Poor is the power of the lead that becomes bullets compared to the power
of the hot metal that becomes types. -Georg Brandes, critic and scholar
(4 Feb 1842-1927)
Hi, Patrick and Corinne! Thank you so much!! It's so nice of Chloe to be with me if the time is early! I could book my flight between Vancouver to Penticton.
On 14th, Corinne is leaving for Winnipeg, so is it better for me to leave early flight or on 13th at night? I can still change my flight without any extra charge.
Do you want anything from Japan? If you do, please let me know! Every time, great photos! I attach some photos from our seminar and with colleagues. I am usually in charge of operation for our seminars. Love, Toshiko
Hi Toshi! Your flights look just fine. Chloë will pick you up and after you spend some time together she'll either take you back to the airport or put you on the Sky Train, depending on weather, traffic, etc. Good time to arrive in Penticton as we'll have supper waiting, if you can stay awake! Corinne leaves around 2:00 pm on the 14th so I wouldn't change your flight back to Vancouver. You can stay longer that day, if you wish, it goes without saying.
If you leave, as scheduled, Chloë won't be able to collect you that day as she will be at work but we'll give you a key to her place. I suggest you leave your large luggage at Chloë's when you arrive and only bring a small case to Penticton. Chloë can lend you something if you don't have a carry-on or a knapsack. That way, when you return to Vancouver you wouldn't necessarily have to go to Chloë's place and could spend the day as you see fit. Anyway, just a suggestion. Of course, you are welcome to go to Chloë's place and stay or leave from there. The Powell Street bus will take you right downtown and is a very good service.
Anyway, looks as if things are well set. Back in from more than hour of shoveling. It snowed all night again and Chloë was just talking with Air Canada. Not sure if flights will make it in today, as of this point! Maybe she and Pam will still be here when you arrive! Etta and Duke love the snow, chasing snow flakes and wading through the drifts! Loved the snaps of you and your fellow workers! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Last night with Etta and Duke and The Sisterhood! Duke this morning. Table top shows how much snow has fallen!
Hi Sarge! Were you at JT's for dinner last night? Guess you'll be watching the Super Bowl today. At your place? Probably as everyone will be snowed in if deck shot is any indication! All of tomorrow's flights are already fully booked, (as a result of earlier cancellations), should they even be able to fly, so Pam and Chloë won't be able to get on any if they don't make it out tonight! Will inquire about Kelowna and also bus options! Maybe they will still be here when you are next up to Spirit Ridge! How's the supply of salt in the city this time around? Cheers, Patrizzio!

�������� Hi Sun Peaks Folks! Great snaps indeed!
Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Robert! Great placard indeed! How are you faring in Vancouver with most recent
snowfall? All the best to bridge lads. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, All is great here and the snow does not seem nearly as bad as yours. Fortunately we have no flights planned for the immediate future. I will give the boys your best on Monday. Take care and have fun (if those are compatible). Cheers. Robert.
Hi all: I will be going on a short and easy boot hike tomorrow (Mon., Feb. 6th). Starting at the KVR trestle, heading S, part way, or all the way to the shooting range, dropping downhill and walking back somewhere between KVR and the hwy bluffs. If free and interested, I could do with some company. Meet at the usual IGA parking place at 9:00 (the Southerners meet at 8:40 at the Pent. HH)
3 hrs max Gaiters and poles highly recommended, expect up to a foot of snow
Coffee at a place of our choosing, depending on the numbers. Al
3 hrs max Gaiters and poles highly recommended, expect up to a foot of snow
Coffee at a place of our choosing, depending on the numbers. Al
Hi Big Al! Wonderful to know you are out and about again! I quite
enjoyed your photos of hike to Little Tunnel so thanks for that. With
respect to tomorrow's hike I think I would be tempted to join you as
from what you describe, I think I could manage it without risk of
falling and doing something to my new left hip! However, with all of the
snow of late I have to drive Chloë and Lady Dar's sister, Pamela, to
Kelowna tomorrow. They flew into town on Thursday and that was the last
flight since! They were supposed to leave this evening but due to all
sorts of de-icing backlogs, in Vancouver, it was very unlikely that
flights would land in Penticton today, weather aside, apparently.
Anyway, Pamela has to be in Vancouver for business this coming week so,
all things considered, they decided to bet on Kelowna.
At any rate, I'll be thinking of you as I race past the IGA parking lot tomorrow morning. Look forward to seeing you and gang in the not too, too distant future. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
At any rate, I'll be thinking of you as I race past the IGA parking lot tomorrow morning. Look forward to seeing you and gang in the not too, too distant future. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I realize that you and Corinne, (aka Lady Dar), are cat people. Sally and I once owned a cat, but now we're strictly dog people, although we don't actually own a dog at this time. Have you ever encountered a rastafarian dog, complete with dreadlocks?
Hi Dog People! Great snaps of pooches and kids! How are you faring in Winnipeg, so far this winter? Pam and Chloë decided to book a flight out of Kelowna. Still, not even guaranteed that this will happen either. Life in the Sunny Okanagan! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi All! I don't feel like playing bridge this week! Thanks Patrick and Corinne for offering to host. I'm just not into it this week, so I hope enough of you want to play so it can go ahead. cheers, Pam
Hi Pat, Lots of snow up here too! Bitterly cold and forecast to get even colder over the next few days! Not sure whether I will make it to Penticton - fresh snow forecast this week will make skiing conditions too good to miss. The following week I have a friend coming from Calgary for a few days so I have pretty much run out of time! Maybe next year?
It was great to catch up with you and Corinne then Gregg and Francesca last week; that was the first time for a long time that just the 3 of us have been able to sit down and have a good old fashioned chin wag (and a few tipples while we were at it)! Gregg looked great - it was good to see him looking and sounding so well. Fondestos to Cloe and Pam! Ooroo for now Trevor
Hi Trevorino! Glad you enjoyed a
good visit with Lurch and Grogg. They'll be here next weekend, as you
know. As it turns out, our former boarder, Toshi, from Osaka, will be
flying into Penticton on Saturday. Just heard from her a few days ago
and she'll be in Vancouver, on business at Whistler, so she is coming to visit before Lady Dar heads out to Winnipeg. Never a dull moment!
about running out of time and the fact that snow conditions will be so
good. Of course, we'd loved to have seen you here but next time for
sure. Have passed along your greetings to Chloë and Pam and they asked
me to send along their best wishes. Must away to sweep front walk as it
has finally stopped snowing, for the moment, at least! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Duke earlier this afternoon after supervising snow removal!
Hi Old Farts, Let’s bet back to snowshoeing this Thursday. We will: -meet at Home hardware north parking lot at 0900 (0840 at IGA for folks from Summerland) -carpool and make our way to the Snowflake parking lot -snowshoe from there around the west side of the Three Bears and gradually make our way up to the top of Mama and Papa Bear -return to Snowflake by a route to be decided -stop for coffee and debriefing Are you interested? Let me know so that we have an idea of numbers. Cheers, Jim
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Alleged portrait of Terrence
Image: Codex Vaticanus Latinus 3868/Wikimedia
Hi everyone; At our recent ski day at Apex we had a turnout of about 10 folks who collectively decided they would like to try another ski day this time at Baldy Ski Area near Oliver. So a date was decided upon to go on Wednesday Feb 15th so mark your calendars now if you would like to go. The plan would be to meet at home Hardware in Penticton at 800 am and Summerland folks can carpool from IGA at 740 am. This would get us to Baldy about 930am and on the snow around 1000 am which is probably fine for everyone. The good news is that Baldy is selling lift tickets for only 5.00 bucks on Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the month of February. It’s now on their website. I think their rental package runs about $35 for the works……great deals and with the snow we are getting conditions should be favorable. At these rates we could even buy our lunch there and support their business at the same time. Of course you are also welcome to bring your own lunch if you prefer.
For those who have not been to Baldy it is an easier beginner/intermediate ski area with mostly of green and blue runs. I would be happy to show everyone around as I have been there several times over the years and once this season for their opening weekend. If you are interested please respond so we have some idea of the numbers. Cheers…Kilian
For those who have not been to Baldy it is an easier beginner/intermediate ski area with mostly of green and blue runs. I would be happy to show everyone around as I have been there several times over the years and once this season for their opening weekend. If you are interested please respond so we have some idea of the numbers. Cheers…Kilian
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