We have come to a point where it is loyalty to resist, and treason to
submit. -Carl Schurz, revolutionary, statesman, and reformer (1829-1906)
Hello, Corinne and Patrick! How are you? It's been while since I wrote you last time. I'm going to Canada from Feb.12 to Feb.22!! Will you be around in Canada? I have to work from 16th to 22nd in Whistler, but until then, I'm free. It would be great if I have a chance to see you or talk to you even on the phone. Love you, Toshiko
Hello Dearest Toshiko-San! How absolutely
lovely to hear from you! Glad all seems to be going well for you. How is your wonderful Mother,? Please pass along our best wishes and love to her.
Much, much to tell but first I should say that I feel rather badly that I've not been in touch with you of late.Unfortunately, if you would like to see Corinne you would have to fly, or take the bus, from Vancouver to Penticton, [Lady Dar takes the bus quite regularly and it is fine.], almost as soon as you arrive in Vancouver as she will be flying to Winnipeg on February 14th. I will be staying at home, in part as we now have two cats, Etta and Duke, which we adopted from the SPCA last August.
Depending on your schedule you could also come to Penticton after your business in Whistler is concluded but you will need to decide, given your overall schedule, finances, etc. You are welcome to stay here for as long or as briefly as you are able. It goes without saying that we are overjoyed to learn of your coming trip but feel badly that the timing and circumstances, such as they are, with respect to Corinne's planned trip to Manitoba. Anyway, let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly.
Much, much to tell but first I should say that I feel rather badly that I've not been in touch with you of late.Unfortunately, if you would like to see Corinne you would have to fly, or take the bus, from Vancouver to Penticton, [Lady Dar takes the bus quite regularly and it is fine.], almost as soon as you arrive in Vancouver as she will be flying to Winnipeg on February 14th. I will be staying at home, in part as we now have two cats, Etta and Duke, which we adopted from the SPCA last August.
Depending on your schedule you could also come to Penticton after your business in Whistler is concluded but you will need to decide, given your overall schedule, finances, etc. You are welcome to stay here for as long or as briefly as you are able. It goes without saying that we are overjoyed to learn of your coming trip but feel badly that the timing and circumstances, such as they are, with respect to Corinne's planned trip to Manitoba. Anyway, let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly.
Well, there you have it Toshi. A bit of window into the life of your adoring Host Parents. Please pass along our best wishes and fond regards to all your dear relatives, especially to Tomiko. Do think carefully about visiting as we'd simply love to see you again. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Toshi, in absentia, as she is at yoga as I scribe! Much Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Liisa! Trust you are well and enjoying retired life! Before I fill you in on our latest visit with Kjell, I have a favour to ask, on behalf of close friends, Josinta and Aarturo, from my hiking group. They live in Summerland and, along with many others in the community, are actively opposing a proposed seniors care facility which could affect the fish hatchery, and many other things, as well, there:
Summerlanders for Sensible Development, on Facebook, provides quite a bit of background information. They have asked me if I might be able to do a search on development projects, approved by municipalities, but subsequently went "wrong" for whatever reasons, (faulty engineering, lack of due diligence, etc), leaving the municipality liable and open to being sued, leaving the taxpayers to foot the bill. They would much appreciate knowing about such cases, because they believe this could happen to Summerland with the proposed Bristow Valley development. They are particularly concerned about slope instability, [although exponentially increased vehicular traffic, noise pollution and view obstruction are key issues as well], prospect of a landslide and ensuing, catastrophic environmental damage to cliffs and watershed which would certainly result in the devastation of hatchery below.
[Bev Power shared her album. 7 years ago today the excitement was building in Vancouver as The XXI Olympic Winter Games were about to begin. Such wonderful memories with family, great friends and of a childhood dream come true! Cheers to our Field of Play Team Wayne Sutherland Wayne ConnorsSharon Dahl and Michele Darrow-Sutherland Ryan SutherlandCorey WilliamNicole Marie Pj Elliott KwongMary Barr DeGrasseDebbie MacMurdoGail WeberWendy Martin-Stroyan, my sister Marie and brother Brian, and Peggy Connors & Swiss Nadienka Wyss, Sherry-Lyn Zuro Jackie Buckingham, Brett Hines, Patricia Chafe,Jordan Hamlyn Chloe Alexis Dunn, Patrick James Dunn and Corrine!]
I have done but a very general Google search but not being familiar with legalese I found it fairly heavy slogging with few results I found. If you have the time and willingness to do a more focused and competent search, I know it would be greatly appreciated. If not, perhaps you could suggest a more efficient approach, resources, etc. I certainly don't want to send you back to the life and work you've only fairly recently left but hope you might be able to share some of your expertise.
Come and stay, either with us or Famiglia Dronkers. They have a gorgeous home with a view and a hot tub so you can relax, taking in Okanagan Lake, sipping on fine wine and searching on your waterproof iPad! Anyway, when you have a moment, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks, in advance! Well, there you have it Liisa. Again, any help or advice you can provide on development project will be greatly appreciated. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Typical Kjell gesticulations!
Hi Ski Bums! Here is the message, [See above], I sent to our friend, Liisa, a now retired law librarian. Furthermore, I think you might well ask for a search of topic at your branch of the Okanagan Regional Library. No stone left unturned. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Poalo! Trust you and Joan are well. I would like to contact Liisa and don't have her current address. Are you able to provide it or else forward the attached message? Much appreciated. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Liisa - forwarding a message from Patrick at his request. Patrick, I copied you so you would have Liisa's new post retirement address. Cheers....Paul Hi again, Paolo, Thanks so much. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you dear friend, very much appreciate your help. Jos and Aart
Sorry, Pat, I am reneging on a bridge gathering on the Thursday before the rugby. Didn't realize that it conflicted with a trip away with some bridge / snowshoeing ladies to Whistler. Am back on Friday so You are welcome to come by for a visit / meal some other time over the weekend, Polly
Hi Pauline! Too, too bad but at least you will be engaging in two of my favourite activities. However, penalty for reneging, as you well know, is pretty stiff so you had better be prepared to pay the piper at some point in the not too, too distant future. I think you'll have to sleep in the garage, with Etta and Duke, when you visit, after Sandy Beach, in June! Enjoy your time at Whistler while you can!
Wondering if Mick will be available to play if I can arrange a game? We enjoyed a table, last night, in Summerland. Once people who are away, down south, start drifting back to Penticton, hope to have two tables at our weekly gatherings.
Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Mick. Earlier this afternoon she was off to a meeting with SOWINS for a joint fund raising project with GFA. Back from a most successful meeting, Lady Dar reported that the group was extremely pleased to be part of the project and had all sorts of ideas to make it a success. Women involved really liked Dusty's painting so Corinne was pleased about that, of course. She will share this news with him when she flies back to Winnipeg, mid-February. Next meeting is with Downtown Penticton Association, next week. I think Lady Dar will be mayor by 2018! All the very best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge in Summerland and fabulous prizes
Hello Darling Penguin! Trust you are well. To get straight to the point, I am heading into Vancouver in March, from the 9th to the 13th, and am wondering if you would be interested in hosting a bridge evening on Thursday night! Sorry to be so pushy but thought I'd ask. Haven't approached Champagne/O Susannah as I thought I'd see what your interest/schedule might allow. As well, since I won't have a vehicle, (Lady Dar is making me take the bus!), it will be easier for me if it is at your place. [Is it true that Legs is alive and well and living in Vancouver? Carlos suggested this was the case last time we talked about bridge!] Anyway, let me know what you think and I'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Janet. Chat soon, I trust. All the very best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Of course I'm free that Thursday evening. I have no life. Plan away. Penguin Hi again, Penguin! Fabuloso! Just to confirm, you will host? If so, I suggest a pot-luck. Two tables if I can drum up enough players. Okay? Your life is the envy of millions! I told you, at the Pitchforks, come up to Penticton for a break and we'll play non-stop bridge and you can run on the KVR while I cycle beside you! Cheers, Il Conduttore! Yes I'll host though I only have one table and a rectangular one at that. We can squeeze in another bridge table though it will be cozy. I do have enough chairs for 8 though. Yes potluck would work fine. I can probably do a lasagne or something like that. J Hi again, Lasagna Woman! Sounds wonderful! I've sent out a message to gang and will be in touch as soon as I have heard back. Thanks again. Look forward to seeing you, one way or another. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Bridge Fiends! Trust everyone is well. To get straight to the point,The Penguin, after much arm-twisting and promises of fine Okanagan wine, has agreed to host a bridge evening on March 9th. It will be a pot-luck and she has already volunteered a mouth-watering lasagna! Elaine, I know you and Theodorakis will be away in The Big Apple but I was wondering if any of your bridge friends would be interested. If so, please forward this message or provide me with contact details. Thanks. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick you are the King of emails my friend. I know you are a professor but were you also a writer? I'm glad that things are going well and that you are both happy. The sleepy photo in the chair is my favourite. The mission was one of my all time favorite movies of all time, when they are all walking with that beautiful music score and they are getting shot and killed and they keep picking up that cross and walking. Still makes me tear up. Ah life!
Hi again, Sensitive New Age Male and Man-on-a-Mission! Thanks for the market update on Cannery Row. Of late, Lady Dar and I, and Chloë, of course, have been discussing what we plan to do with the Loft. At the moment, we re still trying to decide if we wish to cut our links to Vancouver, at least in terms of owning property there. I know that Chloë has had a number of discussions with an agent who had sold one, or perhaps two units in the building, over the past six months or so. To be quite frank, I do not know what her feelings are about him, should we decide to sell. I have forwarded your message to her and we will chat about next steps, should there be some.
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Baby gargantua (detail)
Illustration: Gustave Doré, 1873
[Jacqueline Kennedy] Patrick, I am in for Bridge next Weds. I am having a lovely week in Vancouver but I will be back in Naramata in time for the Super Bowl��😊 The first Thursday of the month would work for me. It's usually the 2nd or 3rd that we have our board meetings. March 2 is fine. Love the photos. We have visited Grant's establishment and I too enjoyed some great tasting there. I have a long memory, so if you get some of that whiskey I would love a taste - a very wee dram. Dame Judith
Hello Patrick Thought you and Corinne may want to know about this.
Dear friends and colleagues, Brian Campbell’s memorial will be held on March 11. There will be music and snacks, as well as a chance to talk together about Brian and with the people who shared some of the same interests. Here are the details: Solidarity Celebration for Brian Campbell @ the WISE Hall 1882 Adanac St, Vancouver, BC Saturday, March 11, 2017, 1:00 p.m. Looking forward to seeing many of you there as we celebrate the life of this extraordinary person. Kind regards, Jacqueline van Dyk Director of Library Services | North Vancouver District Public Library
[Ty Cobb (1911) Detroit Tigers]
Hi Jo-Anne! I keep forgetting to thank you for forwarding the notice of Brian's memorial service. Unfortunately, although I will be in Vancouver, I will not be attending as I'm otherwise engaged. I first met Brian back in 1976 or 1977 when he was teaching part-time in the Faculty of Ed. His wife, Gillian, was in my Library School Class, but he didn't go to LS until the '80's, I believe. Thanks again, Patrizzio!
Banana Head – A man walked into a bar with a banana on his head. As he served him the bartender said, “Look, I don’t know if you realize this, but you’ve got a banana on your head.” “That’s okay,” said the man. “I always wear a banana on my head on Tuesdays.” “But today’s Wednesday,? Said the bartender.“It’s not, is it?” groaned the man. “Oh no, I must look like a complete idiot!”
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