I know of only one duty, and that is to love, Albert Camus
Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote. -George Jean Nathan, author and editor (14 Feb 1882-1958)
I know of only one duty, and that is to love.
Albert Camus
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/albertcamu378161.html?src=t_valentinesday
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/albertcamu378161.html?src=t_valentinesday
I know of only one duty, and that is to love.
Albert Camus
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_valentinesday.html
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_valentinesday.html
I know of only one duty, and that is to love.
Albert Camus
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_valentinesday.html
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_valentinesday.html
I know of only one duty, and that is to love.
Albert Camus
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_valentinesday.html
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_valentinesday.html
Hello Patrick. What a sweet greeting on Valentine's Day 😊 I am in Norway skiing xc without my boys, but with a crowd experienced adult xc skiers, which is lots of fun and demanding skiing. My neck behaves well, but my pre-artotic knees demand a restitution day today. Say hello to everyone there with you in Penticton. XO Margareta😘💝 Hi Norwegian Cross-Country Skier! Trust your pre-artotic, (pre-arthritic?), knees allowed you to enjoy most of your holiday! All the best from Etta and Duke to, Steel Dottore! Cheers, Patrizzio! Happy Valentine's Day to you Patrick! Thanx! Pamela Awwww you say that to all the girls ;-) No, just to you, Babycakes! Just to you! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Illustration by Mary Jane Muir |
Absolutely love these Lawson cards! Thanks for your love and good wishes. Really have known you for such a long time--what's so reassuring to me is that true friendships and kindred spirits stand the test of time. Something about that makes me feel happy about our humanity and human kind. Thanks heaps and heaps. Jo-Anne Hi Jo-Anne! Thank you for your lovely Valentine's card as well! Just back from taking Toshi, our former Japanese boarder, to the airport. She was in LA a few years ago and saw Ayn and the boys on that trip. She hopes to bring her Mom with her next time as she has fallen in love with The Okanagan!
[Patrick James Dunn I'm all alone, in Penticton, while you Lovebirds are drenched in both Valentines and wine! Lady Dar with her Secret Admirer! She didn't even give me a hug when I dropped her off at the airport!]
Before I forget, I had asked you, in an earlier message, if you would be a reference on our passport renewal forms. I trust this is fine as Lady Dar has already submitted paperwork! I am waiting until the stitches are removed from my nose, after minor surgery, and incision fades, to have my picture taken or else I'll be Scarface! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: I took Miss Etta to see Colleen, (friend from hiking group), and her dear sister, Marcia, at the PGH hospice yesterday afternoon. Mary Lee, another friend from same hiking group, arrived just as I was about to leave with Therapy Cat. Mountaineer Cat, atop one of our kitchen cupboards and then at rest with Etta, on our shower mat. Exhausted after her car travel, [She never even squeaked once, in her carrier box!], and his kitchen alpine exploits!
[Carol Riera Where is Coriander off to this time?!
Patrick James Dunn She
flew to Winnipeg yesterday, primarily to investigate the credentials
which you an Brunello claimed to have received from the Université de
Saint-Boniface, as part of an exposé for the Parksville Qualicum News on
the shyster real estate scams going on there, of late! Operation Follow
The Money begins! Carol Riera Ha
ha ha! Good luck to her. She'll have to brush up on her spoken French
if she plans to get anywhere! We still have friends in high places in
St. B! Thank you for my Valentine's e-card xoxo I guess the cats will be your loves today while Nana sails off to Manitoba xoxo
[Sylvie Roi Coffee break after a good walk. Has me of me 
]Patrick James Dunn Don't
worry, Lady Dar is extremely well connected. I was born at St B and
Annie graduated from nursing there and worked in the Outpatients
Department. for a number of years! I'd start looking for a new career!] Happy Valentines Day Patricio ❤ Tell me you weren't really up until 2.a.m. sending out your valentines Lol. Love you both hope to see you soon Hello Sunshine Valley! Trust everyone is well. Great to chat the other night. No, I wasn't up until 2:00 am, Marilyn, just the system sending cards on specified date, I imagine! Did you follow up on Dram Come True, Molly Malt? Let me know, if so, and you should meet Sarge and I for a bite, at his place, beforehand. I'm staying with them over course of my visit. So far, when in Vancouver, I will be free on Wednesday, after I arrive, and Thursday/Friday mornings/afternoons so not sure how this might fit for visit, given your busy schedules. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos to you both. All the best from Etta and Duke. Cheers,
Hello Patrick Happy to be a reference! Hope Corinne's trip to Winnipeg goes well. Safe travels! Look after those darn cats! Jo-Anne Hi again, Jo-Anne! Thanks for agreeing to be our references. Much appreciated. You are right, I think I'll be quite busy with both Etta and Duke while Lady Dar is away. Lady Dar thanks you for travel wishes. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics of Darn Cats: Last lap sleep last night! Blanket Girl, Blanket Boy! Thank you for my Valentine's e-card xoxo I guess the cats will be

Hello Patrick Happy to be a reference! Hope Corinne's trip to Winnipeg goes well. Safe travels! Look after those darn cats! Jo-Anne Hi again, Jo-Anne! Thanks for agreeing to be our references. Much appreciated. You are right, I think I'll be quite busy with both Etta and Duke while Lady Dar is away. Lady Dar thanks you for travel wishes. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics of Darn Cats: Last lap sleep last night! Blanket Girl, Blanket Boy! Thank you for my Valentine's e-card xoxo I guess the cats will be
This just in, Clarisse forwarded message from Patti, [Resending this Sent from my iPad]: Hi, Rachael had a seizure this morning and I had to call the ambulance. She has had an IV, Cat Scan of her head, lab work, and ECG. Awaiting a lumbar puncture now and to see the doctor again. Pat
She has had chest X-ray, CT of her head, ECG, lab work
Then a lumbar puncture, blood cultures, and more lab work Fever going back up They have admitted her and started IV antibiotics
Still in ER not sure there is a bed. Patti] Poor kid! She's had a lot of significant health issues of late. Anyway, I'm sure we'll here more as Patti finds out more. Hi Catnapper! I didn't realize Duke was in your baggage! I wondered where he was! Fondestos to Carly! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Duke in better times!
Gorgeous sunny day here but still crisp. Frost on the windshields this morning but once day starts to warm up even more snow will be disappearing. Must away as I want Lady Dar to help me make our bed. Changed the sheets as wanted to throw them in with ones from Toshi's room. Of course, Duke was a big help stripping both beds! He even wanted to get into the washing machine! Love and Cheers, Dad!
Pics: Toshi taking a nap before dinner and then while we were watching Department Q: The Keeper of Lost Causes, based on the book of the same title by the Danish novelist Jussi Adler-Olsen, one of our favourite authors of crime fiction. ([Speaking of Denmark, just had a message from Maggie, thanking me for her Valentine's card. She is cross-country skiing in Norway with the lads!] Netflix has next two in series, The Absent One and Conspiracy of Faith, the last one we read. Lady Dar has commanded me not to watch them until she returns! [Didn't realize that there are four more books in this same series: The Purity of Vengeance; The Marco Effect, Buried and The Hanging Girl, not yet adapted for film but I trust they will be as first was simply terrific!) Then this morning before we left for airport and then at YYF.
Thank you Patrick for the Valentine greeting. Hope you added flowers and chocolates for your wife! Have a good day. Cheers! Roma & Leonard Hi Roma and Leonard! Trust you are both well! No flowers but gluten-free chocs and Shelley Adams' Whitewater Cooks With Passion! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. When are you planning to visit? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello, Patrizzio! And the very best of Valentine's Days to you too! Thanks for thinking of me! Deborah Happy Valentines to you Patrick. We'll be back very soon now so see you and Corinne shortly.
Good Morning, We will buy 2 tickets for the stove, and you can pass on yours , no probs. Wednesday sounds good,6.30pm at my house. Thank you my sweet Valentine for your sweet thoughts on Valentine s Day. Jos Thanks Patrick that's very lovely of you x Penny

Corinne and Patrick, Thank you again for lovely time together!! I'm flying at 10:10. Someone seems to have cancelled flight, so I don't have to go to Keloona. Whichever was fine for me, so it works!! I'm bording now!! Corinne please have a pleasant flight to Whinipeg!! Hi Toshi, you will be nearing Vancouver. Enjoy the movies and Whistler, Hugs Corinne Hi Toshi! Glad you made Vancouver flight! Kittens are dashing around outside and inside, looking for you! Travel safely. Love and Cheers, Patrizzio That's so sweet, thank you. Happy Valentine's Day to you too.
Thank you, Patrick for all the pictures including me sleeping😆 Safely arrived at Chloe's place!! I had some picture for you, too! Love, Toshiko
Patrick, I plan to play bridge on Weds. I'll plan to pick you and Corinne up at 6:15. Pam Hi Naramata Goil! Thanks for offering to chauffeur, yet again. Much appreciated! I'll be on steps at 6:14 pm so don't be late! However, Lady Dar will be swilling expensive hootch at The Fort Garry, in Winnipeg, with her Mom tomorrow evening. So, Olga Polga, we need to know if you are on! I assume you are but please confirm so that Josinta has the right number of expensive bridge prizes ready! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: First trip to airport to take Toshi there this morning! 👍 Pam
Hello Lady Dar! Trust your flights went well and that you are soon snugly ensconced at 33 St Michael Road! To make it perfect, your luggage would still be in Calgary!
When I returned, Duke was on the front patio, visiting with Roman! I guess I didn't close the back patio cat door! Etta was sleeping on the large armchair in the living room. She moved to the blanket on the couch in the Rumpus Room while I was having a sandwich but once I started riding she returned to doze on the chair by the fire. For his part, Duke went back to the couch at the front, snuggling down into the cushion. I brought him in when I was finished cycling. I had a quick shower and made a salad for dinner. He is now sleeping on blanket in Rumpus Room so I wonder if he'll climb on my lap as I plan to watch something on Netflix later.
Had the following message from Lynne: Ah-h-h-h, Patrick, aren't you the sweetest. Shall I assume that (1) Corinne knows you sent this card to me and with her "approval", (2) Corinne knows you sent this card to me without her approval, (3) Corinne does not know you sent this card to me so her approval is neither here nor there, or (4) you also sent the same card to Corinne ... and (how many) others? In any event, I'm touched as YOU remembered to send me a Valentine's greeting whereas others who shall NOT remain nameless (a certain Peter Lighthall) did not even remember that it was a special day!! So, thanks much. Lynnie XO
P.S. Hope you and Corinne had a suitably romantic day featuring some chocolate and/or bubbly and/or ...? I'm enjoying over lefts from last night's dinner and recalling a nice lunch Petey and I had at Rumrunners today before he took off for the Miami airport and his trip to Brazil. I had a tasty glass of Malbec with my skewered beef salad and P had a lightish beer with his pork tenderloin tacos. And for dessert we had yet another winning entry in the great key lime pie contest.

Al Tinka left a message and he had talked to Pam and she is fine. [On Pam's behalf (I saw Pam today. She is OK, but not hiking for a while.): Hi everybody:
Chuck kindly volunteered to be our fearless leader again, so there will be a boot hike, somewhere in the Summerland area. The destination will be decided later, closer to the date and will depend on the snow conditions. Please, stay tuned. Cheers, Al] I called him as I guess I was riding when he phoned. He thinks she just wants to lie low for a bit so I guess everyone will just keep an eye and ear open to make sure she is okay over next little while. Bridge is on tomorrow evening, in Summerland, so pleased about that. Have my stitches out at 10:30 am tomorrow morning so am wondering which doctor I'll see! Off to the Kitchen Sink film series on Thursday, to see the documentary The Eagle Huntress:
Aishol-pan, a 13-year-old girl, trains to become the first female in 12 generations of her Kazakh family to become an eagle hunter and rises to the pinnacle of a tradition that has been handed down from father to son for centuries. While there are many old Kazakh eagle hunters who vehemently reject the idea of any female taking part in their ancient tradition, Aisholpan's father, Nurgaiv, believes that a girl can do anything a boy can, as long as she's determined. Josinta will take one of our tickets now that you are away.
Had a message of thanks from Colleen for visit and Valentine's card: Thank you, I will share it with Marcia as soon as she wakes. She enjoyed your visit and Ettas. The tumor pressing on her brain really limits her responses. Etta behaved like a queen allowing us to worship her. Thank you again for the visit and the card. Colleen
Anyway, she may contact me later this week, or next, and if so, I'll see what Duke might think of a visit! Looks like bridge is on tomorrow evening so pleased about that. Have my stitches out at 10:30 am tomorrow morning so am wondering which doctor I'll see! Must away as the felines are calling, loudly, from The Rumpus Room! Happy Valentine's Day, again, my Duhlink. [Plan to have a couple of chocs when watching Netflix!] Much love to you and hellos and best wishes to all the gang. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Knives and Saké which Toshi brought as presents; Lady Dar says goodbye; Airport arrivederci! Ice on Skaha! Big yawn and back to sleep! Miss Etta pines for Lady Dar! Abandoned, yet again!
Hello Key Lime Woman! Glad you enjoyed the card! Like you, I was "abandoned" today as Lady Dar was off, for next 16 days. Sorry that your accommodation isn't up to snuff but hard to beat Palm Desert digs! Cape Coral sounds pretty comfortable, however. Was my second time at airport today as we took Toshi there for her flight at 10:10 am this morning. Trust your coming time with friends and relatives goes swimmingly, so to speak, weather allowing, and then last tens days with Dom Jugos for the finale before back to The Naramata! Bit of time before then but just wondering if you would like us to pick up some basics for you or do you just want to stop at Superstore, or elsewhere, before I drop you at home? Let me know and we plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrico, Birds without Wings, I do not know of it. I will search it out. DBJS Hi Jake! Thanks for sending along the OMMS Target Newsletter Feb 2017. Do you need a copy of February? Let me know and if so when you might pop by. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thank you for sending the e card today Patrizio! I don’t have Adobe Flash loaded so can’t open up those types of cards. I am guessing it was a Valentine’s wish? Same back to you if so!! Hope you’re having lots of chocolate!!! Cheers! Joan Hi Flashless Woodbury! You can download Adobe Flash from the NET, for nothing. Happy Valentine's until then! Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you Patrick. Hope you both had a wonderful Valentine's day. Any more news on the book club? Hugs from Hildi

Awwwww how nice to know I'm loved. Gerry is very jealous as he forgot to even get me a card! A very special Valentines' greeting to you and Corinne. 😘 Dawn
Happy Valentine's Day to you, Pat! I didn't know you were such a romantic but I guess I should have realized that!! And a very Happy Valentine's Day to Corinne!! Have a loving day!!😘�� Maggie Hi Patrick, Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you very much for the sweet card involving one of my favourite animals! Hope you are getting out for some wonderful hikes with the OF. Take care, Anthea (and Jim too).
Dear Patrick, Love you too! Oh, how sweet. Love, Jean Thanks Patrick!!! So, far we are surviving living in our "so-called" democracy. Still working on my new pink hat which I plan to wear with pride at the next demonstration!!! Hugs, N & D Hi Quasi-Democracy People! Have you applied for political asylum yet? What a colossal embarrassment if it wasn't so very, very serious! Buona Fortuna with next demonstration!!! All the best from Etta and Duke to Donna Pink Flamingo Floridian and Puce Prickly Pear! Cheers, Patrizzio! Glad I am in your address list. 💖
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