Men have become the tools of their tools. -Henry David Thoreau, naturalist
and author (1817-1862)
Patrick James Dunn Not too, too toasty? You both look cool as cukes! Cheers!
Hi Patrick and Corinne I didn’t have a Guinness but had a nice cold Banrock Station white Shiraz! The mad month of March is almost over, but with the sadness of Jack’s death we have tried to concentrate on family.
Cat-shrubs in English parks. The English surrealist painter Richard Saunders uses thick shrubs and trees to create his enormous cats! Once he saw trees cut in the shape of clouds on a picture and got the idea to turn shrubs into sculptures of cats. The prototype that served him is his cat Tolly, deceased, the Russian Blue. We can see these cats in many corners of England, and are much appreciated by the population.
[First We take England, then the World!]
What an idea for a TV horror series. The Cats Come Alive!!! *Very Large* litter boxes would be required! Cat litter producers would be put into forced labour camps to produce enough product! The possibilities are endless! It would rival the walking dead! Hi Walking Dead Producer! Trust all goes well with your script pitch to cat food companies! All the best, Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Lady Dar's fresh beet and Belgian endive salad, with hot Blue Cheese, (Upper Bench), and Balsamic dressing; The Naramatians! Dishing out the Chicken Caprese. Arrivederci!]
However I did to get to see one Fringe item at Pinkly Flat Royal Croquet Club, it was a burlesque one woman show called Torte et Mort, followed the life and times of Marie Antoinette, I went with Olive and her daughter Susan, who was over from NSW for my mums Memorial. It was an hilarious show with just a touch of classic nudity, humour and pathos.
The next week I went with my theatre going friend Kathy to see an adaption of Kate Granville’s book “ Secret River”, this was performed in Anstey Hill quarry and I am afraid I am no wordsmith, unlike yourself and I cannot do the performance justice, suffice to say it was superb! The actors, and the setting in the Quarry was mind-blowing!

We are sure you and Corinne would love to be here in March for the Fringe and the Festival, then to top it off we have Womadelaide, I didn’t go this year but have been in previous years and it is a super few days of world class music. On Wednesday I even managed to take my bike out for a leisurely ride, we haven’t started walking yet it has been too, too hot.
We had the girls for a sleepover last night and this morning we managed to make pancakes for breakfast, Anzac biscuits and stress balls all before 10am when they left with Trevor to go home. I was exhaustedJ Tomorrow we are supposed to be going to watch the Crows but the temp is forecast for 37C and as we are sitting in the East stand we will be in full sun all day, we may not go, sad, as it is the first game of the season.
Hello Adelaide Theatre Goers! From the sound of it you have seen some wonderful shows. The Anstey Hill Quarry, in particular, sounds like a fabulous setting, as you say. We'll have to plan our next visit to Oz in March! No, I didn't know you were studying French, Teens. Terrific!
Sun was shining all day today but not 37º C worth! Miss Etta is napping on her favourite patio chair, soaking up the late afternoon rays while Duke is out front trying to figure out Roman, our next door neighbour's cat, as I scribe. I was talking to Amanda a bit earlier as I took over a small picture for Kayla, her daughter, I'd bought at a fund-raiser for AlleyCats Alliance, this afternoon. A local group that arranges "foster" care for strays. The elementary school students in OK Falls had donated pictures of cats they'd painted. One we liked looked like Roman so I thought Kayla might enjoy it.
Also picked up Mewsings: A Purrfect Journal, main fund-raiser, which has simply wonderful coloured illustrations on every other page, copies of paintings, again of felines, done by many accomplished artists. In fact, a real steal at $20 such is the quality of the printing and whole package. Lady Dar spent a goodly part of the morning tidying up the front yard while I went cycling.
Will spend a relatively quiet evening in tonight, watching a number of the latest Wallender we've recorded. Last night we went to the #Grassland, (The Art and Politics of Cannabis], Exhibition Opening at the Penticton Art Gallery. Some extremely interesting, truly remarkable blown-glass work, as well as many terrific cartoons which originally appeared in various national, provincial or local newspapers, not mention photographs and paintings, all marijuana related.
It was loads of fun and as we met a number of friends and acquaintances, a lovely evening. Then tomorrow evening we have invited The Naramatians, our friends, Lynne and Peter Lighthall, for dinner. They are both away, (Lynne on VI, Peter somewhere on mining business. He is just back from a week in Cuba, consulting.), over Easter so we wanted to see them before they left.
Must away as I'm charged with making salad for tonight's dinner. Fondestos to you and Trevor, from Lady Dar, reading on the couch, enjoying the fire. Cools off quite quickly once sun goes down although with time change, it is still light until 7:00 pm and getting a tad later each day. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: #Grasslands, Margaret Holm, wife of our MP, Dick Cannings; Paul Crawford. PAG Director & Curator; Julie Fowler, Paolo's wife. She is the Executive & Artistic Director of Island Mountain Arts in Wells, BC. One of photographs in exhibition; painting; one of many pieces of glass work; glass-blower, Patrick "Redbeard" Vrolyk with Jacinta Ferrari, Weekend Receptionist; Dick Cannings; AlleyCats; Kayla's present; Mewsings.
Patriçio, Pleased to see the image size of attached pics is much more reasonable than previously. Is that on purpose - or is that just the setting(s) on your camera? You are still sending more pixels than necessary, assuming the pics are intended for viewing on the screen (not printing). The dimensions are 1600 x 1200, which if reduced to almost 1/2 the current size. Not the I am obsessed by this particular topic, but small(er) attacmens just make email work much smoother.
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Photo: Andrew Dennes |
Haven’t done the ARC yet, due to really yukkie weather and the required Juno walks. I typically go to the endowment lands where we recently ran into a retired Pof, who has a rescue dog as well - a German Shepard the same age as Juno. They have become great friends. Now the squirrels are really in trouble. Sandy took Juno to Roberts Creek for a few days, so maybe I get a chance to dust off the Cannondale. I am making progress w.r.t. the resources necessary for my Dad’s care plan, so things are looking good. cheers Branko
[Zoe and Matthew's twins!!!] Hi Pixel Fixated Person! I'm starting to have an inferiority complex regarding image size but do appreciate your on-going castigation! Please be gentle, O Guru Mine! Fondestos to you, Ragin', from Lady Dar. Buona Fortuna with ARC when weather permits. I guess the squirrels in the Endowment Lands live in perpetual fear for their lives now! Pleased to hear that your Dad's care plan is starting to take shape. How did shopping for a bank loan go? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Jack Rabbit and Phillipo! Thanks for great ride! Lady Dar is delighted that you will join us for Easter dinner, Sunday, April 16th, anytime after 5:30 pm. Of course , we'll be in touch again, before that. Fondestos to you both, from Lady Dar, talking to her Mom while enjoying the fire. See you on Wednesday. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thx Corinne for the supper invite. I'll talk to you before about what we can bring. Maybe a dessert? see you Wed Gill wHi Jack Rabbit! Trust all went well with hike. We can chat about Easter dinner on Wednesday. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick – just back from Los Cabos – really nice low humidity but warm climate. Stayed near Puerto Los Cabos away from all the crazy’s in the main town. We have been to Guayabitos twice as a friend of ours built a very nice house not far from the beach, out towards the La Panita side. Great spot and tennis nearby.
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Photo: Jason Wintz |
Hi Los Cabos Holidayers! Welcome home! Did ride by the winery this afternoon.
However, my companions wouldn't allow me to stop so I trust you found all the inventory intact! See you soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Jack Rabbit Slims phoned at 8:40 am and we made arrangements to meet at Township 7 at 11:00 am to ride to The Naramata. I'd have gone earlier but Phillipo wanted to wait until then as he wanted day to warm up. Fine with me as I was in no real hurry except for the fact that the forecast predicted light showers by 2:00 pm so I hoped to be back before then. Once I was up had a mug of java and sent a few messages before making a delish breakfast of overlefts. Wanted a bit of fuel for coming ride.
Suited up and was ready to go by just before 10:30 am and headed out to do the PTC/Lakeshore/Riverside Loop before climbing Vancouver Hill to make my way to the parking lot at Township 7. Knew we would have our work cut out for ourselves on return leg as wind was whistling out of the south at 24 kph. Gilliana was circling just above Township 7 and when I came alongside her she told me that Phillipo had to go back to their place as he had forgotten his wind cheater! I didn't mind as I used the time to make a quick dipsy-doodle to Misconduct as I knew I would need a few extra km to make the distance I wanted for the day.
Once I was riding back towards T7 I could see Phillipo parking their car on Reservoir Road, just above where it intersects with Naramata Road. A couple of loops of the T7 parking lot while Gilliana went to the bathroom behind the winery. I suggested she use the washroom in the Tasting Room but she is even more stubborn than Lady Dar so the vines received the benefit of her bladder! A few minutes later, Forgetful Phil was ready to go and we headed north. Great to have the wind behind us although I knew what awaited when we would be riding into it later. Still, the vistas, always stunning, were more than a delight as we sped along.
Managed to achieve an AVG of just over 20 kph by the time Slims needed another stop so while Filipo waited, she went behind a bush, across the road from Legend Distillery, while I went a bit further on to circle around the Fire Station on Lower Debeck Road, just off Naramata Road. Once I caught a glimpse of them, (Fire Hall is actually on a small hill which looks down on Naramata Road.), cycling towards me, I returned to Naramata Road and fell in behind them. Once past Il Palazzo di Lighthall I pulled alongside and asked how far they wanted to go. Phillipo had been under the weather, earlier in the week, and wasn't back to feeling overly strong just yet so he had decided he would only go as far as Painted Rock. That being the case, I overtook Gilliana and whooshed down the first long hill of that section of the route.
By the time we reached Painted Rock, (So called, I assume, as there is a large rock on the west side of the roadside that someone, sometime, had painted with a colourful sun image.), I said I was going to continue, just a bit further, to the first cattle guard. SLims said she would join me while The Philster took a bit of a breather. However, he decided to come along and after we'd made the relatively steep climb to the cattle guard itself, Slims, who was well ahead of both of us, announced she was going on a bit further! I had not intended to cross the barrier but since she wasn't turning around I was happy to follow, as did Fillipo, as it turned out.
Couple more long, gradual uphill grades to climb before we came to the turn-off to Chute Lake. While Bladder Babe made another bathroom stop, I followed Chute Lake Rd for about one km before returning to the intersection and circled there until The Jack Rabbit was ready to roll. Once we left the protection offered by the pines here, we encountered the full force of the head wind. Bit daunting to realize that we would be bucking it all the way home but nothing to do but put our heads down and do the best we could. Still, whenever the road twisted to the east going was a tad easier. Nevertheless, still a struggle and I had difficulty even maintaining an AVG of 19 kph. In fact, by the time we fought our way back to Reservoir Road and had shouted our thanks and farewells to each other, I was clocking but 18.7 kph. By this point I had abandoned all hope of achieving a 20 kph AVG but felt I could reach 19 kph as return along Upper Bench is slightly downhill or at least relatively flat.
Head wind had other ideas and I was still only at 18.9 by the time I was at the intersection of Johnson and Haven Hill so I took a mini-dipsy-doodle along Johnson, hoping to use the extra time and distance to push me to my goal. Thought I'd outfoex myself as I was still only at 18.9 kph when I turned off Government onto White. Aeolus must have been smiling on me by then because as I passed Burns odometre registered 19 kph and held until I was at the garage door. Bit annoyed that it was below 20 kph but given the goodly number of long uphill pulls and fierce head wind that would not allow one to regain lost speed, even on downhill swoops, I was pleased with outing, especially having the company of The Spiller Road Gang! Thanks Jack Rabbit and Phillipo! Map and Stats for ride:
Hello All, Dean's group : OURO just finished performance March 23-25
for 2017 Vancouver International Dance Festival. Fantastic performance as usual! I went to see 2 nights in a row.
He and his group left for Vancouver Island: Nanaimo tonight to do the workshop (teaching) from March 27-April 1 2017 (inclusive) and Performance on April 2 , 2017 at The Port Theatre. Here is the info for the show in Nanaimo on April 2nd at The Port Theatre:
If you are around in Vancouver Island and have nothing to do, please attend the workshop OR the OURO Performance on April 2nd at The Port Theatre Enjoy,Tip Thai Language and Cultures Associates
Thanks for signing up for campaignlaunch-pen: Tarik Sayeed Campaign Launch.
Attending: Saturday, April 1, 2017 - 2 hours Time(s): Saturday, April 1, 2017 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT Location: Tarik Sayeed Campaign Headquarters Downstairs - 535 Main St Penticton, British Columbia V2A 5C7 We look forward to seeing you at the event. Thank you! - Your BC NDP team
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