When an individual is protesting society's refusal to acknowledge his
dignity as a human being, his very act of protest confers dignity on
him. -Bayard Rustin, civil rights activist (17 Mar 1912-1987)
Up shortly after Lady Dar's alarm went off as she had soup to make for the GFA bridge/lunch fund raiser. Shortly thereafter, she noticed that Duke was missing his collar. We were both worried about this as with them both out, he needs his identification. Took a cursory look all around the house, inside and out. Nothing! Lady Dar let for her volunteer shift at PGH at 7:40 am and half an hour later. Puppy Dog Duke came trotting into the kitchen, collar in mouth!
Carol Riera The luck of the Irish for you! I've been looking for these tidal treasures on Parksville's beach and finally found one on a morning walk on St Paddy's day!

The luck of the Irish to the both of you and to those two little four-legged leprechauns ! ��������������🙋��🐱🐱 Erika, Amy, Caramel,Shadow, Mama Lady, Marius, Baby and Pikko. Hi to My Favourite Winnipeg Cat Owners! Had a chatty note for Andrea so it was good to hear from her. Cheers, my Darling, Patrizzio!
Top of the morning to you! What a delightful card. Thanks heaps! Jo-Anne Played this again for Colin to watch--it is a wonderful card thanks again. Hope you had a Guinness -- we had Irish stew and Guinness. Irish blessings all around. Jo-Anne and Colin You may be part Irish Pat, but you ain't no saint. Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Hi My Favourite Winnipeg Cynic! Great line! I used it with all my friends and they bought me pints and pints of Guinness so joke's on you, Filmer!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Sally Cheers, Non-Saint Patrizzio! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and Corinne! Thanx, we really liked that one! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too! Love you Jean & John
little bastard. but anyway thank you and tap of the morning to you. very funny Hi Patrick, that you very much for yet another delightful ecard. I am in Calgary at the moment and will show this to Jasper, our 4 yr old grandson! Happy St. Patrick's day to you both.Top of the mornin' to you and the Mrs! Marian had eye surgery on Wednesday and she is making good progress. Hiking and anything strenuous is on hold for two weeks. That makes me chief cook and bottle washer and I am am trying to sneak in a little painting during the downtime from hiking, tennis etc. But we are keeping pretty busy. See you on the tails before too long. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you both! Cheers, Tim and Marian
Hi Cousins! Glad to hear that Marian's eye surgery went well and that you have time
for painting, Tim. I wondered if I might bump into Marian last Saturday
as I returned a number of books, (Three copies of February I
borrowed for our book club), to your library and asked Sue Cline if she
was there. Probably too soon but I did meet Olga Polga outside library
as she was attending discussion group. Fondestos from Lady Dar to
you, Timber, and my Darling Marian!
Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat and Corinne, Wishing you all the best on this St. Patricks' Day. We had a lovely time at your place. My sister really enjoyed the break from her routine. I think she is finally ready to move on and start living her life again after everything that has happened. It was so nice for her to socialize with you to help her get her mojo back again. We really appreciate the time we had together. Thanks so much! Ruth Thanks for the St. Patrick's day wishes. It was great to have you and Deb visit. Really enjoyed getting to know Deb better. See you soon, Hugs Corinne
Hi Little White! Let me echo what Lady Dar said about your visit with Deb. Simply lovely to see you both and especially pleased that Dancin' seems to be returning to a happier life after the wrenching, almost unimaginable trauma she has had to endure. Of course, she is always welcome. Furthermore, at the rate she is learning to play, she'll have to time her next visit to coincide with one of our bridge nights!
Must apologize for not responding sooner but seems to have been a whirlwind ever since you left on Tuesday. Wednesday we hosted two tables of bridge. Only had seven players but Dummy rotated as needed. Regards to The Grumpoid. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy St Paddy's day to you. Thank you, Patrick, yes, all Irish is funny, including the dogs who get drank on Guinness. Get ready to enjoy spring, if it decides to come, and hopefully we will see you this year. Give my regards to every one, and keep enjoying life in the valley. egn
Very endearing and darling, poor pooch!! What would you do without Jacquie Lawson :>). Her cards are beautiful though. I too have a subscription to her cards, but rarely use them. No need to now, you keep me current, ha-ha! Thanks for the Patty wishes, you will likely celebrate and find some place to drink green beer or green wine, while I totally forgot to even wear green (other than my unmistakenly green eyes!!).
Glad to hear the lavender farm project was not realized, whilst most romantic sounding and beautiful scenery, "work" was what came to my mind first thing as well. As to when we come and visit: I have no clue. I am still recovering from my Alaska cruise and 5 trips to mom's last year. My next FL trip is at Easter, and we have a trip to Kootenays planned July 1, which does take us past Penticton, but my girl-friend Jean is flying out from Toronto the following weekend and staying with us for 2 weeks, and then it will almost be ti me for another FL trip ...... But from the sounds of it, you are pretty booked most of the year anyway, ha-ha! Love to come but free time is at a premium at this stage in my life, thanks to mom :>)
Did you have your cats already when we came to visit with Bogart in July 2015? I can't remember any dog or cat parts flying about your house ....... I hope both hips are doing well? Love to you and Corinne and cats and whoever is currently guest-residing .....Yda Hi Little Evita and The Imperiales! Enjoyed your newsy note. Glad to hear that life is busy and goes well. Etta and Duke came into our lives on the August long-weekend so Bogart would not have met them! Please stay overnight on way to or back from Kootenays so they can become acquainted! Fondestos to you and your men! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Did you get my reply? I think something was sent prematurely..M. Thank you! Often think of you all, hoping you are well. Spring is coming. New job is coming.
Aunt Kicki's 70th birthday party in Sweden is coming. Easter holidays in Amsterdam are coming. My dad's invitation for 80th birthday party on May just arrived. My neck problems are under control and I went swimming in masters competition and got a prize for best swimming ( time 200 freestyle and age group 55-59 combined) Life is treating ud well
Hi Steel Magnolia! Glad to hear that everyone is well and life goes so swimmingly, so to speak! Congratulations on your latest Masters medal! Bravo! Onward!! Fight!!! Pleased you enjoyed the card. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and The Lads, Maggie. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Top o the mornin to u my friend!! Thx for the Irish wishes!! Maggie����👍�� Very cute! Anything that takes our minds off...well, never mind. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Hello, Patrick! Thanks for thinking of me - and Top o'the Morning to you too! Sadly, my system won't let me play the card due to some Flash issue. As I am pressed for time - leave for a holiday - finally! - on Tuesday, dealing with the techno-demons will have to wait for my return. Hope all goes well with you and everyone in the Interior! Best, Deborah Hi Flashless Holiday Goer! Trust your holiday is going/went well. Sorry you couldn't open card before you left. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, I love it, to be sure, to be sure! Did you know we are visiting Ireland in September? Love Teens Hi Teens and Trev! Glad you enjoyed the card. I don't think I knew you were off to Ireland in September. We were in Dublin, in October, in 2010, for a week and had a simply wonderful time. Would certainly love to return to explore much more of the country. How are you two faring in the aftermath of the deaths of a parent each? Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!
So nice to be one of your friends that is remembered on St. Patrick's Day. Cheers of the day to you! Dawn and Gerry Hi Donna Maria and Heraldo! You two are Top of the List, Top of the List, Babycakes! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thank you very much.....I spent St. Patricks day skiing at Apex in a green ski jacket! how you doing these days......going hiking soon? Cheers.....Kilian Hi Leprechaun Skier! Great to learn that you are back on the slopes these days!. I was away, week before last, in Vancouver. As soon as hills dry out a bit more I plan to start hiking again. Trust it won't be too, too long a wait as I miss you and the gang! Until then, take care of yourself, St Kilian. Cheers, Patrizzio!
You got it all wrong, Pat! I should be sending YOU a card. Anyway, Happy
St Patrick's Day! Prove you're a real Irishman, and drink at least five
pints of Guinness (or, even better, Murphy's). / Cheers, Kjell
May the wind be at your back!...and lots of love. Brenda and Wally That was cuuute! Thanks Patrick - have a happy St Patrick's Day as well and hope you get your own mug of Guinness! Cheerio! Pat Muchos gracias de Havana - only just got your card as wifi almost non existent here! Love to all xx Hi to My Favourite, Favourite Havana Hammock People! Nice life indeed! Pleased you were eventually able to enjoy card. Fondestos you and Madcap! Cheers, my Darling, Patrizzio!
[Juno tidying up the back yard] Thanks for the greeting - are you named after St. Patrick??? All is well here - well sort of, I am still suffering balance issues and reduced hearing in one ear since a virus in Dec. Hopefully it will clear eventually. Keep well. Love, Roma & Leonard Thx and to you as well Hi Roma and Leonard! Glad you enjoyed the card but distressed to learn that you have been dealing with more balance issues again. Trust your condition has improved as of this writing. Best Wishes from Lady Dar, to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Juno tidying up the back yard] Thanks for the greeting - are you named after St. Patrick??? All is well here - well sort of, I am still suffering balance issues and reduced hearing in one ear since a virus in Dec. Hopefully it will clear eventually. Keep well. Love, Roma & Leonard Thx and to you as well Hi Roma and Leonard! Glad you enjoyed the card but distressed to learn that you have been dealing with more balance issues again. Trust your condition has improved as of this writing. Best Wishes from Lady Dar, to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I have a couple of med appointments w.r.t. my heart
condition in the first couple of weeks of April, but a “work visit”
after that would be great, if I can get my Dad’s care sorted out. I am
working on a long term plan, wit a couple of options,
but should be far enough ahead by then.
Unfortuitously, Juno will be back with Mom Rebecca, so I hope Duke and Etta won’t be too emotionally crushed to miss meeting her. Meanwhile, the odd nice day is happening now, so I am looking forward to biking the Arbutus Railway Corridor (ARC) - a minuscule version of the KVR (without trestles, but paved!).
Hello Back Yard Dog and Ragin' Barrista! Great stick, Juno, and snazzy, snazzy Café Kits' java machina, indeed, Ragin'! Can hardly wait to try a cup!!! Trust you are both well and survived St Patrick's Day! Be terrific if you are able to manage a working holiday! Cheers, Il Conduttore! Is this how you got to have your Guinness? Irish sheep herding:
[Ragin’ Barista’s latest acquisition. Café Kits is open for business!] Hello Patriccio and Lady Dar. Thank you for the St. Patrick Day email. The book I was trying to remember for a suggested Book Club Read is: THE MISTRESS OF NOTHING……by Kate Pullinger. Easy read… 248 pages……think it would be of interest to the group. I have one copy here……although very worn. Check it out and see what you think. Have a great week-end you two. Hugs from Hildi
Dear Patrick & Corinne, Hope you are both well and it was good to last hear
Patrick that you are mending well and busily & faithfully doing
your necessary exercises to strengthen your hip. When I was on the
beach a few weeks ago I met a women with her dog that
had two knee replacements that is amazing for a canine and I thought of
you Patrick, both bionic so incredible indeed.
Hope your Dad is still doing well Corinne along
with your Mom. My Mom is still doing well and has beaten a major bout
of pneumonia and back in her apartment.
Hope you both have been fortunate enough to have
eluded the dreaded seasonal flu. When I got back from Wpg. last Dec. I
eventually fell into exhaustion and have been sick for the last three
months or more with three or four bouts of the
flu. I finally went to the doctor and I have what is called walking
pneumonia and now placed on antibiotics. I have to keep my calendar
free of all engagements and allow myself to rest. What a bummer! John
has had two bouts of the flu so I have been contagious
to say the least. I faithfully ensure daily that we get our ten cups of
fruits and vegetables, exercise, maintain a positive healthy lifestyle
and yet succumbed to disease. I know I have compromised my immune
system through stress which has made me vulnerable
to disease.
I have gone back to writing my book. “Searching for
love and happiness.” Benson the Dalmatian is the narrator. After having
Dalmatians for over forty five years it is amazing how absolutely
loving they are. They are sensual, emotionally
intuitive, romantic, sexual and erotic, constantly humping each other.
They are in need of constant hugs and kisses and Benson, as have all the
boys places his paws on my shoulders every day and looks right into the
soul of who I am as he kisses me moaning
and groaning with pleasure. So with this I found it necessary &
with difficulty to write about them sexually which is important to
express their nature.
Here is a sample from Chapter 13 “The Sweet Taste of Love”
With the power of a God & a Goddess, our young
infatuated bodies began to run; sprint, bolt and then we threw ourselves
at each other with such force, such passionate intensity, embraced into
a sexual dance of love. With her provocative
gestures, Tess started to hypnotize me with her look of longing for
sexual intimacy. Balanced on our back limbs, our front paws on each
other’s shoulders we hugged, we kissed, moaning and groaning with
pleasure then we both spin round and round, whipping
ourselves upward, a dance that is faster and crisper, delivering each
and every step with confidence and with excellent precision. My heart is
frantic, I find her so attractive,
“Tess you are so incredibly beautiful, you are the fulfillment of my most lascivious adolescent dreams”, I say
Then out of a
crazed exhilaration I can barely contain the hormones that are running
through my body, her flirtatious body language clearly indicating she
was sexually motivated I thought, I mount her, over
and over and over, she does not throw me off. Then down on the ground
we wrestle, tumbling, biting, and gnawing a performance that is uniquely
ours as we smell and sniff and breathe in each other’s emotions
expressing our love.
Well there you go, I am having fun as I play in my
imagination. It is intoxicating to say the least. That is the first
draft and no doubt will be edited by John a hundred times, but I was
excited that I could finally create a scene expressing
their passionate love for each other.
I will spend the day at the computer creating, have
a computer guy George coming once a month to help me keep all my files
in order as I can work myself into an absolute muttle, (that word
doesn’t look right but I honestly cannot think
how it should look) my spelling check doesn’t agree either. Oh well I
will leave it at muttle because that is how I seem to be functioning
right now.
Tonight is CNN with Anderson Cooper on Trump which
we are addicted to and have been for the last year, and then John’s
favorite “Brooks & Shields.” On Netflix we are watching “The
Blacklist” with James Spader. He is absolutely brilliant.
We are into the second season and addicted. John will make one of his
fabulous pizzas with me insisting that we have it with a salad. That
means kale, spinach, beets, snow peas, beans, and avocado & whatever
else there is to add. But I can see John jumping
up and down – “no salad” he will say, but he will maybe a mouthful or
John is doing well and has been editor for the
Retirees Assoc. and has now asked to be Vice Pres. which is good as this
will get us out and socialize. Being both introverts we cocoon
ourselves, the four of us in our little world which
we love but it will be good attending the many lectures that the assoc.
provides and that will keep me happy. The next one is on the solar
system and the possibility of aliens which is good as I have Benson
& Tess time travelling through the cosmos from the
fourth century to the twenty first century so perhaps I will learn a
few things that can be added to my book.
“One must practice the things which produce
happiness, since if that is present we have everything and if it is
absent we do everything in order to have it.” Epicurus That’s it folks. Keep healthy and happy
Love you both, Your old friends
Jean & John
Hi Darling Jean! Enjoyed your newsy message. Glad to hear that your Mom has overcome her worrying pneumonia but distressed to learn that you have been so ill. Trust your writing will lead you back to full health. Thank you for sharing such an interesting work in progress. Bravo! Onward!! Great that John is enjoying being retired and involved with Retirees Association. Will be a busy, busy summer but we are hoping/planning a Grand VI Tour after the VWF in October, 17th-22nd, so hope to see you then. Of course, will be in touch as soon as we know more Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you and John, my Duhlink Jean! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Darling Jean! Enjoyed your newsy message. Glad to hear that your Mom has overcome her worrying pneumonia but distressed to learn that you have been so ill. Trust your writing will lead you back to full health. Thank you for sharing such an interesting work in progress. Bravo! Onward!! Great that John is enjoying being retired and involved with Retirees Association. Will be a busy, busy summer but we are hoping/planning a Grand VI Tour after the VWF in October, 17th-22nd, so hope to see you then. Of course, will be in touch as soon as we know more Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you and John, my Duhlink Jean! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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