read and/or snooze! Will let you know time, etc., closer to date in question. Must away as I'm going to do my stint, (90 minutes), on stationary bike. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Front walkway.

It would be great if I could see both you and Corinne. Is it OK if I could visit you on 12th or 11th if I can change my flight? Then I go back to Vancouver from 13 or 14. I just got the date to go to Canada yesterday. I don't have any plans until 16th in the morning to go to Whistler. It's also very nice of Chloe that she offer to let me stay at her place. There are so much that I would like to talk to you!!
My mom is doing good! She is very happy that I can go to Canada. She says big HELLO to you!! Can't wait to see you! Love, Toshiko Hello again, Patrick! If I am going to your place, where to fly? or where to go by bus? Toshiko
Hi Toshi and Tomiko! If you are able to change your flight to arrive on the 11th then you will have a bit more time to visit. Flying from Vancouver, directly to Penticton is possible. Depending when your flight from Japan arrives, you could fly on to Penticton as there is an Air Canada flight here, leaving Vancovuer around 11:00 pm to land just before midnight. Chloë and Pamela were on last night's flight. As well, one leaves for Vancouver around 6:00 pm, every day so you could catch that back.
Bus is cheaper, ($85 vs around $400), than plane but will take you most of a day, (6-8 hours depending on highway conditions such as traffic, snow, etc.), each way. If you need any help with booking whatever mode of transportation you choose just let me know. Of course, we'll pick you up whichever way you decide to travel here. Small town so distances are not great.
Take a look at either Air Canada or WestJet as both airlines fly here. Greyhound is bus company. You would leave from Vancouver airport if you fly, from Bus Depot on Terminal, not far from Science World. You should stay with Chloë when in Vancouver. She is out shopping with Pamela and Lady Dar at moment.
Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Great that we'll be able to see you soon, Toshi. Fond regards to your Mom. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: The Two Sisters, last night!
Hi Filmer! Bit of action, reasonably close to home: Dakota Pipeline Tour! Hi Piper Cub Man! Lucky that there were no ground-to-air missiles involved! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Some great pic’s again.....we always enjoy them.......And yes, we have a very light dusting of snow here also; but nothing like what you folks have experienced. So bad the tank got tanked.....yes, could have been tough on anything under that. Now, a new hose apparatus on order I suppose, like you said We have been awaiting the arrival of warmer weather; and less wind; which we do not like; especially when cold. Have a good session with the exercising.....sounds good; and your great to keep it up. Love, A & S xxxx Hugs and pets for the cats, you understand................Hi Arv!
[IRON HAWK (Chetan Maza), Oglala Lakota, 1899] Greetings from The Petting Zoo! Had a great 90 minute ride while The Sisterhood where out cruising the malls! Dinner will be wild Sockeye, spaghetti squash, broccoli and mixed, green saladin, all washed down with a 2014 Orofino, [Keremeos, almost in your neck of the woods!], Riesling, 13.3% and an as yet un-chosen red. Will have to go out and shovel/sweep front walkways as it started snowing again! Must away, as Lady Dar has ordered another log on the fire! Cheers, Chimney Sweep and Scullion Patrizzio! Pics: Duke eating celery and then pineapple! Rumpus Room Babes! Etta loves watching TV, especially in the company of silly humans!
You can count us in so let the games begin. BTW, I thought I was Champagne Charlie? Who is Carlos again? I don’t remember talking about Legs with you, but then again who knows anymore.
[Dale Evans and Roy Rogers] I have had incredible shoulder/back pains for months now, but still taking our group to Phuket for our Long Stay (Feb 6 to March 2). Trying everything – drugs, physio, chiro, acupuncture. Next thing are those chocolate-coated blueberries my friend raves about. I believe they have Mary Jane in them!
However, a couple of days away from this weather in Thailand and their lovely massages should do the trick, right? In case you haven’t heard, it is snowing like s… again today. Can’t wait to get outta here. CC
Hi Carlos The Chorister! Don't know him? He's a fellow we met years ago with a vastly over-rated sense of his bridge playing abilities! Acquainted with him, perchance! Simply grand that you will join is at The Penguin's! You did say "Legs" in one of your last messages. I assumed you meant "Penguin" but I didn't wish to presume to read your scattered mind! Will figure out pot-luck menu closer to date but think about what you might wish to contribute. Still hoping for two tables. Up to six players, so far.
[A 1949 Styleline De Luxe Convertible
was the 22-millionth Chevrolet.]
On the serious side, truly sorry to learn of your on-going back problems, Champagne. Almost nothing worse, as I well know from my own painful experience, over my squash playing career. I won't lecture you but be very careful with medication, both in terms of dependency as well as damage prolonged use can have on many of your internal organs. Single malt is a much better alternative! Weight is an issue, as I probably need not remind you, and strength of stomach muscles. Sit-ups with bent knees, 6 million every morning! Here endeth the lesson!
Had a great 90 minute ride while The Sisterhood where out cruising the malls! Dinner will be wild Sockeye, spaghetti squash, broccoli and mixed, green saladin, all washed down with a 2014 Orofino, [Keremeos], Riesling, 13.3% and an as yet un-chosen red. Will have to go out and shovel/sweep front walkways as it started snowing again! Have a fabulous time in Thailand! I trust your compromised back will not spoil your wonderful journey and say hello to your svelte masseuse for me! Cheers, Patrizzio!
[7 Dwarfs Publicity Tour 1938]
Hello Famiglia Coffaro! Trust you are both well and that all your reservoirs are filling up! If it is fine with you, I'll collect my wine in late June when I drive down to Tinsel Town for grandson Alejandro's wedding. Lady Dar and Chloë will be flying. I have only two extremely precious bottles of Coffaro so am saving them! News Flash: Chloë selected a 2015 Moraine Malbec, 13.4% so I'm sipping it as I scribe. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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