Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Hard Nose The Highway Blues: Wednesday, March 8th!

No human being is illegal. -Elie Wiesel, writer, Nobel laureate (b. 1928) 

Up at 4:50 am to turn off the alarm before it had a chance to wake Lady Dar. Etta and Duke were purring like mini-outboards, presumably at the thought of going outside so early. Once I'd opened their cat door in the garage, I collected some of the kindling I'd split yesterday, returned to the kitchen to zap my java, prepare their food and then lay a fire. It started crackling away quite nicely  almost immediately. I didn't even need to light the crumpled paper as it was ignited by some of last night's still glowing embers. Then a quick shower before I having my own breakfast. 

Lady Dar was awake when I went into the bedroom and we were soon joined by Etta and Duke, the latter very busy inspecting my knapsack. Didn't have too, too much time once I was showered and dressed so I quickly packed my toiletries and computer and then we were off. Only had a chance for a few mouthfuls of overlefts before I had to say goodbye to kittens. Lady Dar had already loaded my bag and was scraping the windshield when I stepped outisde. Light dusting of snow on the road.

She dropped me off at the bus depot at about 6:10 am and we bade each other farewell and then I was on my own. Greyhound didn’t arrive until about half an hour later. Chap in the Waiting Room offered me his Macdonald’s potatoe fritter so I accepted, quite glady, since I really had not had time to eat much of my own breakfast! When bus did arrive I was rather surprised that it was as full as it was. Quite a few of the seats were taken up by passengers, from Calgary, I presume, trying to sleep so I had to search for a place to sit.

Started reading my book, February, as soon as we left Penticton. First stop was in Summerland so I discovered a part of town I’d not been to before. On the way to West Kelowna, the sun was absolutely blinding and I wished I’d put my sunglasses in my jacket pocket. Couldn’t be bothered to retrieve them from my knapsack so just closed my eyes against the almost hurtful light. Chap next me had a ball cap so he had it to shield his face. However, it didn’t take long and we were dropped off in Westbank. Terminal was closed and we had to wait an hour for bus so I headed to the Cherry Pit for a mug of java and the Breakfast Special. HP Sauce so I was in heaven, with my sourdough toast, eggs over easy, hash browns and a slice of ham.Coffee was anaemic but I'd had a good jolt at Burns Street so wasn't overly fussed. 

Paid my bill at 8:5 am, thanked the pleasant, efficient waitress and mad emy way back to the depot. A number of additional passengers were waiting and it was open. Someone remarked that it opened at 8:00 am so I guess I needn't have gone over to the restaurant had I wanted to wait outisde for half an hour. It wasn't overly chilly so I suppose I could have stood around. Many of those waiting, earlier, back in Penticton, were nicotine fiends and I noticed that those passengers, continuing on to other destiantions, took the opportunity to smoke greedily while bus was being off-loaded. Chap who had offered me his fritter lit up as soon as we disembarked in West Kelowna so I think I made for the restaurant to escape the second-hand smoke!

On the Connector now and highway is almost bare. Wonder what the Coquihalla has in store for us? I'm at the very back, spread across three seats, next to the Lavatorio/Washroom/Toilette, take your pick! Mr Fritter/Nicotine Fiend just used facility. Must admit, I didn't really wish to strike up a conversation with him as I think I might have been barnaclized. I already know, as does the waitress in the Cherry Pit, and both bus drivers, and numerous other fellow passengers that he is en route to see his amore in Victoria, telling her, very loudly, into his cell that her loves her very much. I wonder if she is a smoker as well.

When on the Connector the highway was almost bare. Wondered what the Coquihalla had in store for us? I situated myself at the very back, spread across three seats, next to the Lavatorio/Washroom/Toilette, take your pick! Mr Fritter/Nicotine Fiend just used facility. Must admit, I didn't really wish to strike up a conversation with him as I think I might have been barnaclized. I already know, as does the waitress in the Cherry Pit, and both bus drivers, (Changed buses in WK), and numerous other fellow passengers, that he is en route to see his amore in Victoria, telling her, very loudly, into his cell that her loves her very much. I wonder if she is a smoker as well.

An hour or so ago, when making our way though the deep cuts to the top of the Connector the snow clad trees were picture perfect. Sky is almost completely cloudless, a piercing blue. Needed my sunnies even though sun is not slanting in. Speeding along Coke now and right lane on both sides, is bare, while left lanes have, from what I can tell, a thin hard pack of snow. Overcast at the moment so much better for typing as scree was hard to see in sunshine streaming in through the window. Driver is rock and rollin' so I assume we will be on schedule unless conditions deteriorate! 

After Ragin' collected me we made a brief stop at Coastal Ford, just around the corner to see my friend, Steve Cobbin, one of the Service Managers there. Steve shares an interest in wine and I wanted to ask him if jhe wanted me to put together a case for him and bring it down when Lady Dar and I will be back in the city again, for her Library School class reunion, mid-May. He was very keen as he really likes selection I had chosen last Fall.

On to MEC next to inquire about my Garmin odometre. Bought it in 2012, in York, actually, and I think the battery is failing as it no longer seems to hold a charge for long, even when fully charged according to read-out. Anyway, my particular model has been discontinued and replaced by a small unit for around $180, while next step up is around $400. Not sure what I will do. Apparently, I can send unit in to Garmin and an estimate will be provided. I think it'll probably cost almost as much as buying the lower end model!

Just back from a short walk with Branko and Rebekah's dog, Juno. Rebekah, (Ragin's' eldest daughter), left her with Branko yesterday as she is working at a camp, for the next three weeks, in northern Alberta. She is some sort of medical officer and seems to work three weeks on, three weeks off. Walked about four blocks or so, down to see if Mike Carter was home. He wasn't. I'm going to the Sevens with him this weekend.

Back at the house for a few moments while Branko looked in on his Dad and then we headed out to the Parthenon for appetizers and such, both for our dinner at Branko's place, as well as for tomorrow night's bridge pot-luck. Originally we were having two tables but through a series of events, {Will fill you in on details on Monday!}, it has dwindled to one. Still, it will be fun to see The Penguin, (aka Janet Scott, [She is hosting at her place on Broadway and Maple.], and Fast Eddy McCorkle, both friends from squash playing days. Not sure if I like the selection at the Parthenon as much as at Minerva's, down a few blocks west and across Broadway. However, Ragin' seems to shop at former and I hadn't been there, literally since place first burned down, (I think it has happened three times or more!), way, way back in the early '80's I think, so I was curious to return. Must say that there is a fabulous deli, not that far from our place, on Main Street, that Lady Dar first discovered and it is certainly as good or even better, in terms of meat and cheese offerings, as well as other specialty items, as some of the places here in Vancouver.

Then on to Cheap Frills at 4th and Dunbar, for some salad fixings and then back to Branko's place, 12th and Stephens. While he readied dinner, (wonderful chicken breasts in chopped sweet peppers over some sort of mixed grain rice), I digitated, aided by a pre-dinner libation of Shelter Point, (Vancouver Island distillery), Malt, 62.5%, one of the bottles I received before Christmas from the malt offering that I was  part of with friend, Jugos Dom Pedro, the Naramatian, through the South Okanagan Whiskey Tasting Society. When Ragin' had finished with his dinner prep I made a mixed green salad and then we chatted, over a tad more malt, while his dishes were bubbling away.

Opened the 2014 Township 7 Merlot, 13.5%, that we first tried last Saturday, while we enjoyed the extremely tasty chicken concoction and I got caught up on
Branko's life. Very complicated family dynamics with his aged, ailing, dementia afflicted father, further compounded with a nasty legal issue brought against Branko by his youngest son, Michael, having to do with the father's estate. Too intricate to describe right now but suffice it to say that this legal dispute is literally paralyzing Branko and adding, immeasurably, to his already compromised health, ongoing heart and significant arthritis related issues.

Since I've come to know him better, over the years, it is very obvious that he has always had difficulty adjusting to change and that tendency is, in my opinion, now miring him in a slough of despond and inaction. A couple of obvious examples: There is a large pile of stuff in the back yard, everything from damaged furniture, to discarded wooden palettes to numerous, small appliances, to a a broken lawn mower. I think it has been there for years and yet Branko makes no effort to get rid of it. He talks about doing it but, in the end, takes no action. I offered to help him, while here, over the next day or so, to load it onto Rebekah's pick-up, (She left it with him while she is away.), but he claimed he didn't have the time! The sheer magnitude of clearing out all the junk that his pack-rat father has accumulated over the years simply overwhelms him so he buries his head in the sand and avoids the issue.

I am reluctant to psychologize but it seems to me that his tendency towards depression prevents him from making a start, no matter how small, [I suggested we take many of the small appliances to the recycling depot, off Terminal Avenue, as a way to begin process but he resisted even that. Would only cost a bit of time and effort but he seems to think that since he doesn't have the money to hire somebody to remove everything at one time, he can't do anything himself.], that would allow him to begin to take more control over his life and a situation that is not a happy one. The only time I see joy and enjoyment in him is when he is walking Juno, or talking about her. The rest of the time he speaks quite angrily about his Dad, his caregivers, his son Michael, of course. Much of this anger is probably well placed but it is not changing the situation and certainly taking a heavy toll on him. 

Unfortunately, the other three children are not particularly supportive. The elder son, Robbie, actually lives in the house and could certainly help Branko with rubbish removal, at the very least. for my part I simply cannnot understand why he doesn't take some initiative in this regard. At any rate, I feel so badly for Branko it almost makes me weep. By his own admission, he is certainly not enjoying his retirement and that is a shame, overall, but particularly from the point of view of where he lives and the value of the property, (4.5 million), once sold. Somehow, he is all tangled up in the mix between his dad and Michaelo and cannot bring himself to make any meaningful decisions about his future.

Hello Duhlink! Trust you are enjoying the fire and felines! Just read a message from Janet and the water in her building will be shut off from 8:00 am - 6:00 pm on Thursday so I guess we'll have to use empty wine bottles! Will say goodbye for now as Lisa is calling. Fondestos and Love, Patrizzio! Pics: Early morning shots! I somehow recorded a short clip!

Hi Pat FYI I have sent this from my Telus account and would ask that you update you info for me. I don't know why my iCloud account pops up every now and then. FYI. We are having our hot water tank replaced and so of course Thursday they are working on that and I won't have water from 8 to 6. So maybe let everyone know( in only the way you can do it) to ensure they come with empty bladders and clean hands! I will try to remember to fill a bucket of water in the morning though. They fingers crossed the water turns back on as planned. Cheers J

Hello Water-Less Penguin! How will you survive? Any snowbanks left for you to frolic in? Thank goodness we can drink wine! Guess Ragin' Bull will have to bring his own bucket! Early start to the day for me. Have noted change

in your email address. Will probably give you a shout this evening. Buona Fortuna with water woes! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hello Bridge Fanatics! Trust everyone is well. This just in from The Penguin!!! (See above!) This being the case, I suggest we all arrive with clean bladders and empty hands so that we can drink all of The Penguin's hootch and then use the empty bottles to save our vital bodily fluids, just like Howard Hughes, lo these many years ago, when he stayed at the Bayshore, he and his Kleenex and fingernails and bible toting, white-shirted, Morman Yes-Men! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Lost WiFi half an hour ago, (so used Word for a bit), as we were over summit and descending through avalanche territory! [With any luck will be back on-line closer to Hope, I hope!] Then we needs must see what Fraser Valley has in store for us. Snowing heavily here as we plummet! Glad I’m not driving but wouldn’t mind a seat-belt. Thoughts of that poor truck driver, Goody, from PEI who survived two days, pinned upside down, against the steering wheel, in the cab of his truck, for two days, before being found and rescued. Initially he was reported to have only suffered two broken legs but terribly sadly, died in hospital, presumably from severe internal injuries.

At any rate, I won’t have to go on the bobsled at Whistler as I feel like Eddie The Eagle, competing at the Calgary Olympics, flying down the slope of the Coquihalla like it was the ski jump! From my perch at the rear, I can see the driver’s face in the mirror, above and to the right of his head, and he seems not at all concerned about the road conditions, happily chewing gum and reading a book! Why worry as it is The Marco Element, the fourth in Adler-Olsen’s Department Q series, so what better way to have an accident than that! Just looked out the window and snow has been replaced by rain. Still very misty.
Back online now. Pics: Snow and mist!

Hi Patrizzio, I was just going to write you to confirm our appt. when the Burnaby Hospital called with an appt. for tomorrow at 10am! I think we’re just going to have to postpone our visit with you until the next time you’re in or we’re out there. I have been continuing to have all kinds of tests a couple times a week as they try and figure out what’s attacking my body.

Tomorrow it’s a visit to an oncology specialist. Sure it sounds much worse, but we have an entire team Pitchford working on my case. Where’s “House” when you need him. I will keep you posted and let you know what happens. The good news is that all the doctors and specialists are in agreement that whatever it is that it is treatable and possibly curable. Really apologize for the late notice. Charlie 

[Oh dear. thanks for sharing (hope that Charlie was OK with that). I'll be sending healthy thoughts his way. J Hi again, Janet! I wouldn't have done so had I not known how close he and O Susannah feel about you, and did, about Gladys. Bridge and travel and more. Anyway, I feel so badly for Charlie as he's such a great, great guy and really deserves to enjoy the life they've mde for themselves. Chat soon. Cheers, Il Conduttore!] I sure hope he is OK. When you had told me that he and Suzanne were not able to come, I was hoping it was because they were off travelling somewhere. It is always scary when you don't know what is wrong so I hope he gets a diagnosis very soon and a treatment plan, whatever that may be. J 

Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Champagne! Very sorry indeed to hear we probably won't be able to have a visit, (Please FedEx bridge prizes to Sarge's!), but am more concerned that you are able to get to the bottom of this. Buona Fortuna. 

Back online just as we were coming into Chilliwack. Stepped outside for some fresh air and a stretch. Caught the Nicotine Fiend just after he shot up and stubbed out! On his way back to the bus he stopped to say that he was going to phone his girl friend from the ferry to get ready! Get ready for what, I ask you? Breath that makes coal tar smell like Chanel #5! Anyway, wish him well.

Cruising along highway towards Abbotsford so unless we run into particularly heavy traffic, I think we should be right on time. Sun is back brillianting the meadows alongside the turnpike so I need my sunnies again. Just in and out of Langley and still blazing along. Let me know how things go if you have a moment. Fondestos to my Darling O Susannah. Take care of yourself, Champagne! Onward! Fight!! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Each stage of the stagecoach journey!

Hi Bud! Thanks for your concerns and understanding. BTW, the way you experience and share your journeys is truly interesting and unique. We need more “travellers” in the world like you and Lady Dar vs. tourists. Be in touch! Charlie P.S. Someone broke into our house the other day. Interestingly enough all they took were the bridge prizes. My emails must be monitored at a higher level. Sorry. Hello Bridge Prize Conspiracy Theorist! Just onto First Avenue just minutes ago. Guess I'll have to drop by with Ragin' and drink some of your Bailey's to make up for lack of bridge prizes ! Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hello Baldrick and The Sadistic Surveyor! Trust you are both well. I must apologize for not replying sooner to your Christmas and New Year's wishes! No excuses but plenty of reasons. Disappointed, of course, that you are not part of the malt consortium but understand completely, if disagreeing indubitably! I am, as I scribe, en route to Vancouver, and take it we three will meet again, (along with other, mutual friends and fans), I trust, a the Sevens on Saturday! Unfortunately, you two will not be invited to the private tasting of my Shelter Point Malt, at Il Palazzo di Carter, since you elected not to join the elite Consortium Coduttorium! No never mind, I've brought along cases of Coffaro for last triip south! Can you hear me? Fondestos to you both. Take care of yourselves. Look forward to catching up. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hello Pat, Great to hear you are down for the rugby again. I will be at the Sunday games but not Saturday so am hoping you will be attending both days and we will be able to meet. I should have joined the consortium and then we could have met earlier!! Am playing golf tomorrow with Mike and Andrew (if the weather is agreeable) and I will find out from Mike what your schedule is for the weekend.
From the length of your dissertation you had guite a bit of time to fill in on the bus - and you did not sample the Shelter Point Malt on route - probably not legal on the bus!! Hope this finds you still awake and hope also that we can meet some time during your visit. Cheers, Ricardo
Greetings Conductore, Welcome back to Shangri-la! I look forward to catching up with your continued news and a hip-flask sampling at the rugby this w/e! Cheers! Baldrick 

Most honourable arrivee. I am back online now and will attend at the bus station at 1:30 unless otherwise advised. Hi Ragoon! (A nod to my Mother!) Just over Port Mann, ((A nod to your Father!), so should be right on time! In and out of Coquitlam. Cheers, Your Most Royal Arriviste! (A nod to Lady Dar!) Meow, (A nod to Juno!)

Thanks Patrick for such a nice travel diary, I almost felt like being just next seat to you :-) How long is a trip? If you drive by yourself it wouldn't take longer than 4 hours, would it? Unfortunately we won't create a Groźny Zespół because Phil opted out. I will try to convince him tonight, but given he was originally planning to go wit Gill, and decided not to, my chances are rather slim.
Szczęśliwej drogi (drive safe) :-) Cheers Mike

Hi Michaelo! Glad you enjoyed the travelogue. Just over Port Mann so should be right on time! In and out of Coquitlam, just minutes ago. Overall trip is about seven hours. Highway time is fabulous but all the intervening stops eat up the clock. Lady Dar require car. I don't mind as with WiFi, I have plenty to do, as well as reading and napping. Don't have to worry about parking in Vancouver, either. Let my friends be the Uber drivers! I do hope Phllipo will play. I have no idea why he is so reluctant, particularly when he is such an accomplished player! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Etta peed on the bed tonight. She does not seem to want to use the box. Just saw Duke using it. I'm not happy with the wet bed.


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