Society is like a stew. If you don't keep it stirred up you get a lot of
scum on the top. -Edward Abbey, naturalist and author (1927-1989)
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Nikolaj Lie Kaas as Carl Mørck |
Hi Carlos! You can reach us at our home number. I'll be home most of the day today and certainly this evening. Lady Dar, back from Manitoba on Wednesday, is discharging her regular Friday volunteer duties on the Information Desk at Penticton General Hospital, from 8:00 am-12:00 noon and then playing Mah Jong from 2:00 pm-5:00pm afterwards. Just me and the cats! How was your trip to Thailand? Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Nice chatting and getting caught up. Just in case you want to study my disease! Myasthenia Gravis (MG) Along with a multitude of other pains in the body.
[Sylvie Roy:
What is the problem with Charlie ? Is it his back? Going to have a mild weekend then a storm on Monday, maybe. Snow and or rain. Barb&George came home on Thursday, got to Deacons corner where we stopped so I could go to bathroom Corinne, went in for a bit, came & car wouldn't start. had to get it
Toued back to Can Tire & get a new fuel pump & Barb just out of Hospital and feeling like a bus had run over her ,She was so happy To get home. Had four guys working on car so only took one hour Spelling mistakes but I can't be bothered to go back to correct them Clara
Hi Terrible, Lazy Speller! I sent this along yesterday but in case you missed message while reading Spelling & Grammar for Dummies, this is what Champagne said. A quick search revealed that it is "a rare chronic autoimmune disease marked by muscular weakness without atrophy, and caused by a defect in the action of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions." Charlie said that he is taking a plethora of pills but condition is treatable and he has almost completely recovered.
This being the case, he wanted to try and connect when I'm in town, although the bridge night at the Penguin's is out. Too tiring, at this point. Lady Dar was off, at 9:00 am to an eco-seminar at the Blue Church on Main and Eckhard, across from Theo's. On until 3:00 pm so we won't go to the Home & Reno Show until tomorrow. When she's back, we'll take a run to Township 7 to taste two new vintage releases: the 2016 Sauvignon Blanc, from the stony soils of North Bench Oliver, and the 2016 7 Blanc a mélange of Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, Muscat, Viognier and Riesling. Dusty would be happy! However, of late, I've been truly impressed with a number of their higher end reds, Rosita!
Fondestos to you and Picasso. Send me a few snaps of his latest canvases! Love and Cheers from Patrizzio, Your Favourite Son-in-Law!
Looked up the Mg He has ,there is no cure but it can be treated Affects the eyes, especially the eye lids, and you can have double Vision. Very sad that he has it, maybe no travel for him now. Mild weather here today. Enjoy stay in Van. Take Dusty for hearing test on 10 th. Think he is due for new hearing
Aids again Love Clara
Hi Patrizio! Thanks so much for the wonderful thoughts. I treasure knowing you and Lady Dar. I might just have a Bailey's tonight on you! CC
Hi Fast Eddy! Trust you are well! Corinne and I moved to Penticton in May, 2015 and have been enjoying the good life ever since. I'm writing to inquire whether you might be interested in playing brdge, next week, in the evening, on Thursday, February 9th, with Ragin' Bull, at Janet Scot's place on Broadway and Maple. Did you know her from VRC? I will be in Vancouver for the Sevens Rugby on the weekend so was hoping to play some bridge and see old friends while there. Anyway, let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, I never got the chance to congratulate you on your move..well done? I am happy for you and Corinne. I am sure you have cornered the bridge market in Penticton. I am pretty sure I will be able to play but I will OK it with Donna when she comes home. There are a lot of things going on that I am not aware of...she writes stuff down I don't. Looking forward to seeing you..Ed
Hello Penguin and Ragin' Bull! (Quite a menagerie!!!) I just had a chat with Champagne Charlie and, unfortunately, he and O Susannah will not be able to join us on Thursday. Neither will Mick. This being the case, I guess we will only have one table of bridge, at least at this point. That is fine with me BUT we need at least one more player as Sarge won't be coming until later in the evening. I have sent a message to Fast Eddy McCorkell but have yet to hear back from him. Ragn', any word from Sondra? Three-handed bridge is loads of fun and we will have more time to visit! Anyway, let me know what you both think and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat I am going to pass on the bridge . I am not playing any bridge these days and find it very taxing on my shrinking brain!! I'm sure , with your extensive network of friends, you will be able to get a quorum of talented players. Give us a call when you are in town and we can arrange to meet at the rugby. Cheers Mick PS Jodie ( Winnipeg friend) is with Polly in whistler and Nick is a very reluctant bridge player. Patricio, I have a victim for bridge. Old friend of mine, she is definitely a newbie but is eager to learn. We have to be nice to her. \\Bjp
Hi Mick! Sorry you won't be joining us. As it turns out Champagne Charlie and O Susannah are not available either. However, Ragin' has dredged up a friend and I've been in touch with Fast Eddy McCorkell and he is pretty sure he can play so we are set. Funny how these things turn out but two friends, Carol and Bruno, from Qualicum Beach, are visiting the Saturday and Sunday, of the Sevens, en route to Kelowna, and Ruth Toews and her sister Deb, are staying on Sunday, as well, back from Kelowna! Will call when I'm in town. I presume Sarge and I will either walk to or be dropped off at BC Place. We can coordinate this, of course. Fondestos to you and Double-Booked Polly! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids! Just heard back from Fast Eddy and he is pretty sure he can play so we are set, especially as Ragin' has dredged up a friend. She is relatively new to the game so we are instructed to be ever so gentle with her!
To matters practical: What is your street address and phone number, Janet? I'm pretty sure I can find your place but I need to send it to others. I'm bringing appetizers, Janet is doing the lasagna so I suggest/request that Ragin' does his mean Greek salad and perhaps his, as yet unnamed friend could contribute a dessert. I'll put the finger on Fast Eddy for an appetizer if he is going to be part of the evening. Around 6:00 pm +/-? How does this sound? Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Great. I'll send address later. 6 is fine.
Patriçio, Mean Greek salad is being planned as I scribe. I have been checking out the *many* varieties of Feta and olives at the Parthenon. This will be my finest creation. Or, I might just grab a bag of kale and a tube of Ziggies feta at the MoFrills, … You are coming in on the 8th correct? If you lack a better plan, I could pick you up and we could go for a beer at one of the local establishments. cheers//bjp
Hi Ragin' Chauffeur! Mean Zorba The Greek Saladin sounds fabulento! However, if you do go for the much preferred Cheap Frills approach it will match, and poifectly so, my contribuzzzione of Cheeezzzzwhizzzz and celery sticks!
Just printed out my Greyhound tickets and I will arrive, all going well, at 1:30 pm, Wednesday, March 8th, at the Greyhound Terminal, 1150 Station St, (604) 683-8133. A pub session at some local brewery, after you and your limo collect me, sounds terrific. However, in my email dealings with Champagne Charlie, (According to him, he is suffering from a multitude of pains in the body." Apparently, "things" are, more or less, under control.), he would like to meet somewhere, just for a brief visit.) Now that I have my itinerary I will contact him and see where he and O Susannah would like to rendezvous. He had mentioned, earlier, that somewhere near Granville Island would be possible. If you have a local brew pub around there, or Olympic Village, perhaps we could chose that spot. Only real condition I have is that place should be quiet enough to be able to visit without shouting!
As soon as I hear back from Champagne I'll let you know and we can further thrash out details. Thanks for offer of a lift, of course. Talk soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick lovely to hear from you, you sure have a busy life, and seem to settled well in Penticton. But you are such a social person, it comes easy to you. I am not sure when and if we come to the Okanagan, Lore is going to Germany May/June for 4 weeks. We shall see, we have not even talked about it.
I am busy with baby-sitting and of course my volunteer work, children's hospital, Symphony, Opera. Roman ( Masha's son) lives in PoCo and i am often out there to look after little rascal Sebastian. Usually I stay over night, Roman works from home, Tessa works 2 days a week out-side the home. Therefore there is always need for baby-sitting. I am in good health, for the age of almost 83 I am doing well. Well my friend say Hi to Corinne, and thanks for the pics. Love Gisela
Hi again, Gisela! I know your plans for an Okanagan visit are up in the air but do hope you can manage a visit. Fall is a great time as well. Must away as I needs must put another log on the fire to keep Lady Dar cosy! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
HI Thanks for the up date. Are you going to be in Vancouver from March 28th to April 5th. I will be there at that time. I don't think I can get to the Okanagan, but who knows! I am going to Yellowknife on March 17th and staying until March 23rd. Then I am going to Campbell River until March 28th. Then I am going to visit with Al and Aline until the 6th. I would love to visit, but you are so far away. Who knows, maybe I jump into a car and visit for a day! How long is the drive?
You sound great, I wish I wrote like you, but as you have experienced over the years, I write short and sweet emails. Our life is good, kids are great, and we still have no grandchildren - darn.
We are on tender hooks waiting for Sam and Kayla to find out where their residencies will be. Canada has rejected the two of them so off to the states. We hear if they are accepted on March 13th. They are a couples match and that tends to decrease the odds of getting back into Canada. However, why would Canada want 2 young Canadians that scored in the 1st percentile of the Canadian exams and are graduateing with distinction from a prestigious Irish university? That is a rhetorical question.
We are going to lose 2 more talented young people to the states. Our medical system doesn't seem to care. Do you think I am annoyed? Yes I am, but the American programs are way more interested in Canadians than our Canadian medical programs. It really is Canada's loss. I have seen it over and over in the past few years. There is a doctor shortage, but our medical administrators are not addressing the real issues. They keep their head in the sand and collect their pay checks. If we get together, I can tell you more. You probably don't want to hear about it after the above information.
Enough of that, we am leaving St Maartens tomorrow, we were here for 3 weeks only this year, too little. Now we are heading back to the cold, brrrr! You guys sound great, thanks for the email update. Love Rhoda
Hi Tropical Climate People! I gather you have escaped the blizzard conditions!
When you run out of local rum try this: < > He'd be a grand chap to have at an Open House, both for entertainment and hootch! I'm busing into Vancouver on March 8th, returning on Monday, March 13th so our paths won't intersect. However, use some of your millions of Air Miles and fly up to Penticton in April! Hello to Sint Maarten! Wish we could join you. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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