Friday, 31 March 2017

Burns Street Household Chores Trump Riding Blues: Friday, March 31st!

If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things. -Rene Descartes, philosopher and mathematician (31 Mar 1596-1650)

With Lady Dar off to PGH for her volunteer stint, on the Info Desk, just Etta and Duke and I and the long list of chores, left by She Who Must Be Obeyed, to be finished by the time she returns from Lollygaggville where she will Mah Jong the afternoon away!

Dear Harried, Badgered, Unappreciated Houseboy Patrizzio, Our sympathies go out to you having to do so many chores - it is amazing you have time for your bike rides, hiking, reading, drinking and bridge. Cheers, Dawn

Dear Sympathetic, So-Called Friends! I'll be sure not to pass along your observations to Lady Dar! She has enough ammunition already! However, you should know that it is a miracle that I was able to even send this message as the skin on my very fingertips has been scoured away as a result of cleaning the front windows. Fortunately, I had Dukes' help as he was leaping in and out of the living room once I had removed the screens covering the two smaller panes, in order to clean to Lady Dar's exacting standards! When I moved the couch in order to have better access to the picture window, I uncovered 17 "soccer" balls and half an acorn shell! Talk about spring cleaning!

Well, no rest for the wicked as I need to start vacuuming, then hook up the water tank which toppled, frozen solid, this past January, tighten the screws on the legs of the patio table, clean the eaves-troughs, change the sheets and make the bed, bake 17 loaves of gluten-free bread, chop 3 cords of firewood, program an app that will save humankind and then go for a ride! I almost don't have time to send this message! Cheers, Yer Ever So 'Umble and Obedient, Ball-and-Chain  Scullion Patrizzio!

We visited the distillery yesterday and I purchased one of each for you. (Total was $334.64) It will be delivered to Penticton in time for the Fest of Ale ( April 7th) We fly back in the morning Cheers Kevin Hi Kevin! Thanks so much. Did you see Andrew? I had a note back from him as I sent him a few snaps of Dram. If you and Dame Judith will be around on the weekend, I'll drop by with cold, hard cash and we can arrange for malt pick-up later, whenever this might be convenient. Thanks again. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick. No I didn't see Andrew or Graeme but had the opportunity to check out the distillery. I will be home all day Sunday, working on tax files so if you wish to pop by with the cash that would be appreciated. I did talk with the bookkeeper and told her about my previous discussion with Andrew about their plans to deliver two bottles of each of the Twa Dogs series to me during the upcoming Fest of Ale. I asked her to add your three bottles to the delivery and they said they would provided the original sales receipt remained with the order. So I have a duplicate of the receipt here for you. Cheers Kevin

Hi Aaron! Please find attached the estimates provided by Davis. As I mentioned on the phone, earlier, we'd like to proceed with the electrical work first. Thanks, Patrizzio! Electrical Work for 611 Burns! Thanks. I will get this stuff worked into our schedule and let you know when we can get over there. Aaron 
Hi Patrick! I hope you have enjoyed the last couple of weeks of March :) We are home from China and I am almost caught up from cleaning up! Our windows were replaced while away so I have been cleaning and painting the last four days. Tonight we will go to Sun Peaks and have one last day of skiing tomorrow. Next weekend is a trip to the Vancouver Aquarium and sleeping with the Beluga Whales. Will be a fun night with the Scout group :) Hugs to you and Corinne :)
xoxo Ariane Hello Sinophiles!
Glad you are safely home from China! How was it? Both of us are very curious to hear about the experience. I can sympathize with your cleaning as I did our front window today, as it turns out! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi fellow OF'eologists, For Monday Chuckleberry has graciously offered to lead a hike in the Trapenier area in Peachland. So, we will meet at 9:00AM in Summerland at the IGA parking lot, as usual, and/or 8:40AM at the HH in Penticton, then carpool to Summerland. See you there! Cheers, your Summerland correspondent Aarturo 

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