Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only. -Henry David Thoreau, naturalist and author (1817-1862)
Hi, Patrick! Wow! It's snowing(^^) Looking forward to it!! I could change my flight to arrive in Vancouver on 11th! I arrive at 10:40am, and the flight to Pendicton is closet to evening both Air Canada and WestJet. Since I have a quite long waiting hours until the next flight, I'm thinking about taking bus (Greyhound) at 12:30 to Penticton. Or if it's difficult to catch, I will fly with around 18:00 airplane. I'm really excited to see you! Love, Toshiko
Hi again, Toshi! Be terrific if you could arrive on February 11th as Chloë said she'd be happy to pick you up at the airport. Your timing might be tight, in terms of clearing customs and then getting to bus station, even with Chloë to drive you. Ticket price, for bus, which I quoted was for a senior rate so it will be more for you. At any rate, Chloë said she'd be happy to spend time with you if you choose to fly. You will have to decide as you should probably book your flight if you want to come here that way.
Unfortunately, with weather we are having of late, both here and in Vancouver, even flights could be problematic. All flights into Penticton were cancelled on Friday and we are not sure about today. However, one hopes that by next weekend, weather will have settled down. Life in Canada.
Anyway, I really wouldn't worry so just plan what you think is best and we'll act accordingly. Let us and Chloë know your flight info, etc. Fondestos from The Sisterhood, busy in the kitchen preparing tonight's dinner: sirloin steaks, cut into strips to be eaten with lettuce wraps, like tacos, with a Mexican Cauliflower/Rice recipe! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Duke climbing the neighbour's tree and then onto their roof to get back down while I was shoveling walks! Exhaustos cats! The Sisterhood!
Hello Pat! Finally have some time to do emails! Thank you for yours, and all the others in the past. Yes, I know I am the world's worst email correspondent, and I will try to be a model this new year. I really do appreciate receiving them, and know it can't be a one way street.
Kjell got up to Silver Star without incident and then took me back down to Vernon to get my final Hep A+B shot before the trip. We had a final communal supper at the rental place. Very good company. The group have been together for many years now, and aside from Sharon and Mark I don't see any of them the rest of the year. It works out really well and I like them all. We are all very different but it is a lot of fun and interesting as a result. I had some great cross country skiing and had some pretty long days with distances of 15+ km.
It was freezing cold Wednesday night and I lay awake worrying about whether the car would start in the morning or not, but in fact it wasn't as cold as I had thought it would be and it started right away! We drove back over the connector to Merritt and then south. Absolutely beautiful weather and spectacular scenery.
To our surprise we made better time than expected through the Fraser Valley and Vancouver, and made the 5pm ferry with lots of time to spare. Then it was just the drive up Island. Dry roads so the visibility was fine and we made it home in good time.
House was freezing but it warmed up quickly and it was good to be back. Now it is full steam ahead planning for Cuba. Have you and Corinne been to Cuba? Lots of details to attend to. It was 20 years since I was there and this will be a totally different trip. First of all there will be two of us, and secondly I previously had my own transportation. Here's a link to my journal from 1997 trip: It is an old site and you have to go to the top to move to the next day's report.
Snow today and everything is lovely. It was perfect snowball snow! As usual here the forecasts are all over the place, but we've decided not to get the road plowed.
I got my mobile phone unlocked but I'm not sure if I'll need it in Cuba, or if it would be worth is or not.
Kjell is cooking dinner tonight. He is making pyttipanna with leftover roast beef. Same as a hash really but I'm glad he is cooking.
When we came back there was noticeably more sunshine here just in the time we were away. The angle of the bluff behind us is on the same height as the trajectory of the sun in December and January, but now it arcs over the top of the bluff very nicely. Much appreciated!
Even before we go I'm looking forward to spring here and watching things start to grow and get going on projects. Also looking forward to seeing you and Corinne should you make it to the Island. Fondestos, as you would say, Jane
Hi Jane! Thank you for the newsy message. [I haven't had a minute to look at your archival blog but will do so as soon as I'm able!] Pleased that your trip back to VI went so swimmingly and you are now ensconced in the lap of luxury, sheer luxury! Sun may well be at a more propitious angle for you but we are still dealing with snow, and loads of it! Temperature is quite mild so very pleasant to be outside. I trust we will have a chance to visit you but please think about a trip to see us. Fondestos from The Sisterhood Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Joanne's deck last night.
Winter Wonderland. Wayne]
Did Pam & Chloe get to your place ? IT was snowing in Van, Sunday It is going to be snow again ,so hope they make it out .Van has had Terrible weather this winter .It is cold here but not much snow for Awhile .It is Beaver Days this weekend ,they finally opened the Snowmobile trails again so hope they stand up till weekend is over All that warm weather didn't help any .George & Barb will work Late so he can lock up the money .George keeps the wood pail full so
We are cozy .We miss Cody coming twice a week for supper .
Lots of B/ D 's this month ,Pierre ,Carly ,James ,Cam ,Heather and Gavin who will be 65 on the 20 th .Thanks for the B/ D wishes Barb made chicken fingers for me on Sunday ,her Mum was 80 on Feb 3 but they had a luncheon for her on Sat so they were away on My day Dusty just about the same, fell last nite so has a few sore spots today Lucky he didn't break anything Clara
Hi Rosita! Sorry to hear about Dusty's fall but very pleased to learn that he didn't really hurt himself or break something! Keep the rum bottle closer to him so he doesn't have to move very far for a refill!

Anyway, story gets worse as it has been snowing ever since Thursday night. I went out last night, around 10:00 pm, to do walks and back driveway as they were covered again, since when I'd done them earlier in the day! Same is true again this morning so I will start shoveling once I've sen this message. Don't really mind as it is very light snow and not overly cold. Etta and Duke love the snow and race all over, plowing through the small drifts which soon won't be so small. Unfortunately, all flights have been cancelled so Pam wil have to start wearing my underwear! Chloë doesn't care as she rather stay here with her kittens but Pam may well have to think about taking the bus back to Vancouver if this weather doesn't break!
The Sisterhood will probably give you a call to give you an update and say hello to Dusty. Much Love and Fondestos from them. Pam got up to go to the bathroom and went back to bed; Lady Dar is still in bed and Chloë is watching TaVeee in the Rumpus Room. She has been playing "fetch" with Duke since 7:00 am! He loves to have visitors!!! Cheers, Your Very, Very Favourite Son-in-Law, [Sorry Mighty Grigor but that's Life!], Patrizzio! Pics: Front yard, last night. Snow was completely gone, everywhere, except in surrounding hills, until this past Thursday night/early Friday morning and now we are right back to square one! Snow plow just made a pass down our street!
Hi Guys! Looking for a catchy slogan as a realtor. Any ideas? Real Estate by Riera Real estate for people on the move Lori likes Real Estate, Real Riera (but I think it is a mouthful Or making your dream home, your real home.
Please help! Thanks! Love Carol So far, I like Real Estate by Riera. I will keep my thinking cap on. XOXO Connie Bruno is leaning towards that one too. 😘
Hi Slogan Woman! Rely on Riera! [Not, I repeat not "You can Rely on Riera!"] Simple, short, to the point yet with enough connotative punch to encapsulate both your integrity and competence and thereby draw potential clients to choose you over others vying for their business.
15% of each future sale if you use it! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Duke climbing the neighbour's tree and then onto their roof to get back down while I was shoveling walks! Exhaustos cats!
Love it! Thanks Paprika. How about a bottle of wine. 😜😘Ok. I think Paprika is the winner with "Rely on Riera!" Hi Shyster Chooch! Better be a very, very expensive bottle of wine, if you are stiffing me on 15% commission! Rely on Riera indeed, to put one over on a bumpkin from the Okanagan! Cheers, Patrizzio! You make me laugh out loud! 😘 Hi again, Chooch the Smooch! Of course, laughing all the way to the bank, Babycakes, all the way to the bank! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Just be glad you are itemized with Brunello! Sounds good to me! XOXO Connie
Hi Patrick, Just wondering is you folks will be around on May 28th, as we will be passing through Penticton then, and would like to inspect your new digs. -Colin Hi Colin! Terrific that you want to check out our new digs. You are welcome to stay for a couple of nights, or longer, depending on your schedule. Are you coming from or going to Alberta? No never mind but just let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos from The Sisterhood! Just working on a 2015 Township 7 Reserve Pinot Gris, 13.5% to be followed by a 2014 Orofino Scout Vineyard Rieslaing, 13.3%. Hardship posting in the Okanagan! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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