Ignorance is an evil weed, which dictators may cultivate among their
dupes, but which no democracy can afford among its citizens. -William
Beveridge, economist and social reformer (5 Mar 1879-1963)
Hi Wine Lovers! Are you going to VWF Dram Come True this year, Colin? Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, I guess I will be seeing you on Friday. I am going for the 7:00 P.M. access - early bird gets the malt!!
With regard to your renos - we have an on-demand system and love it. No wasting hot water while you are gone, so bills are way less. Our plumber friend recommended a "Rennai" - Japanese brand and very reliable. You also want to go with one that has a large litre per minute capacity. -Colin

I'd love to get together for a visit, other than seeing Colin at Dram, but I'm not sure if that will be possible as my "dance card" is already almost fully booked. I'd like to nip out to UBC, during the day, on Thursday or Friday, so if that transpires, perhaps we could arrange to have a coffee somewhere. I don't know yet as another close friend has to have a series of medical tests and until he knows when they are to be scheduled, we can't arrange to meet. I should know more by the time I arrive in Vancouver, (perhaps sooner), so I'll probably give you a shout Wednesday evening. If you folks are around that night perhaps this might be an opportunity to say hello.

Hi Patrizzzzzioooo, Thank you for the legal desertation you sent me! A lot of stuff to plow through. Trust you are already riding 100k a day. Aarturo Hello Summerlandia! Hope cases are of some help, once you wade through the legalese! See you next week, once I'm back from Vancouver. Stay well. Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patriçio, Pick up is no problemo. I will expect you @1:30, but please call/text if the bus is delayed by ice falling off the Port Man cables ... Juno may be visiting, so I might come by with the Canine and the Everest Assault Truck. Just for fun. Bring a step stool to get in.
I will be doing most of my party shopping at the Parthenon - where there are also lots of of appetizer solutions. In fact, I think they have both Georgia Strait and Alaska Organic seal flippers. You may join me for a shop if you wish. A quiet afternoon of chatting is possible at a local establishment here on West Broadway, or at my place. I can demonstrate my new Dyson Vacuum - OK, my life is less exciting as I would prefer.
Most important … I have not yet, not for lack of trying, or intimidating store mangers, found that garlic skype salt. I would appreciate it, and vow to cut you in on any future lottery win, and give you my never dying gratitude, and even pay for, a few bags of the afore mentioned to hold me over until I find a source here. All is good, except for the weather, which quite frankly *sucks* c u soon//bjp
Hello Junomobile Driver! I'm delighted tht Juno will be visiting but both Etta and Duke have their feline noses out of joint! I'll have my cellulare so I'll be in touch if ther is any change to bus' arrival time. Great idea about Parthenon. I might also wish to visit Minerva's. Haven't heard from Champagne yet so not sure about meeting with him just yet. Will play it by ear but I'm just as happy to chat at your place where we could even look for a movie if Dyson watching becomes too, too boring! I am hot on the trail of The Ever Elusive Garlic Scape, (No wonder you couldn't find any if you are searching under Skype!), Salt! Rest easy, my digital dunderhead friend! I gather I should bring my snow-shoes and their pontoons! See you and Juno on Wednesday. Stay well. Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio/Il Conduttore!
Well Patriçio, I will have to take a pic of you giving Juno a hug - and send it to the felines! She is here now, and looking forward to meeting you. I don’t believe you have been formally introduced. No snow at the moment, but forecast! Branko
Hi Ragin'! I'll see if I can manage a haircut/beard trim tomorrow for my formal portrait with Juno! I had a note, earlier today, from Champagne and we are planning to get together on Thursday morning, at the GI Food Court, whenever it is convenient for them. This being the case we can decide where to go once we connect at Bus Depot. If you don't mind, I wouldn't mind running a few errands as well. I'd like to pop into Coastal Ford, just around corner from Bus Terminal and then stop at MEC. Perhaps we could continue on to Greek Town for provisions and then back to your place for a visit over hootch of one sort or another. Hope this is fine. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Felines now have a day job as roofers! On Amanda's garage, our next door door neighbour, yesterday.
Hi Patrizzio! What about Thursday a.m. in the Granville Island food court? We can chat over coffee and whatever. Susan can pop around and get some great hummus, salmon, etc for a bit also. I’ll do mostly sitting. CC Sorry about mixing up Sarge and Ragin! How could I ever as they are both so distinctly unique! Hi Champagne! Thursday morning, at the GI Food Court, whenever is convenient for you two, is just fine. I'll give you a shout on Wednesday evening and we can confirm time. Don't worry about confusion regarding Sarge and Ragin' but it will cost you a huge bag of bridge prizes! Bye the bye, I did hear from Legs. Unfortunately, she can't make Thursday's bridge evening but at least we have re-established contact! Must away as Lady Dar wants to watch another episode of Mercy Street, Season Two, before I leave for the airport to collect Lynne and Peter Lighthall, The Naramatians, just back from two months in Florida! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
L'Chaim Il Conductore! So great to hear from you and get slightly caught up on your life. Unfortunately I'm not available this Thursday for Bridge, but please keep me in mind for future trumping and no-trumping opportunities. Big hug to Corinne, and hi to the rest of you on this e-mail, Legs L'Chaim to the Worst Correspondent in the History of the Known Universe!Delighted, and relieved, I must add, to know that you are alive and, presumably well, and living somewhere with email access! Vancouver? Logan Lake? Pokerville?
Sorry you cannot make bridge fest, of course. Would love to get together. I'm busing into Vancouver on Wednesday until the following Monday. Saturday and Sunday I will be at the Sevens Rugby, at BC Place, again, with quite a few friends from squash circle: Mick The Hearse, Sir Andrew, Sadistic Surveyor and Sarge, with whom I'll be staying, at Harbour Terrace, aka The Island/Islay Inn.
If you are around, Wednesday evening or during the day, on Thursday or Friday, perhaps we could arrange to have a coffee and a confab somewhere. Much to tell, much to hear about your dark past, as well! Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. How are Costanza, Rosebud and Masher? Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, in absentia, doing the downward facing cat, as I scribe! Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio!
Gil and Phil are hosting Bridge at 7 pm on Wednesday. Who is available to play?
Cheers Corinne Hi all, I'm in for bridge . We just need to confirm the details. Hugs, Olly Bridge is at Gill and Phil's on Spiller Rd at 7 pm. See you all there,
Corinne Hi Gill and Phil, If you have a space at a table I would join you Guys?
Regards Mike
Please join us on Friday March 11, 3-5 pm. at the Penticton Golf and Country Club to remember my sister Marcia. Thank you for your kindness and support to all of us during this very difficult time. Thank you Colleen and Ernie Hi again,
Yes it is Friday March 10. Sorry about the confusion. Also please RSVP Colleen
Dearest Colleen, It was with deep sadness that we learned of Marcia's death. Both Corinne and I send our heartfelt condolences to you and Ernie. Although I only met Marcia a number of times I could see that she was a lovely, lovely person. Know that we grieve with you and for you.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the gathering to remember Marcia. I am leaving for Vancouver this coming Wednesday and will not return until the following Monday. Otherwise, I would have attended. Thank you for including me. Again, deepest sympathy. Corinne and Patrick.
Yes it is Friday March 10. Sorry about the confusion. Also please RSVP Colleen
Dearest Colleen, It was with deep sadness that we learned of Marcia's death. Both Corinne and I send our heartfelt condolences to you and Ernie. Although I only met Marcia a number of times I could see that she was a lovely, lovely person. Know that we grieve with you and for you.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the gathering to remember Marcia. I am leaving for Vancouver this coming Wednesday and will not return until the following Monday. Otherwise, I would have attended. Thank you for including me. Again, deepest sympathy. Corinne and Patrick.
Hi Patrizzio! What about Thursday a.m. in the Granville Island food court? We can chat over coffee and whatever. Susan can pop around and get some great hummus, salmon, etc for a bit also. I’ll do mostly sitting. CC Sorry about mixing up Sarge and Ragin! How could I ever as they are both so distinctly unique!
Hi Patrick, Yes, we are once again in a winter wonderland. We actually had several blizzards blow through and then the sun would come out and melt most of it. However, yesterday, continuous snowfall definitely stuck so we were shovelling before going to work. It was awfully beautiful with the sun coming out to enhance our stunning mountain views. We are supposed to be getting in shape for golf at our own course, but we'll be lucky if it even opens by April this year. The puppies love it and bounce and jump around in the snow, burying their nose in it as if they are searching for truffles.
It's nice to hear that you are checking out some wines and wineries for us. We'll have to take you up on some of your recommendations. We are very excited to try some new things. It's funny that you should mention the sewing machine because I have an old historic one, too. I can't wait to see what you do with it. I'm also excited to see how you change your place. I thought it was perfect the way it was, but I understand that with Lady Dar being a closet interior designer that she'll make some wonderful adjustments with your input, of course.
It's always good to see things in Penticton evolving as you put down permanent roots. We are so looking forward to our visit. I need a few days off from our reno to re-charge my battery. Enjoy you Rugby! See you Monday! Ruth P.S. I like my Vodka, but I'll have to pass on the 81% as I'd like to keep my eyesight for reading a little longer. 40 to 81 that's quite the jump, I wonder how soon they discovered the error and how it happened?
It's nice to hear that you are checking out some wines and wineries for us. We'll have to take you up on some of your recommendations. We are very excited to try some new things. It's funny that you should mention the sewing machine because I have an old historic one, too. I can't wait to see what you do with it. I'm also excited to see how you change your place. I thought it was perfect the way it was, but I understand that with Lady Dar being a closet interior designer that she'll make some wonderful adjustments with your input, of course.
It's always good to see things in Penticton evolving as you put down permanent roots. We are so looking forward to our visit. I need a few days off from our reno to re-charge my battery. Enjoy you Rugby! See you Monday! Ruth P.S. I like my Vodka, but I'll have to pass on the 81% as I'd like to keep my eyesight for reading a little longer. 40 to 81 that's quite the jump, I wonder how soon they discovered the error and how it happened?
Hi Patrick! The cats look so regal on the fence! Just love how they are enjoying the sunshine:). Really enjoyed your letter. I could almost smell the soup cooking as I was reading. Can just about taste it too if my iPad will allow me to dip my finger into that beautiful photo! Perhaps apple will put that feature into the next version...?
We have now been to the travel clinic for vaccinations and now I am collecting things for our trip to Shanghai. We leave March 17 and return March 26. Will be a fun 10 days with host families and quite a learning experience for the students we are taking. Just hoping I don't have to wear my nurse hat too much!
Found an app called CanImmunize to record my vaccinations in too. Quite handy. So I now have the boys and I stored in it and at least I know what we have and when we are due for more. Even tells me when I need my upcoming shots in my 60s. Now I can also stop packing the boys record books in my purse. That will lighten my load!
So another day of skiing to come this weekend and maybe a couple more when we return from China. Having windows replaced while we are away so that means we come home to the task of washing walls and dusting and painting trim.
Damian will be racing his Kub Kar on Saturday and Corben is playing hockey. April there is supposed to be an overnight at the Vancouver aquarium for the Cub group so hopefully there are enough people going. Will find out soon. Can't believe we are racing into March. Interim time, parent interviews spring break and then it is April.... only 3 months of school after that and then summer vacation all over again! Will really have to plan our visit to Penticton. It is so close and we can bring our bikes :) Have a super week xoxoxo Take Care,
Ariane ��������
Around 11:00 am I re-stacked some wood, from the south side of the house, where it has been "curing" for almost two years. below the window on the narrow front patio. Job went quite quickly as I had two expert "supervisors", dashing back and forth, between both piles, to make sure I worked efficiently! I wanted to do this to make it easier for Lady Dar who will have to tend the fireplace while I'm away howling in Vancouver!We have now been to the travel clinic for vaccinations and now I am collecting things for our trip to Shanghai. We leave March 17 and return March 26. Will be a fun 10 days with host families and quite a learning experience for the students we are taking. Just hoping I don't have to wear my nurse hat too much!
Found an app called CanImmunize to record my vaccinations in too. Quite handy. So I now have the boys and I stored in it and at least I know what we have and when we are due for more. Even tells me when I need my upcoming shots in my 60s. Now I can also stop packing the boys record books in my purse. That will lighten my load!
So another day of skiing to come this weekend and maybe a couple more when we return from China. Having windows replaced while we are away so that means we come home to the task of washing walls and dusting and painting trim.
Damian will be racing his Kub Kar on Saturday and Corben is playing hockey. April there is supposed to be an overnight at the Vancouver aquarium for the Cub group so hopefully there are enough people going. Will find out soon. Can't believe we are racing into March. Interim time, parent interviews spring break and then it is April.... only 3 months of school after that and then summer vacation all over again! Will really have to plan our visit to Penticton. It is so close and we can bring our bikes :) Have a super week xoxoxo Take Care,
Ariane ��������
Was finished and garbed to go by about 12:30 pm. As I was heading down Ellis I spied Lady Dar returning home from yoga, and other assorted errands, so I waved at her even though she swerved across the street to try and run me off the road! Fortunately, for me, she missed although a chap delivering flyers wasn't quite so lucky. He had to drop his carrier bag in order to fling himself through a hedge to escape the lethal MarriageMobile! As I continued on my way, I could hear the loud oaths and pretty colourful imprecations from behind the hedge but I trust he was otherwise unhurt.
Had decided I'd make for OK Falls but wanted to see if I could outdo Saturday's distance so I started off with what seems to have become my basic starting route: PTC, Lakeshore, Riverside, Vancouver, Middle and Upper Bench loop. Knew I would be in for it, en route to OK Falls, when I did the first real stretch south on MB. Wind was blasting away at about 19 kph so not something to be sneezed at. Anyway, I had 21 km on the clock when I took another swing past Burns and once again, spied Lady Dar leaving the house. After our earlier encounter I was disinclined to wave but decided to, hoping her road rage had dissipated. It must have as when we passed each other on Eckhardt, a minute or so later, she kept to her own side of the thoroughfare.
Head wind on South Main wasn't too, too bad but as soon as I hit Eastside Road there was very little shelter and I had to gear down considerably. Wasn't going much more than 13.6 kph for most of the ride along Skaha. To make matters worse, the bottom two thirds of the lake is still ice-bound so the Polar Express had my toes numb in no time, although my lobsters kept my hands very comfortable. Once up the hill past McClean Creek Road, the sunshine was truly magnificent and when I was sheltered, it was actually rather warm. Unfortunately, when I set out I forgot my shades so I was worried that I might go snow-blind, so intense was the reflection off the snow covered ice.shining.
Furthermore, the surrounding hills were simply majestic, covered with snow. Closer to OK Falls itself, I could see, above and through the bare trees beside the road, the vineyards of See Ya Later Ranch and together, they formed a giant, open, grand piano, the strung rows seen as its wires. Quite a handsome reward for braving the icy blasts.
Once in the OK Falls I didpsy-doodled past the beach front and then made my way to Oliver Ranch Road to complete the Stag's Hollow loop before making for home. Now the dastardly wind was helping me along and all the effort that had gone before was quickly forgotten as I sped along. Just as I reached the first level stretch, out of OK Falls, a gorgeous hawk swooped down on my right, almost stalling in the air above and slightly ahead of me, its magnificent wings outspread, revealing its downy chest and amazing talons. Either I frightened it off or its prey had disappeared but the lovely creature veered away and flew to alight on a tall tree to my left. As it described its turn I could see its scimitar of a curved beak outlined against the blue of the clear blue sky. What an omen!
I was absolutely delighted that I had decided to go as far as I had otherwise I probably wouldn't have been treated to the wonders I spied. I had toyed with a shorter ride, around Skaha Lake Park, given wind, but thought I needed to push myself a bit. At any rate, quite enjoyed the return leg and I was soon on Government. Caught all the light and pulled up into our driveway just after 4:00 pm. Duke was there to meet me and as soon as I opened the door Miss Etta dashed out to join him. They both love to roll around on the smooth concrete, probably still reasonably, relatively warm from the late afternoon sun. Hope the snow stays away tomorrow as the last few rides have left me wanting more time outside. Cheers! Map and Stats for ride:
Maggie Carr I swear, Pat, you need to be putting pen to paper to write a novel or book of prose!!
Patrick James Dunn Just
jottings, my darling, just jottings! Nevertheless, I'm pleased you seem
to enjoy my silly ramblings, or at least appear to do so. Or do you
dissemble and/or delete as so many others are wont to do? Firewood for
Lady Dar, above! Cheers!!! Featherbox write up:Here's what I've written up for you... I hope you enjoy this piece as much as i have completing it. i seen a typo... here it is again :)
Lusilyoo Featherbox: The frog featherbox was completed over 2 years… I had some leftover lumber from the University Hospital of the North Helping Hands Carving that was completed in 2011 by lead carver Peter George and myself. I hung on to the cedar as long I could until this feather box came to life in 2016. I had learned at a young age to make featherboxes from my late father Leonard Gauthier and I hope to keep passing on the lessons that he shared to whoever wants to learn.
The Eagle feather is an honour to receive… some people wait all their lives to earn one. Keeping the sacred gifts in a safe place is what the featherbox is all about… I had received my first feather around the age of 16, with that I had learned how to make my own featherbox around the age of 17. I had recently gifted that 20 year old feather box to my cousin… it was a tough gift to give but I know it was meant for her. Who knows how long they will last but I’m sure it will last a lifetime if taken care of.
The Lusilyoo in Dakelh territory is the biggest clan that lives here… also that is my grandfathers clan and I wanted to honour the frog clan in this piece. There are many stories tied with the frog… from my traditional teachings the frog resides all over turtle island and is a messenger to our people. One prophecy is said that if we see millions of frogs gather together and travel we will see change in the world… Mother Earth is powerful. Knowing this, the animals are more connected than we are in this time and age, the animals live off the land and are guided by Mother Earth to do the right things to keep us safe and clear of any hardship that mat arise. I’m grateful this piece is in your hands… Much Love and respect. Cree/Dakelh Artist Clayton Gauthier
Hello Clayton! Thank you so much for the wonderful write-up on the stunning Feather Box. [I read both but my eye couldn't spot the typo you referred to!] A very, very moving, personal story so thank you for such an insight into you and your artistic journey. It is I who am honoured to have such a work and your generous friendship so thank you, from the depths of my heart.
I plan to send another eTransfer, for Bear, next week, on or about March 15th, if that is fine with you. Until then, I trust your next artistic endeavours continue to inspire you and others. Fond regards and best wishes. Stay well, Clayton. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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